Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

oh lovely!! good times, good times - congratulations everyone but us!

I'm glad that you and DH are excited to try again and the fun hasn't been taken out yet. I guess I'm sorta excited too but not really, considering the short LP. I still haven't called a dr - just got back from Pitt last night and trying to catch up today.

re: the stress - you know, I think about it this way - women have been having babies for FOREVER - from slaves to CEOs - so I don't think that a busy month or stress at work or whatever we come into would reeeeeally affect too much. I bet it's more about just getting in our own heads about things. It's never really good to do that and you'll just stress your mind out. But I am sure your body will respond just fine to a little pumpkin if it's time!

vaca from work begins in approx 4 hrs and 10 mins..... :) we leave next Tuesday, though. YAYYYY!!
Hey Wish! Just wanted to get on real quick to say "Have a GREAT vacation!" How long will you be gone? I probably won't be on here much over the next week or so (trying to stay calm and relaxed!) so your vacation is helping me take a "vacation." :) Travel safely and have SO much fun!!! The west is absolutely beautiful! Hopefully the weather will be nice for you too!

Have you/are you getting close to ovulating?
Thanks ladies! Hopped on to see ya before we go, as I'm going to stay off for the week too.
O'ing should happen around this coming weekend. When are you? Should be around the same right?
Good luck to you!! BD away!!
Thank goodness you haven't O'd yet!!!! I knew last month you were somewhat worried as you were afraid it was going to interfere when you were traveling for work. What a perfect time! You'll be nice and relaxed just ready for it to all happen!!!!

Yes, I'm thinking this weekend or the beginning of next. I'm currently cd8 and normally o between cd 13 and cd 16.

Travel safely and talk to you when you get back! Hoping this is your/our lucky month!!!!! :hugs:
Thanks ladies! Hopped on to see ya before we go, as I'm going to stay off for the week too.
O'ing should happen around this coming weekend. When are you? Should be around the same right?
Good luck to you!! BD away!!

Enjoy xxxx
Ladies!! Sorry I have not checked in in a while! I've been super duper busy! Graduated with my Masters this past weekend with ALL A's!!! Gosh, the time is just flying by too I tell ya!

I'm sorry that last cycle wasn't anyone's :( I'll keep checking in until I see 3 BFPs!!!

Glad you're seeing doctors about your cycles.. I hope that they can assist you better with what's taking so dang long!! & good luck for this month!! If not, remember that next month is Father's Day (how sweet would that be!!!) And have happy vacations!!!
hi girls! just checking in - I had a great vacation, though I'm still on the road for work right now! :)
how's everyone doing? O'ing yet? I believe I did this weekend or so - ewcm both days, just as I expected. BD'ed Saturday night but no other specific time - we were SO TIRED from this trip! DH could barely keep his eyes open yesterday, so I let him off the hook. I'm okay with it anyway b/c if I do have a luteal phase defect, then there's not much that we can do on our end to make it happen. So Saturday's session will have to be enough this month!
I hope you're all doing well!

Bumpy - CONGRATULATIONS on the graduation AND all A's!!!! as we say in my neck of the woods - YOU'RE WICKED SMAHT, KID! ;)

:hugs: everyone!
PS - dang if I wasn't wished 'Happy Mother's Day!!' by a few different people this weekend too - sheesh. I know it's just my age and I look like a mom, but felt a little awkward!
Wish! Welcome back! How was vacation??? Did you guys have a great time?

Bumpy - Congratulations on graduation and GREAT job on all A's!!! Wish I could do that! Do you have a job lined up?

I really have nothing to report. Waiting to ovulate but am close. I didn't get a flashing smiley until yesterday - which is a little late compared to recent months, but that's okay. I've had a lot going on this month! Although - - last month I started getting flashing smileys EARLY and quite a few days of them. Maybe I'll just have the two days of flashing and get the solid tomorrow? Who knows! My temps have literally been up, down, up, down. I'm temping until I get crosshairs and then I'm done.

That's all I've got!!!!
I'm so glad you replied so quickly - I know this is the lull of the month but I was hoping you hadn't decided posting was too stressful. :) yay!
Vacation was incredible - saw so many cool parts of the country that, really, were low on the list of things to see here. We went to Denver, drove through Wyoming and ended in SD. We saw Mt Rushmore, Deadwood, the Black Hills forest...tons of wildlife we don't see in NH too - antelope, mtn goats. It was awesome, I highly recommend a trip out there if you haven't been.

I hope you get your solid smiley today and get to bump your way through Hump Day and beyond! ;) did you do SMEP this month?
Good morning!!!

Glad to hear you enjoyed vacation. Did you drive out west or did you fly and then rent a car? Yes, the west is absolutely beautiful. Did you miss the snow that they had?

I did get my smiley face this morning! :happydance: Here goes my monthly optimism but I hope this is our lucky month. We have for the most part done smep. DH thought we needed to give it our all again. And, I think it was you that was saying something about looking back and knowing that we gave it our all once again. We started smep last Sunday. So, we bd'd cd 7, 9, 11, and then cd13 we were too tired, so we bd'd on cd 14 - which was Sunday and was also the first day of a flashing smiley. So yeseterday was our day off and then we will start today with our 3 days in a row. So, we have more or less followed it.

We've got a lot going on over the next couple of weeks so I'm hoping that will help pass the time by. Also, we will have the sa test done. I believe you are supposed to have 48 hours in between the last bd and the test - so we will probably have to time that for sometime next week.

My best friend that found out that she is pregnant is having some concerning issues- so between all of her tests (blood work and ultrasounds) I've been living day by day for her of "what happens next."

Happy Tuesday!!! I've certainly missed you friend!
Hey girl!! Happy Almost Friday!!

I'm FINALLY home!!! Man, that was a looong time away. Not a fan. But oh well, it was good. So vacation - we flew out to Denver and then rented a car and drove up through Wyoming to SD. That was a great trip all in itself b/c the landscape is so gorgeous!! oh, and no - we hit BOTH snowstorms that happened! one in SD and one in Denver!! I have a picture of us in front of Mt. Rushmore and I have a ski jacket on!!

oh no - what is going on with your friend? I hope everything turns out ok. Ugh, this is my fear - this conception could end up looking like the easy part of the entire process! It's so scary!

You should be about 1dpo today, right? feeling anything?? HAHA! just kidding. I think I would be about 4dpo today and I'm not feeling anything different at all. Back to creamy CM, so I know O is done - have been that way all week. So I think we did time everything right, even though we only BD'ed once. Again, I'm not going to stress about it since I still need to make a call to the docs. I'm definitely feeling bloated but that could be from all of the vacation food and drinks as well. Blah. I need a cleanse!! But bloating is typical for me in the tww. BBs aren't sore yet but that will probably start this weekend. Typical typical stuff. :)

I hope your week is going well! Finally getting some beautiful weather out here, though I think you guys had some terrible storms yesterday, right?
Good morning!

I'm a debbie downer today. So, I followed your advice and we attempted smep this month. Because you were right....if we didn't give it our all (and I feel like smep is definitely giving it your all for the fertile window) I wouldn't be happy.

Well, Saturday was an "on" night. We were both exhausted so it became an "off" night. So, we picked back up on Sunday. Got our solid smiley on Tuesday, which lasted thru Wednesday. DH did not want to do anything on Tuesday but he finally sucked it up and did. Last night his response to me was "not tonight." I was so incredibly mad. So, between Saturday - which was both of our faults and last night - we missed 2 days during the fertile time. If we would have dtd Saturday - we would have had 3 days in. only 2 days. I know it just takes "one time" and "one sperm" but dang it.....Sorry, I'm still a little bitter about it.

Then, this morning he says "why didn't we do anything last night?" REALLY??? Because you said "not tonight." He tried to tell me that he never said that. YEAH RIGHT! Remember when I quit talking to you and told you I was going to bed and going to sleep? Yeah...that's when you said it. UGH!

And, maybe last night wasn't THAT big of a deal as I have played with my temps a little. If my temp only goes up .1 degree tomorrow and on Saturday, it'll give me dotted crosshairs with ovulation on Wednesday (okay, but not great). BUT, if my temp will go up by .2 degrees tomorrow, then it will give me solid crosshairs with ovulation on Tuesday (better than ovulation on Wednesday) so we would have dtd 2 days before ovulation and the day of ovulation. They sayd 1 and 2 days before ovulation is just as good, if not better, than the day of ovulation.

I don't know.....I already feel out this month, so I'm not going to put more thought into it than I already have.

My friend ended up having a miscarriage just short of 7 weeks. I feel so bad for her.

Talk to you soon!
oh man, I can feel and hear your frustration SO much!! there's ONE shot a month and you're trying to give it your all and then BAM! one little thing can shoot down your optimism!
That said, for some reason they always say to do it the day after O too, so go at it tonight, in case O was yesterday! the egg can survive up to 24 hrs so get to it once DH gets home! :)

You've done great this month and of course you're right - only takes once/one sperm to make it all happen! I totally know what you're saying, though. I'd be miffed as well. :grr:

let me know how your temps go tomorrow!!
Happy Friday!
I forgot to say that's really sad about your friend. I'm sure you're being a great friend and are there for her, that's so hard. I've had a few friends have a miscarriage and I literally froze. I had no idea how to react, and I'm so afraid that not reacting was poor. Do you send a card? No, too impersonal. Do you call and remind them this just happened? I don't know, might be too fresh. Do you let it go and be quiet b/c it's so personal? ugh - so horrible. :(

Your temps look good! O'd on Tuesday - woohoo!!!
Happy Friday to you too! Got crosshairs today. I'm excited but at the same time, feeling down about it all. I think I've finally hit the bump on the road where it feels like it's never going to happen. Thankfully, I'm busy all weekend...starting today and then Monday is a crazy day at work. I have to get thru Tuesday and Wednesday and then we are moving offices on Thursday and Friday. So...that'll get me thru 10dpo. Then, two more days and I will find out the answer.

This is very much my personality to "control" and "organize" but I think I need/have to let go of that. I will continue to "try" and still have dh's sa done but other than that...I need to just let go.

How are you doing/feeling?
aww - you can't hit that bump!! :hugs: It's totally going to happen for you b/c you deserve it and I can tell would be a great mom! maybe this is just some sort of test for us to make sure we DO want it. Or, I keep thinking - all of this happens for a reason. Maybe the egg wasn't viable this month or whatever. It'll happen, I just hope sooner than later. I constantly worry about this too - the later it gets, the more risk for complications at my age. So when do I call a spade a spade? But we've only been trying for a few months, so is that spade really a spade yet? ugh. I know I just need to go to the docs and start finding this stuff out.

lordy, I hear ya about the controlling and organizing. Honestly, I have felt so much better about things this month b/c I stopped temping and OPK'ing. I am glad I did it for 3 months, so I know the cadence of my body and have that data, but not worrying about when I'm waking up and temping at the right time has allowed me to sleep so much better. I was going to check my cp yesterday but didn't - that's not a good indication of anything, so why do it. It's really allowed me to let stuff go and concentrate on other things. Granted, having back to back to back work trips and vacation helped as well!

do you guys have a long vacation coming up? more than the mini one you just took?
No "big" vacations per say. Our "big" vacations consist of getting on a plane :) Our June is crazy busy where we are traveling somewhere every weekend. Most of it is for fun too. We have a wedding, a weekend business trip for hubby (which will be a lot of fun - - - I get to lay out and go shopping!) and a weekend trip with my family. So, I'm definitely looking forward to all of those.

I feel like at times I'm playing the "why me card" as we know so many people pregnant. I would say "well, you don't know what their struggles were as no one knows we are going through ours." However, most of them that we know about happened in 3 months....if not less. A couple of them happened the first month. I feel ashamed for thinking this way....but I just so badly want to be one of them. I want the bump, I want to see my husband with our child, I want to push a stroller, I want to be the person that soothes our baby when he/she is crying. I know there is a reason as to why we haven't gotten pregnant yet...but I'd sure like to know what it is and why! Maybe I'm feeling the way I am because of this silly switch between estrogen and progesterone.

Ugh! It'll get better....
you're funny - it probably is hormones so just roll with it and have some ice cream! :)
yeah, I want all of those things too. A couple of my flights lately, i've been a row or 2 away from a baby in a car seat and I have been hearing them squeal and make raspberries or whatever and my heart just melts. MUCH more than it would have maybe even a year ago. I almost want to ask the person next to the mom to switch seats with me so I can go hang with them!
DH did some great 'fatherly' things on our trip too, just his responses to the shananigans going on in the car with his uncle and brother. It was super cute. Like they'd be annoying and say 'are we there yet?' about 5 hrs away and he'd just say 'about 20 mins'. hahahahaha
It's true about not knowing people's struggles - they could even be lying about the time they were trying. I know someone who we suspect lied to her doctor about how long they'd been trying just to get a jump start on being approved for IVF. They are definitely ones that would be like 'omg, we were trying for like 2 months and it just happened!' Not to say your friends are lying to you but you just never know.
I have to say, I think in a way I've hit that same bump and maybe that's helped me relax too? knowing I have this potential LP defect, I'm pretty sure it's NOT going to happen w/o intervention, so I'm not really getting my hopes up at all.

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