Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Good morning! I know you said that you have a crazy Monday going on but thought I'd write in case you took a break and checked. How are you feeling?
I'm feeling more than fine - zero symtoms. BBs are even fine, not sore at all. Face broke out a little this month but I think that was stress related from traveling. Still have creamy cm. Checked CP yesterday, what the heck, and it was about medium/closed. AF is due Thursday, I think. Usually I have the sore BBs by now. Kinda glad I don't, those things kill!

Did you have a good busy weekend? I did - got a LOT of necessary things done. Just the regular stuff like cleaning the house, groceries and all that but also planted our garden! We have a 6'x6' raised bed in the backyard and decided to try out my green thumb last year. Seemed to work, so we tried again this year! Tomatoes, brussels sprouts, cucumbers, zucchini and red and yellow bell peppers! We'll see how this goes!
If you can only get on to glance today - I hope you're having a great day, being productive and have a smile on your face. :)
(can you tell I like springtime?? haha)
Good morning!

Yes, crazy busy day today but I can always find time to check your messages :) I'll sure I'll continue to check off and on today too.

So not much going on in my world. I seriously feel out this month already. Yesterday I had an incredibly annoying headache but was wiped out. I had a late night Friday and Saturday night, so I'm sure that played somewhat into it, but also know it is from progesterone. I woke up around 6:30am but then took a nap around 11ish and slept until like 230pm. Then I continued to lay on the couch until 5:30pm. Got up, made dinner, etc and was somewhat productive. Then, went to bed around 10:30pm and slept all night. I had some very minor cramping that was very brief yesterday. I've had sticky cm on my underwear the last two days and my low back is throbbing. I'm guessing my back hurts because I literally did nothing but lay on the couch all day yesterday - but I remember it like this from past months. One thing that I find a little odd is my breast cyst is not as sore as it normally is. I'm thankful for that. It's not like SUPER sensitive, but you definitely can't push on it. Even if you just run you hand over it, it hurts. Now you have to push on it to make it hurt.

I haven't been temping since 3dpo. I did however decide to take my temperature this morning after I got up. I didn't take it before getting out of bed, so I'm not putting anything into it...but when I took it, is was 98.0. I've had mornings where I take my temp first thing and then once I get up and move around, it actually goes down. So, again, not putting anything into it, but certainly glad to see it up there and not something crazy like low 97's.

DH asked me yesterday when he gets to be a daddy. Absolutely crushed me.

Feeling a little more sane though during this tww....maybe it's because I'm not getting my hopes up.

Hope to hear back from you soon!
hooray for no sore BBs this month for either of us!! haha

well man, if we hadn't already educated ourselves on what progesterone does, I'd be convinced your day was full of awesome symptoms yesterday! I haven't had ONE of those!! no headaches, my energy is fine, blah blah blah. Very interesting how month to month can be so different. Maybe I've had NO progesterone this month!

omg, I just got choked up reading your DH's question! :cry: Did you guys do his SA test yet? ugh, I don't know what I would say if my DH asked that. First off, it would be totally out of character for him to ask that so I'd probably just be stunned.

no temping since 3dpo - do you think you're more relaxed b/c of that too? or really just b/c you feel you're out? and do you feel you're out b/c you're not temping or just from your body signs and when you were able to BD before O? just curious - sorry for the barrage of questions! :wacko:

i could seriously ignore work today, go get some flowers for my outside pots and putt around all day. that would be lovely. :) :flower: so maybe lack of motivation is a symptom...heehee!
No SA test yet. I was kind of waiting for the next time that we had sex and then get it scheduled for two days from there. I don't want it to be a "chore" for him or letting this take over our lives. kind of has and DH wants it as badly as I do. So, hoping to get it done sometime this week.

DH really surprised me by that question. He had just came home and we were getting ready for dinner. I don't remember what I thought he said, but I answered the "question." He answered back and said "that wasn't my question." I told him "sorry, can you repeat the question, I guess I heard you wrong." He then said "when do I get to be a daddy?" It caught me off guard. I just responded with "I don't know buddy. I'm getting pretty impatient waiting too."

Not really sure why I am more relaxed. I think it's a combination of everything. Not analyzing a "down" temp as well as we only had 2 days during my fertile timeframe, and thinking "why would this month be any different....It's not worked so far, so why would THIS month be any different." Also, all my symptoms seem to be what they have been every other month.

I wish I could ignore work today :) Oh well, I'm taking Thursday and Friday off to move offices so it'll be a short week and a long weekend!
I'm super jealous of your extra long weekend! I know I just got off of vacation, but it was so jam-packed with stuff that I feel we need another one! haha - so selfish! hee hee! so I am glad that this is a long weekend for all of us. We're going to an all-day concert fest in Boston this Saturday, spending the night. I think AF will be here, though, but oh well. Hopefully she won't ruin the day!

Do you have any big Memorial Day weekend BBQ's or anything to look forward to?
Are you still thinking of maybe getting back into running? I ran a race this weekend and had to stop to walk a few times. But it kicked me in the butt to get back out there again. I have a few more coming up in June and I'd like to NOT stop to walk and get back to the times I was having in Feb/March! Oh, and try not to feel terrible in a bathing suit - that would be a nice additional perk!
Hey Wish!

Just wanted to check in and say hello. How are you feeling? Still think tomorrow is "D-Day?" I'm hoping AF won't show for you!!!! If it doesn't show tomorrow, will you wait to test or test tomorrow?

I checked my temperature this morning when I woke up and it was 97.9. Same temperature as it was on 7dpo last month. I might go ahead and temp for a couple of more days just to see what it does. I don't think I will be as devestated as I was last month (I say that now....but probably will be) - - but I think I was just SO hopeful last month that it caused me to be so upset. This month I really just don't feel it so I won't be surprised when temps drop or af shows.

I'm tired of waking up with stuffy noses and having the "just barely there....but there...headache" My cyst is a little more sore today but still not as bad as it has been. Nipples aren't really I am syptomless. Guessing the progesterone symptoms are going to start wearing off over the next couple of days.

No big plans. In fact, I'll be working most of the weekend. We clean tomorrow, move Friday, have some plans with friends on Saturday and then probably work at new office on Sunday and Monday trying to get things set up, pictures hung, etc.

Yes, I'd love to start up running but still haven't taken any steps to start :( This silly thing called a "busy life" has gotten in the way. Or...maybe that is just an excuse! I like my sleep way too much and don't want to get up any earlier than I have to in the mornings, and that seems to be the only time right now that I could squeeze in a run. Maybe I just need to focus on starting to run and putting all my energy to that instead of a baby!
Hi Malinko!! I hope you're having a good day!
Things here are fine - no symptoms whatsoever still, not even typical PMS. Yeah, tomorrow would be cd28 and I have 28-day cycles almost on the dot. Unless I actually O'ed a day later or whatever, so at earliest, tomorrow. We'll see, I'm sure it's coming. I think if it doesn't show, I'll test this weekend. I'm just thinking of the irony - if I actually DID stop temping to 'relax', just watched my CM and we BD'ed once...
I'm actually expecting to see spotting or something the next time I run to the 'loo'. So weird how we're both virtually symptomless this month. I was reading that 'TWW > pregnant' site that I found again (I have it bookmarked to constantly compare!) and there are numerous posts that women had less 'symptoms' when they got their BFP than they did on months when it was a BFN. The body will do what it wants, I guess. But I did have my endless hunger last night - full plate of food and still had to have a few chips after. And then a restless, warm sleep overnight. Both typical.

I had a dream that we bought a haunted house and the ghost would not let up, she was scaring the crap out of me. I think we hired a medium to come see what her problem was - she was an older woman, German or Austrian or something, and she was just mad we moved in. But we came to terms and agreed to coexist. Then she told the medium 'oh yeah, tell her she's 12 weeks pregnant'. SO WEIRD. I swear, I have the oddest dreams!!

Your busy weekend sounds like it'll be good to take your mind off of things. Stinks you have to work on Sunday, though! over a holiday weekend, no less!
When are you expecting AF and if she doesn't show, going to test?

re: running - yeah, it's taking my mind off of things and it feels really good to get out there, even for a 1/2 hr when I can. I say this on day 2 of running, not like it's any kind of habit just yet! But I hear ya about the sleep - if I can't fit it into my afternoon or right after work like I did last night, I'm certainly not waking up early before work to go! I love my sleep too much too!
checking in before I log off for the night - no spotting and super gassy. Though I had some gum and I'm starting to think that makes me gassy. Other than that - just feeling like 'down there' is getting that heavier, dense feeling, so I'm sure AF will be here tomorrow.
I hope you're having more things happen than what's going on here in NH!
Good morning! I know you have a busy day of prepping to move offices - I hope that goes well for you! How are you feeling?

I think tomorrow is actually D Day for me, not today. FF says so anyway and I did have a 10 day LP a couple of cycles ago, so today is 10dpo. Still nary a PMS symptom, slept great last night. Was warm but I have been since the season changed. I need to get a new duvet cover or something! ours is too heavy for spring and summer!

I took my temp this morning just for giggles - 98.1. Over what would probably be my coverline but that's not saying much. At this dpo, it's usually hovering around 97.9/98. And it'll probably rise tomorrow, I seem to get a spike the first day of AF.
If I gently press below my belly button, I guess I have slight cramping. HAHA - I'm really searching for something now! My energy is great, etc.

One thing that was weird this month was that I got a cold sore and I feel like I'm getting another one. But the first one happened the last Sunday of vacation, which was around when I O'ed. So I'm not calling it a 'sign'. It's probably from the stress of vacation and traveling and such. But I have no reason to get another one!! So while it's not weird to get a cold sore, I get maybe one every other year - it's weird to have 2 back to back. Just for fun, I read up on it and it can really be caused by hormone shifts, stress, whatever. Which I already knew.

Anywho - I hope you're having a fabulous day! I hope you get to check in today! :hugs:

Got most everything packed up as far as "boxing things up" Feeling good about the progress of it all! Got a couple of busy days ahead of me though!

I feel fine. Absolutely nothing. I've had a couple of cramps today but nothing too strong and nothing that lasts. And of course, when I am busy, I feel nothing. Funny how that works :)

Glad to hear that you are 10dpo! That's exciting! Do you normally have "signs" that af is coming? If so, are you having any?

Maybe your cold sores are good luck! Hope to hear an update from you!
right?? when we have better things to concentrate on, all 'symptoms' go out the window!! Today is the first day I've really been looking for anything and there is simply nothing to be found. I feel like I've been peeing a bit more in comparison to what I've had to drink today, but that could definitely be in my head. CM is more watery today, which is what it was the day before AF last month. To answer your question about signs for AF, not really. I guess maybe that 'heavier' feeling in my uterus area, which I guess I have a little bit right now.

I AM very happy to be at 10dpo, though! I looked back at my old charts and I'm only averaging 9 days, so this is good! :)

well, I'm glad you're feeling fine too - it kinda helps to not look into anything! And I hope it's a good sign for both of us!!
I'm just 99.9% sure that this wasn't our month. I'm just not feeling it. In fact, I'm not even going "crazy" counting down the days until I could "possibly test." I know af is I'm just going to enjoy these next 4 days moving and hanging out and wait for af to arrive on Monday.

I know you have chatted with "littlegirl" a bit - I'm confident she is pregnant. Like...textbook. She had a temp drop yesterday morning, spotting, temp increase today and said that she is really tired today. I'm trying to encourage her to wait to test until Friday instead of tomorrow. Assuming she is and her temps stay high for the next two days...she will even have a triphasic chart. Now - what is it going to take for us?!?! :) :hugs:
omg - where has she been? what thread are you on with her? I've actually been looking for her and haven't seen her name on any newer posts. You should tell her to come over here!
that's great for her - does sound pretty textbook to me!
man, I dunno what it's gonna take........
Um, I'm not sure to be honest. I think she had started a thread on the "Trying to Conceive" thread. However, we have been communicating via private messages. I'll tell her to come over.
ahh - I haven't been able to creep on this site as much this time around so I have only looked at TWW.
i don't know why I just posted that new thread about zero symptoms. I guess I want to know if anyone else is like us but then I feel so silly b/c tomorrow I'll know. 24 hrs. one sleep cycle. why do I do this to myself? man, good thing I wasn't like this ALL cycle!!! haha it's just so curious. I'm very curious about you too!! you asked if I had anything that I look for when AF is coming - do you?
Wish and Malinko...
If we were in a "real" life situation the two of you would definitely be my partners in crime. Just FYI :hugs:

WISH I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU ALL OVER! I have been thinking of you and wondering how you are doing! CRAZY LADY...don't be a stranger ever again lol

As far as I go...I don't know about textbook as malinko says, but I guess if I continue to let myself believe it maybe it will come true? After TTC for 12 cycles I just figured it wont happen for me. I do feel strangely optimistic this cycle, but at the same time I am trying to hold back as there is nothing that I hate more than the sadness when AF arrives. I can make it through a few :bfn: if it ends in a :bfp: but the :witch: will make me cry

I am keeping my fingers crossed that my temps stay up above 98 for the next 2 mornings....if it does go below that I will be more hesitant to think that it is a possibility that I would get a :bfp: but hey like we all know so well only time will tell!

"it" is going to happen for all 3 of us! I just know it! You guys are way to awesome to not get BFP's :hugs:

How are things going for you Wish? I haven't talked to you in ages it feels like! (when in reality its probably just been 2 weeks at max lol)

Hope you are doing well!!!

:dust: to you both!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Me! :hugs: :flower:
Littlegirl... you are getting your bfp tomorrow!!!!!

Remember I told you I would feel better if my temp went up today then I would be a little more positive it was going to happen??

I'm just semi convinced that its just my body playing some kind of crazy trick on me lol

I did take a test this morning of course :bfn: but I'm not like bummed or anything because I knew it would be I just had to test for the heck of it! :thumbup:

We will see what tomorrow brings....I just hope its not like the vitex or something making my temps go up like that? Although today I have this weird nauseous feeling. Its not like sick feeling when you get the flu, it feels like the sick feeling when you over eat like at Thanksgiving and you are so stuffed you feel like you might be sick, but then with an extra little touch of nausea on top of that. Very strange. Of course if it is due to a bean in there I am not complaining at all, but if its just a hormone game I wish it would stop because it is making me feel so hot, and I hate sweating when its not needed lol

How are you doing this morning? Any fun news?

P.S. my washer broke last night haha Just little fun added stress that I DONT need lol good thing I am a pretty laid back person :happydance: *WINK WINK*

:hugs: and :dust:
Good morning GIRLS!!! littlegirl - I'm so happy malinko said she was keeping in touch with you!! I have been looking for you too but I guess just in the TWW threads, not the TTC. I have been much busier this cycle so I haven't been on the site as much as usual - pretty much to come talk to my good friend, malinko! And I totally agree with you - we'd definitely all be partners in crime with this if we were around each other IRL. Coffee buddies every morning to analyze and then carry on our day! :)

Well &$#*%#&@!#@%## AF is here - showed up right on time this morning. I hate her so much. Granted, I know it was a ridiculous long shot this month but I'm calling the docs in a moment to get an appt and start tackling this. Ugh. The road ahead seems daunting.
More dreams this morning about positive HPTs - ugh. I'm not believing my dreams anymore, big liars. They are just coming out that way b/c it's a big thing in my life, on my mind and I'm hoping for it.

malinko - anything new happening today? anything at all? Today starts your extra long weekend - I'm SO JEALOUS, I think I've mentioned that. Are you going to have good weather this weekend?

little - your chart does look sooooo positive, as malinko was telling me. My fingers and toes are so crossed for you! Well, for all of us but your chart is insane.

well, I guess the silver lining is that I can have drinks at the all-day concert we're going to in Boston on Saturday. Even spending the night so we can have fun all day!
Good morning GIRLS!!! littlegirl - I'm so happy malinko said she was keeping in touch with you!! I have been looking for you too but I guess just in the TWW threads, not the TTC. I have been much busier this cycle so I haven't been on the site as much as usual - pretty much to come talk to my good friend, malinko! And I totally agree with you - we'd definitely all be partners in crime with this if we were around each other IRL. Coffee buddies every morning to analyze and then carry on our day! :)

Well &$#*%#&@!#@%## AF is here - showed up right on time this morning. I hate her so much. Granted, I know it was a ridiculous long shot this month but I'm calling the docs in a moment to get an appt and start tackling this. Ugh. The road ahead seems daunting.
More dreams this morning about positive HPTs - ugh. I'm not believing my dreams anymore, big liars. They are just coming out that way b/c it's a big thing in my life, on my mind and I'm hoping for it.

malinko - anything new happening today? anything at all? Today starts your extra long weekend - I'm SO JEALOUS, I think I've mentioned that. Are you going to have good weather this weekend?

little - your chart does look sooooo positive, as malinko was telling me. My fingers and toes are so crossed for you! Well, for all of us but your chart is insane.

well, I guess the silver lining is that I can have drinks at the all-day concert we're going to in Boston on Saturday. Even spending the night so we can have fun all day!

I have seriously missed the crap out of you! :hugs: Thank you for all of the nice and encouraging words! I know my chart looks good but I am still trying to not get too excited as well you just NEVER know....probably just my body playing a joke on me that is not so funny but guess we will see!

coffee in the morning with the two of you would be SO AWESOME!:thumbup:

I am so sorry AF came! I hate that :witch: too!:hugs:

Malinko is such an awesome friend as well and I REALLY enjoy talking with her as she has the BEST advice! lol

Hope you have a GREAT time on Saturday! I am going on a camping trip this weekend...not sure how excited I really am about it as I wont be able to test until I get home so I am testing tomorrow just incase there is a chance I could get a :bfp: if not ill have to wait all of those days UGH


and :dust: to all!

P.S. SOOOOOOO glad we are back in touch!:happydance:

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