Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

morning girls! phoenix - I'm sorry AF is arriving. :( I hope you get your referral soon and get to start figuring out some answers, hopefully!

malinko - so funny! I love that you're crazed already! :) it's tough not to be when you feel that you've done everything you can and you have a really good shot this month!
first - yes, I always have those 'do we really want to do this and give up this type of life' thoughts. I had them on Saturday - I went for a run, went to get a mani/pedi, trip to Target - total 'me' time. That is going to be pretty much non-existent when a baby comes! But maybe I won't want it as much b/c I'll want to hang with my child too! And I'm sure DH will take over while I need to go for a run or whatever. Things will DEFINITELY change but hopefully it's all for the better!
2nd - FF did the SAME thing to me yesterday and today I have no line at all. I'm pretty sure I O'ed on Monday/Sunday night b/c everything is telling me that O happened then. My temp spiked real high this morning, I'm so psyched. I know it's only 2dpo but I think this is the highest it's ever been. And I DID get a good sleep at the hotel last night, so it's not from being sleep deprived or anything. Yay! How's your temp looking today?
Awesome on the High rating too!! I still got 'good' but that's ok - I know we nailed it!

so thankfully I'm feeling fine today - had some beverages yesterday while traveling. Delays everywhere and I was with a couple of my friends/coworkers, so we had a couple. But 1dpo - not worried about it. And also, my nausea was finally gone. I feel totally normal today - a little bloated which is odd this early in the tww, but I know it's impossible for it to be from anything other than perhaps water retention from flying or eating dinner late last night.

anyway - day full of meetings today and then flying home. I'll check in when I can! Have a happy 2dpo!! :)
Good morning!

So, yes...I am a complete crazy person. FF has taken away ALL lines now. (Actually did that early yesterday evening but I decided to hold back on yet another post!) Disappointed as my temp only rose .01 degree this morning. So, I'm not sure what in the heck is going on. If you go back to page 7 you can find the link to my chart if you want to look at it. 97.0 Sunday, 97.6 Monday, 97.4 yesterday and 97.5 today. I played around with putting in some random temperatures for tomorrow and it still wouldn't give me any thing. I'm wondering if I ovulated yesterday? Or maybe I geared up to ovulate and then just didn't? Thank goodness I'm going to the doctor because I'm turning into a mad woman! I had a little bit of a sore throat when I woke up this morning but it is gone. My nose is kind of runny all of a sudden too. I've had VERY minor headaches off and on yesterday and today all ready, and my cyst in my breast is hurting. I'm thinking all of these signs are progesterone based and thinking "surely I have ovulated...."

So excited about your temp spike today! That's awesome!!! Keep checking in and giving me updates if anything happens :) Have a great day!!!!

Phoenix...sorry to hear af is coming :(
Stalked your chart! Looks like you had a good rise today!!
It looks like FF doesn't know where to put a coverline b/c your pre-O temps were fairly high too. But yeah - definitely Sun or Tuesday. And I think Tuesday would correspond with your OPK too, right? Maybe even Monday night. I don't know why I'm not convinced that a temp in the morning is going to be an accurate read of something that may have occurred w/in 12 hrs ago.

temp here dropped today but still over coverline and I finally GOT my crosshairs today! 3dpo so nothing's going to be different. Super warm sleeps the past couple nights, which is annoying. Warm sleeps = not great sleeps = affects in temperature?? I'm starting to notice the trend that I sleep like a rock in the first part of the month, sleep less well in the latter part. So I guess our sleeplessness with kids starts before they even arrive! LOVELY!
I'm actually pretty excited I O'ed a day earlier than last month - one day longer LP!

I thought I got a glob of ewcm last night when I got home, but it was on the TP and I didn't think I should note it anyway b/c I didn't have that all day. So just a odd thing. Would you note this on your chart?

Other than that - normal here! How are you feeling today? I bet you can't wait for your bloods - start to make sense of this whole guess work we're doing here.

do you stop drinking coffee in the tww? I think I've asked this before - I know they aren't even attached yet but I didn't know if the caffeine would do anything to the uteran lining, the acidity in my body, etc. I'm sure it's fine - again, tons of women don't even know they are preg for the first 3 weeks. But still...
So funny you were looking at my chart this morning, because as soon as I logged my temp, I went and looked at your chart! Looks like you are having a fallback which is totally normal! Your temps look great!!!!

I've played around with temps for tomorrow and as long as my temperature is at least 97.6 or higher, I will get crosshairs tomorrow and it indicates that I ovulated on Tuesday. So, only 2 dpo today. My temps so far for "1 dpo" and "2 dpo" are the same as last cycle as well as the coverline. 1 dpo my temp was/is 97.5, 2 dpo was/is 97.7. If it continues with this pattern tomorrow will hopefully be 97.9. Or at least that is what is was last month.

I don't know what all will happen today, but I think I'm hoping he will have me come in on 7dpo to do a progesterone test. I don't know why I am so worried about my progesterone levels as I have searched numerous charts of low post-o temps and there are still people that get bfp's.

If I were you, I'd probably just document the ewcm in your notes and include that you got a glob in the evening hours so you have it to compare to. I know I will totally be symptom spotting this month, but if this isn't our month, then hopefully next month when I get those weird feelings, I'll discount them and not think as much about it. I had some pretty noticeable cramp type feelings this morning on the right side but they have subsided. I'm having watery/whitish cm today. Other than that, not having anything. Trying to remain calm :)

I don't drink coffee, but I do have a thing of McDonald's sweet tea. I'm probably going to allow myself one tomorrow and then stop drinking and start drinking more water until I know one way or the other. I do okay drinking water in the evenings, but during the day I'll drink the flavored carbonated water. I wonder if the carbonation is bad? I think you'd be fine to keep drinking your coffee...but maybe limit how much you drink. I can't remember, but you are allowed a small dosage of caffeine while pregnant.
yeah, i'm pretty excited about my temps so far. I haven't yet compared to last month but I'll do that next. I hope it spikes right back up tomorrow, though. No more drops!

please keep me updated on your dr's visit! I'm so curious and my fingers are crossed for you that you get some good info. I understand about the low progesterone levels - you can't stop yourself from worrying! But it'll be good to even hear from him that your charts look fine.

just checked CP and cm came out as, I guess, ewcm/watery with white lotiony pieces too. Always tough to tell in the shower b/c my hand is already wet! No clue how to log that so I just put 'creamy'. :) either way, I still don't think it's saying much about anything right now. who knows.

yes, I believe you are allowed a cup of coffee a day - I really don't drink much more than that. Even when I go for cup #2 in the Keurig, I usually only end up drinking half of it. I have been trying to drink OJ everyday too - that can't hurt! I'm not great with the amounts of water, but usually for the rest of the day when I'm thirsty, it's water or tea and I've made sure I usually drink decaf teas. I wouldn't think that carbonated water would be harmful at all - usually it's the sugars and other ingredients in any kind of carbonated beverage that you'd have to be on the lookout for. But I think lots of women who are preg drink seltzer and stuff.
Yes, I will definitely come back (probably immediately...ha!) and let you know what happened at the appointment. I asked DH if he wanted to go and he decided this probably wasn't anything he needed to go unless I thought I needed him for support. I told him I would be fine. Plus, he is crazy busy it's not the best timing for him.

This next week and a half if going to be a long one!

Do you have any big easter plans?
Yeah - DH will have plenty of other doc visits to go to, he can skip this one! :) nice of him to offer, though!
you're right, this tww really is going to be long. I'm REALLY trying to keep in mind what you've told me about progesterone, so I'm trying not to read into anything today. I actually don't think I have anything to read into, but I'm just searching for more things that could be clues, like cm and stuff. I've had to go to the bathroom quite a bit today already too but I've also had a glass of OJ and 1.5 cups of coffee!! Keep it together, michelle!!

Easter - might do yoga in the morning and then we're heading over to my aunt & uncle's house which is a few mi away. A couple other aunts, uncles and cousins will go over for the day and eat, drink and be merry. We're not really religious so we don't go to church.
How about you guys?

I saw that you 'met' littlegirl on another thread! She's on the April Spring Bee's/'when are you testing' thread that I'm on - she seems really nice too. I actually referenced you re: the progesterone research you did b/c she's about the same dpo as us and is already going crazy!! I was trying to share your wisdom! haha
So funny...I'm trying to remind myself about the progesterone!

I was lost without you yesterday so I found what appeared to be an active thread!!! I was just so confused on if I had ovulated, if maybe I wasn't going to, etc. Anyway, yes...She seemed nice and going crazy with this tww as well!

We are going to go to church in the morning, have lunch with my family, and then hosting his brother and his wife for dinner that night. Should be a good time. I wish I wasn't working today or house needs cleaned badly ..especially having company!

Appt will be here before I know it! Trying to not get my hopes up today as I'm confident I will learn nothing. I feel like it is more of a "let's talk" appt. Ugh. Oh well. I'd be happy if he told me to come back for blood test to check progesterone next week and then wait for a bfp!
awww - I totally felt like I was abandoning you yesterday! I finished my presentations and immediately wanted to hop on this site to say hi. But I had too many client eyes around me!! :(
I wish someone had more insight for you, though. I'm sure you're fine - slow riser. Your temps are still higher than pre-O so you're good!
I compared this month's chart to last month's (mine) and I didn't have a drop until either 4/5dpo last time. So yeah, I guess this is a fallback. again, it just better rise again tomorrow!

I'm probably logging off of work after this next call but I'll check in later tonight. good luck at your appt! I'm thinking of you! and remember - tell the doc your worries and request the test!! don't be shy! :)
So AF is trying to start.
I know it will be later then cd28/29 due to late ovulation.
But I've read some people have spotting because there isn't enough time between ovulation and AF so the hormones don't stop a small bleed but I'm pretty sure she's coming a tad later then usual cd31 today and soooo sad :(

I'm being referred and should see someone in June - I don't want to wait that long xxx
Phoenix - so sorry to hear that you are having to wait for af to arrive. Nothing is worse than having to wait. I'm always wanting it to just start so that I can plan for a new cycle. Glad to hear that you are scheduled for an appointment! Maybe you'll get lucky and get a bfp before the appointment!
Phoenix - so sorry to hear that you are having to wait for af to arrive. Nothing is worse than having to wait. I'm always wanting it to just start so that I can plan for a new cycle. Glad to hear that you are scheduled for an appointment! Maybe you'll get lucky and get a bfp before the appointment!

Thanks huni

It's pants, I just want to start so my next chance can start.
As ovulation has about 20 days after AF starts I NEED it to happen.

You ok?
Dr.'s appointment went well! We covered a LOT of information...some that just went over my head but to sum it up, I'm going in on Monday for a blood test to check the LH levels. He didn't like the way my chart looked this month, but I showed him last months chart as it had cross hairs, etc and just looked much nicer. He liked last months chart a lot and said that it looked "perfect." He wasn't concerned with my post o temps at all last month which was nice to hear. So, once he saw last months chart and then went back and looked at this months, he liked it better. When he first looked at my chart for this month, he thought it looked like I ovulated on Sunday, but can see where maybe it was Tuesday instead. He said that we will check my lh levels to make sure they are where they need to be as they can be too high or too low and cause problems with conceiving. He said research is mixed right now on "progesterone levels" and the level to be most concerned with is the lh level. Or at least, that is what I seemed to be understanding from him.

Anyway, I had to have an ultrasound last July for some pain I was having and he reviewed the ultrasounds before I came in. He said my uterus looks great and didn't have any concerns about my uterus causing any problems with conceiving.

So...he reviewed all the days we bd'd and when I ovulated and assuming my numbers are good on Monday, he thinks we have done everything we can possibly do. If no luck this month, he said the next step would be to check dh's sperm count. He smiled and said, we will address what we need to at the end of the month but hoping that this was just us getting to visit and you get a positive pregnancy test." Oh...I can only hope!
Dr.'s appointment went well! We covered a LOT of information...some that just went over my head but to sum it up, I'm going in on Monday for a blood test to check the LH levels. He didn't like the way my chart looked this month, but I showed him last months chart as it had cross hairs, etc and just looked much nicer. He liked last months chart a lot and said that it looked "perfect." He wasn't concerned with my post o temps at all last month which was nice to hear. So, once he saw last months chart and then went back and looked at this months, he liked it better. When he first looked at my chart for this month, he thought it looked like I ovulated on Sunday, but can see where maybe it was Tuesday instead. He said that we will check my lh levels to make sure they are where they need to be as they can be too high or too low and cause problems with conceiving. He said research is mixed right now on "progesterone levels" and the level to be most concerned with is the lh level. Or at least, that is what I seemed to be understanding from him.

Anyway, I had to have an ultrasound last July for some pain I was having and he reviewed the ultrasounds before I came in. He said my uterus looks great and didn't have any concerns about my uterus causing any problems with conceiving.

So...he reviewed all the days we bd'd and when I ovulated and assuming my numbers are good on Monday, he thinks we have done everything we can possibly do. If no luck this month, he said the next step would be to check dh's sperm count. He smiled and said, we will address what we need to at the end of the month but hoping that this was just us getting to visit and you get a positive pregnancy test." Oh...I can only hope!

That's good!

Yep 21 day blood work is good to gauge if ovulation has happened (monitoring progesterone and lh). I had once 6 months ago which looked good but this months showed I did pnt ovulate (I ovulated the day of my bloods)!! Another one next cycle tho.

The scans I had were like yours no sign of issued.

The sperm analysis is easy (although worrying for men). It's as simple as a sample in a pot for testing. I'm sure that will be cool.

My doc has said the next steps are probably checking the tubes - which I hear is a painful thing :growlmad: but I need to know so I have to have it
Fingers crossed for you.x
Phoenix - I'm sorry af is trying to arrive. I hope it's not and it's fooling you!! waiting until June for more answers is horrible.

malinko - that's all GREAT to hear!!! I was thinking about you all night but I ended up getting really tired and almost cranky, so I didn't log back on. I'm so glad he said that about your temps. I'll have to go back and look again.

Mine dropped again this morning, like they did last month. Below the coverline too, so I'm pretty upset. I had a very restless sleep and woke up from a deep sleep at about 3:20 feeling like I was in an oven, and then didn't sleep deeply at all until my temp time at 5. Low temp matched with checking FB this morning and that couple that I found out was preg last week just announced in a very cute way on their page, so I'm a little touchy today. I really want to research why temps would nosedive so much 4 days after O. Even if we didn't conceive they should be higher than pre-O, right? I hate this, I hate this, I hate this....

backache this morning, nips are sore (which is weird, usually it's the boob itself), CRANKY!! hahaha - I just want to crawl back into bed and stay there all day. :(

sorry for the 'poor me' message this morning!!
Good morning, Wish! I wish I could give you a hug right this will have to do! :hugs: Don't get down just yet! Remember, it isn't just one temperature that means you are in or out. We have to look at the chart as a whole. It could be because you woke up at 3:20 and therefore had an interrupted sleep and less than 3 hours...or it could be a really big estrogen surge. I know it is a LOT harder to be calm about it when it is YOUR chart, however, someone looking in from the outside, I wouldn't be too concerned just yet :) Let's see what tomorrow brings!

Mine dropped to 97.6 today...that was the lowest it could go without removing the crosshairs! So, I did get the crosshairs today. I'm bummed that it isn't going up, but I'm not going to stress myself over it. I woke up with a possible headache but was wondering "do I really have one or am I just making it up?" It was very light and off and on. However, I do have this constant dull headache. I'm tired and just want to go back to bed. Stupid progesterone. Oh well...if it will bring me a little bean, I'll take this crappy feeling. And, I could possibly be kind of cranky today. I'm fine as long as nothing is said wrong to me, but if something is said wrong or I take it the wrong way, I could possibly turn in to a you know what! I also keep getting these weird crampy type feelings but they mean nothing I'm sure. My low back also aches when I first wake up in the morning....again...stupid progesterone. I'll deal with everything else but man I sure do hate these headaches.

I'm so sorry to hear that your friends finally announced their pregnancy on facebook :( Even though you knew it was coming, it never makes it any easier.

Let's think about something you know when you'll tell people? I've been thinking about it. At first I didn't want to tell anyone until we hit the second trimester (unless I get super sick and can't hide it or something). However, I'm not sure I'll be able to keep it a secret!!! So, then I thought about maybe just telling our parents and a couple of close friends. I don't know what to do. Thought of any specific way you want to tell certain people? What about dh?

Sorry...I've been totally rambling. TGIF!!! Happy Friday!!!
:hugs: thank you - I needed that! This month is mirroring Feb so far, I'm not happy about that. But yeah, trying to keep in mind that even though yesterday's temp was lower than the day before, it was still above coverline and actually above 1dpo as well. So today's is the only day that's really REALLY low. Let's hope it's just an estrogen surge. I took my temp yesterday afternoon just to see what it would be midday and it was 98.9!! it's crazy how our temps just jump around like that all day!

so funny about your headache - I thought I woke up with one too and I was not going to be happy about it. Clearly I was doomed to be cranky all day one way or the other! But it never came into full force, thank goodness. I hear ya, though - I can deal with other stuff but a headache is so RIGHT THERE! but I'll take it if it means a nugget.

I have thought about how and when to tell people. My sister is on the same cycle schedule as me so she's always wondering if I got my af yet when she did. So I'll have to tell her or lie. Same with my folks - my mom knows my schedule too! To be fair, it's b/c my sister/her family are living with them right now and she's not quiet about letting everyone know how she's feeling during AF! haha! I skype with them sometimes (they are all down in NC) and I would love to just have the stick ready and pull it down into the camera for them to see with a 'hey, I found this the other day - check it out'. I really want to tell them immediately, as well as DH's Dad who lives with us. He'll notice I'm not having wine many days in a row when we cookout or play cards or whatever.
As far as friends, they will also notice if I'm not having wine since we really only see them when we go out to dinner or something. But I want to keep it from them for a little bit so I'll probably just claim to have had 'a few too many' the night before or something.
I figure rule of thumb would be you tell those people earlier who you wouldn't mind going back to tell them if you lost it. I think there are friends and family who fall into either category.

But yeah - I've really tried to think of a fun way to tell DH that isn't cheesy or lame, that he'll love. There was a Seinfeld episode where he got his Dad either a mug or a tshirt that said '#1 Dad' and he thought it was the greatest thing. We love Seinfeld so maybe I could do something like that. But that would mean I need to order it, wait for it to be mailed...I don't want to get it ahead of time and jinx myself! haha
I really wonder just how excited I'll be after seeing it on the stick and I'll probably just bust out of the bathroom and tackle him!
But the shirt would be a fun way to tell others too - just have him wear it out one night or to someone's BBQ or something! hahahaaha

how about you?
btw - this did pick up my spirits for a bit - thank you!! :hugs:
Don't apologize about the length! I love it! Seriously!!!!

The other thing I TRY to tell myself is not to let this charting stress me out...or anything thing else right now. I'm sure the stress can't be good for a little nugget trying to find their new home! I may have already told you this...but in case I haven't, a rule I live by. Ask yourself, "why am I worrying?" (That's a pretty easy one.) Second is "is it in my control?" Most likely the things that are bothering me and the ones that lead me to ask myself this question AREN'T in my control. Therefore, ask yourself, "then why worry?" If you don't have control over it (which the tww we certainly don't!) then don't worry about it or stress about it.

(You just MIGHT have to tell me to go back and read this post when I'm about 10dpo!)

Sounds like you haven't some great ideas! I love tying Seinfeld into it! That's a great show! I have already cut back on my wine drinking...and it has led to a LOT of questions! So, people think I am just being weird now! DH loves it as he has a sober driver a lot now!

I can't decide on how to tell family and friends. I have so many different ideas. DH wants to get a dog (probably won't happen) but that would throw off our entire family! So, IF we got the dog (not ready until June) we could announce it with the puppy that the puppy will be a big brother/sister or "watch dog." I've also thought about telling family we got new curtains or something weird so they will go down the hall to the bedroom area and then have something on the door (maybe wrapped like a present with a big blue/pick bow?) and put some cute message, OR just have everyone over for dinner and have a "We're Expecting" banner hanging up. I don't know who I think I am.....I'll totally blurt it out to people! It is SOOO much fun to think about though!

As far as DH, we will test together. One less "plan" I have to come up with and he gets pretty excited just over the opk tests!!!!
yes yes yes - I try to tell myself the exact same AND I try to tell over-reactors like my mom and sister to do the same. So I should just take my own medicine. Also, I have a very hard time determining how stressed I am. I always seem to function at a higher energy level, I can't just sit still very long. I'm happiest with a bunch of stuff to do, mostly at work - so all of this travel and this new project kicking off quickly into high gear, I can't tell if I'm overly stressed or ok. I think I'm ok!

yeah - re: drinking less wine, I've been doing that too. Less often and less when I do.

that is ADORABLE about the puppy!!
omg, a dinner party - Great "Expectations" theme!!! yeah, that's totally overboard but fun!! the invites could have 'we're expecting everyone to dress up; we're expecting everyone to bring a dish; we're expecting everyone to eat, drink and be merry' and you can say that you already told everyone the news - We're expecting! :) wayyyyyy overboard here! hahahaha
There are so many cute ways I've seen people announce. I saw one where the couple posed next to a 'Bump Ahead' road sign - I thought that was cute.

yeah, I would expect that I'll be keeping DH updated on the hour the day AF is supposed to arrive, he'll know when I'm testing, etc. I thought about if I do the testing one day while he's at work, to have the song 'Hey man, nice shot' playing when he got home! HAHA - he would think that was totally lame, though, so I don't want to ruin the moment. I tend to love lame and cheesy things for a cheap laugh but he doesn't appreciate them as much! hahahaha
But AF is supposed to arrive 4/26, so we'll be together all weekend. Hey - that's the date of the party that we're going to where we'll see that couple who is newly preg. Maybe I will have my own positive test and I CAN be outwardly happy for them! :)

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