Hiya ladies!
I can't believe it, after having major tiredness for the last goodness knows how long, I now can't sleep tonight - my insomnia has resurfaced
Been having a rubbish couple of days - no reason, it's very strange, just feel a bit down in the dumps
but I guess it's normal - blame everything on the hormones is my new mantra!
Stardust - I LOVE your new pram and cotbed!!! I can't wait to start buying things, I'm too scared to buy anything yet (and like you, I still worry LOADS and it's true that a doppler only makes it worse, because most of the time I can't find anything and freah out and hubby has to keep me sane)
and i'm confused about pram soooo much - the one you've chosen sounds like an excellent option - what was your first choice? If they're going cheap on ebay I'd love to get one from there instead of a shop, as the shops don't seem to be keen to discount.
Siyren, what a horrible situation. But you don't need a written contract to have legal rights - if you can show your hours have been dramatically reduced since you told your boss you became pregnant, that is sufficient. Even if you didn't have regular hours before, a change from the general norm like you describe is sufficient. I would definitely contact the CAB to help you, it sounds like you are getting treated in the exact sort of manner that the law tries to protect you from. I understand that small employers find it hard when women get pregnant, but you have rights and the government helps the employer out too. It's also important to keep your earnings as high as poss so that you qualify for maternity pay and a sufficient amount - martenity pay doesn't only depend on how long you've been working, it also depends on how much you have been getting paid. Def get some advice and make sure you get all benefits you're entitled to.
Good luck!
Marg, glad you had a lovely bday!!
Hope all you other ladies are doing well.
I need to try and sleep now!!!!