Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Good Morning Partners in Crime :hugs:

Dr. appointment was very interesting.
First of all he looked at my charts and thought they looked really good! I think he was a bit surprised to see that my cycles are a little more regular that he expected and that I am definitely ovulating! This was a concern as they still think there is a possibility that I have PCOS, but they just aren't quite sure.

The plan is this. We are going to obviously try our best this month as we would like to get a :bfp: before all of the testing has to start, but DH is going to go ahead and do the sperm count and I am going to get my progesterone level checked around CD 21 to make sure that I am having a strong O and that progesterone is where it needs to be post O.

Then if the :witch: does come this month I will call and Dr would like to do an ultrasound on CD 14 of next cycle just to look at my ovaries uterus and make sure there are no structural issues. He will see me for an appointment and we will go over DH's sperm count and my progesterone level as well as discuss the ultrasound. If all of those things are normal (and he expects them to be) then we will proceed forward with HSG.

I am glad that we have a plan moving forward and I truly love my doctor and he is great at giving me the upfront honest truth about things and I trust him 100%, but if I could avoid having to go through all the tests and we could just get our :bfp: this month I cant even begin to explain the relief I would feel. Most of the testing isn't expensive or invasive or uncomfortable...until you get to the HSG which he says I will do once and then I will probably never want to do again. But if its needed so that I can have a baby I will do it for sure! No questions asked. But I'd just really like to be able to conceive on my own and not have to mess with the testing.

DH is being a really good sport about the sperm analysis and is more than willing to do it next week! after I O of course!...I think he is worried that it might be him that is causing the issue and wants to just find out if that is the case or not. Anyway he is being VERY supportive and I cant tell you how much I appreciate it!

We are going to be DTD as much as possible until O on Saturday and maybe even the day cant hurt anything as far as im concerned! I am actually pretty laid back now as I figure it probably wont happen this month and am more focused on the future testing and such, but maybe that is just what I need to relax and have fun and maybe it will happen! I sure hope so anyway.....

Wanted to give you ladies and update!

Hope you are both doing well! Hope your trip is going well and almost over Wish! I miss you!

and I hope O went well for you malinko and you and DH are getting in on like donkey kong lol

fx for us all and LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS Of :dust:
I hope you get your bfp before having to go thru any of those tests, but glad to hear you are moving forward!!! Are you happy with the direction you are headed?

So, we got in a session last night. I was hoping for another one this morning...but guess it is going to have to wait until later! Although, I'm a little confused. Yesterday was my first solid smiley and it stays solid for two days. My temp increased to 97.5 today. I like to play around on FF and put in temps for future days to see when it will give me cross hairs. I put in 97.5 for tomorrow and it gives me crosshairs on MONDAY! I didn't get my solid smiley until Tuesday!!!! I'm just going to ignore anything at this point and just keep bding.

Wish, I know you won't be able to check in for awhile but just wanted you to know I am thinking of you and your dreaded tww :) Hope it is going well and you are able to stay busy and keep your mind off everything!

Hugs and best wishes to you both!
malinko - the last couple of cycles i have had FF tell me that i ovulated like 3 days before when i KNOW i i switched it over to go by the OPK, but then after i had 3 temps that were above my normal coverline or that were at least normal for post O it went back to the day that i KNEW i ovulated. So it seems that it just gets confused for a while until you get those 3 temps that are normal post O for you and then it gets itself worked out lol

I am happy in the direction we are going although i feel like it might be a long road...which i feel that i have already been walking down and REALLY long road until this point lol but we will see what happens. We are just going to keep trying like hell and praying and DTD and fingers crossed by some miracle of God we get other than going through all of this testing and such I really don't know what else to do! But i am a little more relaxed now and ready to have some fun, and DH seemed to have gotten some good out of the appointment as he seems to be a little more motivated and focused on us getting pregnant so maybe i wont have as much of a struggle with the low sex drive lol although he is going to the dr today as they checked his testosterone level just to make sure (of course it came back normal like ALL OF HIS LABS lol) but we will see what the doc wants to do with him from here!

Hopefully they can get him back to his old 18 year old self and then ill have to hide from him because he will want it so much lol

wishful thinking i know but hey it wouldn't hurt!

Hope you are having a good day and i hope your job has slowed down a bit and things are a little more normal...but oh who are we kidding what is normal anyway? lol

:hugs: and love and PLENTY of :dust:

Hi girls!! I've missed you and have been thinking about you!

malinko - yay for solid smileys!! hit that! haha And now the dreaded TWW... I hope you're able to stay as busy as you were last month so your mind isn't focused on it. I know you're way more relaxed about things now but those little niggling thoughts can creep in.

little - sounds like you had a positive experience at the doc's! I'm so glad, I could tell from reading your posts that you were pretty anxious. Sounds like you got basically the same steps as I did too, except we're skipping over the ultrasound probably and going straight to the HSG. Time's a-wastin', this chickadee ain't gettin' any younger! Speaking of, I totally get your thoughts on 'we're not doing it enough!!' - we do it about that many times too, 3 in the 2 days leading to O and O day, usually. I think it's totally worth doing it the day after too! The egg can survive for 12-24 hrs after it's spit out, so why not!

for me - 4dpo today, not feeling much of anything. Thought I was feeling little twinges in the BBs yesterday, but nothing today. I guess nips are a little sore if I touch them, and BBs definitely felt heavier this morning. But, as we've found, progesterone is a helluva hormone! And yes, thankfully I've been so busy and things are blowing up at work that I really don't have time to think about the TWW right now. Though my travel plans were canceled for next week, which is GREAT, but not great b/c I don't have that as a distraction. And right now I'm super tired but that's probably b/c I was up late last night hanging with everyone at the bar of the hotel after our outing. I'm not going to attribute anything to early pregnancy signs until next week! AF should be due on 6/17 I think.

ok, gotta get back to the grind. I'll chat with you guys soon!
Happy HUMP day! :)
It is so GREAT to hear from you! I am so happy your trip went well and you are doing well! 4 DPO is a good place to be...still exciting, but not that stressful...i love the first few days after O because I know it happened for sure and i am not worried about what anything means just enjoying that I ovulated! lol

Dr went well and yes i was very anxious about it, but again my Dr is great and im EXTREMELY thankful to have him! If i don't get pregnant in the next few months i know HSG is on my to do list so I am not too far behind you dear! Hopefully neither of us have to go through that though!

DH is a little more interested in BD-ing since the Dr last night thought so hopefully he will stay that way! I'm glad you don't have to go out of town next week so you can talk to us! But i know how great that distraction would be! I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you that the :witch: stays away next week!

Have they checked a post O progesterone level on you before or are they going to? Just curious as they are doing that for me to make sure I am ovulating "strong enough" i guess....just thought it was kind of different and didn't know if you had one done or not??

Hope you both have a great rest of the day!

Hope i have my + OPK tomorrow! Sure feels like its coming so hopefully my body isn't playing mean games lol!


Happy to be back with my dear BNB friends! Yeah, 4dpo is a good place to be, you're right about that! I do feel like I'm bloating at a very rapid rate right now... That's not a fun feeling!

fingers crossed for your big + tomorrow!!

No, I haven't had anything done yet. I think blood tests are next in addition to scheduling the HSG - bing, bang, boom! Get it all done! I have to call the day that AF shows next, if and when. I hope it doesn't need to happen either, but we'll see. I had calculated that out to be 6/19 but guess it may be sooner, if the cramps I was feeling last Saturday were, in fact, O. Plus I had the solid smiley Friday so I'm thinking I'm on target.
I think Malinko had that one done, though?

another 5k tomorrow, last one in awhile - that and my 2378953 meetings will keep me occupied through 5dpo, then we're in the watch zone! But we have a few plans this weekend too, starting with dinner with new friends Friday night (met them at the concert we went to in VT! cool, huh?), and straight through to Father's Day on Sunday, which I'm sure will just be chillin' and grillin'! :) would be super cool to be able to get a BFP that day but it'll still only be 8dpo. Wayyyy too soon to hope for (unless I'm all pukey and gross for a strange reason!). Oh well!
Well not a positive opk this morning but still pretty dark. Im thinking it will definitely be positive tomorrow so ill probably ovulate on cd 19 instead of cd 18 which is fine just as long as it happens. Im feeling pretty sure it will though as my bbs are sore this morning lots of watery cm and feeling tired and a little queasy which is normal for me around O so fx my opk is + tomorrow! We have actually dtd the last 2 nights as i was thinking o on Saturday but guess we will just keep going at it and hoping for o and more :sex: so we can catch that little sucker and make our little miracle already!

Im not that busy at work today. Kind of wish i could have just stayed at home as Im tired and have to help my little sister move out of her apt into a house after work. Hopefully the exercise will give my body that extra boost to ovulate. I had been working out 6 days a week, but this month i haven't done as much because I've been busy doing outside activities and such. Hope the lack of exercise won't keep me from ovulating i have been active just not my normal 45 minutes of cardio daily.

Guess we will see! Fx for + opk tomorrow....more like fingers and toes lol

Hope you are both well! Anything new with either of you since you have both O'ed and are in that dreaded tww?

:hugs: love & :dust:
Two things. you HAVE to have sex to have a baby?!?! Of course, just kidding. DH makes me so frustrated sometimes. I think it ended up being fine, but last night (2nd day of solid smiley) there was no action in our bedroom. UGH! I tried in the morning and then even hinted after work "we need to go home and get busy so we can't say we are too tired" and that didn't happen and then it didn't happen when we went to bed. Sometimes I feel like I am the only one in this and trying. So, instead of being pouty about it, I just accepted it and went to sleep. We obviously weren't meant to have sex last night!!!

Now, after my rant, he is my weird quandary. So, as I said yesterday, I played around and entered in a temp for today and it gave me crosshairs for Monday, which was a day before I got my solid smiley. Now...maybe it went from flashing smiley to solid smiley on Monday after I tested and of course I just didn't get the solid until Tuesday morning. So, didn't think much of it. Little, you reassured me FF can be screwy sometimes :) Well, today my temp was 98.0. This is the HIGHEST it has ever been this early in the game. So, I switched FF this morning to opk and it still has crosshairs on Monday. Suggestions?
Oh yes....and also debating on whether or not I should renew my VIP membership. Apparently mine ends in 4 days. What are you guys going to do when yours is up?
That is REALLY weird....Maybe the OPK is off? although have you had 3 temps that are that elevated yet?...because if not then it goes nuts until you do.

P.S. I feel your pain about the feeling that you are the only one who wants to do anything to make this happen! I have been dealing with that for the last 6 months....then of course this month when DH is finally down to get dirty I am TOTALLY freaked out that I wont ovulate. I am not kidding you I am PRAYING to every God and Saint and anyone I can think of that I get a + OPK tomorrow and all of this sex that I have been wanting to have for months is not going to waste!


I would say if this is only your 2nd elevated temp to give FF one more day...but let me know if it has already been 3 days or just 2 because now im really curious and confused!
hi girls! Happy Friday Eve! :)

malinko - I think FF goes on your temps only unless you override it, but it'll say something like 'this doesn't align with all ovulation predictors' or something like that. I'm with little - have you had elevated temps starting Tuesday? The OPK could have been off - I mean, maybe you didn't poas long enough or it didn't filter through as much as it should have - who knows. So much rides on that one little thing.
All that being said, have you been BD'ing in a timely manner for Monday to have been a good day for O? or you're right - you could have even O'ed Monday afternoon/night and it wasn't picked up til Tuesday morning.

I TOTALLY FEEL YOU GUYS on the sex thing!! It's like I'm this Sex Nazi when O comes around and he's just awaiting instructions. Hey - I told you I got the solid smiley - I even left it on the top of the toilet. How about YOU hit on ME and be more engaged in this process, rather than tell me that you're going to sleep soon, basically triggering me to have to initiate stuff. EVERY. TIME. UGH! All those snarky comments I've ever heard when people say they are trying to have a baby and people say 'well the practicing is fun, huh?? huh?? <wink wink>' are LIES! ALL LIES! It's not fun and it's the least romantic thing ever! Not that I always need romance, but engagement in the activity is kinda necessary. Grr....ok, off soapbox. :)

Re: VIP membership, I'm going to let mine go when that comes around. I haven't been temping at all, I've got it all in my brain. I could actually temp around Sunday, which would be 8dpo, and if it's elevated, that would be a good sign, since I'm usually dropping by then. I feel like I've seen such a distinct pattern to my charts that I can wing it.
Here are my temps:

Friday, June 6 - CD 10: 96.8
Saturday, June 7 - CD 11: 97.3 (Flashing smiley)
Sunday, June 8 - CD 12: 96.8 (Flashing smiley)
Monday, June 9 - CD 13: 97.1 (Flashing smiley) - FF says this was O day
Tuesday, June 10 - 97.3 (Solid smiley)
Wednesday, June 11 - 97.5
Thursday, June 12 - 98.0 (Negative test)

It has put my coverline at 97.2
yeah, i went back and looked at your chart - it looks good to me! I can't see it moving to Tuesday if you have another high temp b/c I think it's already seeing Tuesday as the first high temp. On a positive note - not BD'ing last night shouldn't make a difference!
Does the rest of your BD'ing align well?
Wish I hear you on the whole...ok let me ALWAYS be the one to initiate the sex...BULLLLLLLLLLLL! It made me so mad that I finally said to DH hey how about you actually TRY to get on me once...instead of me ALWAYS having to do EVERYTHING....of course that got me no where as you know these things are not easy to work out. lol but at least im not alone!

malinko...I would give it one more temp to decide if you really O'd on Monday or Tuesday.... If you have another temp that is above 97.5 then I can see it changing your coverline and you O day to Tuesday...from what I understand and the only reason I know this is because I have dealt with it myself, is that even if they are not typical post O temps for you...if you have 3 consecutive temps that are above the previous one then it will decide you O'd until you give it a more definite pattern.

As for the VIP membership...I will keep mine again for probably another 3 months and then be done with it. But mine isn't expired for a little while longer and we will see how I feel then of course...or hell maybe ill be pregnant (wishful thinking of course) but I like being able to record all my stats and stuff...its the nurse in me what can I say!

Hope my info on the ff freakout was helpful....ive gone through that the last 2 months and once I hit 4 or 5 dpo I was able to turn it back to the "advanced" option and it gave me the right O day that I knew was right anyway!


and ooooooo so much more

Ok chickadees...I am coming to you both because this is weird and I need help lol

I have had sore/tender/sensitive breasts/nipples after ovulation during the TWW but I have never had them before I ovulate....

Today my breast are honestly sore and nipples are SUPER sensitive...can this or does this happen before ovulation?? keep in mind I still haven't had a + OPK and am expecting one tomorrow...never had a problem using them before so I wouldn't see why they wouldn't work now, but this is weird to me?

please tell me this is something that can happen prior to O? well don't tell me that if it isn't true lol
you know, little - it's funny you're asking this! I broke out like a teenager BEFORE O this month, not after/closer to AF like usual. Granted, it *could* be b/c I switched facial washes, but still. It was swollen, it was so bad. So it could definitely be a rush of hormones. Have you googled?

here's a link to an old thread about that very thing:

(boooo for having post-O stuff happen ahead of time!! but yayyy for a clear sign you should ovulate! Get to bumping uglies! :))
that's why im freaked out....for once we have BEEN bumping uglies and I want to make sure I ovulate because its the only time we have out done ourselves with this much sex ever and he intends on every day until the day after O so im like COME ON O!!! thanks for the help love! :hugs:

Little - Wish to your rescue!!!!! She's awesome! Just adding my two cents, but yes, I think your tenderness is probably from the hormones shifting and starting to get more progesterone. :) you WILL ovulate this month, so rest assured :) You know...stressing out about it can delay just patiently await it and keep bding!

Wish, to answer you question from earlier. I'm not happy about how the bding turned out as to ovulation...but it is what it is. We had sex on Monday (6/2), Wednesday (6/4), Friday (6/6) and Saturday (6/7) and then Tuesday (6/10). I know that it is fine and sperm can last up to 5 days...however I really like the day of, day before, and two days before ovulation....but oh well. is what it is. The only night I got to "prop" my hips was Tuesday I think that is what I am the most frustrated with. Oh well....maybe the relaxed version and not sitting there with propped hips, etc. will work. Who knows. Guess we will find out towards the end of next weekend.

TGIF....well, almost anyway :)
I see someone has a positive opk today!!!!! Woo hoo!!!! Better be busy this weekend girlie!

Wish, how are you doing? Any updates?

I guess I am 4dpo now. Temp went down (barely) from 98.0 to 97.9. I'm just so baffled as to why I ovulated before I got the positive test. I informed DH of this this morning and he said "did we have sex on Monday?" I said "no...we didn't. And we didn't on Sunday either." His response was "well, I didn't know that you were ovulating...." I think he was a little sad by it, but oh well...nothing we can do about it now!

Okay girls....have a great day and a great weekend!!!
Hello my friends
So why cant I just get a freaking HPT to look like my OPK this morning. POAS, went to go get something out of dresser, came back in the bathroom and BLARING + I mean it only took about a minute and there was no doubt. Damn it would be nice!!

So the thing about :sex: this weekend is we have DTD the last 3 nights in a row. HOLY CRAP...that is a record lol. And honestly I hurt lol but more :sex: we must have haha

hopefully all of this BD-ing will be what we need to get our :bfp:

You never know though malinko if you weren't stressing and having fun you could have hit the nail on the head this month! I sure hope so!

Hope you are doing well Wish!

Happy Friday to you both! Pray that my poor little girl parts can handle more :sex: this weekend as it is CLEARLY going to be important!

:hugs: and :dust:

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