Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Good morning ladies! Today is CD9 for me, so I'm guessing O will happen by this time next week - - therefore, I guess that basically puts me in my "fertile window." I haven't been temping - - just because I haven't even thought about it. Last night I realized my thermometer wasn't on my nightstand and I didn't even care. I'd like to just temp a little to confirm ovulation and that's it.

Weekend plans - - moving my office, cleaning the house (which needs it terribly, but will probably be put on the back burner and not get done), cleaning husband's office, work at his office, work on rentals, and probably some other stuff I haven't thought of :nope: Oh well! At least I have a lot going on to where I'm really not thinking about ttc. I'm sure I have WAYYY to much going on right now and my body isn't in ideal ttc condition so I'm just going to relax this month. Maybe it'll actually happen this month then! Haha! Not getting my hopes up though.

We had terrible storms yesterday and our basement flooded. Ruined our carpet, etc. Oh well, I guess I'll get new carpet out of the deal. (Trying to look on the bright side of it all as I was NOT happy!) Oh was out of my control.

Have a great day ladies and I'll try to come on again soon. And when I say "try to" - - I mean in the next day or so. I'm not going to abandon you wonderful gals! Hugs and love to you both!
I'm CD9 as well today so of course now ALL that I can think about is getting in a much :sex: as possible in the next week to make sure we have everything as covered as we possibly can. I don't know what my deal is. I haven't really been thinking about it much until today and now all of a sudden that is like the only goal is just :sex: :sex: :sex:......clearly if you cant tell I am tired of waiting and not really been able to make myself take a more laid back approach!

I am jealous that you are so busy and not really thinking about it! Although I am seriously sorry to hear about your basement! that is just a pain in the rump!

We definitely miss you! But understand that you are only request is that you take at least a few minutes a day and do something for YOU...its important in the mental health world! :thumbup: Just looking out for your best of course!

Someone once told me that they seem to be the most lucky right after being the most unlucky....maybe that is what is going to happen for you! I'll keep my fx and as always lots of :dust: your way!

and lots of :dust: your way as well Wish!

a weekend full of BD'ing sounds fine to me! hahaha

malinko - you have to move offices again?? what's going on over there? Glad to hear you have a busy schedule, though. And again - just my humble opinion - women were working in the fields just giving birth left and right and still having babies. I'm sure whatever stress you have going on isn't hindering anything. I'm sure it feels rough on you, though! Hopefully you're getting some good sleeps at night!
And that SUCKS about your basement!!! I'm so sorry! what a pain!

I need to clean the house this weekend too and we need to stain our deck. I think DH and his Dad are going to do that, though.

Good luck to all of us over the next week! May this be our June to make the babies we want!

How freaking awesome would it be if we all got BFP's in the same month....haha we could continue to go through this WHOLE hellacious process together and then once our kids are grown we could discuss all the bad things they are doing that are driving us nuts!

hehe sounds fun to me! :thumbup:

EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA JUNE :dust: TO US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so this is weird - yesterday, OPK gave me a circle, which if you don't use the CBDA, means there's no sign of O. Today I get a solid smiley face! That's quite a spike! So I guess BD'ing will ensue all weekend for us, beginning tonight. Whether DH likes it or not! :) it also means I think I'm going to have a shorter cycle this month. I think this is a day or 2 early for me. But the GOOD thing is that I don't have to worry about not being here when it happens b/c the circle means it'll happen anytime over the next 2 days, so definitely before I have to be away a few nights! Woohoo!!

little - that would be AWESOME! I can't even imagine the stars aligning for us so right, but here's to hoping!! 'are you puking today? yep, me too - how swollen are your feet? I've increased by 3 shoe sizes...' hahaha

malinko - I hope you're having a less stressful day and you have new carpet coming in soon for your basement! ;)
Good Morning my friends!
Wish I am not going to lie I am jealous that you are about to O...I get nervious that I wont EVERY SINGLE MONTH and so when that day finally comes it is a HUGE relief for me! lol But all in good time my friend all in good time! I am SUPER happy for you that it worked out so well and that you wont have to worry about being out of town on all the "right" days! maybe the stars TRUELY are aligning and we are going to get this amazing 3-peat :bfp:....hey we can always have hope!

DH and I are going to start our process of SMEP tonight whether he wants to or not....I don't start on CD8 because I never ovulate until CD 18 anyway so CD 10 usually works out and I don't kill myself having :sex: although im not going to lie if we squeeze in an extra few :sex: rounds this month I wont be upset. I told DH we just need to give it 110% this month and if it isn't meant to be then its not, but we will both feel better knowing that we did EVERYTHING we possibly could to make it happen. I don't want to look back and think wow maybe if we just would have DTD on that day we would have been by this time next week I am sure ill be tell you guys how tired of :sex: I am lol...but im going to become a little bunny for the next week or so and do my part to make this happen!

Malinko I seriously hope you are having a better day and like I said TAKE SOME TIME FOR YOU SISTER!! you deserve it!

Love you both! :hugs:
hahaha - I hope this time next week, you're walking like a cowboy!!

I had a friend who started TTC and they basically did it morning, noon and night (prob an exaggeration, but they did it a LOT) for like 2 weeks. BOOM! pregnant the first month they were trying. And she was 34 at the time. So - just do it! I'm thinking of calling DH up here for a nooner before my next meeting - he's working from home today. Muahahahahaha!
lol you crack me up!
DH doesn't always like me saying HEY WE NEED TO :sex: SO LET"S DO IT NOW.

but back in the day he would have jumped on that opportunity! Guess we are just honestly getting old. But I don't care if I have to dress up like a stripper or something we are going to have as much :sex: as we possibly can this month and we are going to make a FREAKIN BABY already.....

WHOA I'm hopped up on something today....not quite sure where this urge is coming from? perhaps I am closer to O than I thought?! lol the drive is certainly there....

IT'S ON THIS WEEKEND hahahahahahahahahahahaha

Enjoy your nooner lol this little girl is totally jealous! :thumbup:


P.S. I am just going to keep dusting all of us for the rest of the month until there is no more :dust: left and we all just get pregnant already!!!!
You girls are cracking me up!!! :) I've apparently forgotten what to do in the mornings! I woke up this morning and did a couple things on my phone before getting out of bed and then thought "crap, I was going to temp this morning." Did it anyway although it's not the most accurate. Then, I was about to bust and went to the bathroom. Afterwards I thought ... well crap again. There just went fmu for my opk! Oh well. Maybe tomorrow I'll remember what I'm supposed to do! I guess I can say I'm truly trying to not be in control this month! DH and I have also had sex twice...unplanned which was even better! Woo hoo! And, just happened to work out that there was a day in we are already on our "every other day". Tonight will hopefully be another "on" night :)

Today is a little slower...and I'm thinking I just MAY see a light at the end of the tunnel. Still a TON to do but not feeling as overwhelmed about it all.

Wish - I've never gone from solid circle to solid smiley but I have gone from solid circle to flashing smile back to solid circle for one day and then a solid smile. Not sure what happened....but get in as much as you can :)

Hoping this is our month ladies!!!!!
HOLY CRAP malinko sex twice unplanned that just so happens to fall into the right time period! YOU GO GIRL! I have decided that I am not really worried about the every other day thing anymore...I mean I at least want it to happen every other day, but if it happens more then its an added bonus in my opinion lol....we are just going to go at it like little bunnies during the fertile time and it would HAVE to happen lol...or at least that is my prayer!

Glad to hear things are slowing down for you! Life can get so crazy, but hey in this case it is a good thing!

Let us know when you O!

Wish-the nooner must have been a good one cause you haven't been back lol

love and :hugs: and :dust: to you both!

GO TEAM JUNE!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup:
LOL!! I basically fit it in between meetings - how romantic, huh?? it was very weird!!!

I'm off for the weekend now, ladies - have a SPLENDID weekend and I hope you get tons of BD'ing and relaxing and ahhhhhhh summer fun! :)

toodles! dust and love!
Today I learned that if you actually lay upside down on the side of your bed after BD'ing, you get excess air in places you don't want it. ;) don't do that!!
Dust & love<3
Good morning gals!

Did everyone have a good weekend and lots of bd? I got a flashing smiley on Saturday morning, Sunday morning, and yet again this morning. Yesterday my nose was terribly stuffy and today I just keep sneezing and sneezing and my nose is runny. I'm guessing it has something to do with impending ovulation?

Nothing really new to report and I wanted to check in before my day gets too crazy! Looking forward to hearing updates from you both!

Hugs and fx this is the lucky month for 3 bfps!
Mornin Girls,
Wish- sounds like you must have had an interesting weekend with hopefully a lot of :sex: :thumbup:

My weekend was busy running around and trying to get all the yard work done and landscaping updated for the year. DH gets on a role with outside work and we don't stop until its done *sigh* Only DTD once on Saturday, which is fine I still haven't gotten a + opk and I don't usually O until CD 18 or 19 which is just awful timing.

I thought maybe in the summer it would be easy to BD a lot more just because it is nice out and we are a lot more active and everyone is usually feeling well, but now Im thinking I am going to have even less of a chance of getting my :bfp: because things come up and we get busy and DH struggles with a LOT of sex anyway so when we are busy like this he gets tired and then doesn't feel quite up to it. I don't know....maybe I am just feeling down today because I am tried and a little grumpy but ugh...I just might not ever get my :bfp: ladies....maybe its just not in the cards

still going to Dr tomorrow afternoon so we will see how that goes....

Until then happy :sex: to you both!

good morning!! good to hear from you malinko!

Things here are great - had a wonderful weekend, nice and busy with a TON of exercise (for me, anyway) - I think I might have a new addiction in triathlons! Though, again, I only did the running part. But it was so fun being part of a relay team! I mayyyy end up making a goal to do a whole one myself. Would have to be next year, though, I'd think. I need to train for something like that and find a pool to train in!

So I'm pretty sure I O'd on Saturday - felt the cramps that afternoon, my chin is blowing up and I had a less than stellar sleep last night. We BD'ed 2x on Friday and once on Saturday night, so we covered our bases! So I guess I'm 2dpo now. :)
Man, wouldn't it be nice if things just happened this month and we didn't have to go through the testing. Ugh - pretty pleeeeeeeease!!

I am away at my company's annual meeting this week, so I will not be able to come on probably until Wednesday. Enjoy your week until then, ladies! And good luck on your impending O days and BD'ing! (squeak squeak squeak!) (that's your beds haha!)
little - I hear ya about 'all' the BD'ing. It's so awkward and I wish DH was into it more, b/c it's sex afterall, right? But we're not in our early 20's anymore with raging hormones so to 'have' to do it night after night is just draining. I feel like there is this 15 min window where I have the energy and interest after going to bed, and maybe he does too, and if that window closes - we're just too tired and sleep sounds too amazing! haha
It'll happen, I promise!! It just may not be under the most romantic or spontaneous of terms!!

GOOD LUCK at your appointment!! Let us know how it goes!! I'm very curious to compare notes, now that we've all been to the docs for this!
I just keep thinking that it will never happen if we don't have enough sex....and I mean we usually have about 3 rounds during the 2 days before and day of O, but its just not happening. So in my mind I think WE NEED TO DO IT MORE. lol We will see what happens though. Not getting my hopes up even though like you I PRAY that this is our cycle so we don't have to go through testing and all of that crap as I feel we are going through enough already, but hey I guess we will just see how it goes.

Hope your weekend of BDing was a HUGE success for you! And hope you have a good time in the next couple days away!

I'll be looking for your :bfp: pics posted soon! :thumbup:

love and hugs!

Morning Ladies...
Today is the day I see the doctor. I was really looking forward to it but now that its here I am kind of dreading it. Im worried he is going to say well everything looks good and you just need to keep trying until it happens or another 6 months or something. I don't know. It appears that I am ovulating, but maybe he will think not since I ovulate so late? I don't know...I guess ovulation is ovulation but hey we have been trying FOREVER and nothing so who knows....should be interesting!

Still waiting for my + opk which seems like it may never come, but I feel like that every month around CD 14 or 15 and then on CD 16 the 2nd line is usually PRETTY dark if not completely + so then I know O will happen in the next day or 2....its just waiting for that to get here feels awful and each month I worry it wont happen. BLAH this is no fun.

Sorry about my crappy mood today.

Hope both of your days are going better!

:hugs: and :dust:
Hey little! I hope you are feeling better and more optimistic about the doctor. You have a really crappy doctor if they tell you just to keep trying. I'm confident that they will give you some "plan of action." Keep your head up :) are ovulating!!! So don't worry about it! You seem to have a fine luteal phase...but hey, this is why you are going to the find out what you need to do now :) Anxiously awaiting your report.

Well, today I got a solid smiley. We have completely screwed up our ttc plan, but I don't really care at this point. I let ttc take over my life and I am finally trying to just live my life. We were kind of doing "every other day" until this weekend. We had sex on Friday and on Saturday but then nothing Sunday which was fine. However, nothing again last night. Oh well....DH knows we have to tonight and tomorrow. I haven't been propping my hips over the last week like I should either. In fact, Saturday was in the shower! So spontaneous :) Anyhoo...tonight we will be SERIOUS about this :) Have fun, use preseed, and prop those hips!

Make sure to post following your appointment if you can!
Thanks always make me smile lol

I hear you on the screwing up the plan thing. DH got sick on sunday night and wasn't feeling well yesterday either so we DTD on Saturday and then missed our "other" day but I haven't had a + OPK yet so it wont matter if we get some action in tonight. Hopefully im feeling up to it after the dr appointment. God ill probably leave there crying or something lol. Normally going to the doctor and talking about stuff is nothing for me. I work with them on a daily basis and pretty much feel comfortable discussing anything with any of them as it is quite simply part of my profession. But I actually am feeling a little sick to my stomach about going today. To be quite honest I LOVE my Dr too! He is great and super easy to talk to and very encouraging but eh I just feel off about going.

The whole situation is making me want to find a corner and sit in it for like a year anf forget this whole year of ttc ever happened. Obviously I realize these are not rational thoughts but oh what the hell it seems like a good plan at the moment lol.

Hopefully I will have good news later! Appointment is at 4:15 (so DH could come with) So if I can get on and let you know what he said I will for sure!....of course you know me...if freaking out about going to the Dr isn't enough I am also stressed that I wont ovulate again this month. Haven't missed it yet since I started temping and doing OPK's 4 cycles ago...but I still live in fear. UGH

Hope you and DH have a BLAST :sex: ING tonight!! :thumbup:



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