Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

meh - not really since we didn't 'do' anything today. I am all about the action, not just talking about the action! A little bummed that I can't even call for 3 weeks to GET an appointment to start the labs and tests. I'd rather get that all done with this cycle, yanno? She said they usually do the HSG between cycle days 7-11 or something like that. Well - I'm cd9 right now, sista! Let's do this! but no...
Can you tell I have little patience??

that's interesting to know about the dye clearing the way. I really hope I don't have any problems with that one. She said it's an uncomfortable procedure, but just crampy. There's more pain if there is an actual blockage, so I guess I'll be on the lookout for that.
meh - not really since we didn't 'do' anything today. I am all about the action, not just talking about the action! A little bummed that I can't even call for 3 weeks to GET an appointment to start the labs and tests. I'd rather get that all done with this cycle, yanno? She said they usually do the HSG between cycle days 7-11 or something like that. Well - I'm cd9 right now, sista! Let's do this! but no...
Can you tell I have little patience??

that's interesting to know about the dye clearing the way. I really hope I don't have any problems with that one. She said it's an uncomfortable procedure, but just crampy. There's more pain if there is an actual blockage, so I guess I'll be on the lookout for that.

Gosh I hear you! I will be on CD 14 when I go and I don't normally ovulate until CD 18 or 19 so I can already see myself thinking if my doc wants to do the HSG that I should get it done like THAT DAY lol...but I'm like you I don't just want to talk about it I want results. However, if talking about it means discussing a different strategy and we head in a new direction I might be ok with that!

And yes I have heard that MULTIPLE women have that HSG done and then the next cycle then end up pregnant! If I have to get one of those done I REALLY hope that is the case for me! Same fore you!

You will have to let me know how it is though as I would guess you will be getting it done before I do! I can deal with any kind of pain if it means they can fix me so that I can have a baby. I want one so desperately. Its starting to make me pathetic lol

until then....gardening and wine. Yes I have decided I am going to enjoy a glass of wine or 2 or 3 or this cycle instead of totally abstaining. Its not going to hurt anything if im not getting pregnant anyway. I already gave up coffee (it was very painful) because I don't want to be addicted to caffeine and then trying to go through withdraws if I ever do become pregnant. ahhhhh that was such a sad day lol

Hope you have a fantastic weekend! Is the weather supposed to be nice there?
Yeah, I'll definitely keep you ladies updated on how the tests go, what they feel like, etc. Of course! You guys are my e-rocks! :)

good for you!! Carry on your regular life with some wine and gardening fun and maybe that'll reduce any pressures you're putting on yourself too. Um, yeah, so I haven't given up anything. I feel that I basically live a healthy life, eat things that are good for me about 90% of the time, and if a doc says it's ok to have a glass of wine here and there WHILE preg (which I def won't even dream of doing until baby is fully cooked), then I enjoy my beverages now. I have coffee in the morning still - about a cup and a half. I don't think I'm necessarily addicted to the point where I would have headaches coming off. Again, everything in moderation! There wasn't one question about coffee in my consultation today, so I think it's ok! She actually only asked about alcohol, smoking and drugs, of which I only 'do' one - drinking. And when she asked about the amount, I was honest and she didn't bat an eye or say 'you should cut back'. So I think I'm good.
But make no mistake, I'll be shutting that stuff down for 9 months if I get lucky enough to get preggo!

I hope you have a fantastic weekend too! The weather here is hit or miss tonight through tomorrow, mid-60's with some showers. But Sunday should be sunny and mid-70's, so I'm looking forward to that day!

I probably won't check in over the weekend so I wish both of you 2 beautiful days. :)
I used to drink A LOT of coffee throughout my whole shift at the hospital to it was time to give it up lol, but I haven't ever really been a huge drinker anyway, glas of wine every now and then, but lately it just hasn't sounded good.

I decided screw that! it is summer and its time for me to relax a little and have fun! and yes docs say all the time it is fine to have a glass while preggers which I wont do either, but shoot think how many people get pregnant and don't know and drink for the first trimester and everything turns out fine. Not that I want to do that but im just saying I think drinking a little while ttc might actually be good for me haha

I am a happy and laid back person for the most part, but im a control freak and so if I can find some outlets it would probably greatly benefit me!

We are supposed to have 70's and 80's temps with not much rain so tomorrow I am doing a Diabetes walk for my community! and then the rest of the weekend will be spent planting and gardening and with family! I definitely cant complain!

I will probably check in every now and then this weekend, but maybe not. its not like I am when I am in the tww and need every ounce of support I can get lol

not even close to O time yet so ill be in and out!

Happy weekend to both of my favorite TTC partners in crime! Enjoy the beautiful weather and lets hope is baby making season!!!!!!!!!! :hugs:

:coffee: good morning, girls!

How's everyone doing in this boring non-tww? Did you have a good weekend?

I'm doing ok. I'm doubting a lot of stuff right now, probably stemming from DH's moodiness yesterday. He got aggravated with me again for being super late for plans we had and it carried through the rest of the day. I just sometimes (probably more than I should) feel like I'm in a lot of this alone. I know I should just talk to him but he's not the easiest person to talk to. I let a lot kinda roll off my shoulders and if he's ok the next day, then I'm ok. But I shouldn't do that, I know it. Ugh, I know this is WAY MORE than just BnB stuff! I'm sorry! so i guess I'm kinda blah today... :nope:

anywayyyy - I hope you all had great weekends!
anyone trying anything different this month? not that there are really any more options than BD'ing like rabbits in the few days around and on O!
haha - too deep and dark for you guys or are you still on your weekends? :)

I hope you both had a good Monday!
Hey wish! I know how you feel 110% DH and i got into a HUGE argument on Saturday night and it blew up huge because i don't talk to him about how Im feeling like i should and he isn't great at discussing feelings anyway. So basically i had been drinking which I've barely had a sip in the last 6 months and i did something that pissed him off and by the end of the night we were yelling at each other about every little fault either of us had and i was telling him Im done going through life "alone" and if he wanted to continue to treat me like this i would leave and truly be alone.

We are fine now and its something we are both going to work on, but needless to say all this ttc and no success is more stressful on a relationship than anyone could ever imagine.

Try to hang in there and if you can talk about how you feel as much as possible because it really does Help

DH and i both took the day off today to have sometime to relax together since oUr weekend was more than overwhelming so sorry i wasn't on earlier!

Hope you are doing well now! And hopefully malinko is ok i haven't heard from her in a few days!
WOW!! Thank you for sharing, I can't believe you had a similarly tough weekend!! I'm glad to hear you guys are better, though. :flower:

Yeah, I should open up more about how I'm feeling. I really just tend to react to how he is rather than acknowledge my own stuff. It's so much easier to just roll with things if he's in a great mood and such, which I guess is most of the time. But it's the little things that aren't there. Granted, we've been together so long, I know some of that stuff falls off and you have to consciously work at it. But I think about things like 'if we have a girl and she sets her standards for men by how he treats me, is that enough?' AGAIN and please know this - he doesn't treat me BADLY at all. We just aren't that 'sweet' or 'sappy/romantic' couple and are very much individuals - which isn't BAD, but...ugh, I don't know. Too much pressure, I assume. I chose him so why wouldn't I want my daughter to choose someone like him? And my parents weren't sappy/romantic either and I'm clearly fine! hahaha! :wacko:

Anyway - I'm better today, things are good. I get into those darker places sometimes, I hate it.
I hear you!
I was in a serious relationship with a guy before DH that was very sappy/romantic/too much and it didn't work out at all! and I realized that wasn't me. Now don't get me wrong I love the sweet things and I loved to feel loved, but I don't need him to be all over me in public in order to feel that way. However, our relationship does lack some of that affection that I would really like to have. But as you said with time it does kind of get lost in the shuffle of things, but that certainly doesn't mean it cant be worked on.

My parents weren't super affectionate toward each other in front of us at any point in my life, but I still knew what love was so I wouldn't worry too much about your children! you are a great lady and things will work out just fine!

If it makes you feel any better I sometimes worry about us having a boy and DH not being able to show him enough love. DH and his dad don't hug or tell each other that they love each other and stuff, which for me is very different because at my house we all hug and say I love you every time we get together, but he is like that with his mom just not his dad. But that not hugging or holding hands or giving me a kiss or something before we leave does get to me sometimes, and I worry that he would lack that with a little boy because he would want the little boy to be tough and manly like him. DH is a very hard working country type and is quite and doesn't share his emotions much at all....he does tell me he loves me every single day so I cant complain because I know it is just hard for him to show the extra emotion as it is not something he is used to.

Just know that you aren't alone! :hugs: And look at us we are GREAT ladies and our children will be WONDERFUL because we are going to be kick ass mothers! But they will have wonderful fathers as well and if we didn't know that in the back of our minds then we wouldn't want to have children with these men. They just stink at it from time to time lol

Have you heard anything form malinko?
you're so awesome - thank you so, so much for that! I relate to a LOT of what you wrote, you don't even know!! Totally with you on the too much romance thing - I was never attracted to the guys that wanted to give you the moon and stars, it makes me so uncomfortable! DH is definitely my type as far as that is concerned, I'd just maybe like some surprise flowers every now and then or something!! :) And you're right, we're going to be some kick-ass moms!! :hugs:

I haven't heard from malinko - I know we usually have a lull during this week of the month and sounds like her work has been super crazy lately, so I'm sure she's just taking off some time from BnB! I do worry about you girls if I don't hear from you in awhile, though! malinko and I were talking to this one woman back in January and she was SO CLOSE to a BFP, was late, was waiting to test that weekend and then......NOTHING. She dropped off the face of the earth! I was SO worried, like it wouldn't be out of question for her to have gotten in an accident and died or something. So weird to 'worry' about someone you don't even know but it was like this - if you all of the sudden stopped posting, I'd be so worried!
I had PM'ed her and nothing, but then she actually got back to me about 2 months ago and said things happened in her life that weren't that great but she was back on again and 6 weeks preggo. So bizarre!

speaking of which - BumpySomeday hasn't checked in in awhile either! but I know she's NTNP right now and also has a crazy schedule. No need for her to be on BNB, she just checks in with malinko and I about once a month. She's super sweet as well.
Yes I hear you on the flowers or just a little love note or something lol...ok a love note might be a bit much but if my hubby was going to say something loving like that toward me he would have to write it lol...many of very little words when it comes to those kinds of things! No big deal though I talk enough for the both of us! hahahahahahahahaha

Yes I worry about you guys too so don't feel bad! I am a worry-er anyway...always have been always will be! Ive just accepted it and I am moving on! lol

I know malinko gets busy during this time and the crap she is going through at works is not even right, but I am sure she will pop back in!

Its crazy because I have never really been an internet chatting person, but you guys are the greatest! This is the first time in my life that I would say I wish I could meet some of the people I have talked to on here! Some of the ladies are so strong and have been trying forever and I just want to hug them. And then there are people like you and malinko that I just want to go out and get in trouble with haha....we would have way too much fun!

Just thankful to have you all to talk to on here and help keep me sane...not just in TTC but in life in general...and since my life seems to totally revolve around ttc it clearly works out nicely lol

GIRLS!!!! I'm here!!! I promise I haven't abandoned you, haven't gotten in a car accident, anything like that! Unfortunately, life has been CRAZY! I'll try to post here soon about the madness that has been going on, but I just had to quickly say something. Not only are we close in our cycles but sounds like you all had a a rough weekend with your dh's and so did I!!! In fact, finally came out of it all last night. This TTC sucks and I have decided I'm not going to let it control me any more.

My dh is amazing. He works so hard to provide a good life for us. I thought back last night to when things started going "downhill" and I tracked it back to the day af came. I didn't feel well that day and was then just "down" for the rest of the week. I wasn't my peppy self, I had a LOT on my plate (my job, dh's business, rentals, bookkeeping, moving, etc.) and dh just irritated me every little turn. I was snippy with him all weekend and just couldn't get out of it. He finally sent me a message yesterday and said "I'm tired of your attitude. You act like you aren't happy. I work hard to be a good husband and to give us a good life and you act like you don't have any of it." I lost it and started bawling. That's when I realized that ever since af showed up, I started "working alone." He and I weren't working together "as a team" which is why he irritated me so much. I realized that this ttc is taking over my life and didn't even realize it. So, I made a decision last night to put my marriage first. If we get pregnant, great. If we don't, we don't. But, it is taking over my life and causing me problems that I wasn't aware of. So...for now I'm putting marriage first. I'm still going to temp and do ovulation tests this month, but once I am out of tests, I'm done until DH wants to take the next step of going to a doctor. I'm not forcing the issue and not bringing it up. TTC has became a "chore" and isn't fun.

So, we are back on track....dtd last night for fun :) and even booked a vacation for next month. DH is in a better mood and so am I.

I love you girls!!!!! And hopefully things will start to slow down a little with work and I'll be able to be on a little more. I'll definitely be SURE to check in tomorrow. Sorry I have been M.I.A. :( Again, love you girls!!!!!
SO glad to hear you are doing well, regardless of the rough patch, and I hope that things continue to go well for you! I was telling Wish how crazy ttc can make things in our relationships. This was the first REALLY big fight DH and I have had and it was all caused by the stress and pressure of TTC. I totally see how it can tear your relationships apart without us even knowing.

The only thing I have found to be helpful is just talking to him about how I feel and trying to get him to talk about how he feels too. Unfortunately my DH is kind of quiet and doesn't really share a whole lot of feelings verbally unless something is really bothering him so once we got into it this weekend it all came out!

You know what they say though once your life stops revolving around getting pregnant is usually when it happens! A lot of the women I know who are now pregnant or just had a baby or something say that it definitely happened when they finally stopped focusing on just that, or when they "quit trying"

I am trying to take a more calm approach on it as well this time! Just hoping that eventually ill get my :bfp: as well as I REALLY hope you ladies get yours!

You girls are the best! O time will be approaching in the next week or so, so definitely keep me posted!!!

LOVE LOVE and :dust:
Holy COW, malinko!! What a whirlwind! :hugs:
That really is SUCH a coincidence that we all had similar issues this weekend. I'm SO GLAD that you worked everything out and I'm very happy that your DH spoke right up. I really need to do that too - that's a great example. But I know it has to be a point-in-time discussion and not just randomly when I'm happy and whatever. Next time!
You know, I've felt the same since I brought home the cup for DH's 'sample' - there are instructions in there, he can do it when he is ready to. I don't have to push him (though there is an internal niggle going on in me right now wondering WHEN!!). I've told him that I need to call on the 19th to make all of my appointments, the cup/bag/instructions are on his side of the bathroom countertop....I can lead the horse to water but can't make him drink, right? well, I guess I could, but I don't want there to be resentment from it or it to be forced. I'm tired of feeling I'm the only one pulling us along. He can step up too, which will be when he's ready.

While we were in Boston, I did ask how long he'd want to keep trying for. Given my age, when do you call a spade a spade and accept it, and then move on to adoption or whatnot? So I think we'll feel it out, see what insurance covers and how invasive things are, etc. And go as far as we can with that. I really want to carry and birth our very own, but we both also understand there are SO MANY unwanted children out there, one of which we could provide a good life to. I've always thought it would be cool to have one of each. :)

you are so right malinko - there is so much to this TTC stuff, it takes over and just consumes us. I'm so inspired by you right now! Put your marriage and happiness first, then other things will most likely fall in line. Dig it!
love you girls!
and little - I feel the same way about you girls - I've never wanted to be 'friends' with anyone that I've met online. I actually talk about you girls sometimes too, mostly to DH of course. Everyone else thinks I'm nuts for even being on a blog-type thing and I'm not even preg. But DH will ask what I'm doing and I'll say 'checking on my e-friends!'
I'm very thankful to have you both too - this week especially. Regardless of all of the TTC stuff, I can't take it when DH and I are at odds. My whole world crumbles. And it feels very lonely when you think everyone else has a fantastically loving relationship and yours just went south! So selfishly, it was good to know you guys had your bumps in the road too and I was able to learn from you as well.
It's not selfish wish! Whenever DH and I get in a bad fight, which I can honestly say is not often, I feel completely alone in the world. He is my best friend and I really truly enjoy spending time with him and us doing things together! I love him with all of my heart but there are just certain things that he doesn't understand and never will because he is a male girls are so awesome! I LOVE that I can tell you anything and you can relate! its not even like that with my girlfriends here at home.

Its just great that we are all going through this together because if we weren't I don't think I'd make it! You girls are AWESOME and I definitely LOVE you both!

good morning! getting close to O time! I did my first OPK of the ones I have left this morning, still just a circle. I only have 3 but figured today is cd15, so it'll start flashing at me soon. I'm feeling some twinges down yonder so I should be gearing up for it, cm is getting more prevelant, etc. Should be this weekend. What stinks is the timing again this month - last month it was a trip to Pitt. This month, Monday-Wed I'm staying down in MA for meetings/annual company meeting. UGH! But if we can get in some quality time this weekend, we should be good!

How are you all on this fine Friday Eve? :)
Good Morning lovely ladies!
I am doing well today! Was super tired yesterday but I went home and went to bed and slept a lot and woke up this morning feeling much better! I was just really hoping I wasn't getting sick as O time is coming soon and I don't want to deal with illness that might cause a late O lol I just want it to be here already so I can do all that I can to get this baby made lol

I usually dread the tww but its actually more fun and exciting than this down time of waiting to O and not really being able to get excited or anything and not putting effort into trying....I'm just ready to try and ready to have my miracle cycle lol

dang I am impatient lol

hope you are all having a wonderful day! any big weekend plans?
hahaha - I feel the same way about this first 'tww' - the wait before the wait!

I'm glad you're feeling positive about it, though!! and I hear you, I'm totally impatient. All. The. Time.

weekend plans - we're walking in a 'Heart Walk' - the American Heart Association has a fundraiser here every year and DH's company (my former company) always has a ton of walkers, so we're doing that Saturday morning. Then 2 friends and I are doing a triathalon on Sunday morning - don't be impressed, we're doing it relay-style, so I'm really only running a 5k. Be impressed by one of my friends - she's due at the end of July, her baby boy is HUGE, and she's doing the swimming portion (and still has to run about 1/4 mi to the transition station)!

How about you?
that is crazy! I don't even think I could run that long at this point lol and im not pregnant. I do Zumba a few times a week and im in decent shape but man I haven't ran any kind of distance since high school lol.

I don't have any plans as of now....but things usually pop up last minute. I know I am going to like SUPER CLEAN my whole house though! Other than that nothing. Maybe ill try to get some sun. and well DH and I will hopefully have some :sex: going along with SMEP again this month. We will see! Hopefully he is REALLY IN THE MOOD lol

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