Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Good morning girls.

Things are still odd between dh and me. He was in a good mood this morning - until he got mad about something stupid. So, he left the house without saying goodbye or anything. Whatever. I don't understand how he can go from a good mood to just immediately irritated with me. I probably did bring this one on a little as I'm just not in a good mood right now and haven't fully "forgotten" about the whole argument the other night. I need to quit being so stubborn and just move on. I think if the argument would have happened any other week, I probably would have/could have. When it happens during the fertile window though....that has thrown in a whole new element for me and I'm just not getting over it. It is seeming that this ttc crap is starting to become a problem in the relationship. Oh well. I need to just get over it.

So, I'm confident I have already ovulated. I noticed on Wednesday I was maybe getting the start of some chin acne - but then I found a couple of small spots yesterday. I also have a headache like no other this morning and I slept like crap last night. I tossed and turned for a couple of hours and finally went into a different room and slept. I did take my temp at 4am after tossing and turning just to see what it was as I knew I wouldn't have another 3 hours of sleep. It was 97.6. I then took it after 2 good hours of sleep and it was 97.9. These are post O temps for me....even if it was crappy sleep.

Little - definitely thinking about you today! Hope to hear good results from the ultrasound and meeting with the doctor!!!!

Wish - sounds like fun with the hair! About the only thing I do with mine is get it trimmed. I wish I was more adventurous sometimes....However, you saying that you did that makes me think I need to do something I enjoy and for myself sometime this weekend.....maybe I will get in a better mood then!

Have a great weekend girls. Little - I'll definitely be checking back in with you!
hello my lovely ladies!!

little - thinking of you!! I hope everything went well and all's clear!

malinko - are we married to the same guy, by chance? ;) my DH does that too, like a switch. He's way moodier than I am, I'm pretty even-keeled. I can totally understand (I'm sure we both can, little and I) why this week is the worst week out of the month to be in this situation. It just adds to the annoyance of it all that I'm sure DH doesn't get, which is that much more annoying!! Round and round we go!
I think you should definitely do something for yourself this weekend! I loooove my hair appt but it helps that I've had the same guy for over 10 yrs and we're like friends. I bring wine (if he doesn't have any for me) and we catch up for 2-2.5 hrs.

This might sound a little much, but I plan on getting a mani/pedi tomorrow morning too - we just have this quick little place in the next town, they do an awesome job for a cheap price and it's done quickly! So it's only about an hour to myself but makes me feel good! And I could use some sprucing since I'm going back to the client for the next 3 weeks! :) DO SOMETHING FOR YOU and take some 'you time'! Little's going shopping, I gots ma' sprucin' up!
I don't know why I keep talking all rednecky about getting my hair and nails done...oh the long week is seeping in!
Hello my loves!
Sorry it took me so long to update, but I definitely have some news.
So as we thought DH needs to go to the urologist and get treated for the infection and that will help! So now my news...

Dr was not impressed by my u/s. He thinks that I might be ovulating some months and not ovulating others which he thinks isn't a good deal for us. He said my progesterone level should have been 12 to 15 and that 8.8 was good since I had progesterone but not enough to decide it I am truly having good ovulation or not. SO since DH sees urologist on Tuesday and is getting treated we are starting clomid next cycle.

I am EXTREMELY nervous to do this as my Doc informed me that we should be pregnant within 3 months of the I should either get pregnant in August, September, or October....if not there are more serious issues at hand and I will have to go through a lot of testing :(.....

Good news is Doc feels that this issue with not ovulating is directly related to the fact that I have type 1 diabetes and have to use insulin, because an over use of insulin (even if your body is just producing more than it should) can cause your body to ovulate funny.

SO this month is definitely out for us which is ok! We are both getting the meds we need and we are PRAYING that August, September, or October will be it for us! You can only take Clomid for 3 months before they declare that something is up and they take you off of it. It is not intended for long term use. I guess all of this is good news and I am really hoping this helps us! I will have another ultrasound in August on day 14 after I have started the clomid to make sure I have an egg working its way out and then also I will be getting another progesterone level done on CD21 or 22 in August and hopefully it will be back up at the level he would like it to be and FX and all the prayers possible that we will get our :bfp:

If not.....DH said he would be willing to adopt which he has NEVER mentioned before...I am secretly VERY excited about that as my mother was adopted and I don't know anyone better than my grandparents! I want nothing more than to be pregnant and have a child with my husband who I truly love more than anything in the world even though we fight all the time....but if I cant do that for some reason (which Dr is VERY confident that clomid will work and we will get pregnant) adopting would be such a wonderful alternative! Give a child a wonderful home who is in need....the peds nurse in me is ALWAYS for that!

I love you both and I hope you have a spectacular weekend!

Wish have fun getting your nails done!

malinko....I hope you and DH get this tension worked out. The only thing I can say is maybe he is feeling stress about TTC and just doesn't know how to deal with it. Men are so dysfunctional compared to women....TRUST ME! I KNOW!!!

:hugs: to you both!! and a million pounds of :dust: your way!!!!!!!!!!!
On my phone and it's hard to type too much but I wanted to say that I read your update and I'm so happyyyyyy that there is a plan for you and DH and that you can start it immediately!! These next few months are going to be so exciting!!!
Love and dust and hugs!! I hope you both have great weekends!!
Malinko - I hope things are smoother with you guys! Ttc stress sucks for everyone involved.
Happy Monday ladies!

Well if you haven't ever seen an anovulatory chart happen in person take a look at mine for sure!....haven't had a + OPK yet and on CD17 which I always have a + by now...temps have been super weird they jumped up really high to like post O numbers and then dropped way back down, but doc told me he didn't think I was going to ovulate this month so hey now we know what that looks like first hand!

Just praying that AF will still start on time so we can get this next cycle started with meds! Hopefully they work or I am pretty sure im screwed. Dr seems to have good faith that I will get pregnant, but of course the thought of it not working is freaking me out....PLEASE GOD let this happen!

Hope you both had wonderful weekends and are having a good start to your Monday mornings!

love :hugs: and :dust:
back on the laptop so can respond better!

Good morning and happy Monday! I hope it's bright and sunny where you both are so it's a good start to the week. Did everyone have a good weekend?

little - I think all of your update is great news! It's probably more refreshing to hear the issue, a cause and a solution rather than 'well, everything looks good, I don't know why you're not getting pregnant!'. I'd be psyched! AND I'm so glad that your DH brought up being open to adoption. You talk with such love and adoration of your grandparents, you have the best perspective to becoming adoptive parents as well! Maybe one of each?? ;)

malinko - how you doin' girl? I hope you guys are doing better. I was thinking about you this weekend.

afm - pretty sure we're confirmed that this isn't our month - my vag canal is all soft and squishy (have to worm my finger in more than normal to check CP) and that's been something I've noticed before pre-AF. No crazy temps either - took it this morning out of curiousity and it was 98.1. Close to baseline and again, pretty typical for now. Not upset, though - clearly just bad timing all around. Getting tender BBs for the first time in about 3-4 months, though. Didn't miss that!
Though I am concerned about when I can get tested this next cycle now. I'm traveling at least 3 days/week for the next 3 weeks starting tomorrow. So if I'm gone on a day they want to take bloods, we have to push out ANOTHER month. Blah.

Anyway - have a lovely morning and I'll check in a little later! :hugs:
Good morning girls!

Little - I'm so glad you guys are on a good path now! Sounds like your doctor is going to make this happen for you! So happy for you guys!!!!

Wish - When do you think you will start your cycle? I feel so lost not knowing what dpo I am....but also find it somewhat refreshing.

I'm trying to figure out what to do next. DH and I finally got back on track this weekend. I think this ttc stuff is wearing on him a little bit. He won't come out and admit it, but some things he was saying made me think that. I think we have both viewed sex as a chore now and that's not good. I think he is just discouraged on why it hasn't happened yet. We've also just got a lot of other things going on that leads to some stress. We went to a friends bbq and hung out at their house on Saturday with their little ones and had a great time. I think we both needed some time to unwind and relax a little too.

So, I'm not sure if I am quite ready to jump on board and have a serious discussion regarding going to see the doctor. We both want a baby....badly, but I also think we need to get back to us. This last week was miserable. He can't really see my point of view on things last week so I am giving up trying to get him to understand. Good thing is we are back on track and I just don't want to ruin it right now with getting all up tight with trying to conceive again. It is clearly wearing on the both of us. We will see how the next couple of weeks go and then decide on what to do.

Have a good day ladies and talk to you soon!
I need you guys think I will be able to start my period on time since I am not ovulating?

I am REALLY worried that it is going to be an extra long cycle without ovulating and I don't want that to happen as I want to be able to have my period and start the clomid ASAP!

Do either of you know anything about annovulatory cycles?
ugh - the closest I can say is 'sometime this week' my cycle will start! I'm assuming I ovulated either 7/4 or 7/5 since I got negative OPKs on 7/3 and 7/6, so I'm either 9 or 10dpo today. Given that my average LP is about 10-11 days with last month being a freak month, I will most likely start tomorrow. I'm still getting creamy CM as of now. I don't find this refreshing at all!! hahaha - I like knowing when AF is going to be here so I'm prepared. Especially with this trip coming up tomorrow. I hate lugging around extra tampons if I don't need to.

I'm glad you guys got back on track this weekend, though I am very sad that this is affecting you both so negatively. This should be a fun journey in our lives, right? :( I don't know why it's testing us all so much! But I agree, the basic component of it all is us as a couple and when that goes sideways, check and adjust. I think you're doing the right thing.
I personally don't know how to be completely 'just have fun!' when I've done so much work to get to know my body and cycle better. Isn't it always going to be in the back of my mind when we start to fool around? silently calculating if this is a 'good day' or a 'bad day'? I guess it would help to not push things, but if I know I'm around the fertile period and we're not making advances to each other, I'm still going to be frustrated.
little - yes, I did some research on this at the beginning of the year b/c I had a weird cycle in Feb (I think). You should still have AF at the normal time but the actual definition of what AF is is the debatable part (actual "period" after ovulation and shedding of lining b/c conception didn't take place vs ummmm...blood and who knows what else). People seem to feel REALLY strongly about the difference, but overall, yes, you should still get your AF at the expected time. Especially if your doc is suspecting that you aren't always ovulating - your AFs have always been around the same times, right?
Yes I have always had AF at the same time....but a while back when we first started trying I was having like sometimes 48 day cycles or something....I mean it has been a long time since that and I think that maybe some of that has to do with coming of BCP because for the last at least 6 months they have been 30-32 days.

Its just this is the first month since doing OPK's and charting that I haven't had a + OPK and that my temps are so weird so I kind of freaked out but I did call the Dr just to ask and they said if I haven't started by CD35 they would put me on something to make my period that makes me feel better I would only be a few days behind lol, but I guess he has no reason to believe that I wont have my period just like normal! YAY!!

Thank you for your help love! It makes me fee SO much better! I just want to get these stupid clomid cycle started and get pregnant.....only get 3 months to try....ughhhhhhh pressure
anytime, my dear! that's good to know your doctor agrees with me! ;) hahahaha

oh boy - please please try not to put even more pressure on yourselves!! I can't see how that would be possible, though. It's like a new countdown!

I just looked up charts for women that got preg when they only BD'd the day after O. There were a couple. :) This happens every month around this time to me! I just need to be patient and see when AF gets here, and again, my body is telling me she will. I did have that horrible post nasal drip this weekend, in the middle of the night. Woke me up. But no stuffy or runny nose overall. And I'm feeling kinda nauseous right now but I know it's b/c I just waited too long to eat breakfast. Oh the joy of being 9/10dpo.

are you guys going to continue your subscription to FF? I know we talked about it a bit ago. I think I'm going to let mine lag and just use the pared down free version if I want to use it at all.
I think I have like 3 days left but I am going to let it go. As long as I have the ability to chart my temps when I bd and when af starts that is all I need! The doc even told me that since I will be taking clomid I don't need to do OPK's either since they know you will ovulate 5-10 days after taking it you just BD as much as possible during that time between taking it and temp jump and pray for the best. Plus the first month I will be getting an U/S done to make sure I have an egg ready and they you usually ovulate around CD16 they say! So fingers crossed...they will then confirm I ovulated with a progesterone level on CD 21 or 22 and hoping it is around 15! and also hoping I only have to do that one month and then boom......

ahhhh wishful thinking isn't it nice!

I am glad I don't have to worry about if I am pregnant or not this month lol it will be the first time in SO LONG that I will be THRILLED when AF arrives because that will mean I get to start a more advanced part of trying! I just cant tell you enough how much I am praying we get pregnant in those 3 months!

Good luck t you! Who knows maybe losing track of your O day will be the best thing that ever happened to you!!!

Lots of love and hugs and dust your way! :thumbup:
Oh and malinko!

I am so glad to hear that you and DH are doing better! I am sure that he is also feeling stress from all of the TTC madness! I cant give you advice on what to do as far as going to the doc or not because I truly believe that you have to do what makes you happy and if he is resisting then that makes things hard. But I can tell you this....DH and I feel so much better knowing what is going on and knowing that they are helping us have the best chance we can possibly have at conceiving our little miracle! So even though your DH is a little resistant to going....once you reach the point where you go and they are able to give you answers things get better!

2 months ago I was worried that our relationship might not even last. We finally sat down and talked about it and realized that we were both overly upset about not being able to have a baby and that is when we decided it was definitely time to go to the doctor and since then we have gotten along better than we have in a long time! So sometimes getting some answers helps!

I really hope you guys figure out something that works for you and know I am always here and I love ya!

:hugs: and :dust:
:coffee: morning!

feeling a little blah today - a little queasy for some reason (prob need to eat) and heading out til Friday and last night I was getting a little teary b/c I'll miss DH and my kitties! I'm never that sappy! I think it's b/c I'll be gone the majority of the next few weeks, as I've mentioned. Oh well, it's an adventure.

How's everyone feeling today? little - you guys have DH's urologist appt today right? Then he gets his meds and you're OFF! :) well, after AF shows up anyway. :thumbup:

So since I'll be on travel and I'm sure AF will show, I may not be on much this week. And since neither of you lovely ladies thinks SHE is in the game this month either, I'm without my cheerleading duties!! So I will root for your AF's to show swiftly so we can move on to the next (and steroid-induced for some) round.

I will check in when I can, though! Have great weeks - <3, :hugs: and :dust:
Wish I hope you are pregnant and that is why you are feeling sappy! I will miss you terribly so please do get on when you can and feel up to it as you literally make me laugh every day and I need that SO MUCH! I hope your travel goes well and I hope AF stays far away!

DH does have his urology apt today so we will see how that goes! I will definitely give an update as soon as I can and let you ladies know what they did!

Love you both!

:hugs: and :dust:
Good morning girls!

Wish - I did not continue my subscription to ff. I'm figuring that I have done the "hard work" for now and if/when we have to go to a doctor - I really doubt they will care what my temperature is, what the opk was, etc. They like to use "bigger and better" things like medication and ultrasounds :) So, I wasn't going to waste anymore money on it. I feel like I can say that I tried my hardest for the first year and then turn it over to the docs! In fact, I'm getting more comfortable with letting it all go. I did temp this morning just to see what my temp was. It was 97.9 which is a post ovulation temperature but I have NO clue the specific day that I ovulated. I'm guessing maybe last Wednesday.'s nice how much more relaxed I am.

Sorry to hear you were a little upset last night. Rightfully so as you are getting ready to travel so much. I would be too.

Little - Are you going with dh to his appointment? Good luck and anxiously awaiting the results.

Nothing much going on here today. Just wanted to stop in and say hello!
Hello Ladies!
Well went to the appointment with DH and nothing really came out of it other than the fact that his count is awesome which we knew and then that he has to do another SA because the hospital here that we took it to the first time didn't do a detailed enough report and they want to make SURE that is really the issue before they treat it! So next week we will have to drive down to the bigger hospital who does them more often and with more detail and he will have to give a sample while we are there and then we will go back to the urologist again for him and see what this report basically yesterday was kind of a waste of time lol.

We are listing our house tonight...found one out in the country that we love and would really like to purchase, but I don't want to pay 2 mortgages right now so we would have to sell ours before we buy, but might make an offer pending the sale of our home now! So that is keeping me very busy and excited!

I am also thinking about picking up a few extra hours at the Urgent Care facility here just to do a little more hands on nursing and have a little extra spending cash (since the county doesn't pay crap lol) so I have an interview at noon tomorrow to talk about that...we will see...I don't want to overwhelm myself so I really don't know what I will decide but it will be interesting to hear what they have to offer!

Hope all is well with you both! I definitely am not ovulating this month so im just sitting here waiting for AF to come! Cant wait to start clomid and hopefully get this pregnancy thing rolling!

Love and :hugs: and :dust: to you both!
hi girls - sneaking a quick check-in! little - so much going on! that's exciting about the new house AND additional job! good for you!
malinko - so happy for you that you're so relaxed and have this different approach to things.
not much going on here - just a little spotting mixed with cm yesterday. This Sat will be a 28 day cycle, so I really don't know when to expect AF. But if I spotted so much last month, I guess it's not outside the realm of possibility for that to happen again. Sheesh.
Anyway, I hope you're both having a great day!

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