sex each week.. AKA team LUBE IT UP <3 come visit us!

sorry to barge in, i just had to say, the name of ur thread has me ROTFL!!!!!!!! Love it!! Good luck to all you TTC'ers!!!
Thanks! Congrats on your pregancy. Would you like to tell us about it so far? Like your process to your BFP.
ok ladies ive got news of my pregnancy, i went into the er last night due to spotting they said they cant pinpoint it but there sending me for an ultrasound in a few and when they took my bloods i had really high hcg like multiples high so now its a waiting game to see whats going on because all my bloods and urine were normal. Ive had some minor spotting today but nothing like yesterday. So ive been taking it easy and trying not to dwell or stress over it. N ive come to the conclusion of what will be will be but heres hoping to a good progressive pregnancy. Whats the news for you ladies?
crampy, whiney, feeling like crap, just in general not well...5-6DPO... i hope everything is okay...and if your okay with multiples then :happydance: for mulitiples! im half of a set of twins so im all about multiples! :D
Wow I hope nothing is wrong. Nothing is really new with me except I bought new tests to test tomorrow or the next day. I can't decide. And with my last test I won't test until Later on if AF still don't show up. Becuase 2 cycles ago I was 78 days. Then I got one, then 2 weeks later another. So my cycles are wonly right now.
i would love my mutiples my hubby is already talking like its going to be two little girls and on top of the whole multiples thing he actually had a dream about it the other night maybe a premonition. So when do you plan to start testing? N that sucks about not feeling well take two tylenol for the cramping and curl up in bed with a good book and a hot cup of herbal lemon tea with honey.
wonky cycles eh? whats the cause if you dont mind me asking if its been pinpointed? have you tryed a frer yet? If still nothing in a week you should see your doctor to make sure everythings ok.
N im heading down to calgary tomorrow ill pop into the dollar store n see if they got some cheapie tests and pick up a few for you if you want cause i know there ridiculous here.
i think im going to start testing at 10DPO. maybe. I really dont know for sure...
Oooo n i forgot to mention big news on my little boy he cut his first tooth today i balled like a little girl whos balloon popped
That would be aweosme kaintlin, I ll pay ya back. Can you grab cheapie ovulation sticks if possible as well :) plus i can get it cheap in a way since my mother works at the drugstore. Got 2 tests for 15 buck.

The tests I been using the past 6 months was First Response. I bougght a clear blue this time. Im going to test on the 11th. Then save the second one for much later, I want to se eif I will have a long cycle this time.

My wonky cycles started after I started TTC. I always been 26 days, and AF for 1 week. My mother thinks its my hormones going haywire haha.

Wow do oyu really thing mulitples will happen? Is it in your family? or do you think its a freak thing?

I had AF October 8th, then Dec 25 for 7 days, 1 light 3 heavy 1 med 1 light 1light. Then 2 weeks later 9DP0 I started which brought me to Jan 14th, this Af was 4 days. 1 heavy the rest light.

Plus at 7-8 DP0 this cycle I spotted.

aww, I hope it wont be a hellish time for you. My mother told me everytime i cut a tooth i had really bad ear aches and always crying.
Yeh if i can get to the dollar store ill for sure pick some up. N the spotting is a good sign it could be implantation bleeding. Why clearblue? are they the digitals? I was always under the impression the first response were most sensitive. N i really hope your preg we could be bnb bump buddies and ftmac bump buddies lol. N id definitly say that your cycles are messed up due to ttc because mine went from 27days one month then 28 the next all the way up to 30 the only good thing is my af didnt change. It did after i had my son prior to having my son i was on my af for 12days out of my cycle now its only 5-6.
What approach are you taking to concieving because maybe your just stressing about it to much and need to take a more relaxed approach? It could be the cause of your prolonged cycles cause stress will do that to you.
N the only reason i knew my son cut a tooth is cause he was screaming hysterically and hes a REALLY easy going baby nothing bothers him so i checked him over n found the little tooth poking through rubbed some oraljel on it and off he went about his merry way till it wore of lol.
N were craving alert i want a chili cheese dog soooooooo bad lol
but i gotta crash i gotta catch the greyhound at 6:45 am yuckadoo
The clear blue one I got is a dye test. I want to try something different this time. There is no stress what so ever haha.

Its too the point that if AF shows up, Im looking forward to a more enjoyable times with Preseed :)

I love cravings haha, I havent had pizza or a cofee in so long so i indulged myself lol. And Im paying for it now lol, I am so full.

Thats good your son can be relieved.

Have fun travelling, :)
hey ladies im sorry its been so long i went out of town n fell terribly ill. N was still very very sick when i got home so ive been bed ridden, i couldnt even keep down water. Im doing alot better now still not really eating but im alive. Id love to know whats going on with you ladies though!!!
Not very much, I am now 19 dp0 cd 33, and nothing has happened. Just headaches, frequent drinking and urination. Tested 3 times nothing. I hope I am not repeating a long cycle again.

But good news is that my temp went below coverline, a lot. Then today it jacked right back up. So maybe late implant temp? I had light pinkish spotting on Cd 9. And thats about it.

Gladthat you are feeling better, and the crappy weather here is not helping ! lolz.
yeh i wasnt able to make it to the dollar store i was stuck in the bathroom all weekend :( n heres hoping that things start moving along for you im really hoping that you get a bfp soon. Have you seen a doctor yet??
Thats okay, no bigh deal :)

No i havent, its cd 36, 22 dpo, nothing yet. No hpt, and my temp dropped below coverline to 96.6. The lowest I have ever been in my 2 cycles.

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