right catch up time for me god knows its going to take me bloody forever!
babiiblu- ooo john cena too yummy! when pg with charlotte df would watch wrestling alot and so i got into watching it too he is mighty fine! i havent had many dreams and if i have its been a random made up bloke rather then hot celebrities lol.
marg- thanks for asking after charlotte shes much better today back to her happy self. though am going to try and get her in at the docs tomorow as shes had what i thought a tummy bug for 3 weeks now and the paramedic said that its not normal to last that long. oh and i wouldnt worry about your triple test results though easier said then done i know but your not high risk and its not worth the worry iykwim.
hope rick gets better soon and they find out the cause to why he keeps collapsing.
hi mummy3 and welcome of course i will add you to the list. hope your well and the pregnancy is going well.
misswren- i like the idea of meeting up be lovely to have a good natter with you all in person before our babies come along.
10th sept- thanks for your message. it really got to me that he said that especially as the house was spotless the day before as we had friends over its only down to df that it was a mess i honestly could of killed df when i got home i was that angry and fed up.
as for phone numbers please pm me them thats if you dont mind. i dont have a text buddy on here and god forbid if anything happened to me or the baby or even my girls i could let one of you know and you'd all be updated lmao.
firegal- glad todays m/w app went well and you got to heat babys heartbeat!
star-dust- spam away hunni what is yuck about our name? i think our group name is fab and very sweet! shes just jealous that their name doesnt have a july type theme to it and all the other groups do iykwim.
siyren yay your back aww your poor puppy having to have those tablets dont feel bad hun we all know what its like to be skint and have to fork out for unexpected things. as long as he gets his treatment thats all that matters eh?!
rachy- hello hope your ok hunni you can come out from your cloak now!
pkbaby hope your well too hows the pregnancy going.
umm think thats everyone right need to go add loladance (is that your username hunni my minds a blank) and mummy3 to our list then i'm going to post about what bargains i got today
