It'd be nice if my temps go up everyday here on out, but not going to get my hopes up.
Tmi, but it really is weird. Felt like I was going to have bad diarrhea this morning, went to the bathroom, and hardly anything. I've never experienced a weird combo like this. Normally constipation and hard stool is normal. Not what I've been experiencing. Hoping it's a good sign but not getting too excited!
So glad to hear you had a good night's sleep. Mine was terrible from 3am on. I think I've just got a lot on my mind. Last night I broke down in tears, twice, over silly things. I think it is just stress related though.
I don't think temping will "tell" you one way or the other but I personally think it is good. My doctor liked looking at both of my temping charts. He discussed the "biphasic" pattern and even drew a sample chart to show temps are higher in the second half if you ovulated. Now, the blood test will also confirm that, but I think temping is good for that. I do agree that there are lots of external factors that can alter your temp though. As I told you a couple of days ago, you can't look at a single temperature. You have to look at the chart as a whole.
I've been pretty proud of myself...Once I FINALLY got my crosshairs...I've not been too stressed about this tww. Maybe it's because I have a lot of other things on my mind, but I haven't been reading too much into anything. Besides my weird bowel issues...nothing has been out of the norm for me either.
Nothing wrong with being Realistic Randi

I am the kind that would rather be pleasantly surprised instead of disappointed.
This site is great to be able to talk to those struggling just like us, but I think we all tend to make each other crazy too! However, once we finally get that bfp, I'm sure you won't trade all that craziness for anything
Sorry for the novel!