Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Ya I am not sure about that job....I don't really want to work on Sundays and that is a requirement of the position since it is part time. I figure I already work a full time job and I should be able to have my weekends off so we will see what I decide to do! I might have the opportunity to help an elderly couple a few nights a week which would work out even better with my schedule since I usually have nights off!

I am truly excited about all of the changes and it is all happening at a great time! If I wasn't going to be busy the next 3 months would be KILLER for me as I know I HAVE to get pregnant or I am pretty much out of options. Being busy and focusing on other things will help me relax! But I know ill still be thinking about it a lot!

malinko...just to comment on what you said earlier I had asked my Dr if I would need to continue to use OPK's once I started clomid and they said definitely no. They said that they know that clomid will help ovulate and so if I am going to ovulate it will be during a very certain time range and also that they will be checking with ultrasound and labs to verify that I did ovulate so there is really no need!

I am not going to renew my VIP on FF but I will continue to temp and chart just so that I will know for sure EXACTLY when I ovulate and then HOPEFULLY when I get pregnant ill be able to know cause temps will stay up!


Hope you get some answers when you are ready to go to the doc!

This little girl is just going to continue to pray that she gets preggers in the next 3 months with clomid and that AF shows on time this month!.....the crazy things we end up wishing for lol

love to you both!
OH MY GOSH! I just typed a really long post and it had logged me off. I had to resign in and I lost it all!!!! I'll get back to typing it again.... I go again. To sum it up hopefully semi quickly:

Little - Awesome news about the house. You should definitely put an offer on the new house if you guys really like it - and as you said, pending the sale of your house. A big purchase is a great thing to take your mind off ttc. We are in the process of buying a new car. We've been looking for almost a year - but really serious over the last few months. I say "really serious" but DH has been the only serious one. I'm finally agreeing to a new car - - and I have to be careful not to get too carried away! I have leather seats and will never go back to cloth - but I'm justifying saying "we have to have leather because that it easier to clean with kids", "how much room do we have in the back - - you know we have to have some room to fit a stroller and bags, etc when traveling", "oh, and we need a dvd player for longer car rides."

Sorry to hear that nothing "too exciting" happened at the doctor's office, but at least they are making sure that they are addressing the correct issue. And yes, with you - absolutely no reason to keep spending money on opks. As I said earlier, with medication and ultrasounds, they have a really good idea when you are going to ovulate :)

Wish - so glad you checked in! Hope things are going well. Friday will be here (hopefully) before you know it :) Also, sounds like af is gearing up? Hopefully it will be quick and you'll be ready to try again in no time! What is the plan for you for August?

Okay girls....I better get back to work since this is yet the second post I have tried to do - - therefore I am not being very productive at work :)

Hugs and love to you both!
Good mornings girls!

Just wanted to stop in and say hello! I'm getting pretty excited for Cabo. I'll be on a plane a week from today! Any big weekend plans?
Hey girls!

Malinko you lucky girl you! I am so jealous you are going on vacay I would LOVE to go to Cabo! lol

Well we listed our house last night and tonight we are going to make an offer on the one we love! We will see how it goes! Hopefully our house will sell quickly and we will be able to get the other one before anyone else offers something on it but I am trying not to get my hopes up too much as you never know what will happen!

This weekend is my niece's first birthday party so we will be doing that on Saturday. We will also be trying to consolidate our crap and hopefully make everything look bigger lol. DH's parents are letting us put our extra stuff in their basement until we sell!

I am looking forward to the birthday party but at the same time this month is taking FOEVER to go by. Not ovulating sucks because you don't even have a SHOT at being pregnant....UGH...I seriously wish AF would just get here already so that we can move onto the clomid and REALLY trying again. We will have to have :sex: either Friday or Satruday so then DH can obstain for 3-4 days and then Monday or Tuesday we will be making a trip to the bigger hospital to have another SA done.

UGH come on you stupid :witch: just get here already.....SIGH...CD20 and counting
Good morning girls!

Just wanted to say Happy Friday!!! I started typing a post last night but didn't let myself finish it or post it. After what I saw little go through a couple of months ago, I'm sure it means nothing.

Anyhoo, last night after going potty, I noticed the smallest spot on the toilet paper. It literally looked like someone took a fine point red pen and made a dot on the toilet paper and then there was some light pink that went around the red dot. SUPER small. This sounds dumb....but I took a picture of it thinking that I was just seeing things, but nope, definitely there. I actually think it showed up even better on the picture. As I said though....little, you had the light bleeding a couple months ago and as excited as we were for you and just SURE that it was implantation bleeding, it clearly wasn't. So, I'm not reading into it....which is why I refused to let myself do a post last night :) I'm just going to keep taking my temperature now to see what happens. I guess if my temps remain elevated the beginning of next week, I'll need to take a test before going on vacation. No other symptoms. I'm not sure if I was crampy in the middle of the night or if I was just dreaming it. I'm sure I was just dreaming it or making it up in my head!

I probably won't be on much this weekend unless something big happens, which I'm sure it won't :) I think I'm at least 5 days away from af still...

Little - - did you get the offer made on the house?!?!?

Wish - - hooray for going home today! Are you just home for the weekend? Did af finally show? I hope you aren't in too much pain and that she goes away very quickly!

Love to you both!
Also, forgot to put that I had a mild breakout yesterday too. I had two really small spots to the left of my mouth and then a pimple that literally just formed yesterday (by last night it was embarrassing and I looked like a teenager) so I popped it. The ones to the left of my mouth are smaller now and don't feel like they will develop into anything noticeable, and the one I popped yesterday on my chin - it's gone and cleared up now!

Ugh....I hate the fluctuation of hormones!
malinko that all sounds super promising and HOW WONDERFUL FOR YOU! I am thrilled and I know we aren't supposed to get too excited, but I really feel that it might be a really great sign! Please keep us updated on what happens! You never know this could be the month that you finally relaxed enough to let it happen!

We didn't put an offer on the house yet.....we are going to give it a little time and see what happens. We truly should sell our house before we purchase the other one, and I feel that the longer it sits with no offer the better price we will get! So more waiting.....haha kind of funny just another waiting I really need that right now lol Anyway I am so far off in a different land I didn't even temp this morning lol TOTALLY forgot.

At this point I am just kind of feeling like a freak. My body doesn't work right and its frustrating. Still just waiting for AF...who knows if she will show since I didn't ovulate...I think she will start sometime between the 27-29....but that's only if she shows when she would if I had one can tell lol

hope you both have a wonderful weekend!

Good morning girls.

Just wanted to stop in and say hello. Absolutely nothing new going on. Guessing af will be here Wednesday or Thursday. Feeling great though!

Gearing up for vacation and cannot wait! How was your alls weekend?
Hello Ladies!
Nothing eventful here as far as baby making goes...just waiting for AF...if she stays on track she should show anytime between Sunday and Tuesday...the sooner the better!

Just been working on cleaning up our current home and getting it ready to show! Our first showing is scheduled for this Wednesday so I want to make sure all of the extra stuff is out and its all spotless and looking good! The sooner we can sell the better!

1st birthday party this weekend went well! She is growing like a weed! We see her a lot but every time I see her she is doing something new! I love her to pieces....hope I get to have one of my own soon!

Wish how are you? did AF show? What's the word on testing or not needing testing??

Malinko I am still UBER jealous you are going on vacay! are you having any signs of AF since you had that possible implantation bleeding last week? Just want all the details! lol

love to you both!

Little - we are getting pretty excited for our vacation. I just wish af wouldn't show! I'm guessing it will come the day we leave though. That just creates a whole new "crappiness" to the travel day!

As far as signs of af - - I don't really know. I haven't seen any more spotting. I had another spot develop on my face Saturday. It hurt Sunday morning and I popped it. Guessing that was a pre af symptom. I've had some minor cramping here and there but I ignore it and forget about it. TMI, I have been really constipated - which I will have to go back and look at past months. Normally it seems like the progesterone starts to wear off around this time and I don't really feel constipated, my breast cyst doesn't hurt as bad towards the end of the "tww" but haven't really experienced that yet. My cyst is REALLY sore. I think I have also developed another one on my other breast - because I have a place that is pretty sensitive. It doesn't help that my wire is right by that area either. I'm having some headaches here and there but guessing I just need some caffeine. Saturday I was really hot - - which is uncommon. DH was cold and I was hot. That NEVER happens. Since I started taking my temp since last Tuesday, my lowest temp has been 97.9. It seems like every other day it is 97.9 and the other days are between 98.0 and 98.1. Guessing it will be about the same tomorrow and maybe start dropping Wednesday. This is gross and sorry, tmi but I think this too is a pre af symptom. Last time I noticed this glob of cm that was "sticky" but it was like "gummy." It would stretch, roll into a ball but was still sticky and gummy. I don't know....its weird. I had that last month too.

IF it was implantation spotting (which now I highly doubt), they say it takes 3 to 4 days for hcg to build in the blood and then another day or two for it to build up in urine. So, earliest it could be detected on a urine test would have been this morning (3 days for blood and 1 for urine) but I didn't test. I tested yesterday and it was negative but everything about it was wrong! I don't think it could have been detected yet in urine, plus it wasn't fmu - so I'm sure it wasn't very concentrated.

I'm very doubtful that I am pregnant, however DH has asked me twice if I thought I was pregnant (because I have been abnormally warm). I'll keep you guys updated.
Oh yes please keep me updated! I think it sounds sort of promising! Of course I am not too excited about anything these days as you know how "promising" things have looked for me before and nothing! But I promise I will keep my fingers crossed this is it for you! I truly hope it is and I cant imagine a better way for you 2 to celebrate than to go on this kick ass vacation! You lucky, lucky girl you lol!

I hope and pray and wish and everything possible that you are preggers!!! Definitely keep me updated!!!!!!!! I will be checking in frequently to find out how you are!

lots of love!
malinko if you are still charting on FF will you post a link so I can follow you!? I cant seem to find it from before?!

Little - I believe it is page 7 that has my chart. Don't get too excited. I did a manual override just to when I THINK I possibly ovulated. It could be a day off....I have it for Wednesday but it is possibly Thursday. Also, I did an "average" of my coverline temps and that is how I came up with crosshairs :)
Looks good to me! My fingers are so totally crossed for you! :hugs:
Hi girls! Checking in! So nothing going on here - AF showed on Thurs after 2 days of spotting, and all but disappeared by Saturday with a smidge of spotting yesterday and today. I went in for my blood work on Saturday, so that's all taken care of. Man, they test you for EVERYTHING! FSH, LH and then a slew of STDs. I guess you guys already know all of this and I guess they test for all of that if you are pregnant anyway so they know if it'll either be passed on to the baby or if it's just something they have to deal with during the delivery.

Anyway - they took like 6 vials of blood and some urine. I don't know if this was the reason why but I was SUPER sluggish all weekend. I could barely keep my eyes open - like, this is how I would expect to feel if I was pregnant when they say you're just so fatigued. I imagine it was from traveling last week and such, but I didn't think I overexerted myself too much! Maybe so, I dunno. I honestly would not be surprised with a phone call after they test my urine and say I was preg, that's how tired I was. I took a 2.5 hr nap on Sunday after a race I had in the morning! And driving home, I could easily have gone off the road. Even now, it's not even 9pm and I'm ready for bed! Granted, again, I've been up since 5 to come back to Pitt, but still. Before 9?? I hope there's nothing wrong with me!

malinko - WOW, so excited for your trip to Cabo!!! that's awesome!! so jealous! And another WOW - I read through the posts but now I can't remember - when are you thinking AF should show? That would be so incredible if it happened for you this month, like little said - when you were all relaxed!
How is that promo looking? Any movement on that? I feel like I haven't talked to you girls in a month!

little - so exciting about the house!!! I'm so happy for you that you found one you love and you are making strides to make it your own! That's how I felt about the house we're in now - I really just LOVE pulling up to it each and every time we do. It's our little squat of land in life and it's all ours! :) (I don't even know if that's the right saying, but I'm sticking with it! ha! :))
Come on, AF - I hope she comes for you soon! you need to get on some steroids and make yourself a littler little!

Miss you girls, I wish I could chat more. Unfortunately, I'm sharing an office with at least 2 other people and the client folks pop in all the time (as they should, that's why we're here after all...), so I can't really have this website up for all to glimpse. ;)

I hope you both have great weeks. I'll be online at home on Thursday!! I'll keep checking in on my phone, though, just to see how things are going.

...going to peak at malinko's chart now! hee hee!
morning! I thought I would check in and let you know that I got my test results back and everything is normal! They even checked thyroid and such - everything seems to be in working order, I suppose.
So I guess next up is the HSG for me and an SA for DH. When they called to schedule the labs, they said that the HSG may not be this month. :( I just want that thing over with.
I'll keep you both posted if anything different happens!

malinko - what's the vaca countdown?? Cabo - drinks, sun, sand, relaxation.....ahhhhhhhhhh perfect! :shipw::boat:

little - how are you doing, hon? going crazy getting your house show-ready? ugh, I hate that!! Thankfully we didn't have to do that in our last move b/c we moved out of a duplex that we own, so we just kept it and we're renting it out.

Have a great Tuesday, loves! :flower:
I hate when I have typos - I meant 'peek' last night! ha!
good morning lovelies!
My day is BLAH but that is typical for this time of the year and this time of the month. I would love if it AF would just get here already but I don't expect her until the end of this weekend or the beginning of next week IF and it is a big IF she shows on time! I am hoping so....I want to get this clomid BS started lol.

Sorry the :witch: showed for you wish! but I am super glad you checked in! I know you are busy with work but I am a worrier and I start to freak when I don't hear from one of you for a few days! Good to hear all your labs went well! That is excellent news! Get DH to get that SA done as soon as possible! Could be a case like ours where there is something just slight that is affecting his little :spermy: and once you get that fixed who knows what possibilities it may bring!

malinko...sorry about the temp drop :( at least you know if that stupid :witch: does show that you will be enjoying a wonderful vacation and then can have a clean and relaxing start next month! I guess I should stop calling her a stupid :witch: since I want her to show up here lol....if I keep calling her bad names she might not be so willing to come and I want her to be here ALREADY!!!

Tonight we are going to get DH's SA and then rushing home to clean the house again as we have our first showing tomorrow night! Hopefully its exactly what they have been looking for and they make an offer....we have a lab and he sheds a lot and if I have to keep cleaning nightly to keep hair off the woodwork I will freak! I am a neat freak anyway so he always drives me nuts, but this is like in overdrive for me lol....I want things to look perfect. DH says I need to stop being nice of him isn't it? lol oh well

Hope you are both having a great day!


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