Hi!! boy, busy morning so far, this is my first breather. Got in at about 11:45 last night after a bit of a delay, but everything else was fine. I met a woman who was heading to Turkey to teach Entrepreneurship for 10 days - SO interesting!!
I need to go look at your chart again but temp dip?? boooo - but i do hope it's implantation. All we can do is hope. The rest of your temps have been so good, I don't want this to let you down!
vaca - yes! this is the trip we're going out west. I can't wait - new places and things to see, traveling with some of DH's family whom I love. Should be a good time. Then straight back to Pitt again from Denver, then finally home by the 15th.
Sounds like you have a great weekend lined up! little bit of fun, little bit of relaxation! Hopefully no AF...
The bday party we're going to is actually for our friends' 2-yr old, but they are using it as an excuse to have folks over to their new house. So should be somewhat fun but yes, everyone will be ooh'ing and ahhh'ing over the preg couple, as will I, I'm sure. Yep, this is the couple that announced on FB a couple of weeks ago. That said, I will DEF have a glass for you!

My fave wines are red in color and 'interesting' in flavor - typically red zins, cabs and blends - bold, spicy, somewhat fruity, NOT oakey (tastes like feet to me, so when I taste 'feet', I know it's oakey). One of my faves is called 7 Deadly Zins. Do you like wine? what's your fave kind?
and oh gosh, I don't think I deserve your admiration!! Super sweet of you to say, though!! the race on Sunday is just a 5k, nothing big. I don't even know if I can make it to the end w/o stopping to walk a bit, that's how out of it I've been lately. Glad I got a run in at the hotel the other day, though, just to bridge that gap a bit more from the last time I ran. We'll see, I think it's going to be in the 50's, so that's a great temp for running. Maybe I will last! It's a hilly course, though, and I HATE hills. All of my friends are running the 10k, to which I said 'hell no', so I'll be hanging with my friend's 20 month old for an hour or so while they do that.
how are you feeling today? any new aches or pains? I totally understand about 'not feeling it' - that's how I started to feel this Tuesday. Just didn't feel any different, though I know some women don't and they are surprised by no AF. So try not to discount your lack of feeling anything new! And if you're just implanting today, you won't feel anything new for like 3 days, right?