Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Well that is a great sign that the :witch: isn't here yet! I always get SUPER tired right around this time and it carries out until usually CD2 or blows! I pretty much only drink water...typically I drink about 4 bottles a day. Sometimes if DH wants to watch a movie and have popcorn ill treat myself to a diet coke or something but I really just try to stick to water...I used to drink a LOT of pop...I LOVED IT, but the years haven't been that nice to me and I just cant stay as thin as I used to be :nope: I work out and watch what I eat but I just carry around about 20 more lbs than id like....

it is hot and humid here as well! Which I cant complain because it is finally summer and I am thrilled about that!

She had posted a link to her chart in a message she had sent me but I cant find it so I am glad you told me where it is and ill stalk her for sure! Have you heard anything from her?

I always freak when she disappears lol

PRAYING the :witch: stays away for you! I mean SERIOUSLY praying!

come on little :bunny: get in your mom's tummy!
Good morning my best bnb friends! Yesterday turned out to be more of a crazy day than I thought! Mondays are always my crazy day at work so I don't know why I thought this Monday would be an exception. I went from my job to my hubby's office and worked there until 8ish last night. Then home and mowed the yard, did 3 loads of laundry and crashed. I'm also anxiously awaiting our rentals to turn over so that I don't have to think about those anymore too. A few more days and it'll be over!

Well, I had a pretty big temp dip today. Actually, not "huge" as it was only .3 degrees. My coverline is at 97.6 but I am only .1 degree above coverline today. I love little's thought process but I feel really doubtful this guessing if it goes up, it'll only go up by .1 or .2 tomorrow. However, after little's BEAUTIFUL chart last month....I'm not reading ANYTHING into my temps. I'm not sure if I will temp the next few mornings or not. It makes me a little crazy seeing my temps fluctuating :) However, we are leaving town on Thursday to go on another mini vacation with some friends. Why would this month be any different than the rest? Therefore, instead of constantly wondering "am I, am I not?" then I am just going to go and have fun. I will drink but won't allow myself more than a glass of wine each day. Okay, so maybe two :) I'm really not feeling hopeful this like I said, I'm just going to go and have fun.

Wish....I'm SO excited af didn't show up with fmu!!!! Please keep us updated. I will be checking the site off and on today to check on you.

Little....great temp rise today!!!!

i saw that!! I'm hoping maybe it's the same for me! :) crazy thoughts.
Thanks for the prayers, my friend!

that's FANTASTIC you drink so much water!! AND that you don't drink any 'pop' (haha I have to laugh - one of the best regional things ever - I say 'soda') anymore. I also don't ever reach for one unless it's a treat. I've even noticed, though - I'll open a Dt. Coke and I can't even finish a whole can now. The carbonation makes me sick! Probably more than just that, but ugh - I'm stopped up and bubbly for the rest of the day. No es bueno!
I hear ya on the extra weight too - ever since I got married I've been fighting against 10 lbs. My body seems happy here, though, and I think that if I keep running, maybe I can lose like 3-5. I was around 130, probably less, for my wedding and I was doing the 'wedding diet' where you're so stressed that you eat only veggies. It was around the holidays too, so I was avoiding all of those treats like the plague! But that wasn't sustainable at all - I enjoy what I eat now, try to make good choices for about 80-90% of the week but I don't stop myself if pizza is around or whatnot. :) So right now I hover around 142, but that's ok b/c I'm sorta tall (5'7 1/2").

I have not heard from malinko but sounds like she's so busy with work and keeping her mind off of TTC, that she doesn't rush on here like we do! That's ok, I totally understand it's a state of mind thing! And sometimes just an availability thing. I definitely should be eyeballs-deep in a data file right now...but that's just not as fun as chatting with you!!
lol I absolutely love you both! :hugs:

Malinko-You do what you feel is right as far as charting! I am so impressed with how laid back you have been! You go girl! :bunny: And I just wanted to say that I asked my doctor last week about drinking during the TWW (as I am not a big drinker but do enjoy a glass of wine) so he says that having a few drinks during the TWW isn't going to hurt anything. He said when it comes to substance abuse it is an all or nothing thing that early in the game. He said if I were using heavy drugs or drinking until I black out he would be more concerned, but typically having a few drinks wouldn't affect the pregnancy or make you lose the baby! So to me that was GREAT news! He said one of his partner's wife when they were younger who was also an OBGYN, but his wife was from Russia and they used to go out and she would be drinking and smoking while pregnant and he said it used to drive him crazy but she was a "strong" woman and there was no telling her no! The baby ended up fine but he said those kinds of actions would worry him, but not having a few drinks during the TWW!

Wish- so funny about the "pop" and "soda" thing. I know down south people tend to call it "coke" and therefore everything is a "coke" even a sprite weird! Just funny we all call it something different! I personally think your weight is probably PERFECT for your height! I am only about 5'0" so I am really short and any weight I gain makes me look HUGE lol But sounds like you are doing great!

hope you both have a wonderful day! Ill be in and out all day! Lets make this baby thing happen for us all....starting with you Wish! keep that :witch: far far away!!!

Little - now that you say that...I am a little impressed with myself too!!! Now, don't get me wrong...every little pinch or pain here or there I think to myself "could this be a pregnancy symptom???" However, I don't even go back to my chart to look at what symptoms I had on "this dpo" because it never seems to be the same and I still haven't gotten a bfp. So...I guess it is just going to happen when it happens.

So, I have to join in on the "soda" and "pop" conversation. For the LONGEST time, I always referred to it as pop. Now I always say soda. Funny how we all are. last thing. Since we are discussing weight. I am 5'7". I weigh anywhere from 113 (when I wake up) to 116 (after eating all day and weighing at night time). My doctor hasn't said anything to me yet about my weight and ttc. I eat protein, I eat meat, I eat whatever I want and unfortunately eat until I am miserably full and still really don't put much weight on. I'm blessed that my mom is about my height and is a slender frame too. My bro-in-law's wife who is pregnant always tells me "you are going to have a hard time getting are too small." I get soooo irritated when she says that to me...but little, since you are a nurse, what is your thought? I'm on the borderline of "normal weight" and "underweight" for bmi. In the morning it is "underweight" at like 18.3 or 4 and then in the evening it is 18.5 which is considered normal.
it's funny you say that...I am worried about being a little overweight and not being able to get pregnant. I give myself a hard time and am very critical of myself but I am going to tell you the facts of what I know about weight and pregnancy.

IF your body is happy at the weight that you are and you aren't over working out or trying to lose weight and you are eating healthy you are fine. Your body has to be happy at what it is at and it will function normally. Would I be worried if you put on a few pounds absolutely not! But again, if this is how you have ALWAYS been it is good! Don't listen to what other people say about your weight. 99.9% of the time it is bullshit. I put on about 25 lbs from last year to this year and told my doctor I was worried and he laughed. IF you weighed under 100 I would say ehhhh you need to gain some or if I weighed 270 lbs Id DEFINITELY Need to lose, but im 5'0 and weight about not thin but im not that big lol even though I feel like it and my dr says im good to go!

truthfully thought malinko if you really want to gain a few pounds (which I think you are fine) but you can trying drinking ensure weight gain once a day. Its like a chocolate shake and they really do help gain! DH is VERY thin and he hates how thin he is so he is always trying to gain weight and we found those work nicely!
Thanks for the advice! I have always been this weight. I think last year I was probably around the 116-118 area which was probably perfect. I've been at this weight for the last 10-12 months. Around our wedding I remember seeing 108 but I know that was just the stress/excitement of getting married. I quickly went back to my "normal" range. And, I don't exercise....which isn't good....but at least I can't blame over exercising to be why I'm so small. I honestly think it is just genetics.
I honestly think you are flipping lucky!!!!!! I would KILL to have genetics that make me small. We are all on the chunky side, but I have always watched what I eat and exercised so I SHOULD be right around 120 or so. a few years ago I was down to 115 and of course then my BMI was just so short so im not supposed to weigh much at all and man no matter what I do (because I REALLY watch what I eat) I just stay on the heavier side unless im so stressed that im eating nothing or working out super hard which I have heard isn't good if you are trying to get pregnant. Its a catch 22 lol

I decided a few months ago I was just going to not worry about my weight and keep doing what im doing and if my body is happy where it is then ill let it be there and hopefully get pregnant and then once I delver it will be crash diet and exercise time for me! lol


ok so...
a) little's DH is a bugger for wanting to gain weight and not being able to do it
b) so are you malinko ;)
c) I've gotten down to about 121 before, stress/not eating after a bad breakup years ago and I can't imagine my frame being much less - you've mentioned before that you have a smaller frame, so I'm positive you're fine. Even when I was working out and eating everything right, I only got down to 126 and I was wearing size 2s! no further down than that for me!
d) little - sounds like you're looking good to me too and I'm glad your doc agrees! My mom is about 5'2" (got the long genes from my Dad) so she's always battled her weight too b/c of her height - always felt like the smallest little pound showed up 5x more than what it really did!
e) I looked up last month's chart and forgot that I made it to 11dpo that month. So I most likely will get AF tomorrow. Even with a temp spike tomorrow morning, I won't be convinced she's not coming b/c I usually spike first day of AF.
f) so funny about the southern 'coke' comment - I went to college in NC and the first time someone asked me if I wanted a coke, I said sure. Then they said 'what kind?' I had no idea how to answer. Diet? Coke Classic? New Coke? Coke Zero? WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THIS RIDDLE?!
Wish- I KNOW HE IS SUCH A PUNK lol...and its true...when you are this short if you gain 5 lbs its looks like 15 I SWEAR!

I am still hoping and crossing everything that AF doesn't show for you! I want you to be pregnant almost more than I want myself to be pregnant right now! lol I am SOOOOOO in your corner!

I also think malinko is fine where her weight is and of course im jealous lol

and yes isn't that SO funny! They said would you like a coke and you say yes sure id love one and then they ask what kind and you are like um there is only 1??? I had that happen to me as well! glad im not alone! I was like um I just want a coke and the guy was like no really what kind? I was like I don't understand...thought he was just messing with me then one of the girls I was with explained it! Come on people this is AMERICA! one word for the same thing! lol oh well gotta love culture!

Here in Indiana if you said coke or soda people would think you were weird...but pop is kind of a nasty sounding word really....lazy speech if you will...but hey that's how we are here! lol

love you both to pieces! wish we were having lunch right now! :thumbup:
So.....Freaking.....Tired! OH MY GOSH! I thought this morning was bad but this afternoon is even worse. Ugh!

Little, I saw your other post regarding ovulation on a full moon. I read some other posts about people saying it is a good sign. I've ovulated on a full moon (not on Friday the 13th though!) and it has never helped hoping the Friday....being the 13th....on a full moon will be your lucky month!
I love you for your optimism but I am about 99% sure she's coming soon. I checked my CP in the shower a bit ago and it's low, firmer and I feel the little dip where I would suppose the opening is. And my cm looks just watery today, which is 'day before AF' consistency. And just to be sure, I googled CP and this is how it goes before AF shows. Soooo - boooooooo! Let's focus our optimism on you two now!!!

GOOOO LITTLEGIRL AND MALINKO BEANS!!!! :plane: (this is them zooming down your fallopian tubes :))

lunch would be lovely! where should we meet? PA?? haha
good morning ladies!

malinko I wouldn't think it would be lucky at all haha. And Im not counting on this month being any different than any other month. Im just going through the motions at this point!

Wish I am so sorry to hear you think the :witch: has arrived :nope: that is a huge bummer! I was really hoping to get on here this morning and hear you say she never showed!

Blah...its supposed to storm all day here today. That is about how I feel too. BLAH

Hope you ladies are having a better day than I am thus far!


good morning! busy day ahead but it's with the same task, multiple documents. So I'll be on here every now and then, just warning you! :)

Ms. AF has not shown her ugly face just yet and my temp went back up, but I'm still slightly AF-crampy. I shouldn't fall for it! Mean body!! I've gone to the bathroom twice already today sooooo...where is she?
I don't want to get anyone's hopes up, least of which my own!! We'll see what the day brings. Hey, maybe my lower back going out this weekend was b/c my muscles were all loosey-goosey and getting ready to spread out!

malinko - I hope you got a good sleep last night! Are you tuckered out b/c you're so stressed?
And what's this about your rentals? like you and DH own rental properties and are you losing tenants?? We have a duplex in a nearby town and one of the tenants lost his job before Thanksgiving, so that was super stressful for us. If that's what you're going through - that SUCKS!

little - awww, I love stormy days! I think it's the Irish in me - I love the rain. Not day after day of it, mind you - but a good, cozy rainy day is the bees knees sometimes! haha! and a powerful thunderstorm! we were actually woken up by one last night here. I just think 'yay - someone else is watering the flowers and garden for the day - thanks!'
And I don't know - malinko might be on to something with the luck! A full moon on Friday the 13th isn't going to happen again until something like 2042! :shock:
meh - light spotting again, as per usual. I assume this is the beginning!

how's everyone else feeling? little - good temps! malinko - going to stalk...looks good! glad to see that rise today!!
Good morning friends!

So, temp went up by .2 degrees this morning. Nothing exciting. I'm actually already gearing myself up for af's arrival next week. I think coming to terms with it right now will make life a whole lot easier for me (and nicer for dh!) So, I am just going to enjoy my next 5 or 6 days and be ready for her to make her arrival.

Wish - dh and I own about 10 rental units and 6 of them were turning over. We rent to medical students and they rent for a couple of years while doing the educational studies and then move on. So, we have 6 couples that have finished and are moving on....and 6 new ones coming in. Next year we will only have 4 that will turn over so that will be good.

Glad to hear af hasn't shown for you!!!! Keep us updated throughout the day! I think I am tuckered out due to the progesterone. It always seems to make me exhausted around this part of the tww.

Little - nice to see your temp just keeps going up!!! How are you feeling?

Talk to you soon girls!!!
Wish- I know you don't want to get your hopes up but you know some women have a little of the light spotting during the time when af would arrive when they are pregnant...they keeping getting it and they think she is coming but she never does and then they take a test and BOOM :bfp:....just saying...please keep us updated!

malkino- I cant imagine the stress of having 6 tenants switch at the same time! that is just crazy!

yes I am happy about the rain doing my flower and gardening work for me! Its been really warm the last few days and watering everything is a task lol. I do enjoy it and I enjoy the exercise so I suppose I cant complain too much!

My temps are steadily rising, but as you both know I am not thinking anything of it. they did something like this last cycle and of course AF came anyway. Now I will say if around 8 or 9 DPO they are up above 98 and they steadily stay up above 98 I might think a little something into it, but as for now I am like malinko just expecting the stupid :witch: to show at the end of next week! I just keep thinking to myself why would it be any different this time than it has been in the past?! I know that's not the best attitude but hey who can blame me right?!

love to you both!

:hugs and :dust:
P.S. I have become pretty in love with this :bunny: really might be the cutest thing I have ever seen haha just thought I'd share!

:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

three of us! 3 bunnies in our tummies! RIGHT?!?!?!? :thumbup:

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