Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Little - I'm so sorry to hear your news. Hopefully you can meet with the doctor next week and they will offer encouraging news. And hopefully this allows you to relax a little and just enjoy your time with your husband as you prepare for this wonderful wedding that you will have next year. And, when you get your dream house, you will have a room ready to be a nursery. It'll all come together!!!! I guess the big guy upstairs just had something different in mind than what you did. Just have faith that it will all work out and you have other things going on right now (house, wedding, etc) that you should put your energy into. I constantly have to remind myself that my husband is my very best friend and I couldn't imagine life without him. I have never experienced the love for a child obviously...but I simply cannot imagine not having my husband in my life. So...if God's wish for me is for it to just be him and me...I'm okay with that. I have faith though that come next September....everything will be perfect and God will give you that precious bundle of joy!

Wish - how you doing dear?

Nothing much here. Just trying to relax :) I think I'm officially in the tww again. After my positive opk on Sunday, I was sure I would ovulate on Monday but my temp dropped by .1 degree. It rose .2 degrees to 97.6 though - and that is typically a low post ovulation temp. Here's to waiting yet again!
FIL is doing okay but have some issues with a regular heart beat. He had to have a triple bypass following the heart attack. It's going to be a long road ahead but we will make it through it. Thanks for asking.

Anyone watch Good Morning America this morning? There was a shooting at a wal mart store near the town I live in (in Beavercreek Ohio). What is this world coming to?!?!
Holy cow! yeah, seriously - I have no idea what's going on with the world. Just the other day, this guy swerved his car towards a couple walking out of a grocery store in the town over from me. When the guy of the couple yelled and told him to slow down, the guy got out of his car with a HATCHET and started to move towards them 'menacingly' and said he was going to shoot them. WTH! A HATCHET?? Makes me a little nervous to think about bringing a child into the world, honestly. Though of course, you have to think that your child will do good in the world and help the greater cause. Man...

I'm doing fine, thanks for asking - my uterus has been very tingly this week. I don't know how else to describe it. Kinda tickly! And I'm sleeping like a rock still, which is odd for me post-O, but I'll take it! Other than that - I think I'm about the same dpo as you again, so nothing should be going on at all. Here's to the big ole wait, like you said!
Good Day Friends:)
Malinko I am so sorry to hear about your F.iL. that is a LOT to go through. Give them time though they will get it figured out and get that heart rate back to normal. It just takes time. Tripple bypass is no joke! Ill keep you all in my prayers!

Well I had a good cry last night. Feeling so bummed. Just hoping there is something they can do! But again will just have to wait and see. I think DH is really bummed too but he wont talk about it of course.

As for all of the craziness in the world and bringing a child into it I read this quote the other day and ill share it with you both as it totally made me smile. This is something I have often thought about in my dealing with young children and THE PARENTS (lol) for the last 6 years but this quote made me smile! :thumup:

"Our job is not to toughen our children up to face a cruel and heartless world. Our job is to raise children who will make the world a little less cruel and heartless."

good thought for the day! WE can do it you know...raise children who make the world better and we will I have faith :hugs: to you both!
I love that quote - thank you so much for sharing! Just warmed me up!

I'm so sad that you had a cry last night...I get it, though. :cry: I'm sure your DH is bummed and maybe feeling a ton of other things - like he's letting you down, inadequate, etc. I can't imagine how men react to news like that. We still have my DH's SA to do too. I'd almost prefer a blockage in my tubes than him to have anything wrong. It's funny - I think we've all said at one point or another how we would prefer it was something with US, b/c we feel we can take it. I totally feel this going into our next round of tests.
Hi girls! Happy Friday Eve!

just checking in - how's everything going? Fine here - nothing crazy going on, nothing expected at 4dpo or whatever the heck I am.

Gorgeous day outside, humidity is gone for the day and in the low 70's. I may have to get out for a run b/c this is PERFECT for that. If I can get myself organized here with work. Ever have those days where you are just feeling behind the 8 ball all day?? I woke up feeling that way!! :wacko:
Happy real Friday!

little - how are you doing? Been thinking about you, I hope you're ok.

malinko - same to you, how are you? Didn't even ask - did you guys try to time your BD'ing right this month or just kinda go with it?

Things here are the same - looking forward to getting out of work today and hopefully having a fun weekend. Going to a bridal shower tomorrow and dinner with friends on Sunday. Nothing crazy!

If you all aren't able to come on today (or are just taking a break b/c of where we all are in our cycles and tests and all that) - I hope you both have beautiful weekends! :hugs: to you both!
Hey girls!

Wish -nothing new here. Just waiting as the days slowly pass by. I was actually just trying to do every other day before I caved and bought more opks last Friday. So, we did a great job of every other day but didn't have sex the day I got my positive but I was okay with that since we had been doing every other day anyway and knew we would the day of. I got my positive on Sunday and took my temp on Monday (which I hadn't been temping either). Temp was 97.5 on Monday (which I thought was ovulation day and we did have sex). However, Tuesdays temp dropped by .1 to 97.4. SOOO...we dtd Tuesday as well just in case I didn't ovulate until Tuesday. Therefore, we dtd on cd 6, 8, 10, 12 and 13. If that doesn't catch it, I don't know what will. The only month that was more was the month I did smep and followed it all but the last day. How about you?

Little - thinking of you. Can't imagine how hard this is on you. I pray for you every day.

Going to in laws this weekend. Dh is already there. So, probably won't be on much if any this weekend. Have a great weekend girls. Hugs to you both!
good to hear from you, malinko! (what does your name mean anyway?? am I allowed to ask that since we're supposed to be all incognito??)

I feel like I really want to avoid work today, go get a pedi and go to the mall. I got a Yankee Candle coupon in the mail the other day that is burning a hole in my pocket and I could use more work pants...

anywho - I got my flashing smiley on Friday so we BD'ed Friday, Sat and Sun. So we got cd16, 17 and 18 and I usually O on 17 or 18. Like you said, if that doesn't do it, I don't know what would. :) Though I guess maybe a couple times before and after wouldn't hurt but sheesh.

Good luck this weekend - I hope your FiL is in good spirits and is on the mend.
Hey girls! I am doing great! Just celebrating my birthday today with my family.

It's good because I got into it last night with DH's mom. I had a few margaritas at dinner and just let my feelings fly and evidently that is not ok. I feel bad because I really felt that M.i.L. was ok to kind of spill my guts too, but she is feeling bad for DH and believe it or not I feel bad for DH....this news has hit us like a ton of bricks and I was totally emabarrassed by sharing my feelings last night but it just came spilling out. I don't normally drink so I am not good and keeping things to myself when I do....

Oh well had to get it out sometime right?

hope you are both dong well! Love you both!

Happy B-day to me ;) almost 30 here ladies....ugh I feel every bit of it ladies....TRUST ME

:hugs: and :dust:
Happy birthday, little!!! Sounds like you had a fun weekend, minus what sounds like a bit of a different response you were looking for from your MiL over spilling your feelings. I am glad you were able to get it out, though, like you said - sometimes the alcohol will do that for you AND it's actually a good thing! I'm sure there are a ton of different emotions going on through those that know what your situation is. But glad you got to blow off some steam! Doesn't sound like you get to really do that too much, especially with all you have going on right now!

malinko - how was your weekend? How's your FiL doing? what dpo are you now? feeling anything? ;)

I had a good weekend as well - went to my good friend's shower on Saturday out in the boonies here. It was at her future in-laws' and their place is gorgeous - her MiL keeps the most beautiful land/gardens, it was lovely. However, the most interesting part of the weekend was that Friday night, I was stung in the temple by a bee! I didn't swell right away, I was ok for the shower. But yesterday my head looked crooked and this morning, my left eye was swollen shut!! I have been icing on and off (it hurts, I'm a huge baby when it comes to this, so prob not as much as I should be). I only took one Benedryl caplet yesterday b/c it makes me so drowsy, but I think I have to bit the bullet and take 2 today and just tell my team I'll be knocked out for a bit. Ugh! Talk about a great distraction from the TWW!!
welp - AF just showed. Man, I really wasn't paying attention this month, I don't know why I thought it would be later this week. I guess if we're considering the first day of spotting to be cd1, like the nurse said, then today puts me at cd27. Who knew! That's one short LP, though, if I O'ed on the 2nd or 3rd. ugh.

Hope you girls are having a good Monday!
Hi Ladies!
Wish I am so sorry to hear that AF showed :( BOOOOOOOO :witch:

Also sorry to hear you got stung! that is NEVER fun I don't care how tough you are! lol

My weekend was good and thank you for the birthday wish! I was just way taken back about how my M.i.L. responded when I shared how I felt because she is one of the people that want us to have a baby the most or is the most looking forward to it I should say, but of course that is her little baby boy...needless to say lesson learned here!

I have been crazy busy at work this week so sorry I have been sort of MIA! I will try to check in as much as possible though! I am SERIOUSLY hoping that one of you end up pregnant so I can have someone to be happy for!....not trying anymore is kind of nice, but its such a bummer at the same time. I was really looking forward to finding out I was pregnant...but I guess this way maybe it will eventually happen. Until then I will be working hard on this wedding and trying to save up money for a honeymoon and to pay for the wedding and buy a house and new vehicles.....ekkkkkkk too much lol

oh well id rather be busy because if I don't stay insanely busy I will just be totally depressed about the baby thing....waiting to hear back about a lab order from the urologist today!

Hopefully we can get in there soon and get some answers!

Hope you are both doing well! Miss you like crazy!

Love and :hugs: and :dust:
Oh I'm so happy that you checked in, little!!! I know you both said that you'd stay on but I'll be honest...I was wondering if you were checking out... :(
I wouldn't blame you one bit so I'm not trying to guilt you!!

Yeah - it's quite a fine line when it comes to talking to Moms about their sons - whooeee! I'm pretty sure most think their sons walk on water. I married my MiL's favorite of the 3 boys but thankfully she had quite an affection for me too. I'm sure your MiL does for you as well (how could she not) and probably just assumes that you could be the stronger one in this situation and feel for her son as much as she does. How dare you have your own feelings about this! Are you guys ok, like did it turn into a fight? Or just not the direction you thought the conversation would go? I hope everything is ok - no more stress is needed for this situation!
And I'd agree - you have a ton to keep you busy! We are going new car shopping too, on 8/29. Taking the day off to go! I'm so excited, I've had the same Jeep Wrangler for over 11 yrs! It's nice not having a car payment, but I'd like something that feels a bit safer and is quieter. Damn thing is so loud w/o any insulation!

malinko - I miss you too! Get back here! I need to know what dpo you are and how it's going!

So here's my TMI - when I went to the bathroom the other day and wiped, I had red, like AF was totally starting. Then just spotting the rest of the day but I had put in a tampon b/c I just figured it was here. When I realized it was just spotting, I just was on the lookout yesterday - again, just light spotting, not enough for a tampon. But just in case, I put one in overnight. BARELY anything on it this morning and still nothing today so far. I think I've had this exact update for 3 months now so I'm not trying to read into it. I am slightly crampy, so I'm sure it'll start (restart?) any minute now. But I got some Prednisone for my bee sting yesterday (my face ended up blowing up, still puffy now) and I can't take it if I'm preg! grrrr And I have to travel tomorrow morning - I'd prefer if AF would just show so I could down some pills and make this puffiness go away!

geez - sorry for the book!! I just missed you so much!! <3 :)
Never be sorry for the book! I love hearing what is going on!...that is weird that she like basically started but then totally stopped?...what DPO are you today?? I understand needing the prednisone! you don't want to have to work with a swollen face that is no good! Keep me updated!

I know new car shopping is so much fun....I just hate the thought of having to pay another bill lol. Not that we have a LOT or anything but ugh a car payment is such a pain lol

What kind of vehicle are you looking for this time?!
totally weird, right? ugh - so I think I'm about 10 or 11dpo today, but yesterday was cd28 (I think, my AF started 4 weeks ago yesterday). I'm just so confused! flashing smiley on cd16 and ran out of sticks, so I'm guessing on O day.
oh well - checked my CP today and it's low and firm, so I know it'll start any minute.

Going for an SUV this time - we need something to haul stuff and DH has the car, so I'll get the SUV. I can't not be high off the ground now, I feel safer. Prob something like a Jeep Cherokee, Ford Explorer or something like that. I'd LOOOOVE an Acura MDX but DH doesn't like the looks of them. RAH!
I hear ya, I don't want another bill either - it's been nice w/o a car payment for so long. But we don't have many either and we're in a good spot to add this in and keep up our savings, so it'll all work out!

I'm traveling in the morning, but I'll check in later tomorrow to see if you or malinko popped in! Have a good night!
Hey ladies. Crazy few days...sorry I have been mia. FIL took another turn for the worse and had a stroke on Monday. Still in the hospital but hoping to go home sometime over the weekend.

Little, happy belated birthday! Wish, sorry your cycle is being so confusing! Funny you both are looking at vehicles! We are too!

We had scheduled a fertility appointment and weren't going to be seen until end of September. They called on Tuesday and had an opening for yesterday so we took it. Did a bunch of bloodwork, DH had his sa and I had an ultrasound. Dr is guessing my hormone levels are off and even though I show a biphasic chart he is thinking my eggs aren't what they should be. But we will find all that out with the blood work. I also have a mild case of pcos...but that's not shocking to me. He is already talking about putting me on clomid, doing a trigger shot and iui. However, we won't know any of that until all tests come back. Hoping for a call by the end of the week or beginning of next. AF is due beginning of next week so hopefully we get results in time and start whatever the plan of action will be. Will update you when we know more.

Safe travels Wish!
holy update, malinko! so sorry to hear about your FIL, that's no good at all. Serious effects from the stroke or is he ok? He needs to knock off the shenanigans and get better! Sorry to make a little light, I never really know how else to react to these situations. It's so hard seeing the ones you love start to fail, especially if it's too soon.
Great update on all of the fertility stuff, though! holy cow! how are you feeling about all of it - whirlwind or taking it in stride? Now, iui is basically the turkey baster, is that right? I'll be honest, I'm a little jealous you got so much accomplished in one day - that's so great for you!

afm, I thought I was starting this morning but just lightly spotting again so far. Though I'm nervous - and maybe little, you can help me -, I took the prednisone for my swollen face and I'm not supposed to take it if I am preg. When I thought I was starting, I was like 'what the heck'. I guess if I don't get a solid flow today or tomorrow, I won't take tomorrow's dose. One day's dose hopefully wouldn't hurt anything? I'm positive I'll be starting soon, but yanno - now it's on my mind just in case! Granted either way, I may not take another dose. It didn't do good things to my tummy.
Af showed fully overnight. On to the next. I hope you girls are doing well. Thinking about you both. <3 and :hugs: my girls
Hello girls! FIL still in hospital but hoping now early part of next week. Still not sure what the long term effects are from the stroke.

Wish - glad to hear af finally showed and quit playing games. I'm waiting for mine to show in the next couple of days. Got the sa results back and dh is thankfully normal. All of his numbers were above the normal baselines. Therefore, I'm clearly the issue and the doc wants to do laproscopy, hysteroscopy, etc. Not sure what to think about this and it's more upsetting than I thought it'd be. I used to say if I were the problem (which I figured) that I'll do whatever procedure is necessary and move on down the road. However now that we are at that point I just feel so hopeless and am throwing myself a bit of a pity party. I don't smoke, have never done drugs, rarely drink alcohol now, have a good job, great marriage, great family and this happens to me. I need to not be so selfish...but it's so hard when people get pregnant on a one night stand or people who get pregnant that are not fit parents and we can't get pregnant. I need to keep in mind that hopefully they'll fix whatever the problem is and then get pregnant immediately. It's a very expensive procedure so not sure what will happen. (Thanks so much dumb insurance for not covering infertility!) Trying to get positive....sorry for being Debbie downer!

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