Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Good morning girls! Just wanted to say hello!!! And little...I'm still looking for you! I'm starting to feel like I am stalking you :)

Wish, how are you feeling?

Today is 13dpo. I'm guessing this is going to be my new normal instead of a 12 day luteal phase. When checking cervix this morning, it is very watery and then some brownish cm when checking cervix. So, guessing she'll be here tomorrow. For once...I'm at peace with it!
Good Morning bnb besties!

No worries I am still alive and everything is fine! lol forgot I had a conference all day yesterday or I would have warned you! but not to worry you wont be getting rid of me that easily!

Wish I am glad to hear that you are doing well and seem to not be in the dark dumps where I would normally be! :hugs: Hopefully they can get your tests going and see what is going on!

malinko I looked at you chart and your temps look good! Hope it means something awesome for you! I will definitely keep my FX!!

DH submitted his semen for sperm anaylsis on Saturday so we should be getting that report back soon! Af is due on Thursday for me and when she starts ill be calling my Dr to set up my next round of tests. Oh boy...

I am catholic (goes with the whole Italian family thing lol) I am not one of the really strict ones or anything I actually don't go to church as much as I used to when I was younger, but I did some research into the saint of TTC. We believe in praying to saints to help us pray to God basically. Now this is not something I have ever really done in my life or anything, but I really don't want to have to go through more tests. I get tests done all the time just for my diabetes and I am hoping to not have to add these to the list. So I started praying to St. Gerard. I am not expecting anything out of the ordinary. As a matter of fact I am expecting AF to arrive right on time. I haven't even thought about testing. but I have been hoping and praying as much as possible just incase, but like I said I am not getting my hopes up.

yesterday I had a headache that wasn't bad but just annoying. I have had quite a bit of reflux and maybe felt a little queasy but like wish said last week that also happens to me from time to time toward when AF is going to arrive so I am not thinking anything of it. The only out of the ordinary thing that happened to me was Saturday morning 8DPO when I got out of bed I almost hit the floor. I just got up to pee really quick and I haven't ever felt that dizzy in my life. It hasn't really happened since then but I literally had to grab the bathroom door edges to keep myself in a standing position. But hey that was a one time thing so its probably nothing!

My temps are slowly dropping so that also might mean af is right around the corner. It is so strange because I am WANTING this to be my cycle and WANTING to be pregnant SOOOO bad, but I keep trying to talk myself out of everything. So ill be expecting AF by the end of this week for sure!

How are the both of you today?!

Missed you both over the weekend and yesterday! Hopefully we can talk a bit today as I am not enjoying my work schedule lol

:hugs: love and :dust: to you both!
Hello lovely ladies! Little, so glad you're back with us!! 2 days is FAR too long for either of you to be MIA! haha Unless it's expected over the weekend and we are warned ahead of time! :) now who's the stalker??

malinko - I'm so glad you're at peace with everything this month. There's always a chance that's implantation or just light bleeding, but I'm going to play it straight this month and say if you're not feeling it, then if it happens, it'll be a pleasant surprise for all of us! Yesterday when you said you were going to relax from TTC, did you mean take a step back and not try? Or just becoming more zen about it all?

little - so, I love your thoughts about your commitment to praying to the angels. I grew up Catholic but am much less so now (don't go to church and have questions and such about all of the structure and rules) but I try to live my life to be as good of a person as I can be. But I cannot tell you the warmth I just felt when you said the angel's name that you're praying to - that was my Mom's father's name, Gerard. He passed away when I was only 4 months old, but I am lucky enough to have a flashing memory of him playing the 'hand stacking' game with me. Apparently he had a gorgeous voice and would sing Ava Maria at church when my Mom was younger. :) so your story touched me! Thank you! And may he grant all of our wishes!!!

nope, not down in the dumps here - it would have to be huge for me to get too far down and this being the norm, really, I'm ok. Was frustrated Friday night, for sure. The doc called back today and said we are going to wait another cycle to do my tests since this month's cycle was so off - they don't want the results to be skewed by anything and then have me take them again, so we're just going to wait until next cycle. I'm thankful on one hand - less tests and less out of pocket $, but then frustrated again b/c it's another whole month. Oh well. I have a lot of travel coming up so this month is probably out the window anyway, as far as timing. But we'll see what happens.
Gosh I know how you feel about the waiting part...a month feels like an eternity!

I also am what they would call now a "bad catholic" I do question so much of the rules and things like that. I was made to go to church and participate as a child, and its not that I don't believe in God or any of that stuff just not as strong in the catholic faith as I once was, but I figured hey praying to a saint couldn't hurt! Glad that his name and such brought back good memories for you! :hugs:

Praying is really the only hope I have left for this cycle....I mean I continue to pray HARD, but I keep telling myself it wont way...

Blah...guess im not very cheerful today. Sorry friends!

You never know! I hope your temps skyrocket tomorrow morning! I'm happy that you'll be getting more test results soon too - that'll help figuring out your next steps should this month not pan out.
BUT, I'm still hopeful for you - 2 more days until we know! 1 more day for malinko! :)
well thanks Wish I just don't want to even think it could be possible right now.

I do have some weird things going on though. I usually have a 12 day LP so one would think that since I am 11 DPO that my cervix would be moving down and such. Well I went to check cervix today and literally could almost not feel it. Its SUPER high and still having creamy CM. The other thing is I am slightly nauseous on and off starting on Sunday afternoon. I was really hungry so I started eating lunch and I felt sick about half way through. Since then I have been feeling just a tiny bit sick to my stomach off and on. But its not like terrible its more just like if I thought about it enough I could probably vomit. And I keep getting a lot of saliva in my mouth like I would normally get right before I would get sick. Sorry if this is TMI but its really weird and I just feel like poop. Having slight cramping. Not unusual for now as AF should start any day here, but the weird thing about that is it gets really intense after I eat??? what in the world does that mean??

so confused. Still not reading anything into anything because I am just sure that being pregnant is not in my future. Just thought id share a little about what is going on.....because it seems strange

this nausea of yours makes me very excited.

this is me on the inside: :happydance::wohoo:

I would not be shocked if, like when you O'ed, implantation knocked you on your butt this weekend and now you're feeling things. But having just come off of my own high-then-disappointment, I'm VERY shy to make any hopeful statements!!!
I am thinking that I am just losing it or something. I actually wondered if I was getting sick for real like the stomach flu but I guess Im not. Checked temp and it was 99.5....but post O I don't think that is high for me during the day. So maybe im just losing my marbles.

Im sure its nothing and im SURE the :witch: will be here on time. Just wish I didn't feel like this. Do you know what im talking about the saliva thing though? like right before you get sick and you get like a rush of saliva in your mouth and then your throat gets all tight?? I don't have the throat tight part but the saliva is there and that is the only way I can explain it. very strange....

this is going to sound crazy but I almost wish :witch: would just come early so I could not even start to think about the "what if's"
Girls....I'm SO frustrated with myself. I'm doing exactly what I told myself I WOULDN'T do!!! Slap me :)

So, this morning I was confident af would be here tomorrow. I had the exact same morning as I did on 13dpo last month. Checked cervix....brownish tint cm when checking it. This morning I have just felt off. Little...I'm not as bad as you but just not right. I was "so hungry" this morning that I felt a little nauseous. I didn't take my vitamins this morning, so I know that wasn't the problem. Drank my sweet tea like I always do but seemed to have to pee more than normal this morning. So, of course...I get to reading into that. I've had a bit of a headache today, my cyst on my breast seems to be more sore than normal and then my stomach just doesn't feel right. I haven't eaten lunch just because food doesn't sound good. Little - I did the same thing as you. I took my temperature just to see what it was....knowing that it means NOTHING! I have two thermometers and used one orally and then used one vaginally. They say vaginally is about 1 degree higher than oral. It was exact. Oral was 98.4 and vaginally was 99.4. I don't normally take post o temps during the day - - but of course I think "WOW...those are high!" STOP IT DUMMY!!!! It means NOTHING! You are repeating 13dpo from last month with the cm! UGH!

I KNOW af will be here tomorrow. Why do I left that "hope" get to me?!?! Sorry for the rant. I know I am being ridiculous!
You are NOT being ridiculous! I am feeling the SAME way. Its not like REALLY sick or nauseous or anything but I am hungry and when I eat I feel like crap, and every now and then I just think ughhh I could maybe get sick, but not like the actual feeling in my stomach just like I could throw up. I don't know how to explain it other than I just don't feel good, but its not like its TERRIBLE or anything its just weird! and tired and heachache...I don't know. I really don't want to read into it but its definitely different! and 13dpo is quite a few days there considering you don't normally have much longer of an LP than that!

just get me off thinking about this already! I refuse to even let myself think maybe....but then again cervix position is weird today and still having creamy cm?

I don't know....I hate this game its not fun anymore lol
My cervix has been high and somewhat soft today too. feels like it is closed. Again, I know it will change tomorrow but man is it messing with me! I at least had my mind off things for awhile this morning just browsing the internet but man....I'm tired and all I want to do is take a nap now. And just the thought of food sounds good but then I feel nauseous. AF just come already please?!?! This is cruel and unusual punishment :)
high, soft, and closed?? with nausea/but hungry...OMG seriously have to be pregnant right? I mean I know I am not supposed to get optimistic about anything especially after last month for me and what Wish just went through, but 13 DPO with all of that stuff going on?!?!

I mean at least you are 13DPO and having those symptoms...I am only 11DPO so I feel like whatever going on with my body is definitely just pre AF and there is no way in hell im pregnant....

but jeeze malinko.......I mean that sounds REALLY GOOD!!
Nah....the cervix changes SO quickly and with the brownish cm when checking cm is present....I'm not convinced. But I'm telling you....this dull headache and wanting to take a nap are about to get the best of me!!!! AF will make her lovely appearance tomorrow.....I promise!
well I truly hope she doesn't but I cant blame you for feeling that way. I am right there with you only I have 2 or 3 more days to wait until she comes. Its funny because FF gave me the best score of :sex: timing I have had since we started trying with charting....and I thought this is great we are going to have a shot. But I just wont let myself believe I even have a chance this month.

boo :nope:
You guys are SO WEIRD, how could you POSSIBLY think you're preggo?? (I'm making today opposite day so I don't get all excited and jinx you - I'm a big believer of the 'jinx'!!)

so let me be Debbie Downer then so your bodies will WANT to prove me wrong!! :thumbup:
I had a dull headache come over me on Friday and I always get terrible fatigue the night before AF. My CP was high/medium and about medium firmness.

I cannot argue against all the nausea, high and out of reach/soft CPs and creamy cm going on though! those sound positive!

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Please keep posting updates!!!!
Wish - I hope your reverse psychology works but I'm being the Debbie downer here. The brown tinged cm around the cervix says it all for me :) Thanks though for trying to trick my body :)

I'd like to go take a nap.....
You are both silly!
At least you get the spotting before....I seriously don't get anything. Its all or nothing for me. SUPER irritating!

I hope you are able to trick my body Wish! I hope I am tricking my body by trying to ignore the symptoms I hope it decides that I cant ignore it and makes them a lot stronger or sends a very positive sign and says HELLO LADY YOU ARE PREGNANT!

that is my prayer haha wont come true but it cant hurt to want it to happen right?

AF will be here soon enough im sure!

Malinko you have to let us know what tomorrow brings ASAP!!! Just saying ill be impatient about it...fair warning....

"dear Lord, please let there be a little :bunny: in our tummies"
"IF" (actually when) she shows should be in the morning. I'll be on first thing to post that I'm spotting or that it has started. I just had a short lived "cramp" so guessing cramps are about to start.
Well, temp dropped .3 degrees this morning and is at the coverline. Cervix is low (sometimes firm/sometimes soft???) and slightly open. Nothing yet but it is still early. I'll be surprised if I make it out of the house before it starts. Keep you updated.

Little....look at those temps!
Morning chick-a-dees
I am not getting too excited about anything temp wise. I mean don't get me wrong I am glad that they are still up and if it continues to stay up I will maybe let myself feel a little excitement, but not until like Saturday when I am 15DPO and temp is still up. Last month I had a 13 day LP and temp was up quite a bit on 13DPO and then did a nose dive on 14DPO and she arrived right on schedule!

Don't get me wrong I know we gave ourselves the best chance we ever have this month with timing and everything and my labs came back strong that I ovulated and things look really good, but I just cant even imagine it happening. I REALLY want it more than anything and each day that I wake up and my temp is elevated I will continue to pray as hard as I can that we finally succeeded but I just don't think its possible for me. But that doesn't mean I wont pray and hope like hell I am wrong!

Now like I said even if temp is still up on Friday morning (I would be 14DPO) I will have a little thought that it might be happening, and will plan on testing on Saturday (15DPO) if temp is still up that moring then I would pretty much know that I was going to get a positive because I have NEVER had an LP that was longer than 13 days, but I am not getting my hopes up!

I do still have this weird nauseous feeling going on, but its not like super intense or anything its just weird. Its kind of like reflux or something but more nauseous feeling with it. Still not reading anything into it! Cervix is still high and soft...its like so high that I cant tell if its open or not I can barely feel it at all, and still creamy cm so maybe all of that is good. I am SUPPOSED to start AF tomorrow, but I will guess either tomorrow or Friday.

Hope you ladies are both doing well! Malinko I am sorry to hear that your temp dropped but just remember you aren't out until she shows!!!! :hugs:

Wish how are you doing? How are the flowers and the garden? Mine are doing pretty well as we have had rain here the last few days, but I don't think it is supposed to rain today so I will get to water them when I get home! Maybe the flower thing will work for but again doubt it!

Hope you ladies are having a wonderful morning!

:hugs: love and :dust:

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