OMIGOSH!! I'm SO sorry I didn't have a chance to log back in yesterday - I was still at the client and we were running from meeting to meeting, to a training, blah blah work stuff... and then I had to leave and catch my flights. Which, oddly enough, were ON TIME yesterday so I didn't have much down time.

HOLY COW you are going through a lot right now. I can't believe the difference in his SAs! How on earth? Did your DH start his meds for the infection that they said he had yet or were they still waiting on that? I wonder if that's the reason for the drop in count. Though, obv I'm NO doctor so I would assume something like that would be considered.
Little - you can always talk to me/us (I'll feel confident speaking for malinko here!). You have so much going on right now, it's hard to wrap your head around it all, like you said. New house, selling old house - I consider these 2 different things that have to really go hand in hand well together! TTC, all these tests and now you're going to get married! AND I know you mentioned maybe picking up another job?? Doing one of these things is hard enough to concentrate on, let alone all of them at the same time! And if you do try to control all of them or put 100% of yourself into all of them, they are bound to crack somewhere and then not one of them will be as enjoyable as it should have been.'s my $.02 and I hope I'm not stepping over any bounds...this is what I remind my mom and my sister of when they have so much going on at once too! And so now you're my e-sister, so you get the wisdom of Michelle as well - ha!
Try to wrap your head around one thing at a time. Like selling/buying your house right now. The testing is going to take up the TTC stuff for now, so rather than worry about what you can do to control that, maybe let that go for a bit and concentrate on getting that wonderful home that your future children will grow up in, no matter how you end up having those children. You know that you will provide a VERY loving home for them. Then maybe see where you are when the dust settles on that and move on to the next thing. Maybe it will be planning the wedding by then!! Plan that awesome and loving event and go make a honeymoon baby!!
I just know that everything will fall into place for you - you're too good of a person with the greatest intentions in life for it not to.
I know it's all overwhelming right now b/c it's all hitting at once, but I have the utmost faith that you GOT THIS, little!!
I'm home now so I'll be on throughout the day! love you, little!