Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

oh and no this point I am hoping she holds off for a couple days and then it will give me time to know if I need to try the clomid this month or wait until DH gets treated....
OMIGOSH!! I'm SO sorry I didn't have a chance to log back in yesterday - I was still at the client and we were running from meeting to meeting, to a training, blah blah work stuff... and then I had to leave and catch my flights. Which, oddly enough, were ON TIME yesterday so I didn't have much down time.

:hugs: :hugs:
HOLY COW you are going through a lot right now. I can't believe the difference in his SAs! How on earth? Did your DH start his meds for the infection that they said he had yet or were they still waiting on that? I wonder if that's the reason for the drop in count. Though, obv I'm NO doctor so I would assume something like that would be considered.
Little - you can always talk to me/us (I'll feel confident speaking for malinko here!). You have so much going on right now, it's hard to wrap your head around it all, like you said. New house, selling old house - I consider these 2 different things that have to really go hand in hand well together! TTC, all these tests and now you're going to get married! AND I know you mentioned maybe picking up another job?? Doing one of these things is hard enough to concentrate on, let alone all of them at the same time! And if you do try to control all of them or put 100% of yourself into all of them, they are bound to crack somewhere and then not one of them will be as enjoyable as it should have been.

:hugs:'s my $.02 and I hope I'm not stepping over any bounds...this is what I remind my mom and my sister of when they have so much going on at once too! And so now you're my e-sister, so you get the wisdom of Michelle as well - ha!<3

Try to wrap your head around one thing at a time. Like selling/buying your house right now. The testing is going to take up the TTC stuff for now, so rather than worry about what you can do to control that, maybe let that go for a bit and concentrate on getting that wonderful home that your future children will grow up in, no matter how you end up having those children. You know that you will provide a VERY loving home for them. Then maybe see where you are when the dust settles on that and move on to the next thing. Maybe it will be planning the wedding by then!! Plan that awesome and loving event and go make a honeymoon baby!!
I just know that everything will fall into place for you - you're too good of a person with the greatest intentions in life for it not to.
I know it's all overwhelming right now b/c it's all hitting at once, but I have the utmost faith that you GOT THIS, little!!

I'm home now so I'll be on throughout the day! love you, little!
Thank you Wish!
It is a LOT to deal with! Selling the house and buying a new one I also consider 2 separate things! And I am really looking forward to it and hoping it all works out as best as it possibly can! But I do have to agree....if we can make it through that and just get the testing done and the meds started then we will be all set to try again in a year. And you are 100% correct! Then the house will be set up and totally baby ready! And we wont be focusing on a million other things so we can enjoy being pregnant and waiting for the little one to come if that is the only BIG thing we have going on at that time!

I am kind of excited about it all now more so than down....I still get that twinge when I see a new baby or hear that someone is pregnant, but I think it is time to realize that it will all happen in good time for me....regardless of how it occurs!

DH doesn't have an infection. Lol that is the only clear thing we did find out from doing this last SA. But that is good news! I would hate for him to have one! yucky! So Monday we will get another one done and hopefully have the results of the count by Tuesday or Wednesday and then that way we will know for sure if his count is really that low. If it is then we will go on with his labs to see what LH and FSH are doing and hopefully get him started on clomid! This of course will put all of my testing off until next year around this time when we would be ready to start trying again! Which I am ok with! I hate tests lol

I am really looking forward to our "wedding" He is my best friend and I love him to death! When we got married it just wasn't the right time for all that wedding jazz...but now it will be perfect and probably be everything we always dreamed of! I am BEYOND excited to do the dress shopping and stuff so ya....maybe its just God saying I have this awesome plan for you, you just need to be patient! :thumbup:

Of course this also gives me the option to focus on exercising and getting in the best shape I can! Which I haven't been working out as hard as I normally would the last 6 months because I was worried that working out too hard would make my cycles abnormal...which happened anyway lol so now I can focus on losing the few pounds I want to lose and then I will be more healthy when I get pregnant anyway!

I actually love your advice Michelle is it? lol I am Katie btw...its like super awesome if that is your name! lol I love you 2 so much and SO enjoy talking with you! Its like being best friends but not knowing someone lol...kind of strange! but hey knowing names is awesome! Makes it so much better!

I really hope you had a great trip and I am so sorry to hear that they keep pushing your testing back. :hugs: its so aggravating especially because if we could just get some answers we could probably make this stuff work! COME ON PEOPLE lol

They clearly just don't understand....but fear not because I TOTALLY do! Glad you made it home safe! Any big weekend plans?!
Oh PS not picking up a second job right at the moment....was more so doing that to have something to keep me occupied but um well I think ive got enough other stuff lol
Hi Katie! haha, yep, I'm Michelle :) Pleased ta meet ya!
And you're right, these friendships we've made are very different, huh? It was funny - we went to some friends' house last weekend and they had another couple over that has had some pregnancy troubles (they lost twins at 22 weeks a little over a year ago but are pregnant again) and she offered to talk with me about anything, answer any questions b/c they have looked into almost everything. Nice of her, yes, but A) she's not someone I completely trust with keeping our issues to herself, B) we know them but never see them, and C) I was like, 'well, I have these two women that I'm friends with on this blog and we kinda help each other out, so I'm good for now but thanks!' :)

HAHA - good thinking on the 2nd job, I think!

I'm so relieved that it sounds like you're already taking things in stride and seeing the silver lining of how things are panning our right now! Yessss!! Awesome new house, super fun wedding planning, working out like a crazy (re)bride-to-be! All of this stuff would be much harder with a baby in hand or on the way. This is kinda how our life fell into place too - we left our duplex and bought our 'forever' home, got married in Puerto Rico later that year, I got laid off but found this great new job a month later and now everything is in place for a baby!

And it's really great to hear that your DH does not have an infection! that is yucky, to think you have this lurking thing going on messing things up and you didn't even know about it. The body is such an enigma.

Weekend plans - NONE!! And I'm A-OK with that! I don't even know what the weather is supposed to be like but I know I'll just be relaxing. This house needs a serious cleaning, we need to do groceries - regular stuff like that. Probably grill some yummy food, hang out on the deck with my FiL and the dogs, play some cards, drink some wine. Sounds like heaven to me! :)
What about you?
oh and PS here too - flashing smiley today on my last OPK stick so hopefully some BD'ing this weekend as well! hahaha
Give it another try before they can fit the HSG in - why not!
Going over to my parents tonight to visit with them and have dinner and one of my sisters will be there as well! Going to talk about some of the wedding stuff! I just know a year will come and go in a flash and Im excited so why not just get stuff organized now?! I am sure some of this is due to the control freak in me lol. Um other than that nothing! Which just like you is fine by me! We have been so busy this summer we have had something planned every single weekend and have been trying to do a million things on top of it so I am like SUPER excited to have a weekend where we don't HAVE to do anything!

I don't know when malinko is supposed to be back so it will be good to hear how her vacay went! Lucky girl!

AF still hasn't shown weird lol...but its ok I suppose because realistically I would love to know what DH's sperm count comes back as before we totally decide to not do the clomid this next cycle, although I think we are leaning toward that regardless of what we find out! But still if she holds off until next week ill be ok with that I guess!

It's so crazy how life works out sometimes isn't it? I am just hoping that us having a baby is one of those crazy life things as well! Hopefully its the same for you!

:hugs: and :dust:

Good luck with the BDing this weekend! :thumbup:
ummmmmm speak of the devil and she will come....just went to the bathroom and BOOM AF definitely here....hopefully we can make a decision by Tuesday cause that is when I would need to start the clomid....ehhhhhhhh...I am thinking we will wait though....even if his count is fine we just might wait...weird timing though!
Hi girls! How were your weekends?

little - glad AF finally showed for you! Man, that was a long month!! Anymore thoughts or decisions made over the weekend re: the clomid? no pressure, just wonderin'!
Did you have some fun wedding planning talks at your folks' on Friday? So fun, I love all of those fun decisions!

malinko - it's been AGES! I hope you had the most fantastic vacation and AF didn't spoil it too much! if you even got it...hmmmm???? Please check in at your earliest convenience! ;)

for me - good weekend, full of BD'ing but the best thing is that DH asked Saturday morning 'how long we'd have the flashing face for', aka 'how many times do we HAVE to BD' and it actually made things SO much easier as far as initiating. I think b/c he knew it was coming!! So I said 'well, I got the flashing face yesterday morning (Friday) and that was cd16, so we should probably BD tonight, tomorrow and Monday'. Expectations SET rather than me springing yet another night on him! And he can mentally get in the mood!
I ran out of sticks, though, so I don't know when I actually O'd. I was considering temping but I took my temp Sat morning to baseline and I had had a very light, tossing/turning sleep and it was already at 98.2. So I figured forget it, I'll just wing it this month. I can temp next week to see where my temps are. I'm sure they'll be hovering around 98.3 and I won't be able to tell anything. :)

Miss you girls! Have a good Monday!
Hey Ladies!
My weekend was good other than the allergies/cold I have going on lol. Pretty much just stayed in bed yesterday which was fine by me lol we have been running around doing things like crazy for the last 2 months and I thought hey a day to relax sounds great! especially since I wasn't feeling well!

If I was going to start the clomid I would do so tomorrow....but DH is going to give his sample tonight after work so I am not sure if they would have his count back by tomorrow or not? I guess if I can get the result and if it is normal we might try the clomid this month and next just to see what happens? but I fully expect that his count will be low again and then we will be putting it off until next year around this time!

we will see! Hopefully it will be good news either way!

Glad to hear you had a good weekend wish!

Havent heard from malinko, but I am hoping she had a wonderful trip and will be gracing us with her presence soon!

love to you both!
ahhhh - a day just lounging in bed sounds AMAZING!! not that I did a ton of running around this weekend. It was fairly chill!
We used to have days, in the first apartment we had, where we would walk down into town to get a pizza, bring it back to bed, watch movies and just hang out there all day, both kitties chilling with fun.

FX'ed on your DH's count being ok! Good luck tomorrow!

so question for you - do you think you'll stay on BnB for the next year if you guys decide to put things off until after the wedding? I'd miss you terribly but I would totally understand. I was wondering if maybe malinko was doing the same - I know this TTC has put a strain on her relationship and she's being way more chill about things. Do you think coming on here to touch base brings even a small level of pressure or strain?
It's kinda funny - I don't even go into the other threads anymore. I only come on to see how you girls are doing in this one. I can't keep up with the '3dpo and my toe hurts, is that a sign???' things anymore. I totally admit I got caught up in it at the beginning of the year but I guess now that I know more and have met you two, it's much easier for me to chill until about 8-9dpo and bounce stuff off of you guys. No more obsessing for me. :)
What are your thoughts?
Hello ladies!

I'm finally back. Vacation was absolutely wonderful and we had a great time. Unfortunately, we got back and the next day my father in law had a heart attack so we have been dealing with that. Thankfully he is finally at home and resting well but we have definitely had our hands full over the last week.

Little - sorry to hear about dh's sa test. Hopefully it was just a fluke and everything is okay. If not though, at least you have a plan of action and can keep moving forward. And so exciting about the wedding! That should definitely take your mind off ttc and relax a little (although you will then be stressed with wedding things!) If it's not one thing, it's another :) Also hoping your house sells quickly! Did you ever make the offer on the other house?

Wish - how are you doing girl??? At home for awhile? Sorry work has been so crazy for you. Any updates on doctor's appointments? Ovulating yet? As far as your inquiry to little...just throwing in my two cents. I missed your girls terribly while I was gone - - but I will tell you it was so nice and relaxing not thinking a thing about ttc, charting, temping, opks, and honestly BnB. However, I couldn't stay away though!

Not much new going on here. Got a solid circle on Saturday and solid smiley on Sunday (CD11). Thought I would have ovulated yesterday but not sure that I did. I took my first temp yesterday and it was 97.5 but todays temp was 97.4. So, maybe it'll be today. No idea and just trying to relax about it all. We finally got an appointment scheduled with the fertility specialist in September. In the midst of being in the hospital with f.i.l. I was able to get all my paperwork filled out and back to them and had my other records sent from my doctor's office so the specialist could review them. They called me this morning and told me they could see me tomorrow (WHOA!) but dh is out of town. I don't know if I should take the appointment tomorrow or just keep our regular scheduled appointment that he can attend with me. If I would go tomorrow, we could maybe do day 21 testing this month if the doctor wanted to. I really do want dh with me though.

Have a great day ladies and touch base with you both soon!
MALINKOOOOOO!!! I've missed you! I was wondering if the no charting, poas'ing, etc would lead you to not coming back to us! :) I totally get it - I'm wayyyyyy less stressed or obsessed now that I don't go on other threads. I popped into one today just to see - I definitely feel more comfortable with 'trying to conceive over 35' crew but even then, they are on a lot of IVF, IUI, etc stuff that I'm not yet on. So I'm sure there will be a lot to learn if we get to that point and the threads may become more helpful again, but until then - I'm sticking to just this one with my girls!

Yep, no travel until 8/14, and that one is just an overnight. Then not back until the last week of the month!

I got a flashing smiley on Friday and that was my last stick of the pack. So we BD'ed Friday, Sat and Sunday. Last night I think we were way too pooped to, which is fine. We hit cd16, 17 and 18, I usually O on 17 or 18, so I'm sure we're covered. So now the waiting! I've had some weird ticklish cramps but I know it's nothing since it's only progesterone doing its thing right about now. I've been sleeping like a rock, too - didn't even hear DH leave or give me a kiss goodbye like he usually does this morning!
I called this morning to make my appt for the HSG - that'll be on 8/21. I have to go get a preg test first at the regular doctor's office, then go down to radiology at the hospital for the HSG. Wonder if we can just take DH's SA at that time too, though I don't know that he'd want to wait in the car keeping the sample warm while I am at the reg doc's office getting a preg test! They said the HSG takes about 45 mins and there will be cramping afterwards and they suggest me getting a ride to/from. Ugh, I don't know about that - I'll prob just bring myself. I always think that's funny - I can think of 2 times where I haven't been able to drive myself anywhere comfortably and that's when I pulled my back out last month and when I sprained my ankle so badly I could barely push in the gas peddle. And even then, I was going to try! I think a little cramping is fine to deal with on the 20 min ride home.

OH, I asked the nurse today - are we supposed to count cd1 when spotting starts or when full flow starts and she said spotting. I had it the other way around! So - just spreading the knowledge in case you ladies thought as I did!
oh, and I temped this morning and it was at 98.2 - though I temped the other day and it was that high too (after a restless sleep), so maybe my thermometer is on the fritz. Oh well.
Morning Ladies!
or almost afternoon I a little busy at work this morning and didn't quite make it here lol but hey im here now and that is all that matters! lol

Malinko so glad to see that you are back! Glad to hear your trip went well but sorry to hear about F.i.L.! Hope he is doing well and things get calmed down and back to normal....well as normal as they can be lol and yes you are right if it isn't one thing its another lol. I have to call this afternoon and try to get an answer on DH's sperm count to see if I need to start clomid today or not! ahhhhh crazy even if it is normal we might just wait until after everything else calms down anyway, but obviously we will talk about it and decide once we know what is going on!

Wish to answer your question no I think I would stick around to talk to the 2 of you! I wouldn't want to miss out on one of you finding out youre preg!!!! That would just be way to exciting and I would miss talking to you both and knowing what you are up to! SO I would come on just to talk to you guys!

I already deleted like every other thread I was ever in except this one....its just too much to try to keep track of and I don't feel like im that intense about it anymore....even if we do continue to try right now I will still only go elsewhere if I have to experience something new like IUI or something!

Anyway I hope you 2 are having a wonderful Tuesday! Its raining here!

Love to you both! :hugs:
omigosh, I didn't even respond to the news about your FiL, malinko - I'm so sorry! That's so horrible, I'm so sorry you all are going through this. But I am glad to hear that it wasn't fatal and he's on the mend. Are they exploring why it happened and any remedies like a stint or anything? sheesh - SO scary.
Well ladies...the results are in and this little girl is out :(

DH's :spermy: are few in numbers. Total bummer, but on we will go. We will be hopefully getting lab orders from the urologist in the next week or so and getting those done and then off to see him about the results. Hopefully there is something they can do....if not then I am afraid maybe a baby will not be in the cards for me. I would be willing to adopt but DH feels strongly that he wants his own children, and maybe if we are told that absolutely wont happen then MAYBE he will think about adoption, but for now not good news.

Oh well. More testing here we come! Just FX they can figure out something to fix the issue and come next September we will be ready to go!

love to you both!
Oh little, I'm so sorry about those results. I would think they would have a fix for that, though? it's got to be one of the most common reasons for infertility. IVF, don't they stick the sperm right in the egg? So numbers wouldn't matter, if they are manually introducing the two to each other. I'm positive there are options for you guys!!
FX'ed for sure on your upcoming tests and meeting with the urologist.

How are you doing? You know, for all it's worth, I'm so happy that you come from a Mom who had such a wonderful adoption experience and life with your grandparents. I know you would give an adopted child the very same.

malinko - how you doing? you should have O'ed by now, right? And forgive me for not remembering - you're not doing any tests right now, right? Just kinda going with it for the time being, I thought? How's your FiL?

Well, I hope you both are having decent days where you are. I am empathetically bummed out for both of you. :nope:

<3 and :hugs:

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