Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

You're so sweet - I've missed you too! I don't know what I would do without malinko - she does give great advice. She even pulled me out of a rut one day by having me focus on something fun. MALINKO, WE LOVE YOU! <3 :hugs:

oh man, I'd be bringing a test with me!! hahahaha! Though, you may WANT to wait until the end of the weekend b/c otherwise you'll be bursting at the seams the whole time! Are you going with other people or just you and DH? Where are you located again? I haven't been camping in a few years, I love it and I definitely miss it. My DH isn't much of a camper but my family is so I would go with them. But they all have since moved to NC so no more camping for me, I guess!

It's totally made my day that we are all on the same thread now. :) Though I'm guessing that at least one of us will be graduating to the 1st Trimester forum soon! Malinko - even if you're pessimistic about this month, I'm still sending as many positive vibes to you as I can!

So I called and made an appt for next Friday morning. I was a little choked up when I did it but I'm glad it's set now. I know I'm going to be all frantic and fidgety when I get there. At least it should get here quickly. I have ANOTHER trip to Pitt next Tues-Thurs.
You're so sweet - I've missed you too! I don't know what I would do without malinko - she does give great advice. She even pulled me out of a rut one day by having me focus on something fun. MALINKO, WE LOVE YOU! <3 :hugs:

oh man, I'd be bringing a test with me!! hahahaha! Though, you may WANT to wait until the end of the weekend b/c otherwise you'll be bursting at the seams the whole time! Are you going with other people or just you and DH? Where are you located again? I haven't been camping in a few years, I love it and I definitely miss it. My DH isn't much of a camper but my family is so I would go with them. But they all have since moved to NC so no more camping for me, I guess!

It's totally made my day that we are all on the same thread now. :) Though I'm guessing that at least one of us will be graduating to the 1st Trimester forum soon! Malinko - even if you're pessimistic about this month, I'm still sending as many positive vibes to you as I can!

So I called and made an appt for next Friday morning. I was a little choked up when I did it but I'm glad it's set now. I know I'm going to be all frantic and fidgety when I get there. At least it should get here quickly. I have ANOTHER trip to Pitt next Tues-Thurs.

It has made my day that we are all on the same thread again too!:hugs:

I live in Indiana, but we are going up into Michigan to camp! DH and I both grew up in the same area in Northern Indiana and its pretty country here so everyone camps lol.... we are going with a group of people and his parents are included in that. Maybe his mom would sneak away with me to take one as she is THRILLED that we are trying still, and I say still because its been quite a while...

WE DEFINITELY LOVE YOU MALINKO! :kiss::flower::hugs::thumbup::happydance:

Even if I did get my :bfp: I would still come talk to you guys! you are my favorites!

Don't feel to bad about going to the doc! If I don't get my :bfp: this cycle I will be going as well. I hate even thinking about it so I know how you feel about getting choked up and all, but the only thing I can say that might make it better is that at least you might finally have some answers! That is what I keep telling myself!

Hang in there friend:hugs: definitely let us know what you find out or any new info! I'm definitely here for you!:flower:
Well ladies....:bfn:

Things aren't looking quite as hopeful today. Temp is back down to where it normally is post O. I know it is still early and all, but I was feeling pretty hopeful. Still in the back of my mind I had a feeling it was just a cruel joke my body was playing on me. I've never had anything happen to me medically speaking in a "normal" fashion so I don't think pregnancy will fall under that category either.

Due to this trip I am not sure how accurate my temping will be but I will continue to try to be as close as I can. Although after today I have a feeling this cycle will end with the :witch:

It was kind of fun while the idea lasted, but maybe its just not quite meant to be.

Only time will tell!

Hope someone else has better news than I do lol

Happy Friday-Before-a-Long-Weekend! :flower:

malinko - I hope you get to check in soon. How are you feeling? Besides busier than the average person! I'm going to check your chart right now in case you've continued temping...

little - Far too many crazier things have happened than this drop in temp meaning anything! You have an open circle too, did you take it at a different time? When is AF due for you? I mean, hell, this could be your implantation day (malinko told me 9dpo is the most common day), so 3 days from now you could have your BFP! Keep up hope! or completely ignore it all, go have a fun weekend and be pleasantly surprised on Monday! :)

I hope you're able to enjoy your weekend, still. You're going to be doing such fun things, I'd hate for this to get in the way!

I can't wait for our day/night away tomorrow! AND we just made last minute plans to follow that same band up to VT and see them Tuesday night at a smaller venue! WOO! I've never been up to Burlington, VT, so we're taking Tuesday and Wed morning off and are going to putz around up there before the show! So I get to have an extended long weekend too! hee hee! :happydance::thumbup:
Oh yeah, i get to have this b/c I'm not going to Pitt next week as originally planned. Which is AOK with me.
Wish - have fun on your weekend trip!! you lucky dog you for getting an extra long weekend!!! You are right crazier things have happened! and the reason for the open circle is because I barely slept a freaking wink last night! I have been super tired, but I just keep waking up in the middle of the night and am awake for hours even though I am exhausted I just cant sleep. And yes malinko is right most common implantation day is who knows! I'll try to stay positive and we will see what happens!
Hey ladies!

Sorry I have been gone for so long! You all are too sweet on your posts!!! Thank you! Right back at you both, and we'd definitely be partners in crime :)

So the move went well! Just now have some organizing to do. The timing of it all has been wonderful as I have thought very little about ttc/tww, etc. This morning my temp went up which seems odd to me as af is supposed to arrive today. Generally, my lp is 12 days, with one time being 13. Today is 13dpo. I am feeling a little crampy today....much like af is on her way. So, I'm not getting my hopes up with that high temperature. I think my body is being mean to me like it is being to littlegirl. :nope:

Anyway, just wanted to check in and say hello to you both! Missed you girls!
I am beyond thrilled for both of your temps!!! Af better stay farrrrrr away!!!
I can't wait to hear tomorrow!!! AHHHH!! Lol
So good to hear from you both! Af should be coming to visit me tomorrow at 13 do, but my temp actually went up those morning as well instead of down like it normally would the day before af starts. I've never had a 13 day lp mine have always been 11 or 12 but anything is possible!

I am in a pickle though and Im sorry if this is tmi but i am so terribly constipated i feel like i could throw up. Haven't really been able to go since Friday...Im dying! Any helpful suggestions??

The weird thing is i don't even think it would be a pregnancy sign but i guess i don't know everything either? It does not feel good though lol

Hope you are both feeling well! We will see if temp stay up or drops for me tomorrow and go from there! Lol fx
Malinko you need to test!!!!!!!! You are so going to get a bfp!!!! That's the highest temp you've had and its at the end of your lp!!!! TEST!!!!!!!!
Littlegirl.....Man I'm confused by your chart! Temp up again today which is great! Bummer though that it is another negative test. :( Having any symptoms?

Nothing here for me. Today is 14dpo and cd 30. I'm not getting my hopes up. A 29 day cycle and 13dpo wouldn't be unheard of for me however if I make it through today and still nothing, I may test tomorrow morning. I did do a test Sunday night as I found a test I forgot I had and it was negative. I have a feeling my body is just being cruel to me.

Time to get ready for work. Talk to you soon girls!
AHHHH!! I can't take this!!! hahaha - your temps both look good and the fact that you're having the longest LPs (even if it matches one of your longest), it's AWESOME!
malinko - comparing to where you usually are in prior months, this is so awesome! The only thing that worries me about you is the wet cm - I get that before af every month, it seems. Not that that means YOU do the same thing. But your temps are definitely WAY better than they have been. The fact that you've had higher ones in the past few days rather than just dropping. If your body is playing a cruel joke on you, it's playing it on me too!!

littlegirl - constipation IS a symptom! Though depending on how hard-core you were camping too, maybe that's part of it. And YOUR temps look insane too - when are you testing????

I seriously had butterflies in my stomach coming on here this morning!! My fingers and toes are crossed for both of you! :hugs:
Littlegirl.....Man I'm confused by your chart! Temp up again today which is great! Bummer though that it is another negative test. :( Having any symptoms?

Nothing here for me. Today is 14dpo and cd 30. I'm not getting my hopes up. A 29 day cycle and 13dpo wouldn't be unheard of for me however if I make it through today and still nothing, I may test tomorrow morning. I did do a test Sunday night as I found a test I forgot I had and it was negative. I have a feeling my body is just being cruel to me.

Time to get ready for work. Talk to you soon girls!

I have no idea what my body is doing. My temps is up quite a bit this morning and AF should have started today, but of course :bfn:

My temp always drops and then AF starts the next day.

As far as symptoms go I am grumpy and constipated and exhausted. But I don't know if any of that stuff means anything or not? I am a little nauseous/heartburn but I am thinking that is from the constipation? I feel like I have no room to put anymore food.

I just feel so aggravated. At this point I just want AF to come so this weird situation can go away. I am tried of getting good promising temps and :bfn: when I test. It makes no sense.

Then again I have no symptoms of AF coming either like I normally would. This is getting really insane. I am thinking about calling my Dr. Today and see what they recommend because I honestly don't understand. And if temps were down and AF wasn't showing with negative tests that would be one thing, but temps up no af but negative tests......WHAT IN THE WORLD DOES THAT MEAN???????

I am going to look at your chart now malinko and see what you temp was this morning...ill be back
Ok need to test with fmu. Even though your temp went down a little this morning, it is still way above your coverline.

Are you having any symptoms at all?
Good morning girls.

So, I'm pretty sure af is on her way. Normally I am pretty dry a day or two before af but haven't been this time. Yesterday was really creamy...which was odd. However, I am not paying attention to ANYTHING that my body has done because just when I think "oh that's not normal" it becomes a "normal." cervix feels like it is opening a little and when I checked my cervix, there is a brownish tint to the cm - and is stretchy. So, I'm guessing it'll be here today or tomorrow. So frustrating! If it would have just came yesterday, I would have been fine. Discouraged, but fine. Then last night I started thinking, "what if?" Stupid body!!!
AHHHH!! I can't take this!!! hahaha - your temps both look good and the fact that you're having the longest LPs (even if it matches one of your longest), it's AWESOME!
malinko - comparing to where you usually are in prior months, this is so awesome! The only thing that worries me about you is the wet cm - I get that before af every month, it seems. Not that that means YOU do the same thing. But your temps are definitely WAY better than they have been. The fact that you've had higher ones in the past few days rather than just dropping. If your body is playing a cruel joke on you, it's playing it on me too!!

littlegirl - constipation IS a symptom! Though depending on how hard-core you were camping too, maybe that's part of it. And YOUR temps look insane too - when are you testing????

I seriously had butterflies in my stomach coming on here this morning!! My fingers and toes are crossed for both of you! :hugs:

Thank you so much Wish! I took a test this morning and BFN. I would normally just say whatever im not pregnant this time and move onto the next cycle, but that is not what my temps are saying so I am very confused. If it doesn't drop tomorrow or AF doesn't come I am going to get a blood test. I do have type one diabetes and I have read a few times that a couple girls say they kept getting negative tests at home and on urine test at the doctor but as soon as they did a blood test it was definitely positive. I guess that blood sugar could play a role in getting a home test to be + so we will see!

Just figured I would give it one more day just incase af shows....last time I had a blood test she came like 3 hours after. SO I will try to hold out a little longer but its killing me lol
Good morning girls.

So, I'm pretty sure af is on her way. Normally I am pretty dry a day or two before af but haven't been this time. Yesterday was really creamy...which was odd. However, I am not paying attention to ANYTHING that my body has done because just when I think "oh that's not normal" it becomes a "normal." cervix feels like it is opening a little and when I checked my cervix, there is a brownish tint to the cm - and is stretchy. So, I'm guessing it'll be here today or tomorrow. So frustrating! If it would have just came yesterday, I would have been fine. Discouraged, but fine. Then last night I started thinking, "what if?" Stupid body!!!

I totally hear you:hugs:

I am to the point where im welcoming AF because my temps make no sense. I don't even want to get excited anymore because ever test I take is :bfn:

I'm over the emotional rollercoaster ride now. the :witch: can just show her face anytime so I can move on with my life....regardless of high temps or not...*sigh*
Littlegirl - it took my sister a week after her missed period before she was able to get a positive on a home pregnancy test. Here's to hoping it is just taking it's sweet little precious time for you :)
Littlegirl - it took my sister a week after her missed period before she was able to get a positive on a home pregnancy test. Here's to hoping it is just taking it's sweet little precious time for you :)

JEEEEEEEZZZEEEE I don't know if I could wait that long to get a :bfp: I mean yes I would be thrilled to get that :bfp: but wow more days of playing the temp game every morning?!?! ahhhh no thanks lol (can you tell my attitude is crap)

To be really honest ill be SHOCKED if my temp is still up tomorrow. I really think af is just a couple days late and my high temp this morning is a fluke. The only reason I even got excited this month is because my temp has never been above 98.2 in the mornings in previous cycles and it has this cycle, but then again is been ALL OVER THE yes we will see what happens.

I have actually heard that having creamy sticky CM like that is a GREAT sign for a :bfp:.......JUST SAYING....if af doesn't show for you I am thinking you definitely need to test with FMU and I would guess you will get your :bfp: and this little girl here will be nothing but thrilled for you!:hugs:

keep us updated!:flower:

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