Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

here's wish! not able to stop posting again!! haha

So just checked cp, because why not keep adding to the madness, and pulled out a GLOB of creamy-wettish cm! Almost like when lotion gets old and thins. I don't want to get too excited but I can't help it. and CP is medium/softer today. I read on another post that the cervix gets soft when it's kinda 'plumping' to hold a baby.

i better get a darn spike tomorrow! :)
Interesting about the cervix! I'd never heard that! Now I need to go check!!! :) I've been feeling "wet" down there but haven't checked anything.

I like your keep 'em coming! :)

I'm ready to go to bed. #1 I'm just ready to go to sleep but #2 I want to see what our temps will do tomorrow!
Me too!! Trying to last a little longer and have to watch last night's Game of Thrones! :)

OH!! Kitty finally responded to my message!! She's ok and now 6 weeks preg. I guess some things went down in her life, she didn't say, and the stress of NTNP got to her, so she left for a bit. So glad she's ok!
Wow! So excited she's pregnant!!! Now if only we can follow that!

Saw your temp! Still looking good!!!! How are you doing? My progesterone symptoms are slowly fading away I think. We will see how the day goes but right now feeling pretty normal with the exception of the weird "constipation/diarrhea" mix I've been experiencing.

Travel safely today!!!
good morning!! I hope your dip is implantation!! Go malinko-beaner!!! now I can't wait to see your temp tomorrow. Too soon to go back to bed??
That's so weird you're still having that stool issue! I really hope it's a good sign. But then I hope it's just for now and it's not your 'morning sickness'!! Though, guess it's better than nausea.

me - thankfully I had a good sleep last night, didn't wake up in a pool of sweat. I don't know which hormone is playing tricks on me now but I've had cramps/tickles in my uterus for the past 1/2 hr, radiating a bit around the sides to my back. I just looked at my posts for last month and it did this on 8dpo then too, so I assume I'm probably out. I'm glad my temp didn't fall below coverline, but I know the coverline is just there to really show the split between biphasic and not.

Interesting - I was on another thread just poking around and another woman said that her doc told her bbt'ing on FF was just a 'fun' exercise and the body is going to do what it wants to do, AND that I guess FF was an outdated software. So not to put too much into temping on that site, or their recommendations, etc. So I guess looking at it that way - yes, it's just a website and my body isn't a computer and whatever, but it still is really good data to bring to the docs if/when you need to. She said they agreed with that point, but I guess just not to use the site to drive ourselves nutty. And it's good to show that you did ovulate, around what time, etc. But I think the worrying about each day's temp that I was doing on my big drop the other day (that we ALLLLL seem to do) might be the point - don't do that. haha

Also, this morning, I was trying to do the old 'take a step back and look at yourself - are you feeling ANY different than normal months?' Besides being tired earlier at night the past few nights, which could lend itself to my travel and running around, not really, I guess.

I feel like I'm Debbie Downer today but I'm trying to be Realistic Randi! hahahaha
It'd be nice if my temps go up everyday here on out, but not going to get my hopes up.

Tmi, but it really is weird. Felt like I was going to have bad diarrhea this morning, went to the bathroom, and hardly anything. I've never experienced a weird combo like this. Normally constipation and hard stool is normal. Not what I've been experiencing. Hoping it's a good sign but not getting too excited!

So glad to hear you had a good night's sleep. Mine was terrible from 3am on. I think I've just got a lot on my mind. Last night I broke down in tears, twice, over silly things. I think it is just stress related though.

I don't think temping will "tell" you one way or the other but I personally think it is good. My doctor liked looking at both of my temping charts. He discussed the "biphasic" pattern and even drew a sample chart to show temps are higher in the second half if you ovulated. Now, the blood test will also confirm that, but I think temping is good for that. I do agree that there are lots of external factors that can alter your temp though. As I told you a couple of days ago, you can't look at a single temperature. You have to look at the chart as a whole.

I've been pretty proud of myself...Once I FINALLY got my crosshairs...I've not been too stressed about this tww. Maybe it's because I have a lot of other things on my mind, but I haven't been reading too much into anything. Besides my weird bowel issues...nothing has been out of the norm for me either.

Nothing wrong with being Realistic Randi :) I am the kind that would rather be pleasantly surprised instead of disappointed.

This site is great to be able to talk to those struggling just like us, but I think we all tend to make each other crazy too! However, once we finally get that bfp, I'm sure you won't trade all that craziness for anything :)

Sorry for the novel!
Just like with me, don't apologize for novels! I love it!

I'm glad you're not stressing about this tww. Neither am I and I'm def the same way - I'm assuming it didn't happen but will welcome the pleasant surprise if it did! Then on to the next set of accomplishments that need to happen - it sticks, no miscarriage, no issues, full term....good LAWD! :)

I'm sorry you have so many other things on your mind, though. :( :hugs: if you ever want to private message about anything else, I'm here!!

I agree about making each other crazy on this site too. I read some other threads and I have to immediately log off bc some ladies are their own worst enemies and jumping to conclusions that are wayyyyy stressful and potentially nonsensical. I feel bad for them and want to tell them to stop but I know where they are coming from and it's hard to keep your head straight.

Anywayyy - these little cramps haven't stopped and are getting annoying! I wonder if I will get af earlier this month...
Just checking on you girls! Can't wait to see your BFPs this month!!!! :)

I figure even though not TTC (withdraw method) that I would post my "symptoms" :haha: I am 99% sure they're my CRAZY monthly hormone shifts. But, I think we BD'd on O-day this month.. if not it was REALLY close to it for sure. So, you never know right. I would put (& my app puts) today as 8DPO.
-Light cramps in middle of uterus area, kind of prickly
-Inability to sleep the past 2 nights
-TMI, diarrhea a lot the past couple of days
-Really, really "wet" today
-Ate a full meal and went and got a bag of Cheetos like 10 minutes later today lol
-Very emotional this cycle but not moody at all (so far!)

After writing all of that, sounds VERY normal for me. AKA a hot mess, lol!! I know I am gonna be going CRAZY like you girls must be when it comes time. Considering we all seem to have pretty drastic symptoms each month.

I hope you girls are feeling terribly sick, tired and winded (apparently that's a big one?) :haha: :Flower: FX FX FX FX!!!

Oh and Wish- glad to hear about Kitty as well!!!
Bumpy I love when you pop in!! Especially bc you join right in with the crazy!!
Yup - symptoms sound promising OF COURSE!!

Man, sitting at an airport by myself is a complete drag. Wish I had something to obsess about to occupy my time....;)
Ugh, like clockwork - temp drop and night sweats. This month really mirrored last month in post O temps so at least that's consistent. Pretty sure I'm out. S'ok, def setting up appts now!!

Can't wait to hear about you!!
well - so first, I think I'm confused on the cp stuff that the other lady posted. I have read numerous places that you hope to have a high and firm cervix. At least that's what it is during pregnancy. I know it doesn't always do that in the early early stages, but whatever.
So my cervix is firm and high and boy is my canal plump/tight. I don't know if that means impending AF or anything at all.
Other than that, soreness is mostly gone in my bbs, my energy is pretty high. I even worked out here at the hotel last night! That NEVER happens! usually I just bring along the clothes for the ride and they never make it out of the suitcase - especially after a day of traveling. Weird.
But the typical night sweats, in a bed by myself no less, and lower temp makes me feel like I'm out. And I don't particularly 'feel' any different. I think I'm repeating myself now...
Happy to be at 9dpo w/o an AF, though - seems Feb was a freak month.

SO HAPPY to see your temp went up again!!! How are you feeling? good to hear from you! When is af due for you? You've got to be getting close finishing classes too, right? So excited for you!!!

Wish...I'm really hoping your temp goes up tomorrow. You are on the most common day for implantation you know! I was surprised to see my temp up again this morning! My doctors office called this morning and left me a voicemail that confirmed I ovulated today but that was it. No levels or anything. Ugh. Oh well. I'm not going to get upset over it. If this is our month, it's our month. It's beyond my control at this point.

I'm really not feeling anything now. I'd say I'm more constipated now, but nothing else. Slept in later than normal this morning and that felt great! DH and I laid in bed talking and he wanted to know when I was expecting af. I told him Mon or Tues. He asked if we could test then on Wednesday. I'm not sure I can hold off that long! I was thinking maybe Sunday or Monday! I'm starting to feel really doubtful this month. Not sure why, but guess I'm just thinking "why would it happen? It's been a bust every other month! " Trying to stay positive though!
that's great you got such a good sleep, finally!

so AF I think is showing. I just went to the bathroom and there were more than a few spots dripping (sorry TMI), not just when wiping. And light red, not brownish or mixed with cm or anything so I'm fairly certain it's not IB. I guess FF is pretty smart, since it has AF coming tomorrow. I have to say, I have a lump in my throat. It's getting harder each month. :( I'm feeling a little nauseous too...

so as you say above, it's out of my control, I'm trying not to be too upset. Esp when I have a fun work gathering in about an hour! But what CAN I do, right? I'm definitely going to be setting up appointments. Clearly I have low progesterone if I only have a 9-day LP, but if there are other things blocking the way or DH's swimmers not even making it, then we're driving ourselves nuts not knowing.
NOOO!!! Are you serious??? (Yes, I know you are, but come on!) I'm sad for you. :hugs:

If you are saying "drips" is it pretty heavy then? I guess I'm having a hard time not thinking on 9dpo that just POSSIBLY implantation. You know, many women mistake implantation bleeding for their period. And I've always hard that IB is light reddish/pinkish. Keep me updated on how it keeps going. You know your body better than anyone else, so I'm sure if you think it is af, you are probably right.

So, I would definitely recommend calling a doctor. If your lp is only 8 days long...that is an issue, but one that can be easily fixed. FX that you can get into the doctor fairly quickly.

I'm starting to hit the "bump in the road" like I did last month. I'm going crazy. I'm now starting to think negatively and thinking this wasn't our month. My temps look good (compared to last month) so I'm not sure why I am thinking this way. I got up at my normal time today and decided to go back to sleep (I took the day off). I finally drug myself out of bed at 9:45 (whoa!) and jumped in the shower. Took my shower, did my hair, put on some makeup and then ate some lunch. After that, NO motivation to do absolutely anything. Can't determine if I am still tired or "depressed" feeling. I know I'm not "depressed" but sitting there having no motivation to do anything and just feeling like you care about nothing is terrible.

Keep me updated. I wish I could do/say something to make you feel better.:flower:
Thanks so much, hun. I really appreciate it. Put in a light tampon and went out with the work crew to a Pirates game and dinner, took my mind off things for a bit. Came back and there wasn't much on the tampon and what was there was brownish. We'll see what happens with my temp and any further bleeding tomorrow. I think in Feb I had brown sludgy spotting too, though. I still have a little hope but more thinking it's not going to happen this month. I'd love for something to prove me wrong!!

I'm sorry you had a depressed day!! I totally get it!! I'm sure it could be hormones, either way. Just lethargic or sad too? Maybe you've just been so wound up about everything else, including this, that your body and mind were like, 'enough!! Relax!!' I've had that happen before. Your temps are crazy good, I can't wait to see tomorrow's!!

Hugs to you :hugs: I'll check in in the morning :) thanks for always being there and being awesome!
So...I saw your temp went up today but you also have it another "flow day." Keep me updated as it could still be implantation!

My temp went back to 97.9. Dropped .1 degree. Still high for me, especially at this stage but I'm still feeling doubtful about this being our month.

Will be in touch throughout the day. I believe you travel home safely.
omg, I'm SO excited that your temp is still up! like, WICKED excited!! hahaha
I really do think you nailed it this month - I hope you start feeling disgusting and gassy and nauseous and all of that very soon!!

yeah, I was happy at first to see the temp, went to the bathroom and didn't have any spotting. But then laid back down and the cramping started. Some spots when I woke up again later, I know it could still be IB, but man, it really does feel like AF. What was weird - just to see the difference, I took my temp maybe 15-20 mins after the first time and it had dropped .5 to 97.8, my normal range. I thought after you got up and moved around it was supposed to rise? Anyway, I got a spike the first day of AF last month too. That's probably her nastiest trick!!

thanks for the safe travel wishes - going to be a looong day but I'm sure I'll be checking in here when I get to the airport.

are you feeling any better mood-wise today?
You are absolutely precious and your excitement is so contagious! I told littlegirl in another thread that I absolutely hate throwing up....makes me sweaty and anxious just thinking of it. However, I would so take that right now!

I temps are still high but I know that doesn't mean much. And I have a feeling this is just the beginning of my temps (progesterone) dropping.

If you haven't figured it out from my negativity, the mood is not any better!!! Haha! For some reason, I just feel out. My cyst in my breast isn't as sore as it was yeseterday either. I'm still sleeping terribly at night. I can't remember if last night made night 3 or 4 now. I'd been waking up often between 3 and 4 but last night the madness started around 1:30ish. So I tossed and turned all night. I know it has nothing to do with anything, but I just want a good night sleep! It was so nice being off yesterday morning and just being able to go back to bed and sleep in! Anyway, I even told DH I'm starting to feel negative about this month and not to get his hopes up. We've been talking about when we will test, etc. and he's gotten really excited. I didn't want to ruin it for him, but I also didn't want him to be unrealistic about it all.

Is this how af normally starts for you? I totally agree....weird about the temp! I did the same thing this morning. I actually got up and walked around a bit and took my temp again a few minutes after getting up. It actually went down. Now for the life of me, I don't remember what it went down to, but my temp was higher when I was laying down.

Trying to just move on and think about something different. Thankfully the weekend is almost here and I seem to do better during the weekends and not sit there and dwell on things like I am right now.

We need something new and fun to talk about!!!
Hahaha I totally agree about something new!!
We are going on vacation in less than 2 weeks and I cannot wait. I guess that'll be the next baby-making time, or at least near it. Friggin af - I feel like I've been kicked in the crotch right now, I'm throbbing.
Are you doing anything fun this weekend? We have a party on Sat - where that newly preg couple will be - and I have a race with my girls on Sunday, so that'll be fun. And no more travel til our vacation. :)
Woo hoo for vacation!!!! And even better if it is around o time :) Is this your trip out west?

I'm sorry to hear af is being so cruel to you :( Hoping that it is a short one for you so that you can move on be past this disruption in our lives!

Nothing planned for the weekend. Probably work some which will hopefully keep me occupied. I need to do some yard work now that it is trying to warm up some. Going to go out to dinner with some friends tomorrow night and looking forward to that, too. Saturday night will just be a nice night at home with dh. Then it's Sunday, which if af isn't here I will want to test so badly. However, at the same time, I'm just not feeling it. I would rather af just show than see a big negative test. Flip the coin least then I'll know it's negative and just wait for her. Good thing I don't have any tests at home!!!!

Have so much fun at your birthday party! At least you can drink!!! Have a glass of wine for me! What's your favorite wine? And, I believe this is the couple that announced of fb this week that they are expecting, right?

Tell me about your race on Sunday! I so admire you!

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