Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Oh, I just love your positivity for me....but my attitude is the same as yours :)

I'm pretty sure this is God scolding me for trying to "be in control." He's trying to teach me that just when I think I have things figured out, he is going to prove me wrong. And, I have had a lot going on these last couple of, I'm sure that is why I am late.

I put a liner on JUST in case for today. There is still nothing when wiping or on the liner, but like I said, there is a reddish/brownish tint to the cm around the cervix. It could start today, tomorrow or be like my February cycle where I had a 34 day cycle and then finally started. Ugh. I don't want to see a bfn....which is what the test will be, I'm sure of. So, now it is just waiting for the little witch.
Oh, I just love your positivity for me....but my attitude is the same as yours :)

I'm pretty sure this is God scolding me for trying to "be in control." He's trying to teach me that just when I think I have things figured out, he is going to prove me wrong. And, I have had a lot going on these last couple of, I'm sure that is why I am late.

I put a liner on JUST in case for today. There is still nothing when wiping or on the liner, but like I said, there is a reddish/brownish tint to the cm around the cervix. It could start today, tomorrow or be like my February cycle where I had a 34 day cycle and then finally started. Ugh. I don't want to see a bfn....which is what the test will be, I'm sure of. So, now it is just waiting for the little witch.

You just never aren't out until she shows.... and if she doesn't in the next few days you will test...just because you cant help yourself even if you don't believe that you could be me I know how the human mind works lol

I have actually found myself sitting here today saying ok af just show up already...I just want this cycle to be over as I am 99.9% sure I am not pregnant so if she could just show up already id actually feel better. I might stay home tomorrow and stay in bed and cry all day but id definitely feel better. I'm just really over the disappointment at this time and kind of ready to go talk to my doctor again and say ok we have been doing all we can and its not happening and I don't know if we should give up or what?!

so if the :witch: could just show up already I could get myself moving in that direction. lol

lovely thoughts I know
I still have this dull headache (have had daily more or less since o) and I feel like just going to sleep right now. I'm getting really irritated. Sorry....actually I'm just going crazy now. I refuse to test though right now....
I still have this dull headache (have had daily more or less since o) and I feel like just going to sleep right now. I'm getting really irritated. Sorry....actually I'm just going crazy now. I refuse to test though right now....

OMG we are on the SAME PAGE...I am flipping EXHAUSTED! All I want to do is take my grumpy, hopeless self home and lay in bed and sleep. And I mean COMPLETELY WIPED OUT. Which im sure is making me more grumpy. I haven't felt this tired in a long time, but then again I camped all weekend so that could be why? I have a tinge of a headache. nothing terrible..but still having some constipation. not as bad as it was the last few days but its making me feel kind of sick to my stomach still...just that full yucky feeling.

but yes all I want to due is sleep.

Hey Wish!

So, littlegirl and I are debby downers today! Both of us had a big temp drop. I think she is still waiting for af to show....but mine is slowly arriving. I put a liner on and nothing is on it yet, but there is some red when wiping. So, between the temp drop for me today, and the spotting....I'm confident I am out. Each month my body finds ways to tell me "not so quick....don't think you have ME figured out!" :)

This body is teaching me that higher temps at the end of the month and my "12 day lp" means nothing. It's going to do what it wants to do!!!! Just when I thought I was "relaxing" this month - - and did a good job up until a couple of days ago....there is always a new lesson to be learned :)

How are YOU doing??? Didn't you go to another concert last night? How was it?
Yep I am still waiting for her to arrive but I have no illusion that she is on her way!

onto cycle 13 I will go!

Hope you are having fun Wish! I am super jealous that you are still out on your extended weekend and I am stuck at work feeling like a loser lol

I know you are going to the doctor soon! Can't wait to hear what he has to say! I just made an appointment for June 10th so maybe ill finally get an answer or 2 myself! We will have to compare notes!

I am trying to take after malinko and keep my attitude positive...but im driving the struggle bus today...if anyone would like to get on and go for a ride with me they are more than welcome! I am always taking on new passengers!

haha hope you ladies have a good day! and hopefully one of our chances will start looking up!

until then im going to have a drink when I get off work. I think I deserve that much lol
:hugs: and :dust: to you both!
Hi Grumpy Bums! I have a meeting real quick, I'll be back in a 1/2 hr.... :)
ok, back for a sec - dang work!

YES, had a fantastic time at the concert!! Thanks for asking! Met a new couple that made basically the same long trip as we did, they live in the town over from us and went up to Burlington for the show too. They were great! AND got to meet Frank Turner and one of his bandmates! They were just awesome, an incredible concert. Youtube Frank Turner and the Sleeping Souls if you get a chance.

So - you twos - I'm sooooooo bummed with you about your temp drops. That'll teach me to be all Positive Polly when you both knew your bodies were playing tricks on you. That's crap - longer LPs AND high temps?! Stupid nature. Like you said, malinko - "you think you got ME figured out?? watch this!" so bummed...:grr:

Yep - my appt is Friday morning. It'll be interesting to see what they do or which direction we go in - metaformin or something for progesterone? something to take to make me O earlier? blood tests? I dunno. I'm going to be nervous, though. We'll definitely compare notes after your appt too, little!!

BIG HUGS to you both!! I wish I could give them to you in person! :hugs:
we'll get this for all of us, don't worry!!
I take metformin and it is great! its the only reason I O every month I am totally thankful for it! but if they start you on it you want them to start you on a low dose and gradually build you up because it will make you sick to your stomach for a while until your body gets used to it! I started at 500mg once a day and now can take 1000mg twice a day without getting sick, but if you are definitely ovulating they might not put you on that.

Just a little helpful advice!

Anyway AF has DEFINITELY made her appearance....UGH I HATE HER STUPID :witch:

if we could be in person I would give you both a hug and then buy us all a shot....I haven't been drinking much at all in the last year and boy could I use a night of alcohol right now lol

here's to the 3 amigos all getting out bfp's at the same time!

oh - thanks for the info on metaformin! I guess they prob won't give me that, then. We'll see - I think I'm just coming up with the different scenarios b/c I'm nervous and want some insight into possibilities. I'll just be patient!

STUPID AF! I hate seeing cd1 on your chart!
welp - like you said, at least she's finally here and on to the next...blah.

shots and wine and whatever else - you deserve it! call out sick tomorrow and you and DH just blow off some steam and get wasted tonight! :)
I hope they give you some kind of answer at the doctor! My biggest fear is when i go they will say everything is fine and normal and we don't know what to tell you to do or how to help you.

I don't think DH wants to be around me right now lol and i can't blame him Im in pretty sorry shape right now, but this cycle really did a number on me. I thought for sure this was going to be the one.....ah a couple days maybe ill feel more optimistic again

Fx lol
Good Morning Girls!

I must say I am still in a crappy mood this morning, but starting to feel a little better. Although I will say AF is KILLING me this time around. Last month was super light and short and very unlike her. This month she is paying me back for a break, but I am thinking it might be a good thing as i am not sure that my period was strong enough last cycle and perhaps that hindered this cycle from being a success? Maybe between getting nice and cleaned out and the Dr's advice not so lucky #13 will be lucky for us!

until then fx

and :dust: to you both!


How are you both doing today?!
hi girls!
I'm sorry you're still grumpy, little! you're entitled, though - I'm typically a cheery person, and you sound like you are too, so I think we are allowed our days! Especially for such a personal reason. :) so grump away!
It feels good to get it out, then you snap out of it and get your head on straight again and focus on the positive or what's in your control.

I guess I'm fine today - busy day of meetings, so that's annoying. But overall, I guess I'm just fine. :) I have about another 10 days until I O again, so this is kind of a lull for me in the month as far as ttc'ing or any of that excitement. I might use OPKs this month, just b/c I have a few leftover. I may as well use them up.

Any fun plans coming up for the weekend?
hi girls!
I'm sorry you're still grumpy, little! you're entitled, though - I'm typically a cheery person, and you sound like you are too, so I think we are allowed our days! Especially for such a personal reason. :) so grump away!
It feels good to get it out, then you snap out of it and get your head on straight again and focus on the positive or what's in your control.

I guess I'm fine today - busy day of meetings, so that's annoying. But overall, I guess I'm just fine. :) I have about another 10 days until I O again, so this is kind of a lull for me in the month as far as ttc'ing or any of that excitement. I might use OPKs this month, just b/c I have a few leftover. I may as well use them up.

Any fun plans coming up for the weekend?

I am usually cheerful as well but not so much lately lol Oh well

I just ordered another round of OPK's from amazon...they are cheap, i get a lot, and they seem to work well for me so hey why not. I wont start using them until CD 10 which is not until june 6th so i am also in that boring area and other than af being a pain in my butt i am doing ok.

hopefully ill feel more like myself tomorrow!

This weekend i have our county diabetes walk that i am attending/helping with. other than that just family stuff. My parents just sold their house and bought a new one so we will probably go over there sometime this weekend and help with that and I am going to plant my garden and some flowers since i actually have a weekend at home and its finally warm enough outside!

what about you? any plans?
that's actually a great idea - I'll probably plant my flower pots this weekend! I planted the garden 2 weekends ago so those are on their way now. Other than that, no big plans for the weekend, which is fine since we just had a really busy one. And I think we have plans every weekend from now until mid-July! So a slow one would be welcomed! :) So I'll plant flowers, hopefully get my butt out for a run or two, grill dinner. oh, and my friend's daughter's 5th bday 'party'.

ugh, speaking of AF - I'm still spotting! more like brownish/tan cm, but grrr, I hate that. That's like a whole week of AF! annoying.

malinko - are you doing ok, girl?
That is SO annoying!...mine usually only last about 4 days but I mean when I started yesterday there wasn't anything gradual about was like they opened the freaking flood gates lol. NO fun. Today is killer as well so Im hoping it will slow down a bit by tomorrow!

This might sound silly but I saw a girl post once that she had read somewhere that you were supposed to plant a plan or a flower or something and start taking care of it and when you did that it would actually increase your chances of getting pregnant. Now I know this sounds nuts, but she did that and had been trying for over a year and the cycle she started caring for this flower or whatever it was is the one she got her BFP...

I know its a stretch but hey it couldn't hurt to give it a shot since im going to be planting flowers anyway.

Hope malinko is doing ok. I haven't heard from her at all today. Im starting to worry.....
Hi girls! I'm back. Crazy drama filled day at work yesterday. I if isn't one thing, it's another!!! is your appointment!!!! I'm so excited to hear what happens. Please do report back to us! And I'm so proud of you for finally making this appointment. It's hard to do (or at least I think) as you want to do it on your own. Way to go!!!!

Little, sorry to hear af is being so cruel to you. Mine has been unusually light. However, I have thought that every month over the last few months. I used to always have to use super tampons and now I just use the regulars. And those are probably too much at times. I'm sure I could get away with a light.

Happy Friday girls! Thanks for being the best bnb pals ever!
Wish as soon as you can please let us know how your appointment went! I am so anxious to hear what they say to you! Hope it is like the BEST news it could possibly be!

praying for you!

fx and :dust:
i just love you guys - thanks for all the support! I literally had a lump in my throat the whole time I was there and I have NO idea why. I guess maybe what you said, malinko - I just want to do it on my own and I really hate to ask for help. I typically hate to ask for help on anything, I guess maybe showing vulnerability or something. I dunno. Stupid.

Soooo - today was basically a consultation. I am healthy, no problems with my af, no serious pains during af or anything to note. B/c of my age, we're not going to waste any time - so I have to call them on my next cd1 and we'll set up appts for labs and an HSG - that test where they squirt the dye into your uterus to check for any blockages. DH has to do an SA sample anytime between now and then. And then, depending on what those say, we'll start talking to a Reproductive/Infertility specialist about options like IVF or whatnot. I seem to have ovulatory cycles, so we can skip the clomid and it sounds like we can skip artificial insemination. I was pretty happy to hear we didn't have to go through an entire list of steps before getting to IVF and such - time's a-wastin! So, I guess I have more info in the next month/month and a half. Until then, I'll use the last of my OPKs this month, we'll BD as much as possible - the doc said that there is an old wives' tale out there about BD'ing every other day to 'save up' the sperm. She said they just recommend doing it as much as you can stand/have time and energy for! Also, I asked about my supposed LP defect and she said they are starting to think that that's less of a 'thing' than they once thought it was. 9-10 days isn't terrible - guess it's all about if you ovulate or not.

I love the thought about planting a flower and caring for it and then becoming pregnant! With our garden and the flowers I'll plant this weekend, let's hope all of those tests won't have to happen at all! :flower::flower:

malinko - I'm glad to hear you're ok! I miss you too much when you're gone! :) And I'm also happy to hear that AF is taking it easy on you. Little - how's AF being to you today? I hope backing off a little bit.
Just a few more hours until the weekend! Though I feel silly saying that, I've had a lot of time off lately! :blush: That's it for awhile, though, for sure.
That sounds like really positive news Wish!! :thumbup:

I think HSG might be the next step for me as well but we will see. I have heard that sometimes just the dye from that procedure will unblock your tubes and people get their BFP the very next month!

But I agree with you 110% hopefully you wont even have to have any of those tests done!

Lets plant flowers and have babies! lol :flower:

I hope you feel a little relief after going to the doctor?

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