Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Glad you checked in Wish I was getting worried haha...yes I am a worrier lol

We will just be spending time on the lake and out in the sun! The weather is supposed to be really nice here like mid 70's and sunny! I cant wait I am so ready to have a fun weekend! And of course BD-ing just for fun, but I have read that it is supposed to be good to do it more regularly other than just ONLY doing it when you are in your fertile window it promotes healthy :spermy: which we need! lol

So everything says that you should focus more on the "love making" aspect rather than just doing it because you are trying to get hey doing it more often will help with that too! At least these are my hopes!

I am going back to the doctor 7/11/14 for my ultrasound and then to see him about lab results and u/s results so hopefully this will all be good news and then my "window" of opportunity will fall toward the end of next week! SO more :sex: like rabbits for us lol

its gotta happen one of these days I just keep saying to myself......

:hugs: love and of course......

:dust: :dust: :dust:
Ok so I just found this out and I had to share with you two because it is weird. I was looking at my calendar at work and I noticed that next Saturday is the full moon. I would be on CD15 next Saturday so I know it will be around O time but my O time varies by a few days each cycle so who knows....well I remembered that I had ovulated on a full moon last cycle because it was also Friday the 13th and I remember thinking oh great this cant be good lol

So I got on FF and looked back....

The day I have ovulated for the last 4 months has been on the FULL MOON

That's very bizarre!!! Though I guess you've been able to bust that old wives' tale right open, huh? I think we've all been working hard on proving that LPs can waiver in length - just ask us!!

Man, today is just so stressful at work!! I'm glad I have your posts to come over to for a little mental break of sunshine! no micromanaging here!
lake and sunshine sounds so perfect!! I'd tell you to enjoy yourself but it sounds virtually impossible not to!

is it weird that I'm looking forward to YOUR doc office visits? I'm very interested in hearing what they have to say or what they can find, if you're willing to share, of course! I know it's all very personal so share what you want! :)
haha isn't that the truth! I had a 12 day LP, an 11 day LP a 13 day LP and a 14 day LP....they can take their theories and shove them! Anyways....

It is totally fine that you are excited lol its a good thing that I have someone who is there and cares because im nervous lol. but of course I will share with you! I really don't have a problem talking to you ladies about things because I don't share any of this stuff with anyone else so I need someone to confide in! I do talk to my mom a little from time to time, but she wants a grandchild so badly that it always turns into that kind of conversation....I love my mom to pieces as well as DH's mom, but they are both so insistent on the whole when is my grandchild coming that it becomes hard to talk to them about anything else related to trying to have children!

My mom has/had endometriosis and was able to get pregnant very easily with all 3 of her children, and so she always says to me "well I had that and it didn't stop me" obviously she is saying it in an encouraging way, but the only thing I really COULD NEVER SHARE with them is DH's sperm analysis results. None of them even know he had one done. I just couldn't do that to matter if that is our problem I would let everyone believe it was me and not him....this may sound crazy but I could deal with people thinking I am unable to have children....if he cant produce healthy enough sperm to make a baby and that is why we couldn't get pregnant he would never be able to live with that....

ah the male ego is such a fragile thing lol

I still love him to death no matter what :thumbup: but talk about sensitive haha no no just kidding I guess its a huge shot to your manhood....but I think that we can get the problem fixed and get those little :spermy: headed in the right direction because as both of you have told me multiple times....IT ONLY TAKES ONE RIGHT?!

here's to the one little guy :spermy: to help us make our little miracle :bunny:
Good morning!! Happy Day Before a Long Weekend!!
Looks like it's going to be super rainy here tomorrow so I guess no fireworks. The BBQ we were going to was even cancelled! BUT, I have a run in the morning with a long lost friend I grew up with so I am very excited for that. :)

Today is another busy day but I hope to be able to get out early. Are you all able to escape early today at all? Probably not you, little, huh? The little ones still need their caring nurses, no matter the holiday!

I just was reading a really great article on the need for human touch when you're in love, when you're disconnecting, etc. I didn't get to read it all b/c it was really long and I had to log in to work but it seemed really interesting. If you ladies are interested...
Oh I will definitely take a look at it! thank you for sharing!

I wont get to leave early today but I do have a 3 day weekend! Might be able to slip out an hour early or something....just maybe but I doubt it! haha

Usually I end up staying over late...but hey that's just life isn't it?

Hope you both have a FABULOUS holiday weekend!


Good morning ladies!

Little - Sounds like you can pretty much guess when you will be ovulating this month :) Maybe I should go take a look at mine and see if there are any patterns! I told DH today that I am not temping. I haven't decided what I will do with the testing. I have 4 tests left and will probably end up using them. He was shocked/surprised to hear that but I told him it's time for me to relax. I too am looking forward to your doctor's appointment! So glad you are willing to share with us!

Wish - I'm definitely going to read that article! Thanks for sharing! Good luck at your race tomorrow. What a bummer that it is going to be raining all day :( I think it's supposed to be nice where we are and I'm so thankful for that. Any ideas on when you might be ovulating? I ovulate anywhere between day 13 and 17 so next week will be a busy one :)

Thinking of you girls! If I don't talk to you before - Happy 4th of July! Have a wonderful holiday weekend and stay safe!
Well Girls I have an update on some news as far as testing and things go.

Dr's office called and said that DH's semen analysis came back (I guess more results than before) and that his count is great, and most of it looks normal, but that he has a lot of white blood cells and a PH of 9 (normal range 7-8) So they think he has an infection. So I asked some questions and the nurse explained to me that unlike women, men can get what is referred to as a chronic mild UTI. So basically what they think is DH at some point got a Bladder infection or whatever and it just wasn't severe enough to cause major symptoms, but having all those white blood cells and the pH being off can cause sperm not to function correctly. SO....

We are going to the urologist on the 15th of July (that was the earliest they could get him in) and they will treat him for this and then HOPEFULLY we will finally get pregnant!!!!!!! They said this actually accounts for like 15% of unexplained infertility issues and that men just don't show outward signs like women do! How flipping crazy is that?!

All along I definitely thought I was the one with the issue, and I guess it still could be that I have some things going on as well, but for now I know that I am ovulating every month and I shouldn't have any blockage for any reason....SO...

FX that when DH gets the medication going and takes his 2 weeks or a month (I guess once it reaches the prostate it is hard to kill thus the long time of medicine) we will get pregnant!!!!!!!!

I am feeling good about this as I feel that this is an issue we can actually fix and that since his count is high its not like there aren't sperm they just aren't able to swim correctly because of the mild infection!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH

a lot more praying for this girl!

I hope you both have a fantastic Holiday! Just wanted to share as I thought you might be interested in that news!

love to you both! :hugs:

Little - what great news!!!!! I'm guessing first of all you weren't even expecting a phone call from them and then on top of that, getting the news you got! WOW!!!! Hopefully the antibiotics will do it for him and then you guys get pregnant!
OMG that's awesome news and sounds SO EASY to fix!! cure an infection! pushaw - that's easy stuff!! I'm so happy for you!!

I hope you ladies have a great holiday weekend as well - get some BD'ing in for fun, relax, etc. My race went really well and I have a great natural buzz going on right now from seeing my old friends. Even not seeing each other for 5 yrs or so, we couldn't shut up - fell right back into old times. It's good for the soul to know you have friends like that, yanno?

O time for me should be Tuesday or Wednesday. Used my last OPK of one pack yesterday just to be sure it wasn't sneaking in early b/c I got some EWCM. It was a negative, though it was like the fifth mu, so who knows. I'm not worried about it! Zen, right? There needs to be a little smiley face in the 'om' pose :)

HAPPY 4TH GIRLS!!! Hooray for living in a country where we can get this additional medical care that can help us all reach our dreams of having little ones AND allow us to be fortunate enough to have internet to make our bestie BNB friends! :)
Good Morning ladies!
Hope you both had spectacular holiday weekends! Mine was great but of course they go by WAYYYYY too fast lol

Thank you for the positive words about the situation with DH! I really hope that is the only issue and once we get it cleared up good things happen for us! I know that they have to treat it for a long time like a month or so because apparently the infection is hard to get rid of so maybe in august or September we will have a chance!

I am taking it SUPER easy and laid back this month...I haven't done much of anything even skipped checking my temp a few times this weekend and not using opk's yet....I will probably start tomorrow but normally I cant wait lol. DH and I did a lot of BD-ing this weekend and it was amazing because it was just FUN again...perhaps that is helping me relax as well?!

Hope your days are going well....I am on the struggle bus today...I could really use a nap! lol

Good morning ladies!

Welcome back after our long and extended weekend! Hope you both had a great holiday weekend. We definitely had a great weekend!

I think I am finally at peace with just relaxing this month. I have to admit that it has been a little hard fighting off the urge to temp. At night time, I'll think "maybe I'll temp for just a few days" but then remind myself that I'm not doing it! I don't have any problems NOT doing it in the morning though...that's for sure! I've been sleeping great in the mornings now! I did break down and use an opk yesterday and it was negative. I have two more left. I'm only CD 12 right now. Last month I had 3 days of flashing and the first flashing as on CD 11. April was 2 days of flashing and the first was on CD 14. So I may use one tomorrow or Wednesday...if I even use one at all. DH and I are just going to bd thru Sunday as I should ovulate by then. For the most part, I am completely relaxed and already told DH that I wasn't going to do much this week as far as temping and testing.

We are getting close to my sister in law (my husband's brother's wife) having her baby. We were with them on the 4th and DH asked me if I thought I will ever have a belly like she does. Poor guy! Maybe our month to relax can be the one. However, it's like flipping a coin. It'll be great to drink in Cabo, but I would also really enjoy not having af while on vacation!!! I'd gladly give up drinking!

Happy Monday ladies. Talk soon!
glad to hear you had a good weekend! Every time we see a pregnant lady I know DH thinks I wish my wife would look like that lol which is funny to me because i know i will be HUGE...I am so short that when im 7 or 8 months ill look like a cow, but i don't even care lol

I hope that your month of relaxation does the trick! I was so surprised that i was having such an easy time relaxing. I guess i just figure that we probably don't have a good chance of getting pregnant until DH is treated and that isn't going to happen until right after i O so maybe i just figure this month wont matter,,,either way i am having a lot more fun DTD this month than i have in a long time lol so hopefully even when our chances get better i will be able to stay relaxed!

I really feel that either way cabo will be an absolute BLAST for you! :hugs:

wish it was Friday already lol NOT GOOD! :nope:
good morning! Sounds like everyone had a great weekend, us included.
I'm so happy to hear that you are both feeling really laid back about this month as far as temping, testing and watching for all of the symptoms. I feel a little pressure this month just b/c we've been given an extra month to make it happen before all of the testing starts.
I cracked open a new box of OPKs yesterday and was negative yesterday and today. I expect to ovulate either tomorrow or Wed, though, so not sure why there's nary a sign on there. But last month went straight from negative to peak, so it wouldn't be weird for that to happen again. THAT SAID - my temp (just b/c I was curious) was 98.1 this morning! And I have a pimple the size of a new nose on my chin, which I have figured out grows every month around O time. I'm very confused. I'm cd16 today and I usually don't O until at least tomorrow. I don't think I already did, at least I hope not. That would be a huge bummer. So unfortunately, I think I'm resigned to taking my temp for the rest of the week just to see if it stays up or if there is a dip anywhere...
We only BD'ed last night so I'm hoping if I did O, then it was yesterday (though that wouldn't explain the negative OPK). Way to start this month out with mass confusion!
Oh Wish - sorry to hear about your confusion. After last month or the month before - I don't even remember which one now - and my temps being all weird and "which day did I really ovulate" as ff was giving me early crosshairs.....I'm somewhat glad I'm not testing every morning or using a thermometer. I hated that confusion that hung around me ALL day long! Maybe just bd every other day - or every day for the next week???? :)

Little - I agree with you! It so hard to let go and say "I'm going to relax this month." But once you finally do - it's wonderful and much easier than anticipated! And hooray on having fun again! DH and I had a couple of spontaneous moments this weekend and I almost forgot what it was like to be spontaneous and not feeling like we are on a mission. I hope it can stay that way this week!!! I will say though....just in case - I've been propping those hips afterwards :)

I forgot to share with you all. I did email a doctor's office last week that some friends had recommended me to. I am guessing that as he is a specialist, it'll be a month or two before I can get in....which will put us at the year mark - if not over. I figure after giving quit a few months of temping and opk's and a month or two of's time to see someone. I'm waiting on them to respond back to me if they accept new patients or not.

Okay - - must get to work. I really need to get focused. There is a small possibility of a job promotion - so I need to kick it into high gear in the off chance this other position opens up! Really need to prove myself! Not sure why I want all the extra headache and responsibility - - - but it gets me out of where I'm at right now (love my's just all the "behind the scene" crap that goes on) AND makes about 15k more and better insurance! :) Talk soon gals!
Sorry to hear about your confusion Wish! I hate when that happens! Hopefully you will get a clear sign here in the next few days and you can get it all figured out! Of course as always my fingers are multiply crossed for you that you get your :bfp: before you have to go through all that testing!!

That opportunity sounds GREAT malinko! you will definitely have to keep us updated on that! And yes i don't know if i am able to relax because i figured we just have no chance of it happening this month or if i am just plain over all the stress of trying....either way i am MUCH more relaxed than i have been, but still praying it will finally happen and SOON!

I hope they are seeing new patients and you get in and get some answers! I am SO ready to see the urologist and get some FOR SURE answers for us...i literally cant wait lol I only wish we were going sooner! haha

thanks! I don't have time to dwell on it, thankfully, so it's just going to stay in the back of my mind. I'm figuring if anything did go oddly this month, it started with all of the spotting and late AF a couple of weeks ago. So yeah, I'm going to suggest that the plan is to just BD for the next 4 days or so, but keep on eye on OPK/temp this week to see if I can get answers. Last night when we BD'ed, DH goes 'so I assume this is the time again?' and I was able to say 'well, I'm expecting to O Tues or Wed, so tonight I was just feeling it!!' and he was pleasantly surprised, I think! It really is nice to be spontaneous and not have it be 'mission-like'!

that's great about reaching out to a new specialist, malinko! And GOOD LUCK on kicking it into high gear for the promo!! My fingers are crossed with you on that too! Do you know when you'd have a better idea of the possibility to move up?

I hope you both have great days! little, I'm with you - is it Friday yet??? hahaha
this is weird - I'm seeing MY chart on little's signature! are either of you seeing that or your own chart (if you have a chart, since you're not temping...?)
that is weird! my chart isn't coming up for nothing is showing?

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