Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

WOW little!!! CONGRATS!!! That's crazy good!! That's super motivating to stay on that path too, I'm sure!!

nothing new here - cd5, still having some flow and not happy about it. Hopefully it stops today! I'm ready to try again!! I want to make that medium's message from my MiL come true!
Thank you Wish!

I hope she stops soon and you can get that job done this month! Fingers crossed for you!

hi girls,
nothing new here - cd9...boring time of month. :)
I picked up some Braggs apple cider vinegar the other day - I remember reading a thread or two on here about it helping with the body's pH as related to fertility and a slew of other things - weight loss, overall health, acid reflux, etc. Have you guys heard of this related to fertility? I was thinking of giving it a shot, esp since it's organic and supposed to be good for so many other things. But I heard it tastes nasty!!

how goes it for you two? malinko - thinking of you and your surgery next Monday. Do you know how long after you'll have to wait to start TTC'ing again? I'm sure this month off of thinking about things has been wonderful for you.

Happy Monday! hope you're both having good days! :) :hugs:
Hello Ladies!
Just checking in! Hope you are both doing well! Malkino good luck with your surgery and let us know how it goes! Wish- it would be interesting to try! If you do decide to try it let me know how it works or if you notice any difference in any other areas!

We bought DH a new Truck this week kind of spur of the moment. It is wayyyyyy overdue haha, but just really hated another car payment, however, you have to do what you have to do right? His birthday is next week so Happy Birthday to him right? lol

not much new here other than that!

:hugs: to you both!
Hi girls!
little - congrats on the new truck! totally hear you about car payments - my first one is coming up in Oct. :nope:

I've only had 2 days of the Braggs, not even consecutive. It doesn't taste completely terrible, so I'm going to try to make it a habit.

malinko - girl, I hope you're doing well! I'll be thinking of you on Monday!
Please check in when you can.

afm - requisite broken out face, some super creamy blob of cm the other day (would have thought it was ewcm but it was cloudy), so I know O is coming. We BD'ed last night, hopefully will tonight and Sunday as well. I'm at cd13 right now - covering all bases, if that HSG makes you O earlier. I'm certainly having some early signs, that's fo sho!

Fun plans for the weekend? We are having some friends over tonight - like 14 adults and 10 kids or something like that. Having an Italian night! lasagna, meatballs, breads, salads - the works. Tomorrow I have a bachelorette party on the coast to go to, that should be fun. Spa day in the morning, yummy dinner at night and then walking around the town a bit. Maybe some shopping in the middle. :)

I wish you all the best of weekends! I hope you're both doing great! Miss you!
Hey girls. Just checking in. Surgery was moved up so it's now over. Had surgery on Tuesday and still recovering. I had stage 2 endometriosis, polyps and paratubal cysts. Go back to doctor next week to go over his findings in detail and find out our next step. Recovery has been rough. I got sick with the anesthesia and was sick for a couple days after. They called me in some meds to help with the nausea and vomiting. Today is 3 days post surgery and hoping I don't get sick today! Very sore and not moving around very well. I'll check in with you guys soon and will be sure to let you know how the post op appt goes. Talk soon. Love you girls.
hi malinko!
oh my, you've been through the wringer this week!
that sounds like a lot - is that a lot? will the removal of that stuff help TTC? geez - the things we don't know that might be lurking...
I hope you don't get sick today as well and are on the mend, finally. That really stinks to bounce back so slowly but sounds like things should be looking up soon. I can't wait to hear about the post op appt. Good luck!! My fingers are crossed for you guys to get a good plan that you can start pretty soon (though I'm sure BD'ing is the FARTHEST thing from your mind right now!)
watch 80's and 90's stupid comedies and relax this weekend! :) Some of my faves:
Weird Science
Breakfast Club
Ferris Bueller (sensing a trend? I love John Hughes movies)
Napoleon Dynamite (I guess this was in the 2000's...)

of course, maybe you don't want to laugh b/c it will hurt?? ugh, I'm the worst. Call in the actual nurse...LITTLE!!!
hey ladies!
Malinko glad to hear that you are doing least it is over! Hopefully you get some relief soon! You will definitely have to let us know about the results, and the next steps forward! Thinking of you!

Wish sounds like things are ok in your neck of the woods! Hopefully this is your month!

Well DH's best friend has a wife who is also a type 1 diabetic and even goes to the same doctor that I go to (my recommendation) and they had been talking about how they were going to start trying, but she is a school teacher so they had a plan about when they would like to become pregnant and all of that so that she wouldn't have to take a lot of time off school. Of course I am thinking good luck with that! Because we all know planning this out is impossible. Of course this Saturday they inform us that they are pregnant and she is due at the end of April next year...RIGHT ON SCHEDULE...of course I instantly want to vomit and DH is all what is your problem. Trust me its not that I am not happy for them, but COME ON. Why do some people get everything they want and I'll probably never get pregnant. Lol life is such a cruel joke.

Sorry for the negative attitude...Im just not very happy currently.

Hope you are both well! :hugs:
oh little - that's terrible!! It will DEF happen for you but I totally get the frustration there. how the heck does that happen?? so frustrating! Keep your head in the game, dear - you'll get all of your stuff straightened out and then BOOM! it'll happen!

I went out to dinner with a girl (woman? oh geez, I guess she is) that I used to coach in cheerleading. She and her husband are both 25/26 and moving out to CA just on a whim, they don't want to have kids as far as they can tell right now. Or they certainly know they aren't ready for them. Here I am telling her that she may want to consider freezing her eggs b/c she could change her mind!! Nothing I had ever thought of at that age so why not give her some insight. She did say that it was neat to hear that I had changed my mind on kids - she remembers me saying that I wasn't sure I ever wanted them and she feels very similar right now. But I told her about you guys too and how it's just not as easy as everyone makes it out to be.

malinko - how are you holding up? did you have a restful weekend?

I'm on cd17 today so getting some BD'ing in tonight and tomorrow. DH dropped off his 2nd SA today so hopefully getting those results today or tomorrow. Other than that, no real strong hopes for this month, I guess. I don't have ewcm right now and haven't at all this month, so no clue. Trying not to temp and stuff, but dang, it's such a guessing game when I don't! I can't tell which stresses me out more - the process you have to go through to know when things happen or not doing that and just guessing/hoping.
Thanks Wish!
I will say that I am feeling better today, but its just irritating lol. I haven't been temping at all or really even keeping track of my cycle lol. Probably not the best idea but hey why would I at this point. I do know thought that I when we go back to actually trying I will be temping and stuff. I just think with our chances being low I HAVE to know what time is the best and know if I actually did ovulate or what not!

Malinko I hope you are dong well! Thinking of you!

Friday will be exactly 1 year from our wedding date....I know it will fly by and then trust me IT WILL BE ON lol

love to you both! :hugs:
results were back for DH's SA - same results, so they referred him to a urologist. More fun! I feel bad for him, I am pretty sure he was never expecting this. We are still 'fair', though, so I'm going to try to talk him into BD'ing tonight. We didn't last night b/c he had to drop off his sample yesterday, so would have been for naught. I got a huge glob of ewcm yesterday too and temp was still low this morning, so it's gotta be today/tonight/tomorrow when O comes.

hey girls, just saying hello! Happy Friday Eve!

Think I'm O'ing today, a little later than usual (cd19) - I had a slight temp drop this morning. So I BETTER have a normal LP and not get AF this time next week!! BD'ed last night, hoping to again tonight.

malinko - did you get your results from the procedure yet? thinking of you!!

little - how goes the weight loss/workout regime?? I bet you're kicking butt! I just got one of those fitbit wristbands - it's pretty neat. Though I'm now terribly aware of how much I sit around when working from home!! I need to fit in some walking/running time for myself!

:hugs:, <3 and :dust:
Just wanted to pop on and say have a great weekend!

I hope you're both doing well and have something fun planned! :)

Hi girls. Well...One more week of bcp and then trying again. Going to try naturally for a few months and see what happens. If no baby in a few months, we will be doing IUI. Here's hoping we get pregnant in October!
malinko - I'm so excited for you guys, able to be back in the game. Did the docs say anything about the outcome of your surgery? Must have just given the green light to give it a go and then do the IUI in Jan or so?

We're sorta in the same boat, though it's seeming that naturally just isn't going to happen. SA's volume also wasn't too hot and I don't think I'm even O'ing this month. Which just infuriates me b/c you're 'supposed' to be MORE fertile after an HSG for a few months, not INfertile!! My temps have been horribly low this whole week and I'm not having any progesterone side effects like I usually do. I read something about ibuprofen pushing off ovulation, which I took 2 weekends ago for a headache, so I don't think that's it. whatever, I'm trying to get over it and just wait for AF to come sometime this week/weekend.

So - I'm feeling annoyed today! Getting on a plane later today to head to CA and Seattle for my first sales meetings, though, as a 'tech expert' - HAHA! little do they know... hopefully this will just get my mind off of things for a bit.

I hope you both have a good week! :hugs:
so I just took my temp again, just for giggles, and it was LOWER than it was at 5am. I think my thermometer is busted. Also, I'm now completely in the shadows as to when I O'ed (if I did) - I can only go by when I had ewcm. Good gravy. :wacko:
Hey ladies!
Malinko I am glad to hear that you will be back to trying soon! that is wonderful! I think that when we are ready to try again next year we will maybe do a month or 2 of trying naturally and then just get to the IUI if nothing happens, which it seems like chances are nothing will. Oh well.
Sorry to hear about your frustrations Wish :( I understand totally how all of that goes! Good luck at the urologist! hopefully they have some good answers for you with easy fixes! FX for you both!

I am just crazy busy working extra and working out and planning wedding stuff...we are now officially down to less than an year! YIPPEE...of course I am just ready for it to be here already so that we can start trying again.....the whole wedding thing is really whatever in my book, but until then nothing much going on here!

love to you both!
Hey ladies! Sorry I have been so absent over the last month and a half. 54 days (and still counting unfortunately) of not being able to even THINK about pregnancy between my cycle and birth control pills really made me disconnect from the whole ttc process. I will be finishing the pills this weekend and then hope af quickly comes and goes after finishing the pill. Even though I am dreading af - I'm at least looking forward to CD1! Haven't seen that for quite a while and the last time I saw it - then it was followed by bcp. So, the countdown is on!

Results were confirmed that I had active stage II endometriosis. Even though they found it in the surgery and know its endometriosis, they still have to biopsy it. So, the biopsy confirmed it was active endometriosis. My ovaries were covered in scar tissue (adhesions) - which I'm not sure why. You would think I would ask "why?" but I didn't. I am wondering if it is from the three cysts that I have had ruptured over the past several years. They also removed some polyps that were near the opening of my uterus. They too came back as non-cancerous so everything checked out well. I was a mess I think - but sounds like they have cleaned me up and my doc said I'm at the best fertility stage I will ever be in. So, hoping this is the month but I will not get my hopes up. If it doesn't happen in two or three months, then I'll be pretty upset.

Wish - thinking of you and wishing you luck with DH's appointment.

Little - hope everything is going well with the weight loss regimen and wedding planning is going well!

Have a great rest of the week and weekend!
hi girls! checking in from lovely Seattle! so pretty here but I wish I was in the city. I'm stuck out by the airport. Still beautiful views, though - can't beat them.

so found out that the urologist that we need to see is a traveling one!! he's not based here. So the next time he's in town and available for an appointment is 11/4!!!! UGH!! So I guess we just try until then, with basically no hope, and then we'll see him. Or just consider ourselves not TTC for October and do whatever.

AF is due this weekend and I still don't know if I o'ed yet. I gave up trying to figure that out and I'll just get AF this weekend and whatever - start again in Nov I guess.

Malinko - GAWD I hope this is your month!!! What does 'active' endo mean for you? is it something that will regrow and affect your uterus? I guess I can do some research on this... I'm very glad to hear that your polyps were non-cancerous too. Sounds like you're all cleaned up and good to go!! GET TO IT, GIRL! :) And Mr. Malinko, of course!!

little - so exciting all that is going on with you! have you found a dress yet? or are you waiting to lose more weight until you go looking? so fun!

love you girls - talk to you soon!
Hello Ladies!
Malinko glad to hear that your results came back as you expected and nothing worse or canerous or anything like that were reported! Excited for you to get back to TTC!! Whoop Whoop! Go you! :bunny:

Wish sorry to hear that you cant get into the urologist any sooner than November but don't give up hope! it could happen in October we just never know!

I have had decent success with my weight loss and wedding planning. I weight myself again for my monthly weigh in this Saturday and I am hoping to be down some more! ON the other hand....never thought I would be saying this, but....

AF is late...if she doesn't show up tomorrow I will actually be a bit frustrated. DH seemed to get his "sex drive" back in the month of September and we did it quite a few times, but I actually have no idea when O was for me as I have not been keeping track...although I am SURE that we were active around that time, however I just figured that there was NO WAY I could get pregnant so I haven't worried at all about it until now.....not that I would end up being happy, but I have been working so hard to lose weight lol, and I don't want to be fat on my "wedding day" so we will see what happens. I am sure she will come and when she does DH and I decided that I would go back on the pill for the next 10 months ish...that would give me a little time for my cycle to get back to normal without the pill just before the wedding so that we could try immediately, but I just don't want to be putting all this work into trying to lose weight and get fit and then accidently become pregnant and have to wear a wedding dress when I am like BIG pregnant....If I do get pregnant in the few months before the wedding it wont matter to me as I wouldn't be showing, but since we are putting off this baby stuff just for the wedding then I would really like to look good. SIGH...she should be here any minute....just waiting....cant believe I am hoping for her and to not be pregnant...WOW

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