Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

HAHAHAHA so we're totally on the same page. I am to the point where I'm posting random thoughts too but I'm having so much fun! And this is WAY more fun than my actual work!

Post-shower update - CP is high and firm and there was a little bit of brown sludge in there. So yes, still spotting I suppose. I just read something that even right after conception, your cervix gets soft and squishy from all of the blood, getting ready to hold a baby and close up. But then FF will say 'oh X% of pregnancies have a firm cervix'. UGH! Whatever.

Re: progesterone and eating a lot - you know, I don't know this but wouldn't be surprised. Though what I'd be less surprised is that you just treat yourself SO WELL all the time, that McD's sometimes is just HEAVEN and it's hard not to scoff that down once in awhile. (and to me, that's not a lot - that's a normal meal! haha! I was thinking you were going to write like 2 Big Macs and a large fry or something! Take it easy on yourself - you're fine!) That actually sounds amazing right now... I'm a total sucker for the power of suggestion so now I'm going to be obsessed with McD's until I get my paws on some.

AND I had the same thought about Malinko - she's going to need an hour to read through all of our posts when she does return! haha
Ok so you know I am a nurse. But the one thing I TRUTHFULLY know NOTHING about is cervix position in relation to pregnancy. Im sure I could look it up or just step out of my office and ask a doc but eh whats the fun in that. However...I am pretty darn sure that a high and firm cervix is not the start of AF!!!! WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO TEST?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


sorry about the McDonalds was good...the little I could taste since I ate it in 5 seconds anyway lol
I'll probaby wait until tomorrow to test, if I can stand it. This spotting is still happening on the undies but when I 'go to the loo' - ain't nuthin' there! geez louise.

OOOOOHHHH - can you ask a doc?? They would probably say it's not a good indicator if you're only 12dpo. HA! I've never been able to say that before - 12dpo!
I know right that is why I am thinking your longest lp EVER

ok so I asked a N.P. (not a doc but nurse practitioner) she says that all women's cervix are different but high is always a good sign. If its low then she would think period is coming but as far as the feeling of it no real info comes from that during early preg because everyone is different, but HIGH is good!!
if you test tomorrow you better update me ASAP! :thumbup:...honestly though if you make it to 13dpo you would HAVE to test! I don't even have a 13 day lp ever! that is SUPER long! (I mean for us anyway!)

YIKES im excited! I am just praying to all high heavens that you get a bfp! I really think it would be a great sign of what is to come! WHOOP WHOOP! :bunny:
Hello ladies! Sorry...dh and I decided to take a long weekend and are traveling :) And so funny because I ate mcdonalds! It was delicious. should go get some! So excited to hear af hasn't shown! Although...I will be deb by Downer and share my experience with you. Last month when I was late and got my hopes up....I had some brownish spotting when checking cp. I hope yours is from implantation . .but I don't want you to get super excited and then be let down.

Little...great temps! I'll be back on soon girls. Keep us updated! I'm there with little in the corner rooting for you! Hope you are the start to all of our bfps!

Nothing new for me. Feeling nothing. Having a beer and just relaxing! Talk soon!!!
malinko! great to hear from you! glad you are off relaxing and having fun! I am not even worried about my temps anymore at this point as last cycle my temps looked freaking AWESOME and nothing. So basically I am just keeping track to show my doctor and so I know when AF is going to start!

Hope you enjoy your weekend! Don't be too much of a stranger though we miss you when you are gone!! But seriously enjoy yourself and enjoy the beer!!!

lots of love :hugs: and :dust:!!
oh that's right! totally forgot about the mini-vaca!! HAVE FUN!! I would kill for some wine tonight but apparently I shouldn't...

and yo'ure not being Debby Downer, I totally get it! I know all of your experiences since January and you've been put through the ringer, that's why I'm trying to keep a straight head on. Even if I make it to tomorrow - I was 3 days 'late' in November, I think I made it out to 30dpo on New Years. I can't recall the spotting, though. Ugh, this is such a mind-warping thing. I wasn't tracking O dates then, so I don't know how long of LPs those were.

THANK YOU for asking the NP!! yeah, basically everything online says that CP differs so much for so many women that it's not really reliable.

wine and McD's.....I'm dreaming......:wine::munch:
OH MY GOSH ladies!!!!! I just got a call from my Dr!!!! My progesterone at only 4 DPO was 8.6!!!! It only has to be 3 or above to be considered ovulation and that is at 7DPO!!! I AM having strong ovulation!!!! this is like GREAT news for me as my Dr was worried I might not really be ovulating but labs are GREAT!!! YAY!!! Maybe the little :spermy: will make it to the egg this month since we had :sex: 3 days in a row right before O!!!



sorry I am just so relieved to have a bit of good news and I know you 2 will understand!!!!!!

Wish keep your head up! Maybe this is the cycle for all of us!!!

ahhhhhhh lets all pray and keep everything crossed!!! WHOOP WHOOP

:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

3 little bunnies for our 3 little tummies! (well mine isn't exactly little but yay!)
that's AWESOME NEWS!!!! I'm so glad to hear that and I hope this helps quell any concerns for you from here on out!!
My fingers, toes, everything are crossed for you too!!!

so, a little funny and an example of my ditziness this week:
earlier today I asked one of my good friends/coworkers if he had found a 'sound proof method of self-motivation' b/c I was lacking it severely today. He replied with 'I don't even know what that means?' and even said the 'sound proof' part was confusing him. Anyway, we moved on to other things. I was just out setting up the sprinkler/watering my flowers when it FINALLY hit me that I meant 'FOOL PROOF'. HOLY CRAP!! ....sound proof....wth.
I think we're about to post at the same time... :) good morning!

how are you feeling?? I'm so excited that you guys are getting into the 'zone'! Temps are looking good for both of you!

I still haven't tested, I'm such a wimp!! No more spotting since yesterday afternoon (though I maybe saw a few drops this morning, but nothing on the TP), temp is up .1, which is .5 more than usual this cd (well, usually I'm cd2 by now anyway). I've decided if nothing happens today, I'll test tonight with DH gets home from work so he's here too. A BFN is going to be so confusing if that's what I get, but I know if nothing continues to happen, then to just test later.

Malinko - I know we discussed how to tell our spouses and such and you said you just want him there when you do - now that an actual possible time is here, I want him here too! No frills and surprises, he's got to be a PART of this moment!
So at least that decision is done. HA!

Seriously - still no other symptoms besides being an airhead. Had a bit of a headache this morning but who knows if that is related and it's gone now. My left boob is kinda bothering me, like it doesn't like the feel of my tank top. But it's not sore at all. Otherwise, I'm the most boring maybe-pregnant person ever!
little - were you thinking of surprising DH in a special way or just have him there when you test? Do you know if you're going to tell anyone else or try to keep it all to yourself for 3 months?
now that this might be a reality or I can at least imagine it in more realistic terms, 3 months is going to be hard.
Good Morning!
Wish i am SOOOOO glad to hear the :witch: has stayed away and I cant believe you have made it this long without testing! you are so brave! Oh and speaking of the airhead moment you had...i do stuff like that on a regular basis lol so i will never be able to tell if it is pregnancy brain or just that i have too much on my mind going on and i cant think and speak correctly lol

I would want DH to be there at the moment i test, but if not, because he goes to work an hour before i do in the morning so if by chance it doesn't work out that way i am going to take a picture of the positive test, get it printed off, get a card for him and tell him that he is going to be the BEST dad EVER and put the picture in the card and leave it in his truck when its parked at work! I have a key to get in....i just cant imagine the phone call I'd get once he opens it! lol

But most of the time i have tested and he has been there and its just another :bfn: I mean i always tell him when im planning on testing if i am and so its not like he wouldn't know i was taking the test and he might even ask about it but ill just try to ignore the question until he can get to his card and see the + HPT picture! Then i can write how im feeling instead of bursting into tears and not being able to say what i want. lol I am an Italian woman...emotions run high in my family lol so id be a mess

GOSH Wish I am so thrilled that you are where you are and i think this is awesome! I SOOOOOOOOOO am praying that you get your BFP!!!! Not only do you deserve it I just think its time for you to be done having to deal with the ups and downs of ttc! I will be incredibly happy for you!!! I cant wait to hear the good news!!!

FX and :dust:
oh and i wanted to ask you both....i know my temp is up and that is good, but is it weird that it has been exactly the same the last 3 mornings?? Just curious!

love :hugs: :bunny: and LOADS of :dust:
Oh and I stalked both of your charts and they both look FANTASTIC!!! :thumbup:


:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

3 bunnies for us!!! PLEASE! Thank you! :flower:
HA! I don't know if 'brave' is the word I would use to describe me not testing!! I think it's just fear that I'll see the BFN. I guess more of a percentage of me is actually starting to believe this could be real so the thought of a BFN is crushing - like, 'why did you let yourself think that way? why would it happen now?? dummy!' Whereas on months I'm pretty sure I'm out, I'll test away to prove that out. Backwards thinking, for sure. Test when you're sure you're not pregnant!

That is the cutest plan!! I love that you're Italian and you already know your emotions will be high! I can see you crying, leaving the note on his car - someone else sees you and thinks you're leaving a Dear John letter! hahaha!
I'm French and Irish, I think that's pretty stoic. I tend to hold my feelings and reactions in, especially about big things except excitement - I let that FLY. So this is going to be SO HARD. Hell, we have a bday party to go to tomorrow for 2 of our friends' little girls, they make it so it's an adult party too. It's going to SUCK not being able to tell anyone if we get a BFP! I tell ya, if AF shows, though - DH is going to have to carry me home.
Like, can you imagine walking around your office and not telling anyone for 12 WEEKS??? AHHHH!!!

re: your temps - I always think it's strange when they plateau like that but at least they are staying high!! I was eating lunch with a friend of mine who has fertility issues and told her that I stopped temping after a few months and she agreed - she's been told by her RE that it doesn't help much more than tell you when you ovulated. So don't put toooooo much weight into it not fluctuating. I think it's also good to use at the end of the LP to see if your temps remain high, especially if your AF is late!

here's a little extra sprinkle for us all
Oh gosh I know if someone sees me putting something in his vehicle they will think i am some crazy girl lol oh well I wont care what anyone thinks of me at that point i am sure!

as far as keeping it a secret I wont tell most people, but because our families (as in our parents and siblings) both know we are trying I would probably tell them. I mean once it was confirmed by a blood test. My nurse at my doctor's office told me I wouldn't need it to be confirmed by a blood test if i didn't want and i was like OH NO I WILL have it confirmed by a blood test a freak like that....its definitely the nurse in me though! I would tell our parents first and then maybe tell siblings but that is it! I don't want people knowing before 12 weeks...i just know too many things COULD happen between then. Now the chances of them happening are slim (in my opinion simply because i haven't had miscarriages or anything ive just never been pregnant but still) but i dunno i just want to wait to tell work and friends and things like that until it was a little further along but i probably couldn't keep it back from immediate family! (we are all super close)

I can't even tell you how thrilled i will be if you get your :bfp:!! But if not for some weird reason (which i cant imagine) I would be carried out of the party too. Its weird cause im not a huge drinker. I was kind of when i was younger but now i just enjoy an occasional drink. after last cycle when AF started i actually got drunk. It was just too much.

you are right about the temps though. They are up quite a bit and im good with that! Hopefully they stay up! The only reason i temp so much is because my doc likes to see them and then i know FOR sure when i ovulated and when the stupid :witch: is coming!

Please let us know what your test results are! and don't beat yourself up if you do happen to get a :bfn: which i don't think you will, but if you do don't kill yourself over letting yourself have a little positive thinking! Faith in things and hope are what get us through our days. If you lose all hope then that's not good either! Just remember its ok to get a little excited even if it ends up in disappointment you had a SUPER long LP and there is no way if i were in your shoes that i wouldn't be thinking i was finally pregnant as well!

But on a happy note i am feeling nothing but good things for you!!!

Prayers will be continued!!!

:bunny: dance Wish! Your little :bunny: is probably growing in your tummy as we chat!!! :thumbup:
Good morning girls! Wish....getting excited for you! I remember last month when dh and I talked about getting a test for the next day and I just couldn't do it. The fact that I was late was telling enough and I just knew if I was pregnant, I would continue to be late. I would have rather gone to the bathroom 50 times a day to check than see a bfn. It's like once you think you COULD be then you don't want to test. Next time I'll probably wait until 4 or 5 days past! However, last month I did find an old test an decided to use it I think on 10 or 11 dpo and it was negative which was another reason I held off on testing.

I'm feeling nothing as usual. Had a few drinks with friends last night and have decided to relax completely from here on out. It WILL happen for us's just a matter of timing. I've been hearing SO many stories of people trying and not able to get pregnant and they finally quit trying and get pregnant. I tempted this morning...3 times...not sure why. Guess I didn't like the number I saw! First temp was 97.7, second one a minute later was 97.9 and then laid back down for 3 hours and it was 98.0. I'm not even recording today's :)

Little....I think your temps are fine! I'd rather have steady then up and down :) as you said though....the only thing they are really useful for is to confirm ovulation and a "high chance" of pregnancy if they remain elevated for 18 days.

Be back soon to check on your friends! Wish....I'm very excited for you!!!!!
ok - you just brought out a little giggle and some tears with your last sentiment!! :hugs:

ughhh - I want DH to get out of work early so I can test now! haha
FF is playing with my mind too - I have 56 'points' on that scale they have, the highest I've ever had. And that's with barely any symptoms. And it says that 76% of pregnancies have been tested before 13dpo. Or however they say that. So basically I have a 76% chance that, if positive, it would show today.

Yeah, I'm definitely calling the doc for a blood test, just to confirm and get next steps. I think I get some 'extra' care b/c I'm, as they call it, of advanced age for pregnancy. That's nice, huh? Whatever, take care of me and mini me all you want!

I think I'm on the same path as you re: telling people. I will definitely tell my folks and my sister. We'll HAVE to tell DH's Dad, he lives here and will know SOMETHING is up if I'm not having wine on the weekends! I make myself out to be such a wino but I don't get drunk either unless it's a special occasion and we're both throwing caution to the wind for the night. Or we're just feeling silly and playing board games and stuff into the wee hours of the night - those are the best nights! But overall, I'm done with the 'drunk' stage. That said, everyone knows I love wine and will have a glass or two at BBQ's and such. So tomorrow I'm just going to have to say I'm hungover or not feeling great or something.

Other than that, it'll be hard. Especially since all of my family is down in NC and we can't squeal about it together in person!! There are a couple of friends I might tell sooner than 12 weeks but we'll see. I'm VERY nervous about a miscarriage - I think they are more common than you think, from what I've heard. Almost all of my friends have had at least one, others have had some other horror stories like losing the baby (or babies, in one case) after the first trimester. Not to be Debbie Downer, as Malinko says, but if I am preg, this is just the beginning of the worry.... blah! But I'll take it!
Wish....I just looked at your chart. Littles chart threw me for a loop last month so I want to be careful....but that dip on 10 dpo and rise on 11 looks great! Ahhh!

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