That would be aweosme kaintlin, I ll pay ya back. Can you grab cheapie ovulation sticks if possible as well

plus i can get it cheap in a way since my mother works at the drugstore. Got 2 tests for 15 buck.
The tests I been using the past 6 months was First Response. I bougght a clear blue this time. Im going to test on the 11th. Then save the second one for much later, I want to se eif I will have a long cycle this time.
My wonky cycles started after I started TTC. I always been 26 days, and AF for 1 week. My mother thinks its my hormones going haywire haha.
Wow do oyu really thing mulitples will happen? Is it in your family? or do you think its a freak thing?
I had AF October 8th, then Dec 25 for 7 days, 1 light 3 heavy 1 med 1 light 1light. Then 2 weeks later 9DP0 I started which brought me to Jan 14th, this Af was 4 days. 1 heavy the rest light.
Plus at 7-8 DP0 this cycle I spotted.
aww, I hope it wont be a hellish time for you. My mother told me everytime i cut a tooth i had really bad ear aches and always crying.