Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Please do take chart stalking away from me!!! :) Maybe it will help me be more sane! Maybe I will stop temping too. I was doing it to see if I was ovulating and we now know that I am. It would be so much less "stressful." I don't feel that it is stressful until I'm to the point of "have I ovulated yet" or "oh my gosh, my temps look horrible.!" But, I'm sure I think I'm not stressed but maybe my body is.

So, I'm sure it will change by the end of the day and become full force, but for the last 2 hours or so, I'm starting to have watery spotting. I put a liner on just in case but nothing is reaching the liner. It's only when I wipe. Again, I'm sure it will change as the day goes I'm guessing today is CD1. Disappointed but it's time to face reality and move on :)
:hugs: ladies

It will happen - I hope!!!! :shrug:

This month we are trying but I'm not expecting anything from it. Then next month our holiday to Italy and lots of food and drink and NO baby making plans just relaxing! I think I need it.
that's exactly it, malinko - I know I do ovulate, I also know that I have a short LP, i know the other signs to look for for ovulation AND I know the timeframe I ovulate. So stressing about getting enough hours of sleep, temping at the same time everyday, temp dips and spikes, BLAH BLAH BLAH. I'm done with it. I don't 'feel' stressed by it either but I know it's got to be affecting me. And not that I think this stress is affecting my ability to get preg. I just think it's adding to my obsessive nature! I actually felt relief when I finally made the decision.
are you going to test if you still aren't full flow tomorrow?

ugh, speaking of stress - I have barely eaten all day and been nauseous all day. If I didn't just have af, I'd be wondering!

phoenix - that trip sounds wonderful and you're right, I bet you could use a couple of months off from disecting this process over and over!
that's exactly it, malinko - I know I do ovulate, I also know that I have a short LP, i know the other signs to look for for ovulation AND I know the timeframe I ovulate. So stressing about getting enough hours of sleep, temping at the same time everyday, temp dips and spikes, BLAH BLAH BLAH. I'm done with it. I don't 'feel' stressed by it either but I know it's got to be affecting me. And not that I think this stress is affecting my ability to get preg. I just think it's adding to my obsessive nature! I actually felt relief when I finally made the decision.
are you going to test if you still aren't full flow tomorrow?

ugh, speaking of stress - I have barely eaten all day and been nauseous all day. If I didn't just have af, I'd be wondering!

phoenix - that trip sounds wonderful and you're right, I bet you could use a couple of months off from disecting this process over and over!

I know right? Although it doesn't stop me thinking well maybe I'm due to ovulate around when we come home so maybe we should try anyway! How obsessed am I???? Annoying!!

Well we said we won't actively try but knowing our cycles the way we do doesn't leave a lot of guesswork.

Mustn't try in June (now I just have to stop myself) lol xxx
haha - well, right - that's the thing. I know when I will ovulate, or around the time, so of COURSE I'll still be calculating it!

malinko - I see your chart - so you started last night, as expected? I'm sorry. I know you were expecting it so it's prob not a shock but still... I was thinking about it - why do you think you won't do SMEP again? Trying to think ahead, do you think, after you O, that you'll feel you guys didn't give it all you got? or will you be ok with whatever it is you do? I hope this isn't coming across as judgy at all - just trying to help you avoid any feelings of regret. :) not that you NEED to feel regret if you don't do SMEP! I certainly haven't done it!
Wish - I had a long post typed up and then I lost it. UGH! So, here I try again.

Yes, af got me yesterday. Right on time and as expected. You are right....with the spotting for the previous days, I knew it was coming. It was almost a relief that the waiting game had finally ended.

Thank you for your note. You gave me something to think about. I know you were trying to help and not judge. The reason I was thinking about not doing was in case there was an issue with dh.

However, we talked to the doctor and dh is going to be tested. Hopefully all that can happen before o time and doctor will have advise on the frequency. If everything is good with dh, we will go back to smep. If that is too much, we will let the doctor tell us what is best, but probably every other day. I'm so happy for DH. We are able to collect the sample at home and then rush it over to the doctor's office. I know it will make him feel much more comfortable. I was really sad thinking he was going to have to do that at the doctor's office and I just didn't like the thought of that.

Since we are moving forward with the doctor, I am going to use the opks this month and temp until ovulation is confirmed. I'm going to try to relax as much as possible though this month but not focus on my chart at all. In fact, I'm going to put the data in but not look at the chart. Last month I'd look at the chart all the time almost like something was going to just automatically appear.

Time for me to move on and get positive again :)
Forgot to tell you again. Thank you for all your support. I really appreciate you!!!!
Sounds like you & dh have a great plan locked down!! I still need to call the doc but since i'm away next tues until the following thurs, I don't know if this would be the best month to go. I gotta call, though!!
Your support is just as important to me, so right back atcha!! ;)
good morning, girls!
So I hope this makes you laugh a little - no real baby-making updates by cd7 or whatever, so here's just a story...
I'm back in Pitt again and it's raining, which I guess Pittsburgh touts itself as the 'Seattle of the East' - I didn't know this!
So, Monday had those weird stomach cramps/nausea all day. Around 6:00, started getting aches and chills, my skin hurt. I had JUST booked my flight to come here, this is a last minute one. And I could have cancelled it that night b/c I felt pretty bad, was expecting it to get worse. I didn't eat anything except a bagel all day.
Yesterday, woke up and was better, still no real appetite but aches and chills were gone but now I had a sore throat and runny nose. So I kept my trip. I really just DIDN'T want to travel this week, though.
Anyway, flights were only delayed a little bit, the day went well, until I got here. Somehow they lost my luggage on the way! Southwest NEVER does this! UGH! And there was one more flight into Pitt after mine last night, it was supposed to be on that one - NOPE! So now - I'm in Pitt but I can't go into the office that is a 1/2 mi away (and the reason I'm here) b/c I'm in yesterday's jeans and shirt, no makeup to put on after I shower, and I have a cold now. GAHHH!
On the bright side, b/c there has to be something, I can go shopping if it doesn't show up today, right? haha - there's a Macy's a few blocks away, I'll be hitting that for sure.

how is everyone today? I realize there is no need to check in right now, but if you do - I hope you're having a great day!
Wish - I'm SO sorry to hear about your travel troubles! What a bummer! Hopefully your luggage will show up today for you. Nothing like being stuck in a hotel room all day long with NONE of your stuff. How frustrating!!! Although, I guess it doesn't help to complain much as probably nothing will happen. Although, maybe you could get some flight credit or something????

Regardless if your luggage comes or sounds like great fun! You should definitely do this!

Checked my temp this morning and it said 97.8. This was so odd as I slept great last night! So, I thought maybe I was getting sick or something. I had been up for an hour and a half before I even checked to see what my temp was. (I pop the thermometer in my mouth, it beeps, I turn it off and don't look at it until I'm "actually" awake!) Anyway, after showering, drying my hair, etc. is when I checked it. So, I took my temp again and then it said 96.8. What the heck?!?! I think it is weird. I'm not even recording a temp for today :)

I told DH about the doctor and the fact we get to do all that at home. I think now he is getting a little overwhelmed by it and is now saying "it'll happen soon enough." I told him it is his choice. He was being silly last night but pretended to "throw a fit" and kept saying "I want a baby!"

Well, probably won't be back on today. Going to try to be extremely productive today! Hope all works out with your luggage and it gets returned to you today!
Oh thank you - it just becomes a comedy of errors that you just have to laugh at after awhile, right? That's how I see it anyway. Makes for a funny story.

You know, i've been tempted to take my temp too just to be sure nothing's going on. My af was a little lighter and shorter than usual but not terribly so - still had clotting and all that fun stuff, but was only about 3 days rather than 5 and didn't have to use as many tampons. My chin is breaking out like it usually does right around O, which I think would be odd for now. Slight nausea (almost to dry heaving), lack of appetite, almost an aversion to wine - seriously not interested, stuffy nose/sore throat...I know I'm reaching but.....can implantation happen after af if one has a short LP? I didn't bring my thermometer with me, will have to wait until Fri or Sat.
I know I just had a shorter af, I'm sick and that's affecting everything else. But my head's not as foggy as it usually is when I'm sick, so that's what's making me think something else could be up. blah blah blah grasping for straws blah blah blah :)

Happy Productive Hump Day!
Oh thank you - it just becomes a comedy of errors that you just have to laugh at after awhile, right? That's how I see it anyway. Makes for a funny story.

You know, i've been tempted to take my temp too just to be sure nothing's going on. My af was a little lighter and shorter than usual but not terribly so - still had clotting and all that fun stuff, but was only about 3 days rather than 5 and didn't have to use as many tampons. My chin is breaking out like it usually does right around O, which I think would be odd for now. Slight nausea (almost to dry heaving), lack of appetite, almost an aversion to wine - seriously not interested, stuffy nose/sore throat...I know I'm reaching but.....can implantation happen after af if one has a short LP? I didn't bring my thermometer with me, will have to wait until Fri or Sat.
I know I just had a shorter af, I'm sick and that's affecting everything else. But my head's not as foggy as it usually is when I'm sick, so that's what's making me think something else could be up. blah blah blah grasping for straws blah blah blah :)

Happy Productive Hump Day!
OMG sorry to hear about your travel issues hun!!
Shopping is the only way :)

Sometimes if you're fighting something AF is messed up, I've had odd months where things seem different got excited and still a bfn so now I don't expect a BFP - how sad is that? Xx
that's a good point - seriously, my hopes are not up. Just wondering where my appetite went and why the mongo pimple now.
I don't know if my body was fighting something before I knew about it but my last day of af, which was Sunday and just some spotting, I was fine. It was Monday when I started to feel off. Either way, just curious about what's going on! No nausea anymore, though, and I'm picking my way slowly through a salad that is not very interesting to me!
that's a good point - seriously, my hopes are not up. Just wondering where my appetite went and why the mongo pimple now.
I don't know if my body was fighting something before I knew about it but my last day of af, which was Sunday and just some spotting, I was fine. It was Monday when I started to feel off. Either way, just curious about what's going on! No nausea anymore, though, and I'm picking my way slowly through a salad that is not very interesting to me!

Maybe your hormones are flying high causing mongo pimples and nausea (I get odd months like that). Nausea is a huge hormone symptom.
Give up on the salad and have something savoury like popcorn or crisps or something - tastier and easier to eat when feeling off colour. I've had gastritis like 100 times (exaggeration obvs lol) but I spent 6 months trying not to vomit every day and that was the only way I could eat xx
why????? why hormones nowwwwww? this is the non-hormone part of the month!!! hahahaha
just exaggerating here too :)
gastritis sounds painful and annoying! what causes that?
why????? why hormones nowwwwww? this is the non-hormone part of the month!!! hahahaha
just exaggerating here too :)
gastritis sounds painful and annoying! what causes that?

Maybe it's the surge from AF and then the drop in hormones??

Yeah it was!!! I had a kidney infection and was given v strong antibiotics which stripped by stomach lining which caused gastritis :(
It's basically thinned tummy lining which means acidic, spicy or fruits etc hurst it and makes it angry and in turn you vomit and feel nauseous xxx
oh man, that's terrible! you should probably not have a kidney infection again, just to be sure! ;)
because I'm nutso - I just tested and bfn. Bring on vacation!!!
You are funny :)

So...guess what? No, I'm not pregnant! Second guess? Yep, yet ANOTHER pregnancy announcement. I have lost track on the number of announcements since we have been trying. DH is so excited to start trying again. I'm "excited" but just feel like it will be yet another month that I am let down. We have a lot going on this upcoming month that should all be pretty exciting, but will probably create stress along with hopefully that won't go against me.

AF is finishing up. I've been having weird cycles the last few months. They are short and not as heavy as they once were. I'm certainly not complaining that they aren't as heavy's just not my normal. Oh well, maybe it is my new normal!

When do you leave for vacation?

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