Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

little - that's great that DH is starting Clomid! Fingers crossed that it works and his tests come out better next round! So glad to hear that IUI sounds like a viable option for you too.

I have nothing to report today - cd13. I think I had some EWCM this morning, so I'm going to start the BD'ing tonight, end on Monday, I guess. So cd13-18. I hope DH is on board with this plan! We're going to be so sick of this by then! hahaha
Hi girls!
Happy day-before-my-extra-long-weekend! I have tomorrow off for that car shopping extravaganza (yeah right) so 4 days for me! Weeeee!
cd14 here and holy ewcm! haven't had this much in months! well, haven't had ANY in months, so this is refreshing! BD'ed last night AND showed the calendar to DH to say 'I'm ovulating anytime Fri/Sat/Sun so we should try tonight through Monday'. He didn't squawk, though didn't make any moves towards me either last night so I had to get things done. Glad I did!
I think I had read that you can O earlier after an HSG too so maybe I'm O'ing now. Who knows (w/o OPKs and temping this month, it's a total guess)?

Anyway - how are you all doing? malinko - the pills going ok? I remember WAY back when I first started them, they made me nauseous. I hope that's not happening for you! Fun plans this weekend?
kinda the same question, little - is the clomid having any effects on your DH? I'm always curious as to what we have to go through with meds to get to the end point we desire.

Alrighty - I should try to get some work done. So tough, I totally check out the day before a vacation, not that this really is one. :)

I hope you both are well! much love!
Wish I hope you have a great chance after the HSG and all! I have heard a lot of stories where women had a hard time and then got pregnant right after that test so that is my hope for you! I haven't noticed any changes with DH yet, but last night was the first night that he took his medicine and it is a low dose so we will see. I am actually hoping it helps his testosterone level come up as well as the SPERM COUNT and then maybe he will have more energy and be a little less moody and a little more loving lol.....glad you got the job done last night! All of the EWCM sounds like a great start!!! Especially since you have been lacking in the past! FX for you!!

I believe that I am waiting for AF to start. Kind of hoping she holds off until next Tuesday since it is a holiday weekend and we will be out on the lake and wanting to be in the water....obviously it isn't un-do-able I just hate having to worry about changing my tampon all the time and don't like the wet feeling lol

malinko hope you are doing well! Thinking of you!

Hope you both have a fantastic weekend and Wish I am SUPER jealous you have tomorrow off! Wish I would have been smart like that and planned for that myself! lol

Lots of love to you both!
Hi girls, just checking in! I hope you're having a great weekend!

I think I'm 1dpo today, temp rose to 98.7 this morning. BD'ed Thurs, Sat and twice last night so I think we have the bases covered as far as they can be! now the dreaded wait... :)

off to hang at a friend's pool and cookout today - should be fun! I don't want to go back to work tomorrow!!!

Happy September! where has the time gone...?
so something kinda whacked me in the head a couple of hours ago - I don't know if I want to go see the RE just yet. If nothing is wrong with me and DH's motility is the only thing that's off and is still 'fair' (and has one more test to see if that stays the same or improves), then why not keep just trying the way we are? Having been only REALLY trying since Jan, which I mean by getting to know the O days through temping/OPKs - I can't really count last Oct-Dec. So 8 months of trying isn't really terrible, right?
I'm not nervous about it, per se - I guess I just don't want to force it just yet. Maybe I feel that we haven't given it enough time.

You're going to think that I'm super silly but I've also been told now by 2 different spiritualists/mediums to relax, stop focusing on it and stop TRYING and it will happen naturally - the latest 'message' being from my deceased MiL, like specifically telling my FiL, "tell them to stop trying - it'll happen, just relax! They'll be the first to give grandbabies and then it'll be the 2nd son (my DH's brother)" and my FiL didn't know the efforts that we've been going through like trying/plotting/charting/setting up appointments, etc. I just listened to the CD of his session with the medium and it was kinda nuts.
On one hand, how can you not try to get the right timing every month to be successful? and on the other hand, why sign up for IUI just yet? I know I'm getting older and time's running out but....I dunno.
I'm going to talk to DH about it tonight. We did end up getting a new car the other day (2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited!! I love it!!) so that's a new payment. We also just started the construction on the house to add the new sunroom and bathroom for my FiL's side of the house. And we have a TON going on over the next 2 months as far as plans. I set the RE appt up for 9/18 so I feel like we're just pushing it in where it might not fit, just b/c I'm like a bulldozer when I set my mind to something. No harm in calling it off for a few months, right?

thanks for letting me talk this out. I feel pretty compelled by these feelings now. I actually feel like a wave of relaxation has come over me...
Wish I have heard multiple people say that people basically stop trying and then that is when it happens, and by stop trying I mean they literally think it is never going to happen for them and just stop all together trying for baby and BAM pregnant lol. Who knows maybe that is you!?

Hope you both had a wonderful weekend! I am hoping that AF will show up sometime today or tomorrow as today is CD 34...kind of a long cycle for me but not that it really matters anyway lol

I have a feeling that when we do start trying next fall we will give it a couple months and then probably just go ahead with the IUI....I just know we could try for years and have it not happen and we are so overly ready. I think we would have great success with the IUI so that is the direction I am leaning toward but I suppose we will see!

That is awesome you got a new vehicle! I am so jealous lol I am ready to get a new one but don't want the payment lol But its still fun!

Have a great week ladies ill be in and out throughout the week!

Lots of love to you both!
good to hear from you, little! would it be possible for you to I mean, your temp is kinda high still!

thanks - yeah, it's not that I want to stop trying, that's not it and we won't. I just think that we could maybe revisit the RE stuff in January. I just got this weird gut feeling that now is not the time and we should give it the natural try until then. I talked to DH and he is on board with the decision too.

re: not trying and having fun, I read through another very cool thread on here and some women said that they got preg on a day other than the days they thought they were ovulating! like 3 days after their AF stopped - but they were just having fun and weren't stressing. I mean, I'm still going to figure out which days are the 'best' b/c I can't NOT calculate that now, but it was good to hear those anecdotes.

yeah - tell me about it with the car payment!! we didn't want it either but it was just about a necessity b/c my Wrangler was just not feeling too safe anymore.

I hope you both have a great week as well! I look forward to hearing from you!
Any big fall plans or fairs going on in your area that you love to go to?

<3 & :hugs:
Lol wish no there is no chance that I am preggers lol...we pretty much have stopped having sex all together at this point. Which definitely isn't healthy and is definitely getting under my skin, but DH does have low T and I know that makes him not want to but I get angry because I have needs too.....I don't know. I have tried talking to him about how I feel and it gets me no where so I guess I just have to live with it for a while and hope he grows out of this stage.

I actually think I just ovulated late or something and so that is why its still up and she hasn't shown yet, but I am sure she is on her way!

I think your plan sounds great and I am happy for you guys! I really hope it just happens for you! :thumbup:
Oh little - are you guys ok? I mean low testosterone and such but how are you guys doing? now I'm concerned! granted, we've been that way before too and it's an easy cycle to get into. TTC'ing has actually brought us closer in that arena of the relationship.

man, this whole thing really can take its toll, huh? :wacko:
morning girls! I know you don't have to stress about BnB this month but I thought I would write anyway. I know you guys like coming on here and seeing the little notes. :) Know I'm thinking about you both!
malinko - how are you doing, girl? are you getting nervous about your surgery? How's everything else going - work, life, FiL's health?

I'm getting antsy - I can't believe I'm only 5dpo. I've had slow days at work, too, this week so that's not helping at all. Trying not to symptom-spot b/c I know it's ridiculous at 5 days, but it's hard not to when you're bored!! not that there are many symptoms to begin with...sore bbs and I was having some cramping this morning a bit. Typical progesterone stuff! And my face looks like a minefield, but I think that's b/c of the cleanser I'm using. And it's been going on for weeks now.
blah blah blah filling white space, blah blah blah...

<3 & :HUGS: & :dust:
Good Morning ladies!

Hope you will both have wonderful weekends!

Wish keep updating because I do enjoy getting to read what is going on! Obviously I am ready for one of you to be pregnant already because we know its not going to be me! lol

As far as DH and I go we are OKAY...things are a little rocky more so because all the lack of affection has me feeling bad....I'm pretty sure he could care less at this point, but I'll be ok!


Love and :hugs:
I'M TRYING!! hahahahaha!

thanks, little - I will definitely keep you guys posted on everything. :)

yeah, I was figuring that's how things were going - stay strong! If he internalizes as much as you say he does, then I bet he's feeling the same way and may not know how to express it. Do you think he's feeling overly responsible for you not getting your dream of having a baby, since it all has to do with him? Boys can be so weird about their feelings. I have one of those!

I hope you both have great weekends too! It's still hot here, a little odd for September but I'll take it! We didn't have a very hot summer, only a few days actually hit the 90s. But it's been high 80's and steamy all week! I think it's going to rain tomorrow but that's ok - my garden will love it. Speaking of - how did your gardens and flowers fare this year?
so I'm trying not to freak out but it's 6dpo and I just got some pink spotting....
I NEVER spot this early, it'll usually start for AF next Tuesday or so.
I had a mild little cramp a couple of hrs ago too, but I've come to realize that I cramp a lot during my cycle, just at various times!
update: I think I'm just getting AF early. I was woken up by painful cramping, lasted about an hour. Still spotting - more brownish. Actual drips into the toilet too (sorry, TMI), rather than just on the TP. This is freaking early for AF, though - annoying. cd23 was yesterday - that's just stupid.
yup - AF. I hate her soooooooooooooo much. Why did she come a week early?!?!

anyway - happy Monday. Next up is a successful surgery for malinko!!!

I'm traveling tomorrow through Friday so I may not have many posts. I hope you both are doing well - I hate this lull we're having!
Aw Wish I am so sorry to hear that the stupid :witch: showed :( It's totally unfair and I am definitely bummed for you! :hugs:

As far as DH is concerned he shows ZERO emotion unless he is angry...its difficult to deal with sometimes, but yes I know he feels guilty but would never say that. I don't know I am actually just glad that the doctor feels that we would be good candidates for IUI and after we get married next year I think, depending on if the clomid helps his count, we may try for a month or so and then just go for the IUI...We are both super ready to be parents and its really not that costly and definitely worth trying so that we don't have to keep stressing about trying naturally if his count is still low. Plus the fact that I will probably need to take clomid as well and cant do so for very long so we might as well just make 100% sure that I am ovulating and get the IUI done!

Malinko I have been thinking of you! Hope you are doing alright! Good luck with your surgery! you are definitely in my prayers :hugs:

love to you both!
thanks, little - I kinda thought we had a good chance this month too, so I'm more bummed than usual. Solid ewcm, BD'ed on all the right days, a good number of times, HSG 'clearing the way' just in case anything was in there, temped only a couple days to see when I O'ed....
I know DH's SA came back as 'fair' but I thought that could also be b/c we hadn't BD'ed in a bit and I know that can cause low motility. And 'fair' ain't all that bad! ugh.

Your DH sounds like mine - not a whole lot of emotion other than anger or frustration. I guess happiness too but nothing very squishy and lovey! I think he feels like he's too practical for emotions or something.
Your plan sounds awesome! I want to try naturally for the rest of this year, then I'll be setting up the appointments in Jan if that doesn't happen. Let's get through the holidays, our new addition on the house, any more travel I might have until this project wraps up at the end of the year and THEN we'll be good to go. Unless I happen to get preggers w/in all of that. :)
Hi ladies. I haven't meant to abandon you both. Since being on the pill I haven't given ttc any thought what so ever. I've been on to quickly read updates but haven't made any time to post. Life has just been crazy and if it isn't one thing, it's another. So, I apologize for the absence.

Wish - sorry to hear af arrived early. I know you want to try thru the rest of the year but do you have any concerns about the short cycles?

Little - hope all is well with you.

Take care ladies!
hi girls - malinko, so glad you checked in!
I'm sorry you're having a rough month. Chin up, love! you'll make it through!!

yeah, I'm somewhat concerned about short cycles though this is the shortest I've had in a long time. I reached out to my provider's office via email (they have a cool thing where you can just email the office any question and they'll get back to you that day) and she said that an irregular period like this isn't too much cause for concern, but to track the next few to make sure there are no other issues. Not like I don't track them to begin with, that's part of all this TTC junk, right? So I'm just going to keep an eye out. If there seems to be an issue, we'll explore what it is and figure stuff out from there.
Good Morning Ladies,
I'd like to take a moment and say that today especially I am proud to be an American :) And that every year I think of the people who lost loved ones and I cant imagine how that must feel...

Today also marks the 1st month of my personal weight loss challenege...So I weighed myself (only doing that once a month) and SUCCESS!!!!! I have lost 7.6lbs which is a HUGE defeat for me. Even when I exercise on a regular basis I typically don't lose weight, but I have changed the way I am eating a bit and REALLY working out HARD so this is remarkable! Hopefully I can keep it up and I look forward to what next month will bring!

Sorry to hear you are both having a rough time this month. I think about you both often and I hope you both end up pregnant before I even get a chance to try again!

Love and :hugs:

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