Good Morning bnb besties!
No worries I am still alive and everything is fine! lol forgot I had a conference all day yesterday or I would have warned you! but not to worry you wont be getting rid of me that easily!
Wish I am glad to hear that you are doing well and seem to not be in the dark dumps where I would normally be!

Hopefully they can get your tests going and see what is going on!
malinko I looked at you chart and your temps look good! Hope it means something awesome for you! I will definitely keep my FX!!
DH submitted his semen for sperm anaylsis on Saturday so we should be getting that report back soon! Af is due on Thursday for me and when she starts ill be calling my Dr to set up my next round of tests. Oh boy...
I am catholic (goes with the whole Italian family thing lol) I am not one of the really strict ones or anything I actually don't go to church as much as I used to when I was younger, but I did some research into the saint of TTC. We believe in praying to saints to help us pray to God basically. Now this is not something I have ever really done in my life or anything, but I really don't want to have to go through more tests. I get tests done all the time just for my diabetes and I am hoping to not have to add these to the list. So I started praying to St. Gerard. I am not expecting anything out of the ordinary. As a matter of fact I am expecting AF to arrive right on time. I haven't even thought about testing. but I have been hoping and praying as much as possible just incase, but like I said I am not getting my hopes up.
yesterday I had a headache that wasn't bad but just annoying. I have had quite a bit of reflux and maybe felt a little queasy but like wish said last week that also happens to me from time to time toward when AF is going to arrive so I am not thinking anything of it. The only out of the ordinary thing that happened to me was Saturday morning 8DPO when I got out of bed I almost hit the floor. I just got up to pee really quick and I haven't ever felt that dizzy in my life. It hasn't really happened since then but I literally had to grab the bathroom door edges to keep myself in a standing position. But hey that was a one time thing so its probably nothing!
My temps are slowly dropping so that also might mean af is right around the corner. It is so strange because I am WANTING this to be my cycle and WANTING to be pregnant SOOOO bad, but I keep trying to talk myself out of everything. So ill be expecting AF by the end of this week for sure!
How are the both of you today?!
Missed you both over the weekend and yesterday! Hopefully we can talk a bit today as I am not enjoying my work schedule lol

love and

to you both!