Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Happy Monday Bitches lol

Sorry I just needed to make a statement upon entrance.....

Wish sorry that AF showed for you, but to answer your question earlier you would have been fine if you had been pregnant taking the steroid. Just for example. If a mom is going into premature labor and they aren't sure they will be able to stop it they actually give doses of steroids to mom to help the baby develop faster. So really no worries just incase it ever happens again!

Malinko- I want you to know how sorry I am for you, and that I REALLY feel your pain. I am the issue as WELL as DH in my situation. The frustrating part for me is that we have to see if we can get DH fixed before they can even TRY to fix me. I will definitely be doing the clomid and all of the tests once DH gets fixed, but I have a feeling IUI is in my future as well simply because DH has a low count and I have issues so we will be doing clomid (probably both of us) and then all of the ultrasounds and the tests and IUI just for a small chance that we might get pregnant. It's such an emotional roller coaster getting answers and finding out who is really the issue, but I have been through both sides....knowing it was me and thinking it was only me and then finding out that DH was part of it too....and believe me either way sucks. And even when you tell yourself you wont be mad or upset or anything it all happens and it all comes out and that is OKAY! You have to express your emotions its not at all healthy. My DH struggles with that on a daily basis its terrible. I will pray that they figure out exactly what is going on and and that they will be able to fix it! I love ya girl and I am here for you! I know it totally blows but you are so strong and you will get through it and when your baby finally comes you will be even more blessed! I promise!

love to you both!

HAHA! Good intro, little! I like it!

good morning, ladies - malinko, I'm so sorry that you got that news. I mean, happy that DH is ok, but now the road ahead for you...ugh. I think we'll all be in the same boat soon - I'm getting my HSG this Thursday morning (is that the hystero thing?) and we'll drop off DH's sample for his SA as well. My thoughts are just waffling all over the place already, I can't wait to see what happens when we have more answers. I agree with little, though - you feel what you need to feel throughout this entire process. No feeling is the wrong or bad feeling. Be Debbie Downer if you need to be, b/c knowing you - you'll work through it and come back to thinking about the facts and what to do next. But you gotta let a little emotion in sometimes!
I feel the exact same way - WHYYYYYY is it taking us so long to conceive and why is it us who have whatever problems we'll soon find out about? I mean, I guess other than the obvious (my age) but is it REALLY so hard? I have a feeling my eggs aren't up to par either, but so many others are able to get preg so easy. I cringe now when I hear about the planners who are able to plot out their families and have them when they want them. 'well, we want them 2 yrs apart so we'll start trying again next month' and BOOM - preggo, just like the plan said. ANNOYING.

little - thank you for the 'roid info. HAHA! I said something grumpy the other day when I took them and go 'sorry, it's the 'roids talking'.
AF was actually NORMAL this month, finally. I think it was making up for the last 3 months.

I don't know if you guys want a pick-me-up soapbox speech, but all I gotta say is this - you two are two of the strongest women I've met on here and you have your heads on straight. I know that you will conquer whatever issues face you (us) and we're all in this together. Modern science has lots of ways around these things now, we're lucky for that - we have a chance at conceiving our own babies still. And if not, maybe that is not the story that was set for us and we are supposed to give an unwanted child the life it would never have had through adoption. We don't know what lies in store for us, but whatever it is, we can handle it.

I love you both! <3
HSG is the hysterogram or and IUI is the turkey baster thing, but the good thing about IUI is they actually place the little :spermy: all the way up in your uterus so they don't have to make the journey! And the nice thing about it is and since malinko touched on this no insurance covers any infertility treatments or tests what so ever so the nice thing about IUI is it is not SUPER expensive. I mean I believe they run right around 2 grand which compared to some of the other options is nothing!

I believe that we will all end up with wonderful little babies and we will only be stronger for the process it took to make it happen, but we also will always know how much our children were wanted. It's such a WONDERFUL thing to see a parent who desperately wanted their child and it happened. Such a miracle and believe me miracles happen every day....just have to wait it out a little.

I know its hard....believe me. I cant even try anymore until next year....its killing me. But I just have to believe that it will then finally be the right time and hopefully we will get pregnant right away! If not then let us be so lucky as to give a child a great home who may not have had one otherwise! That is where I am at at this point.....hopefully miracles will happen for both of you before I even get to start trying again!

:hugs: all around!
Good morning girls! I feel like I need to be on a medication. I have had so many highs and lows in the last week - and in fact too many highs and lows just yesterday! I thought we were going to go ahead with IUI since surgery wasn't covered by insurance but then I found out that I am not immune to Rubella so I have to go get an MMR shot. Apparently if you are not immune, it has a risk of birth defects. Then you have to prevent pregnancy for 4 weeks after. Thought I had a break of time to decide what to do regarding surgery but forgot about having to start the birth control pill immediately if we do surgery. Long story short, I was told that the doctor suspects Stage 1 or 2 endometriosis. I was told that initially the surgery wouldn't be covered but if he found something then it would be. I just called the insurance company myself (the lady I have been dealing with is awesome) and she told me the surgery will be covered regardless if they find anything or not. Since it is medical testing (trying to "rule out" endometriosis) they'll cover it. I just have to meet my deductible and then its paid 100%. My deductible is $1,500.00. Way different than $20,000! My billing person kept arguing with me though that it could not be pre-certified. Well, thankfully she FINALLY got it figured out and we are all on the same page now. Surgery has been scheduled for late September 22nd. I meet with them later that week following surgery to then decide what our route is. So far my blood work is good but haven't gotten everything back yet.

As far as for my iui. Wish - you are close. The hsg (which good luck on Thursday...I'll be thinking of you!!!!!) is an in office procedure that is more or less of an "x-ray." They'll insert dye to see if it goes through the tube. The hsg stands for Hysterosalpingogram. (Try to say that fast 5 times!) I'm having a hysteroscopy and laproscopy. This is an outpatient procedure at the hospital. The hysteroscopy goes through the vagina and looks at the outside of the uterus and the laproscopy is a small incision generally through the belly button and looks inside the uterus and fallopian tubes. I'm suspecting that will also have to do some "clean up" of the endometriosis - assuming that's what they find. Generally they say your chances of getting pregnant after these two procedures are good and if you are going to get pregnant, you should do so within 1 year as the endometriosis will come back. So, we will be jumping on board as soon as we can following the surgery - which should be just a couple of weeks. As far as my IUI, it's $950.00 each time. You pay the $950.00 up front and it covers 3 ultrasounds, bloodwork, clomid, hcg trigger shot, semen wash, and the actual iui. That's definitely exciting!

Okay girls...that's what is going on here. Little - I'm so sorry with everything you are going thru. At least you have the wedding to focus on while dh is hopefully being treated. My doctor assured me even if dh had a low morphology and count that IUI would still work. So you aren't out!!! Wish - thinking of you this week. Be sure to let us know how the hsg goes. Isn't it crazy how much our lives have changed in the last month on our road to fertility? We've been with each other thru months and months of symptom spotting and hoping to all seeing fertility specialists and having a "new plan of action." I'm just baffled by it all to be honest. Hugs to you both and love you very much! Wouldn't know what to do without you girls. And Wish - you're pretty awesome and strong yourself :)
Malinko, I am so glad to hear that you have a plan! Sounds like a good one! I will be thinking about you through all of this and I hope everything goes very well and you end up pregnant in no Time! It is so wonderful that your insurance is going to cover everything and I believe that this is your answer! I know it will be a tough road to get there but you are on your way and I am so excited for what your future holds! :hugs:

I am so glad to hear that IUI seems to be a good option for a low sperm count because I have a feeling we will be headed that way when the time comes! We did get DH's labs back and he definitely has low testosterone, so I am guessing they will put him on clomid and things will hopefully get a little better although I am not sure how much that will increase his sperm count, but as long as we have options I am ok with it!

Wish hope you are doing well! Will definitely be thinking of you on Thursday while you go through the HSG and I hope it goes well for you! FX you find out some answers as well!

My journey is going to be a long and slow one, but maybe one day we will get there! Until then I am here for you both 100% and I know you are both going to do GREAT!

sending love both of your ways!
I know I have a lot going on in life and SOOOO much to be thankful for. However, today is one of those days where I just want a chance to be a mom so much it hurts.

Seriously wish this would stop happening....I need an emotional break :(
Good lord, that's a big update, malinko! No wonder you've had so many ups and downs over the past few days! Not to mention all that's going on with your FiL - how's he doing?
I agree with little - so great that you have a plan!! I hope we have a plan falling into place soon enough too. Your note was so informative and it reminded me to look up how much is covered under our plan too. Looks like quite a bit is at 90% after deductible.
I'm a little nervous for you to have surgery - I didn't realize what you had to have done was surgical! Are you nervous? or more like 'let's get this DONE so I can get preggo!'? I hope for both of us that they are right about these procedures and the ability to get pregnant grows exponentially once we are 'cleaned out', so to speak. I've heard numerous times now that getting preggo after the HSG occurs a lot.
Thank you both for thinking of me this Thursday - I'm a little nervous but I'm sure it'll be fine. I've never really had anything done internally before - my only surgery has been my wisdom teeth! Not that this is surgery, but the dye part is making me feel awkward. But I know it'll be ok and it'll lead to more answers.

you know - you're right about how far we've come since we started talking in January. I'm SO, SO thankful to have you both in my life and I thank you for trusting me enough to be in yours. This is some heavy stuff we're all dealing with and I can't say it enough - having you girls means the world to me to be able to share this with you. Signing on to BnB for the first time, I certainly didn't think it would lead to this!

I read a good quote for all of us the other day:
"Good things don't come to those who wait, they come to those who work their asses off!" I'd say we're all falling into this category by the time we get our little bundles! :)
I'm off tomorrow to spend the day with my sister who is coming into town, then off Thursday morning for my procedure. I'll check in that afternoon - have a good Tuesday and Wednesday girls!
Hey girls!

Wish - I'm doing okay right now, but I will be a nervous wreck right before the surgery. wasn't a light hearted decision at all. IV, hospital gown, breathing know...all that "fun stuff." I got my pre-surgery paperwork today. For two days prior to surgery, I also have to drink a gallon of golytley. That's going to be a fun weekend! - NOT!!! I've decided to keep a little journal of this whole process. One, for DH to read to see exactly what all I go thru and deal with. We don't talk much about this all anymore as it is wearing on him and he just doesn't want to talk about it to "talk" about it. He only wants to talk when we need to decide something. I understand that I am wearing him out with constantly wanting to talk about I've decided journaling will be the best. Then maybe one day - - when little one is an adult themselves (probably only fun if we have a girl) but can share our struggles and what all we went thru to get that bundle of joy. I probably won't be on again until Thursday afternoon to check in on you.

Little - keep your head up. Focus on your wedding right now and all the fun that will come along with that and your honeymoon! Keep working with the doctors and doing what you need to do to provide a safe little environment for your little one when you do get pregnant. It'll all fall into place for you! Any updates on either of the houses?

Love you girls! Talk soon!
hi girls!
so things went really well this morning - other than the regular (female) doc being pulled into an emergency C-section so I got the choice of keeping the appt and going with the Radiologist on hand (dude) or rescheduling. I figured why put it off, we're all professionals here, suck it up. Turned out to be a great experience - the xray tech and nurse onhand were awesome, explained everything to me. The entire procedure itself takes about 3 mins. I didn't feel any cramping, I got to watch it on the monitor as he was squirting the dye in, and saw it all flow out - no blockages! DH also dropped off his SA this morning too, so hopefully that comes back clean and then....we'll figure out what's next. The tech said that the sperm like to swim in the dye that they used too, so to have sex tonight! hahaha! I was like 'well, i'm not ovulating for awhile, but SURE!' so we'll see!
anyway - thank you for keeping me in your thoughts, as always! Updates on you two please - malinko, AF yet? due when?
Hooray for no blocked tubes! Excellent news!

AF actually showed up on Monday - just waiting for it to finish and go away! I start birth control pills next week because of the surgery. So - this month is an automatic off month for us. Never thought I would take a month off - but now that I am forced to do so, I am thankful for the time off. So, no news from me for awhile.
ahhh, ok - welp slow month for all then. We'll do our usual but don't feel like you guys have to come on daily or whatnot - no pressure and take a breather! I don't O for another week or so, so maybe I won't check in until then.
We should be getting DH's results back any min now - they told him 'same day' results yesterday so I just called this morning but they are calling me back.

Here's my latest conundrum, and it really shouldn't be one at all, I'm just weird. So I've started all of this stuff with one doctor's office and they've been great so far, but it's just been the diagnosis and tests. I registered with a Reproductive Registered Nurse place that's like an extra resource for questions that DH's work provides as a service and require you to register with when you start going through this (holy run-on sentence! sorry!). They referred me to 3 local 'Centers of Excellence' for infertility treatment and reproductive blah blah. So I would need to change offices. I am ALWAYS uncomfortable changing offices, like I need a sense of loyalty around this or something! But I know that my bills will be paid in a certain way at these places and they are chosen by the insurance carrier. AND they are specialists! So, I guess I'm just looking for confirmation - I should probably change, huh? And it's closer to my house. :) If I only have a lifetime max of 30k to spend, I guess I should go to one of the best places!
Hey ladies sorry I have been in and out work is just EXTREMEMLY busy right now so I don't find as much time to login!

Wish great news that the tubes are clear and also great news to hear that the test wasn't as bad as they can sometimes make it out to be! I have heard stories like yours and then I have also heard women say it was so terrible they would only ever do it once in a lifetime! As far as changing doctors....there are a lot of wonderful docs out there! If you LOVE your doc now and are very attached then I would really think about it, but if you aren't attached and it is cheaper I would definitely lean toward switching!

Malinko I am sorry to hear that you are going to have surgery and go through all of that, but hopefully they will get things all fixed and all will be good! I will keep you in my prayers for sure and hope that things work out as soon as possible! :hugs:

Wish did you get any news on DH's :spermy: ??? very curious to hear about those results! Hopefully they are positive as well!

I guess houses aren't really moving a lot here.....we thought our house would sell in a flash and we have only had one person look at it since we listed it about a month and a half ago. The one we love is still for sale and doesn't look to be moving in a hurry either so that is good news! We have thought about just buying it and moving and renting our house now, but I wouldn't want all of that responsibility if a renter moved out and we couldn't find someone to fill their spot! Who knows what we will do lol

Right now my main focus is on losing weight lol. I am working out and eating as healthy as I can and my goal is about 4 lbs each month until next august....then I would lose about 50 lbs. YES I would be VERY thin, but I'd really love that lol and im sure I would have an easier time having a baby and ovulating and all that good stuff at that point so that is what I am working towards.

DH has an urology appointment Tuesday and the labs did come back that his testosterone is low. IT wasn't the first time we got it checked but we were doing it like :bunny: then and when you are active all the time like that it forces your body to produce testosterone. Sooooooooooo now we know the truth and hopefully that is the cause of the low :spermy: count as well and we will be ready to go once it gets treated! And we get this "wedding" out of the way of course lol

I will say that in the next couple months if I lose the amount that I'd like to lose or even a little more I am really looking forward to dress shopping! didn't get to do that the first time around lol

Hope you are both well! Love and :hugs: to you both!

Wish definitely let me know about the SA!!!! :thumbup:
SA came back with a slight abnormality - his motility is 'fair' and they look for either 'good' or 'excellent'. So we'll submit another sample in 4 weeks to see if it works itself out and if not, he might have to see a urologist. I'm hoping that maybe we can avoid all that and just get preggo this month after my 'flushing' from yesterday! Wishful thinking, I know...

And no, I'm not attached to any one doc yet, so I think switching is the best idea. They were also recommended by a friend of mine who has been battling fertility issues for quite a few years as well.

glad to hear you're so busy, little! keeps the mind off of things, I hope. Good luck on the fitness regime!! 4lbs a month sounds doable, right? don't get too thin, though!! then it'll backfire!
Dress shopping was so stressful - I hope you enjoy it more than I did! haha! there are SO many options out there. I went by myself one night just to rule out certain styles and I found 'the' dress. My mom was SO MAD she wasn't with me!

malinko - I'm already thinking good thoughts for your surgery!! I'm anxious for you. Not nervous, per se, b/c it sounds like it'll be a good thing. But just anxious. Seems weird you'd go on the pill for a month - wouldn't it be a good thing if you happened to be pregnant this month? or it's good to get rid of the endometriosis before you get preg? geez - the way things are going for all of us, just BD on the days you think you're ovulating and you should be fine! (she says sarcastically and hopes no one took that the wrong way! ;)) just seems weird to medicinally mess with your hormones for one month. CLEARLY, I'm sure they know what they are doing!

well I hope you ladies have wonderful weekends! again, don't worry about checking in so much - I know this month is going to be virtually nil. I'll post updates and be thinking of you both!!
ta ta! <3 and :hugs:
OH - meant to pass on a nugget of knowledge. Once again, got a different answer from the nurse on when cd1 actually was when spotting occurred. She said 'full flow, and usually we don't count it until it's before noon'. So NOT the day you first start spotting like the other nurse told me and if you start at night, that doesn't count either.
AND - did you know your uterus is about the size of one of those larger postage stamps?? I was SHOCKED! I thought it basically took up the entire area below the belly button!!

Anyway - there are your little tidbits! :) even if just to giggle at my idiocy!
Have a good week, ladies!
Good morning gals!

Wish - I am so sorry I didn't respond sooner. I read your update on Friday and meant to reply back and things were just crazy all weekend! Anyhoo....not terrible news on DH! I would rather the "motility" be the issue instead of "morphology" (or at least I would think so.) Worst case scenario, if the motility doesn't get better, I would think you would be the ideal candidate for IUI. From my understanding from my doctor, that just helps those swimmers out a little by not having to make the entire journey on their own. Bascially its there by the fallopian tubes and they just have to go down that instead of thru the cervix, etc. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you though that this will be your month!!! :) What cd are you? And yes, thanks for sharing. Very interesting tidbits. I knew not to count spotting but I didn't know the whole noon deal (or night time). And definitely didn't know the uterus was so small!!!

I'm doing okay regarding surgery but have a feeling I won't be the days leading up to it. I know it is very common to be anxious so I'm just reminding myself that I am normal feeling this way. I have googled why I would be put on the pill before surgery and I am not really sure why. Some people were put on the pill and others weren't. I don't know if it is just to ensure that you aren't pregnant during the surgery or if it is supposed to help. I'm not sure. I know that sometimes people can get pregnant with endometriosis and other's cannot. I think there is an increased chance of miscarriage if you get pregnant with endometriosis. to go in and see if that is really what is going on with me and if so, get it cleaned up. Then see what our next plan of action is!

Little - good luck on the weight loss. I think 4 pounds a month is a great goal! It's not unrealistic - - so good job! As Wish said....just don't loose too much weight. Remember the stress that comes (good stress or bad stress) right before the wedding ill cause some weight loss too. I was on top of everything and had more of a "good stress" than a panicked (I have too much to do...pulling late nights to get everything done, etc) and I lost about 4 pounds right before the wedding. I wasn't even trying to lose weight either. Dress shopping....sounds like so much fun but quickly went downhill fast for me! Although I did get lucky and only went a couple of times before I found my dress. I just hated the price tag that came with my dress!

Have a great day gals! Talk soon!
hi again - I think I'm going to be avoiding a lot of work this week b/c I simply can't get my head in the game. I think I'm at the 'saturated' point where I've been going full speed for a few months now, I just can't make my brain get in it. So I might be posting dumb things here and there - bear with me!!

Thanks, malinko - yeah, I am glad that it seems to be something that's minor and definitely fixable and I was thinking the EXACT thing you were about the IUI! It's kinda funny - I wasn't terribly shocked at the news b/c DH is SO laid back about things, I kinda figured his spermies were too! No one is in a hurry here except me and my eggs!! hahahaha! but I do have to say, I was happy that DH wanted his results SO badly the other day. He seemed to have more of a sense of urgency about things than he normally does, so that was a relief to see. And he's totally on board with going to that Center of Excellence place nearer by.

Just seems so weird to have to manually make your child instead of the old fashioned normal way! But if it gives us our little nugget, let's do it!

little - agreed with malinko. I lost some weight right before the wedding too b/c I was being so rigid with my eating (we also went to an island so I had to be bikini-ready as well!), and my dress ended up being a bit big for me! It was a corset back, but they had to pull it all the way tight on me so it would fit and then that actually lost a bit of the beauty of the corset tie itself. Just things to keep in mind as you roll around to next summer!
Hello Ladies!
I wish the best of luck to both of you in the next few months and I REALLY hope things turn out well for you both!
Wish sounds like the SA came back ok and yes IUI would be a great option!

Malinko it is TOTALLY normal to be nervous before surgery! And its ok....let yourself feel nervous and don't try to bottle it up because that will end up making it worse! Trust me! But I have complete faith that you will do fine! So no worries

Yes the weight loss goal seems attainable. We will just have to pray that it happens....I REALLY need to lose weight. But I am not too worried about the little extra loss right before the wedding because I carry all of my weight in my stomach so even if I lose a little extra it will most likely come from there and not make my dress fit any differently lol....gotta lose weight before dress shopping though that is for sure!

Love to you both! hope you are both doing well!
morning girls! I know you're prob not checking in for a bit but I wanted to say hi!
cd12 here today so gearing up for some BD'ing - I think I want to get DH's opinion on this this month. Maybe I'll bring a calendar to bed and say 'HERE'S around when I O, so when do you want to start/finish?' - think that'll make things a little more like a partnered decision?? haha

nothing else going on - gorgeous week here, mid- to high-80's, 90's tomorrow! I want to play hooky and go to the beach!!

any big plans for the upcoming holiday weekend? We just have small plans per day, not going away or anything. But it'll be fun!
Hello Ladies!

Hope all is well with you both! I am not doing too much as far as my stuff goes, but we did go see the urologist last night and DH got put on Clomid. He will take 25mg for 25 days and then take five days off and then repeat. After 3 cycles of this we will get another SA done and see if it is helping his numbers at all! Hopefully it does, but if not his urologist said that his count is high enough that IUI would be a great option for us if needed! So fingers crossed we can try again next September....but if not we will just get signed up to start that IUI as soon as possible after this wedding and then we will get pregnant! MAYBE lol

Anyway no big weekend plans here just little family things going on so it should be nice and relaxing! YAY! Hope you both have wonderful Holiday weekends if I don't check back in before, but I am sure I will!


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