Hi girls!
little - congrats on the new truck! totally hear you about car payments - my first one is coming up in Oct.
I've only had 2 days of the Braggs, not even consecutive. It doesn't taste completely terrible, so I'm going to try to make it a habit.
malinko - girl, I hope you're doing well! I'll be thinking of you on Monday!
Please check in when you can.
afm - requisite broken out face, some super creamy blob of cm the other day (would have thought it was ewcm but it was cloudy), so I know O is coming. We BD'ed last night, hopefully will tonight and Sunday as well. I'm at cd13 right now - covering all bases, if that HSG makes you O earlier. I'm certainly having some early signs, that's fo sho!
Fun plans for the weekend? We are having some friends over tonight - like 14 adults and 10 kids or something like that. Having an Italian night! lasagna, meatballs, breads, salads - the works. Tomorrow I have a bachelorette party on the coast to go to, that should be fun. Spa day in the morning, yummy dinner at night and then walking around the town a bit. Maybe some shopping in the middle.
I wish you all the best of weekends! I hope you're both doing great! Miss you!