M - congrats on having a new baby in the family soon!!! Being an aunt is awesome - maybe it won't hit you as hard b/c she's family. All of the friends showing off their new babies, though - that's a bit tougher for me for some reason. Maybe b/c they aren't related and it's not certain that I will watch them grow and be a big part of their lives. I dunno. But congrats!! You'll have your turn soon, I just know it!
That's really cool that your boss's boss is thinking of moving you up already too. I know how it is to have to apply for a 'promotion' but hopefully that's just red tape and you'll slide right in!
re: the weight gain - that's actually great news! Do you feel it, though? I feel like I gain 3 lbs just in the latter half of the month (bloat fest) and I can totally feel it.
re: my O date, I'm not sure. I had EWCM on 7/3 and took an OPK that afternoon (so not sure if that skews the results I'd get) and it was negative. So I guess maybe Friday or Saturday, b/c Sunday's was negative too? We BD'ed last night as well and DH made a comment like 'this is becoming a chore'. Yes, I know - I'm not psyched to have to keep suggesting it either like it's our job around this time of the month. Again, going back to why does it have to be me to keep us on track for this stuff??? Maybe one more time tonight OR I'll wait to see what we get on the OPK tomorrow and if it's positive and I actually am O'ing late, we'll get one in tomorrow night. Today I'm cd18, if we're going by the date that full AF started (6/21), though I was spotting on 6/17.
Maybe this month is an anovulatory month - that's a possibility too, I suppose.
No real O symptoms, though I did notice that my sleep Sunday night was a post-O sleep, if that makes any sense. I sleep like a rock pre-O, but post-O, I'm much more restless and sleep lighter. Of course, the aforementioned AC is broken too, so the temps haven't been super comfortable at night for sleeping.
and then I have that monstrous zit that I mentioned yesterday. Sooooo.....I dunno. I'm a bit nervous that another wacko cycle will postpone the testing another month, though. Maybe I just won't tell them.
And that's great news about Phoenix!!! I saw her name thank you in your post and it does look familiar. I hope everything is going well!!!
I get your feeling of sudden urges. I was pretty convinced last month and really just proved to myself how much I want us to have this. I really hope it works out soon for all of us.
H, L & D!