Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Wish do you remember phoenix...from TTC #1 and a few other threads i know you were in??
hmmm - name sounds familiar. she preg?

how's everyone doing today? stiffling hot here and humid but I'll STILL take it over snow!! Though our AC kicked the bucket a couple of weeks ago - it was on its last legs anyway. Guess it's time to spend more money on the house...

So my temp is the same today (98.1) and so are my OPK results. I guess I already ovulated. How annoying.

I really really don't feel like working today. Everything is blowing up and we keep having to do so much rework! It's maddening, I tell you! Maddening!!
Yes she is! I was just kind of shocked to see it! I think she has been TTC for like 15 or 16 months and she finally got her BFP. I am happy for her though! Gives me a little hope.

Anyway its raining here today BLAH. And I woke up late so hair is a curly afro looking mess and I have no motivation to do anything. I think I should have just called in lol. But I am kind of the boss so I cant always do that when I want. I cant believe you already ovulated though...that's poopy :nope: but who knows maybe since you guys were just :sex: for fun you made your little bean! I sure hope so!

I took my first OPK today CD11 and it was negative which I expect but I should O this weekend or first thing next week...although the full moon is Saturday this month so hey maybe that will be my day lol. I don't think we have much of a shot this month since DH has that whole thing going on and we don't go to the Dr for him until Tuesday, but I guess we will still have :sex: and see what happens although I am not counting on this being our month. Its funny because I have been SO relaxed about it until all of a sudden that EXTREME urge to get pregnant is back....maybe its just because I am getting close to O and the hormones do that to you? Who knows...

Anyway I am pretty sure we don't have a shot this month which is ok as we are going on a canoe trip with friends at the end of the month and I would like to be able to have a few drinks! But in August its ON FOR SURE! lol My birthday is Aug 10 and DH's birthday is September 23....SOOOO maybe one of those months will be our little miracle month :) It would work out perfect in my book! I have always thought that I would love to have a baby in May or June so that I can take the summer off! Maybe it was just God's idea to make those dreams come true! I just keep wishing that the urologist appointment was TODAY instead of next Tuesday! I want to get him treated and get down to business lol

Hopefully you are both doing SUPER! Did you feel like you ovulated at all Wish? Like any cramping or anything of that sort? Or do you have a day that you feel that you might have?

Malinko hope work is going well for you! get that promotion girl! you rock!


Good morning girls!

DH just got a phone call from his brother. They are on their way to the hospital. My sister in law is 38 weeks and is having strong contractions every 4 minutes. She has been having some back pain for the last couple of days but that was about it. Hoping we will have a new family member today! I'm excited but also wondering how hard it will hit me when we actually go to the hospital to see the baby and to see dh hold the baby. I think I'll be okay, but already trying to prepare myself for it.

Wish - what cycle day are you on? Any chance of late ovulation? I'd keep bding just in case!

Little - I completely understand where you are at. I'm at CD 13 and took another opk this morning and it was still negative. What the heck!?! Although a couple of months ago, I didn't get a flashing smiley until CD 14 and ovulated on 17. Oh well, I am just going to keep going and today "should be" an "on" day. Anyway, I have felt completely relaxed and now I am starting to get a little anxious. I have even considered going and buying more opk's but I'm trying to not give into the temptation. I think I'll save the other opk for CD 15. It should be at least flashing or solid by then.

I'm not really sure what I have done, but over the last couple of weeks I have managed to put on about 3 pounds. Although I don't particularly care for it it's probably good for me as I know being underweight can cause issues possibly. Gaining 3 pounds took me from 17.5 to 18.0. According to Mayo Clinic, I am still underweight and you need to have a bmi of 18.5 to be considered normal....but at least I have put on a few pounds. Scary thing is....I haven't done anything different, so not sure why I'm gaining the weight. Oh well!

As far as the promotion....I'm guessing if it happens, it'll take some time. There was a person in a different region that was fired last week. I guess he can appeal the decision and so it may take some time before the position is opened up. I believe if it is opened up, my boss is going to apply for the position as it is closer to her home. THEN, it would open up my bosses position in which then I could "apply" for. I call it a promotion as my boss's boss is already talking to me about it, however I would actually still have to apply for the position.'ll probably be a good month before anything starts happening.

Talk soon girls! Love ya!
Awwww malinko! That is wonderful news, but I know how hard it can be! DH's sister had her first last July and I love the little girl to pieces and I love seeing her and spending time with her, but to be honest EVERY SINGLE TIME we see her which is often my heart just breaks. I am SOOOOO ready for us to have one of our own and I know DH feels the same. We saw Hayden (our niece) over the weekend and when we got home he said "I feel sad" because he is ready for a baby...when he says things like that it breaks my heart even more. But hey I know its been motivation for DH to want to give this his all and we will feel even more blessed when it finally happens! Babies are a miracle! I have always felt that way even before I knew how hard it would be for me to get pregnant...they are just truly a miracle! So you will enjoy it! I know you will!

As far as the job thing goes I hate situations like that, but its good when you already work there and they already want you for that position and even if you have to apply chances are it will be yours for sure! Which is wonderful!

This month is killing me now as I know it is a SUPER long shot for us to conceive this month...but of course I still want to try. I just want DH to get on this stupid treatment so that we can have a legitimate chance! *SIGH* here I am wishing my summer would go by faster lol...that makes me mad too haha cant win today! Oh well

love and hugs and dust....because trust me, we all really need the hugs and dust lol :thumbup:
Ohhhhh and about the weight gain....if you have been relaxing lately about TTC your stress level may have gone down enough for you to gain a little weight. Stress affects everyone differently but for some people being stressed constantly keeps their weight down no matter what they do! So hey dropping some stress and putting on a few pounds sounds ok for you girl!

Don't worry be happy! :thumbup:
M - congrats on having a new baby in the family soon!!! Being an aunt is awesome - maybe it won't hit you as hard b/c she's family. All of the friends showing off their new babies, though - that's a bit tougher for me for some reason. Maybe b/c they aren't related and it's not certain that I will watch them grow and be a big part of their lives. I dunno. But congrats!! You'll have your turn soon, I just know it!
That's really cool that your boss's boss is thinking of moving you up already too. I know how it is to have to apply for a 'promotion' but hopefully that's just red tape and you'll slide right in!
re: the weight gain - that's actually great news! Do you feel it, though? I feel like I gain 3 lbs just in the latter half of the month (bloat fest) and I can totally feel it.

re: my O date, I'm not sure. I had EWCM on 7/3 and took an OPK that afternoon (so not sure if that skews the results I'd get) and it was negative. So I guess maybe Friday or Saturday, b/c Sunday's was negative too? We BD'ed last night as well and DH made a comment like 'this is becoming a chore'. Yes, I know - I'm not psyched to have to keep suggesting it either like it's our job around this time of the month. Again, going back to why does it have to be me to keep us on track for this stuff??? Maybe one more time tonight OR I'll wait to see what we get on the OPK tomorrow and if it's positive and I actually am O'ing late, we'll get one in tomorrow night. Today I'm cd18, if we're going by the date that full AF started (6/21), though I was spotting on 6/17.
Maybe this month is an anovulatory month - that's a possibility too, I suppose.
No real O symptoms, though I did notice that my sleep Sunday night was a post-O sleep, if that makes any sense. I sleep like a rock pre-O, but post-O, I'm much more restless and sleep lighter. Of course, the aforementioned AC is broken too, so the temps haven't been super comfortable at night for sleeping.
and then I have that monstrous zit that I mentioned yesterday. Sooooo.....I dunno. I'm a bit nervous that another wacko cycle will postpone the testing another month, though. Maybe I just won't tell them. :)

And that's great news about Phoenix!!! I saw her name thank you in your post and it does look familiar. I hope everything is going well!!!
I get your feeling of sudden urges. I was pretty convinced last month and really just proved to myself how much I want us to have this. I really hope it works out soon for all of us.

H, L & D! :)
Thanks Wish I hope it works out soon as well...UGH this waiting crap is definitely for the birds

just saying

morning! I'm so mad I have nothing to report this month!! RAHH!!
I definitely O'ed already - up .1 this morning and still a big fat circle on the OPK. My only hope is that I did on Sunday or Saturday night and the egg survived until that BD session. DANG IT!
And re: my thought of it being an anovulatory cycle - I don't think my temp would rise if it was, right? b/c there would be no reason for the progesterone to rise?

how are you ladies feeling? getting closer to O, yes? Have you been able to BD with ease and no frustration?
little - are you still feeling the pressure or are you zen again?

here's a little funny for your Wednesday...

have a good day girls! I hope you're both feeling happy, relaxed and fertile!! <3
That is so frustrating Wish! :hugs: but you never know maybe because it wasn't planned to BD due to O time maybe the relaxed no stress feel will be the time it works! :thumbup:

I am doing well....just waiting for O time...mine keeps creeping up a day or so early so I went from CD19 to CD18 a few months and then last month CD17 soooooo we will see when it happens this month lol neg opk again this morning but the line is getting a tad darker so hopefully ill get my + soon! and yes I am still feeling pressured I don't know why. Just really ready for a baby I guess. Although I am not as stressed as I usually am. Just trying to have fun this month as I am 99.5% sure there is no chance of us getting pregnant this month, but I am sure ill be back to being all serious and stressed about it next month when I think we have a shot again! lol Silly how we play tricks on ourselves!

Hope you are both doing well! Honestly I wish I was off work today....its gorgeous out!

Any big weekend plans girls?

Good morning girls!

Wish - I agree with little...maybe a relaxed month may be the trick for you! Fingers crossed! If not....I will be right there with you next month. DH and I got into the silliest argument last night but we are both so stubborn, we still aren't talking. So - there went an important night out the window last night! At this point, I am so extremely irritated with him that I don't care about this month. I'm going to kick myself in the tail after this blows by - but that is just how stubborn I am! ( doesn't help that when I know that I wasn't the person in the "wrong" then I am certainly not going to be the one to try to patch it all up!)

Little - keep trying....who knows, maybe the month that you feel most out and relaxed will be a good month :)

I probably won't be on much today. Just really not feeling it. Last night has put me into a crappy mood and of course I just keep replaying it over and over in my head. I wish I could be like a guy and once it is over, it's over. However, not so true with DH as he clearly wasn't trying to speak to me this morning either. Oh well! :)

Have a good day girls!
Sorry to hear about your fight malinko! If it helps any know that you aren't alone! We get in little fights that ruin important nights all the time and we are both stubborn as well and it takes forever to get things worked out lol I literally want to strangle him at times....and yes of course he just decide when he wants to get over it and then assumes everything is fine and back to normal but it doesn't work that way for me I don't forget that easily lol

Hope your day goes better! :hugs:
oh man, I'm sorry, malinko!! I hate when that happens!!! and I totally get your feeling like 'screw this, done for the month!' I hope he did something sweet to apologize today so you guys can stay on track! We're a little different when we fight - he's way more stubborn than I am in this case and he can not talk to me for days. Though when either of us KNOW we're wrong, we'll usually apologize the next morning and then it's just uncomfortable for the day, but at least we speak. I hate all those negative vibes!!!

I hope you guys are right and losing track of O'ing this month was the key. We'll see, totally not betting on it for sure! And little - I was thinking the same for you! Maybe you thinking you have zero chance and your 'for fun' BD'ing will work in your favor this month!

it's gorgeous here and I just want to go outside and play! :football:

plans for this weekend - we have a BBQ on Saturday that's a 'week after 4th of July' party, so that should be fun - food, drinks, pool and fireworks! And they put on a better display than the town they live in! Sunday - maybe working but definitely some relaxing too.
That sounds awesome Wish! Hope you have a great time at your BBQ!
I really don't think we have any chance until DH gets these meds, but if it happened I wouldn't be mad I can tell you that!

Friday I go to the doctor for my u/s so we will see what he thinks of my "structures" lol. I am just praying that the only real issue we have to deal with is the one DH is having because it seems like an easy fix and if that is all it takes then it would be a miracle!


Ill definitely let you ladies know what I find out!
:coffee: morning!

how's everyone today? another gorgeous day here and YAY! AC Man is coming!! Though I really prefer it to be off and to feel the nice breeze outside.

malinko - how are you doing, girl? things ok at home? I hope you guys are on the mend, nothing sucks worse than fighting with DH.

little - any positives on the OPKs yet?

well, i overrode FF this morning, just to get crosshairs. May as well, my VIP runs out in 9 days or so, so why not. I put my O date to Saturday so I guess I'm around 5dpo today. Temp went up again to 98.4. I keep saying I don't want to temp and we barely have a shot this month but I just get so curious!! and since I'm up at the same time every morning to feed the cats anyway, why not? ugh, addictions, amiright?? ;)

well I hope you ladies are having as lovely of a morning as you are a friend :hugs: :flower:
Good morning, ladies!

Man...I certainly get a lot of work done when I'm not paying attention what my body is doing or being obsessed with ttc.

DH and I are on the mend. I'm kicking myself because I am still holding a bit of a grudge against him. He corresponded a little with me via text messaging yesterday but there was always a reason for his texts. He was in a decent mood - and initiated contact when he got home last night - and I was nice to him but I wasn't overly talkative. If he would have TRIED to be affectionate to me...I would have caved in. However, I was not going to be the one to initiate it. I actually fell asleep on the couch fairly early (and only because I looked over and saw him asleep!) and that was our evening!

I'm very confused right now as well. I'm still having some minimal amounts of ewcm. However, today it's really weird....its stretchy (which most months I can't even get that) but it's also jelly like. There was quite a bit this morning when checking cervix. It stretches but then goes back into like a ball. I took my last opk (took on Sunday, Tuesday, and today) and every single one of those stupid things have been negative. No solid, no flashing. Maybe this month is like it was for you last month, Wish. Maybe I missed the solid smiley. I'm frustrated by it but at the same time it's like "I don't stand a chance this month even if I am ovulating right who cares." I did notice some sharp pains yesterday - so I was thinking maybe I was getting ready to ovulate. However, just when I thought "oh, I will ovulate on the left side this month" then I started having the same pains on the right side. Also this morning (while sleeping) I had some sharp pains on the right side. I don't want to say it woke me up because I think I was maybe awake already but it seemed like it woke me up. Don't know if that was the egg being released or not. I've never felt ovulation pains....

Anyhoo - - I'm done for the rest of the month. No more "we need to bd tonight" nor am I getting any more ovulation tests. I may check my temp the next couple of mornings just to see what my temp is - but I'm so over it this month. Our argument totally ruined this month for me and once we got off the "every other day" then I just feel like I am the only one trying for this baby. I don't want to have to keep saying "you know today is an "on" day right?" I have tried taking the ropes and bd before we go to sleep but then it is "I'm tired" or "not tonight" and I have found the only way that seems to work is reminding him of where I am at in my cycle. Of course, sometimes I would just tell him what the opk says. However, since I only had 3 to use and every single one came up negative, there is nothing to let him see. God forbid he remember that this is my fertile week....UGH! I then feel foolish going to a doctor to see what is wrong when we can't even have sex around my fertile window!!!!! I guess the only thing that would be a saving grace is if I ovulated early as we have only bd'd Saturday and Sunday - - - however this minimal amount ewcm would disagree with an early ovulation.

Sorry for the rant girls........
Good morning ladies
Sorry to hear that you both feel that you are already out this month! I hate that feeling although I pretty much knew that I was out going into the month and surprisingly that didn't feel as bad as I thought it would! But I still hate to hear that you are both feeling down and out :hugs:

I have not had a + OPK yet wish but this morning the 2nd line was pretty dark so I have a feeling tomorrow or Saturday will definitely be + and then O will follow closely so we will see. DH and I got into a little argument yesterday so no :sex: for us last night which is fine I honestly don't even care at this point. I sent him a text this morning as he had already left for work when I got up to get ready and said that I knew my test would be positive soon and if he wanted to try this month that we could but I was leaving the choice completely up to him and he text back and said that yes he certainly did want to try and I said ok then YOU can initiate sex tonight because I am done always being the one to have to do it. SO I guess we will know tomorrow if it went well or not lol

I do not work tomorrow as I took the day off to go to the doctor and do some shopping lol I figure I deserve it after all this testing BS lol So I will definitely check in at some point tomorrow to let you girls know what the doc has to say but it wont be first thing as my appointment for u/s is at 9 and I am seeing the Dr at 9:30!

Hope both of your days a great! It sure is beautiful here!

Love to you both! :hugs:

stopping in b/c I didn't get a chance to all day!! good luck at your appt, little!! can't wait to hear the update! or read..or whatever :)

malinko - I'm so bummed this is how the month played out for you! When were you expecting to O? could just be a couple of days late, but I'm with you - over the whole 'planning' thing. I certainly don't want to hear that this is a 'chore', like that's news to me and I'm enjoying myself here.... The boys certainly know how to make us feel like we're the only ones making the efforts!

I'm going to git ma' hair did tonight, can't wait! That's my little enjoyment for the week. :)

I'll check in tomorrow - I hope your nights went well! Big hugs!!!

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