Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Good morning! I'm so happy to see a + for Little!!! Your poor girl parts! hahahaha
I really do hope that with everything you've done so far this month, and the attention you BOTH are going to give to spreading that seed this weekend, everything finally WORKS!!!
And malinko - totally hoping that your new relaxed look at things has helped get you guys to the next step this month! Re: your test, I wonder if yours was like mine this month and just skyrocketed in the hours after your blinking smiley? I went from circle to solid smiley, it made no sense. But based on the O cramps I got the next day, it was certainly for real! Fx'ed for all of us!

6dpo here, 98.3 temp this morning, which is about right. Some months were lower on 6dpo, some higher. At least it's above what would normally be a coverline of about 98. Not strikingly high, though, which worries me yet I'm not surprised. Would temps normally skyrocket before implantation if I was preg? Or do pre-implantation temps really matter?
And NO OTHER SYMPTOMS. AGAIN. No sore BBs, no nuthin'. Maybe bloated a bit, but that's so damn common and can be caused by eating a salty chip! I don't know if running a few days a week would cause PMS symptoms to subside at all? I do have to say, and total TMI alert - the amount of CM that's been draining out of me after a run is embarrassing. It almost looks like I've peed myself. Sexy! So I end up pouring a water over my head and down my back, which cools me off AND masks my other wet spots! GROSS!!

ugh....anyway - busy weekend ahead so hopefully I won't be thinking too much about things. Just going to have fun and relax!
thank you Wish!

Exercise actually helps with cramping only. I don't know if that is a sign that you are normally looking for, but that is what they say it just helps relax the muscles and such. I have heard that a lot of CM is a good sign...especially if you aren't normally like that! FX that is the deal for you love!

Thanks for the good wishes as far as my girly parts go...they could use it! Hopefully DH wants to continue this saga of :sex: though as I know we got in some really good important days prior to O, but now they are even MORE important! ahhhhhh

hopefully this weekend is successful and full of :sex: and happiness for all!

good to know about cramping only - then I have no idea why I'm on my second month of no symptoms at all. If my temp is up, then I have progesterone going on - so it's not like that's low, I guess. I can't believe I'm complaining about lack of aches, pains and pimples...I guess I'll count my lucky stars?
also - all the cm - only seems to happen when I run, when in post-O phase. Oh well. Was just reading that every woman creats about a tablespoon of the stuff, so I guess my whole serving comes out then! It's usually pretty dry after that.
no worries here! :thumbup:

...can you tell I'm having a hard time concentrating on my current task at work?? :wacko:
Gosh I had no idea...that is kind of disgusting that we produce that much?! I mean I seriously didn't know

I cant get anything done at work anymore it seems. Every time I go to do something someone comes into my office or someone needs something urgently. Or I have so much paperwork on my desk that I cant figure out what goes to what or what I am doing...another yikes :wacko: and then you throw in the tww on top of that and well im pretty much worthless lol so don't feel bad.

This is going to sound so pathetic but last month when my temps looked sooooo promising I found myself thinking that I could have just say at my computer for the whole tww and stared at my temp chart on FF. Not to mention all of the hours I spent looking at charts that had similar temps as mine and praying that it was a good sign and that I was indeed pregnant. WOW amazing how much time I spend thinking about having a baby or looking things up related to pregnancy...insane

If we could just get pregnant already im sure we would be much more productive! lol

until a hopeless case :thumbup:

Hope you have a FANTASTIC weekend! :hugs:

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
hahahaha - I hear ya! it could have said 'teaspoon', I could be lying...

yeah, I had to stop coming on here to join all sorts of chats and stop googling stuff, etc. I just can't let myself obsess over the 'what-ifs'!! B/c that's exactly what I'll be doing. Thank GOODNESS work picked up for me b/c it was so slow from about Jan-March! And that's all I did and it drove me nuts. I would concentrate so hard on the mystery of my charts, compare charts, etc.
I almost started going down that route this morning about 'no signs of anything at 6dpo' but the first Q&A I pulled up, every woman on there was saying 'it's too soon! even if you did have 'signs', they don't mean anything just yet!' which was a good reminder for me to go focus on other things b/c my body isn't going to be giving me any definitive answers until I actually miss AF.

You have a great weekend also!! I hope you have some fun things planned!
dust to you too!
Good morning girls!

Hope you all had a great weekend! Mine flew by. Can we go back to Saturday morning to where I can just relax now???

Little - congrats on getting crosshairs!!!

Wish - how are you doing? Any symptoms that are jumping out at you yet?

Nothing much going on here. I didn't temp Saturday or Sunday morning, but did this morning. When I entered my temp, ( were right!) it changed my crosshairs from Monday to Wednesday - which was my second day of opk. I wish we would have had some more bd in around the time...but oh well. At least I know I am not dysfunctional anymore :) So, this puts me at 5dpo.

Busy day, but I'll be checking in when I can! Talk to you soon girls!
:coffee: Good morning, ladies! Beautiful morning here, heading into a beautiful week. How's it looking there? Man, I love this time of year! :flower:

9dpo today and temps are still pretty high for me. Usually I'm dropping at this point back down to my regular temps at 98/97.9, etc but I'm still up at 98.4. Guess that sounds like a good sign but seriously, still not one other sign pointing either way. I have been eating a lot of food, though, but that could be PMS-y too. But usually I eat like a bird when I go out to dinner or lunch b/c I'm too busy yapping with my company, but these past few days, I've wolfed everything down in record time. Maybe b/c I haven't had any food in the house to snack on beforehand, I've been starving by the time a meal comes around! who knows. :shrug:

How are things going with you all? I hope you're reporting in with good weekends and lots of BD'ing for little! I see temps are looking good!
Malinko - you're very high as well, it seems!! Not to burst our bubbles, just a question - our temps wouldn't be higher just b/c it's getting to be hotter out, would they? Do our bodies adjust accordingly? I'd think not, but then again I wouldn't be surprised.

little - how are your flowers and garden going? :flower:
Morning Ladies!

So my awesome plan to BD all this time before O and on O got shot to hell! I didn't get a positive OPK until Firday which was CD 17 for me and then guess what I O'ed Friday night! Temp jumped up to 97.73 on Saturday morning which is DEFINITELY a post O temp for me and I wasn't expecting to O until at least Saturday or Probably Sunday and because we were both worn out from all of the :sex: before hand DH and I decided we would take Friday night off and just BD Saturday morning and evening.

Well I woke up to a high temp and thought we had to go to Cleveland on Saturday for an all day thing for my sister so we tried to BD Saturday morning and we did, but its wasn't super successful for DH (he says he was half asleep and just couldn't get himself to release)....well we didn't get home until midnight on Saturday and were both exhausted so ya. The :sex: plan pretty much failed.

So we have 3 day in before O and then nothing on O and then an attempt right after O but maybe no :spermy: in there to count?

Weird thing though, I KNEW exactly when I Ovulated on Friday night. As you both know I have type 1 diabetes and have had it for 20 years so DH and I were in bed it was about 10 Friday night...just watching TV and all of a sudden I thought my sugar was low. So I got up and checked it and it was like 72 or something...which is starting to get low, but not very low for me. I just got some juice and some string cheese and came back to bed. About 10 minutes later my little fur baby Benji (little fluff ball of a pup) started to get sick. So I got up out of bed and took him to get some water and a snack. He does this when he doesn't eat enough. Well while I was out in the kitchen I literally thought I was going to pass out. I got super dizzy and felt like I couldn't stand up. I thought maybe my sugar had dropped super fast and this was just happening because I was feeling low. SO I got some more juice and I went back to check my sugar and it was like 102. Completely normal. Not low at all for me. But I felt terrible for about 15 minutes and I KNOW without a doubt that is when I O'ed...of course I didn't think anything of it until Saturday morning when I got the high temp of I would have suggest that we DTD because it would have been PERFECT timing.

I get that dizzy feeling from time to time before AF is going to start. I did some research and found out that there are Prostiglandins that your female parts procude that can cause this dizzy feeling and it is possible for those to be produced around ovulation as well. This is how I know without a doubt that's what it was!

Anyway 3dpo today and not super thrilled because my plan failed lol, but I did get 3 days in right before O so hopefully this is good news for me? I don't know. Just goes to show you cant over plan because your body has its own ideas lol

We had a good weekend and had a lot of fun! Hopefully you ladies did as well!
I don't think temps go up just because its more warm...mine aren't that high so I think it is a great sign that your temps are up! Especially at 9DPO!!!! ahhhh fx!

Keep me updated for sure!!!


sorry I wrote so much before lol....and wish my flowers and garden are doing well! Hopefully that means something good lol :thumbup:
you don't ever have to apologize for writing too much!! I love reading what you both write constantly! And look, I learned something about Type 1 Diabetes today!

I would say that the 3 days prior are an awesome thing and you know, they tell you when you're younger that the guy doesn't even have to 'finish' in order to get pregnant! They have some pre-stuff that comes out prior to the whole release that contains sperm, so I think that one still counts a little bit!

yeah, i'm hoping the temps being high are a good sign. We'll know tomorrow, that's when AF is due. No spotting or anything yet.
If I was reading into things, I swear I felt some cramping on Saturday night, like I would think implantation would feel like. Kinda felt like O cramps. BUT - I had also wrenched my lower back that day and was bed ridden from 4pm that day until the following morning, so the pain I was feeling was most likely radiating around the front from that. Blah.
Anyway - we'll see what happens tomorrow. Totally not counting on it - why would it change now?! (I like to be prepared for the worst, pleasantly surprised if the worst doesn't happen :))
well its sounds like a good sign to me! and I am going to keep my fingers and toes and arms and legs crossed for you! I really hope this is your cycle and you don't have to go through all that testing! But I am like you...I keep telling DH that it would really be nice if it happened this cycle and we didn't have to worry anymore, but why would it? Why would it happen now after all of this trying....of course his response is "why wouldn't it happen" WELL COME ON MAN SERIOUSLY!?!?! but he just doesn't get that part

I am really hoping you are pregnant! it would be such a great thing! and a good sign for malinko an I that our times will come eventually!!

COME ON BABY FARIES!! Make it be a little baby in there!

:bunny: lets do this!!!

HAHAHAHAHA!! You're awesome and SO funny! now I'm picturing you (however I picture 'you' since I haven't seen you) walking around your office like a pretzel! 'no worries, kids - just wishing for my BnB buddy to be pregnant! Everyone cross everything!' hahahaha
and that bunny is awesome!

So I looked this up a moment ago - I had the WORST post-nasal drip last night, so much that my voice/throat were all craggly this morning and i still feel like some is in my lungs or deeper throat area. Some people seem to think this is an early preggo sign but I think that's wishful thinking too. We also have a on of pollen floating around so it's probably a reaction to that. Was just weird that it was so abundant and totally random. Otherwise, I feel fine, so it's not a cold or other allergies! :shrug:

malinko is going to need to come on and smack some sense into me! I always get this way the day before AF is due!! The last of the 'what-ifs' before the truth comes through!
actually the runny/stuff nose is real. It is a symptom. Has to do with blood pressure changes for pregnancy and you have like million blood vessels in your nose so it would get runny or stuffy, but progesterone is the reason why. which could also mean pregnancy especially this late in the game! means your progesterone is still up!

:bunny: yay for good news!
ah ok! well that is interesting. I wish my nose was actually runny or stuffy now, then but all clear! Just the gunk in the back of my throat instead. Blegh!!
man, I just want tomorrow to get here. Though I have to admit, I feel like I can feel AF coming...boooooo
oh well, right? on to the testing!

I just have to say once again - thank you both for putting up with the insanity, the flip-flopping of optimism/pessimism, thinking out loud, etc etc. You guys are two of the best. BELIEVE THAT! <3
are you sure you feel her? that stupid :witch: just needs to stay away!

And OMG are you kidding me?!?! no reason to ever say thank you! I am all over the place all of the time and sometimes I let my mouth get the best of me and all sorts of things! you are not alone in the ups/downs and optimism/sadness/any mood of any kind! I go through all of that EVERY single month!! Truthfully I am just THRILLED to know I am not alone! I love being able to talk to you guys about this stuff and I look forward to it every day! I'd be lost without you!

You Rock! Both of you! :bunny:
holy crap - I just reread what I wrote and it's virtually non-sensical! I've been doing that a lot lately - maybe it's preg brain! hahaha

ok, ladies - until tomorrow. 10dpo or cd1.........? stay tuned!
Morning ladies!
Hope you both are well! I am 4dpo today...ugh...feeling bloated and more fat than I already usually feel and just want to take a nap. This is crap...I never noticed all of this stuff until TTC I think because I was on the pill for so long and probably didn't have to deal with all of these hormone changes....UGH

I am going for a progesterone blood level today so hopefully that will turn out well. DH is going to do his sperm analysis on Saturday...REALLY hoping that goes ok as I am pretty sure he will be devastated if it doesn't!

WISH I NEED to KNOW if af came or what is going on with still all crossed up and waiting! PLEASE BE PREGNANT!!!

malinko I hope you are doing well....haven't heard much from you and miss you! Drop in an give us an update!!!

My sitch: 10dpo so far, feeling a little crampy but more in the ovary area. That could be radiating around front from my back, though - ugh. No AF yet but temp drop to 98. I was at 98.3 and 98.4 all week. I am feeling the little tingles, though, like she'll be here any minute. I'm actually surprised she didn't arrive at fmu, that's pretty typical. But I'll be running to the bathroom all day, no doubt.

nice temp rise for you, little!! I'm glad you're going for your tests - keep us updated!!! I hope everything turns out all right, or at least they find something that is easily fixable and BAM! next month you get preggo!!
That's terrible that you're already feeling bloated and sluggish!! you still have a ways to go, my dear!! drink lots of water, though you're an RN, you know all this stuff! ;)

ugh, i can tell it's going to be hot and sticky here today but I can't bring myself to close the windows and turn the AC on! I love having the windows open and being able to listen to the outside while I'm stuck in here on this computer!

I hope you both have lovely Tuesdays! I'm going to go stalk malinko's chart. little - did you know she's got a link posted in this thread? You, too, can stalk her! ;)
page 7, about halfway down. Mine is there too but boring since I only do a couple per month now.

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