Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Good morning girls!

Where do I even start? Wish - SO good to hear from you!!!! What GREAT news on all of your blood work! Blah on the HSG, but like you said "lets just get it done and over with!" One, just to be done with it but two, just that much closer to a little one! Hopefully you dh's sa test is good! Please do keep us updated!

Little - awesome news that they are already showing your house! That's great. I'm a clean freak I can imagine the stress you are under right now. Definitely keep us updated on the sa test. I can't remember....they didn't put him on any meds yet, right?

The countdown is on. We leave tomorrow night! I have a bunch of stuff to finish up with work today and tomorrow and finish packing. I have most everything laid out - it's just making sure I don't overpack. Literally I need my swimsuit and a couple of dresses for dinner. I can't wait to just relax by the pool, catch up on some much needed girl time (we are going with another couple) and just stop thinking about all of this craziness going on it my life!

No movement on the promotion. The person appealed the firing so that is going to take some time now.

I'm okay if af decides to show. I really prefer that she doesn't and that I cannot drink on this trip but that isn't really realistic. I would really like to be picky and choose the date she decides to arrive and pray that it will be a light cycle - - because it is totally ruining the fact I will be in a swimsuit having to worry about "how heavy the flow is" AND dealing with being bloated in a bikini. UGH! Oh well. At least I am on vacation, right? My temp drop has confirmed she is coming however I haven't had ANY spotting or any signs of her coming at least today. Last few months, once a day I will have some brownish cm that goes as quickly as it comes, but haven't even had that yet. Cervix seemed fairly soft today and it has been higher that normal for the past week. I know all that means nothing - - - and of anything, the temp this morning is the most telling. So, I will just await her arrival.

Better get busy! Talk to you girls soon!:hugs:
Thank you malinko and glad to know I am not alone! I hope AF doesn't show for you either! FX no matter what I know you will have a great vacation!

No they haven't put DH on anything yet, but that is why we are doing this and then getting back in as quickly as possible so that if he needs meds he can get on them before we start the clomid in a few weeks. FX it all works out!

Still super jealous you are going on such an awesome vacay! but SERIOUSLY hope you have a good time and get some rest and relaxation! :thumbup:
I'm convinced I am waiting for af to arrive, but I just had to share something. My cysts seem to be killing me. In fact, ones that I know I have that haven't bothered me for quite some time are bothering me today (of course only if you touch it). And I have had a terrible headache all day long. Ugh...I hate this fluctuation in hormones.
malinko...if you would decide to take a test when is that going to be?
I don't think there is a need to take a test :) Temp dropped again today from 97.7 to 97.5 which is what I estimated my baseline to be. Probably won't start today....but it will probably show tomorrow.
that's no good :(....

well I wish you the absolute best time on your trip!
I am hoping she is on her way....I have been SUPER hungry the last 2 days which is usually a good sign of PMS for me....FX she shows on time
Leaving to go meet up with our friends and flying out! Be back in a week! Hugs to you both!!!
malinko are you at least going to be able to let us know if AF shows?!?!?!


safe travels!
I know that both of you are away but FF has me all sorts of screwed up....says I ovulated on Monday?! WTF?? I sure didn' guess maybe a low temp tomorrow might throw that off....I am waiting for AF and she should be here this weekend so I don't want it to say I ovulated Monday....then I would have at least 12 days to wait until AF would show which would put me at starting on the 2nd of August! that would be waiting another whole week...GRRR I was planning on starting my clomid around then!


oh well....maybe the dotted lines will go away tomorrow! FX for af this weekend!
morning! I'm so sorry I missed malinko - I'm sure she's going to have a great time. Safe travels if you see this!! Have a pina colada for us!

little - how you doin', girl? ugh, FF is probably just doing what it's supposed to with your 3 days of 'elevated' temps. I'm sure AF will show on time for you - FF is prob trying to make something out of whatever data you're giving it. I'm so excited for AF to come for you and for you to start this new approach! Gosh I hope it works immediately for you!! I can't WAIT until you become pregnant!!!!

Thanks Wish!
I am super glad you are back! I have been going through withdrawl with you gone and then malinko gone! NO ONE TO TALK TO AHHHHHHHH

DH and I decided that if we don't get pregnant by Nov when my 3 months of trying clomid are up we are going to take a little break from all of the testing and things...its a little much and it stresses me out. Plus the next thing on the list is the HSG and those are expensive and with us buying a new house and a new truck for DH I'd rather just wait a bit until we REALLY NEED the HSG and then pay for it lol...they tell me insurance doesn't typically cover those well :(

It makes me kind of sad, but at the same time I am looking forward to the next 3 months of trying super hard with the clomid and just praying it works!

Hope your week was good! Again I am so glad you are back! I missed you terribly! :hugs:
I missed you too!! Glad to be back!
Another trip next week but that's it for a few weeks. Hopefully we can get some baby-making in on the right days! ;)
RE-DONK-ULOUS busy today but wanted to pop in to say hi! AF here yet?? when are you expecting her?

I hope you have a fantastic weekend and she comes fast and not-so-furious!

much love, my friend!
Good Morning!
AF isn't here yet but I am expecting her today or tomorrow...hopefully she shows...I am having some cramps and feeling extremely grumpy and irritated and I am thinking that may be partly due to her and partly just due to the fact that I am trying to take on too much in life right now lol.

who knows!

Hope you had a great weekend and I hope malinko is having fun on her vacay!

hello dearest! I'm sorry to hear you are grumpy today! AF should be here any second so hopefully you get to start your clomid soon and new things can start happening!!
did they say if there are going to be any side effects from that or not?

I had a good weekend but of course it was too short. My FiL was gone for the weekend so DH and I had the house to ourselves! it was a nice little change for a bit, not that my FiL is ever under foot or anything. We had a date night and went out to dinner Saturday - again, a nice change b/c we never do that.

cd12 here with negative OPKs yesterday and today, which I guess would be expected (though I think O came on cd13 last month, crazy early). I hope I'm home for when O comes! I leave, once again, tomorrow morning and am gone until late Thursday night. Please don't come until Friday or Saturday, Ms. O!!!

I hope your Monday got cheerier for you! How did the showing(s) go on the house last week? Any bites? Do you have more scheduled for this week? Must be such a pain to have to keep the house clean as a whistle all this time!

anywho - I hope you are well! and yes, drat that malinko for being on such an awesome vacation! but I hope she is well too and AF came quickly for her!
Thanks Wish!
The showing went alright and as of now we don't have any more scheduled but hopefully some will!
AF still hasn't shown....grrrr...I am REALLY hoping sometime today but who knows! If she doesn't come today I will call my Dr. Tomorrow and hopefully they will give me that medicine that makes her come lol. I just want to get it started and not be waiting forever....trying to keep the due dates toward the beginning of the month lol...I know its strange but I prefer to be expecting at the beginning of the month lol

anyway keeping the house clean is absolutely killing me especially with DH's lab...he sheds like you wouldn't BELIEVE! its insane....hope the house sells soon so I don't have to clean like a crazy woman anymore lol. I mean I am always on the neat freak side, but moping daily is a little nuts lol

love to you! :hugs: safe travels!
enough is enough, little's AF! come now! what is this medicine that makes her show up? all these meds, I've never heard of. Sheesh. Did you hear that one of the drugs A Rod was busted for was clomid?? I was just sorta listening and when I heard that, I was like 'whaaaa?' I guess eggs and spermies aren't the only things that it helps enhance the performance of!!

Mopping every day?? Girl, you NUTS! Though I can TOTALLY relate on the dog shedding problem!! My FIL's 2 german shepherds - I'm surprised they aren't bald. Thankfully they don't really come into our side of the house but their hair certainly does!

So tell me about this house that you love and want to buy - what does it look like? why do you love it so much? how much land, etc? I LOVE realty and looking at homes. If I was independently wealthy, I'd consider doing it part-time! :)

you mentioned you have a ton of other 'life' stuff going on - anything more than the house and the TTC? not that that's not enough, clearly it is! But I hope you're not stretching yourself too thin, my dear!

chat with you soon - I hope you're having a great Tuesday!
Hi little! how goes your Wednesday? AF show up yet? I see your chart so I'm assuming not. Any spotting or anything?? sheesh...

Another negative OPK this morning - cd14 here. I got a call from my docs too, just a vm right now, saying that they can't fit me in this month for the HSG. Something about calling again on the first day of my next cycle. Great. So....we'll try again this month and I'm assuming nothing will happen and on to the next for hopefully the HSG. TTHHHHHPPPPPT! that's how I feel about that!
That really bites Wish I am so sorry to hear that!
Well last night we went back to the urologist to get the results of DH's second semen analysis because they didn't get all the info they were looking for from the first one, and like I mentioned previously we had the first one done at our small hospital here in town...they usually screw everything up! Well...THEY REALLY SCREWED UP

the original report said that DH had a count of 147 million which is on the high side of normal and would be GREAT! This one said that his count was 11 million....REALLY low...20 million is considered low so you can only imagine how we felt after finding that out!

So since the difference was so crazy poor DH has to get ANOTHER one done just to see what that result comes back as. My fingers are crossed that it comes back normal because it if is that low we are definitely going to struggle to have children :(

If it is that low I will be out of the TTC game for a while because they will have to test his hormones and such and try to find out what is causing the low count and then they might put him on clomid also. Which unlike women it takes a few months to get their sperm count up. Which brings me to the next thing...

When we got married we didn't really do the whole official thing. Just went to the courthouse really quick like and that was that. I have wanted a "real" wedding forever and DH finally decided that he agreed and so we have picked a day Septbember 26, 2015 and we are going to "get married" that day! I am REALLY excited about it, but obviously I would have had to get pregnant soon or I would be pregnant during that day and I want to wear a dress and do that whole thing so I really don't want to be 7 or 8 months pregnant when we do this.

SO I suppose this would work out ok...just that I wont be starting the clomid this month or probably this year haha. I guess we would look at DH starting clomid soon and me starting it in August of next year if his count really is that low. This whole thing is crazy and I am trying really hard to wrap my head around it and feel ok about it, but truly I am bummed. I was looking forward to starting the clomid and getting things going. We were going to try until October and then take a break anyway due to the whole wedding thing, but I am thinking that it wont happen at this point.

I guess now I am hoping that the test was just wrong and his count is normal and we can go about our plan of getting pregnant having a baby at the beginning of next summer and then doing our wedding thing in September, but if not then I suppose we get our bodies as ready as possible and then we will start trying immediately after September 26, 2015. Our families are both THRILLED that we have decided to do this finally so we really cant push it off any longer....and its not that I am not excited but I want to be a mother so bad and DH really wants to be a father (his own child) but at least he is talking about adoption if its not a possibility but I suppose we will cross that bridge when we get there.....

I feel like my world is crashing down, but at least there are a few plans we could start down and hopefully either this year or next year God will bless us with a little one....waiting until next year at this time would be rough, but if we move and do this whole wedding thing then I guess it might go by faster than I am imagining now....

sorry about all this info I know its crazy but im so sad I don't even know who to talk to...and of course DH doesn't want to talk about it at all haha :(

maybe the test next week will come back much better! FX if not FX we both have patience and things work out when we are both able to take meds!

Hope your day is going better than mine!


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