Little - - don't apologize. I'm sure you are just stressing yourself out now and with all that is going on, I'm sure your body is just under some stress and you are just having a long cycle this month. I remember back in February when I was 34 or 35 days and the longest was 29. However, keep an eye on things. If nothing in a week, maybe do another test. It is possible that you ovulated late which is pushing af back or sometimes it just takes awhile for the hcg to be detected. It took my best friend a week after her missed period before she was able to finally get a positive test. Take a deep breath and we are here to support you. As hard as it is....try not to stress because that will only cause you more problems. It won't help you mentally, emotionally, or physically (delaying af even further). Go work out, go get a manicure, read a something for yourself and to relax.
Wish - what is going on with this crazy cycle? It sounds like maybe af is trying to come if you are getting gunk on your finger after checking your cervix. Maybe late o for you? Come on cd 1 so we can be close to each other during this crazy time again!
Afm - back to work today. I didn't take a narcotic pain pill but still had a non narcotic prescription pain pill that I am taking today for the cramps. Crossing every finger possible that this is our month. Unfortunately I'm possibly setting myself up for heartbreak - but am looking on pinterest of ways to tell our family at Christmas if we get pregnant this month. If we would get pregnant this month - we would be right around 11 weeks at Christmas. I would prefer to be in the second trimester before telling (if it is possible....hoping not to have terrible morning sickness or not showing) but 11 weeks seems to be pretty close to at least tell parents, siblings and very close friends.....sigh! Just hoping our worry is "when do we announce?"
Have a good day girls and I'll check back in to see when cd1 is for you little and hope cd1 doesn't show for you, Wish!