Little - I'm so sorry to hear your news. Hopefully you can meet with the doctor next week and they will offer encouraging news. And hopefully this allows you to relax a little and just enjoy your time with your husband as you prepare for this wonderful wedding that you will have next year. And, when you get your dream house, you will have a room ready to be a nursery. It'll all come together!!!! I guess the big guy upstairs just had something different in mind than what you did. Just have faith that it will all work out and you have other things going on right now (house, wedding, etc) that you should put your energy into. I constantly have to remind myself that my husband is my very best friend and I couldn't imagine life without him. I have never experienced the love for a child obviously...but I simply cannot imagine not having my husband in my life. So...if God's wish for me is for it to just be him and me...I'm okay with that. I have faith though that come next September....everything will be perfect and God will give you that precious bundle of joy!
Wish - how you doing dear?
Nothing much here. Just trying to relax
I think I'm officially in the tww again. After my positive opk on Sunday, I was sure I would ovulate on Monday but my temp dropped by .1 degree. It rose .2 degrees to 97.6 though - and that is typically a low post ovulation temp. Here's to waiting yet again!
Wish - how you doing dear?
Nothing much here. Just trying to relax