Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Helllloooooo!!!!! I'm so sorry...I completely forgot about the trip to see your family. How was it?!?! I hope you had a wonderful time.

What wonderful news for your friends. It just shows you to keep having faith. It will happen. Someday....sometime. I have a hard time believing it...but at the same time, I have never been more excited than I am right now. I'm trying to remember to not get my hopes up as it may not happen this month. But, I know between the both of us, we are as good as we will ever be. So...we are giving it our all and hoping for an exciting time in a couple of weeks. And following bd, I lay there with my hips propped up for 15 minutes. Pulling out all the tricks this month!

Unfortunately, I continued to get a flashing smiley this morning. Have you ever heard of anyone testing in the evening hours (with the clearblue advanced digital)? I was considering testing tonight maybe after a good long hold? If there is a positive, I definitely want to bd tonight. However, if it is just flashing still, I want to save up the soldiers for tomorrow. Tomorrow is technically an "off" night unless we have a positive opk. However, I'm not going to get too worked up about it. I may not get a solid (but can't imagine that I wouldn't tomorrow). Even if we did every other day thru the weekend, we are as good as we can be. I told dh the decision of an "on" or "off" night was up to him :) My face started breaking out yesterday (although I will accept these zits if it brings me a good ovulation and a baby!) and I FINALLY had noticeable ewcm last night. I was SOOOO excited! Oh the things to make me happy!
hooray for all of your signs!!!

You know - I've heard more than not to just BD as much as possible - even a lesser amount of soldiers is a drop from, say, 17 million to 15 million, so you still have ALLLL of those little :spermy: still!
The nighttime OPK - I haven't heard that, but you never know! go for it, I say - it's unfortunately some 'machine' of sorts that we're depending on to tell us exactly when something happens in our body, so if you want to try it out, why not! Though I also understand, if you have 2 sticks left, then you want to make sure you have enough for a possible solid smiley.

my trip was good for the most part - I had a tough time with my sister but it was really great to see the rest of the family. My sister is just pretty selfish and for the 3 days that we were there, it wasn't any different. And my husband cannot STAND that about her, so it really just makes him not like her, which then sucks for me that my DH doesn't like my sister! Sooo...a little stressful. But it was wonderful to see my nieces, my folks and my cousin and his girlfriend made the drive up from an hour and a half away too, so that was great.

circle for me on the opk this morning and didn't take my temp b/c I have a bit of a cold, so nothin' doin' for us. This weekend, I hope! We have only one thing to do this weekend as far as plans, so it should be a pretty chill weekend. :)
Good morning! Solid smiley today! Woo hoo! I ended up not testing last night. I didn't want to run out of tests. And just stuck with our every other day plan - so tonight is an "on" night according to our "schedule" - but definitely now since we have a positive opk. Temp rose from 97.0 to 97.2 this morning, so I am hoping to ovulate tomorrow. So, we will have to be busy the next two days at least! Hoping you aren't far behind me!

Sorry to hear about your sister but I'm glad you were able to enjoy the time with the rest of your family. Do you get to see them very often?
So glad you got your solid AND today was already an 'on' day!! I have everything crossed for you this month!! I hope to be right behind you but we'll see. if I have another month like last month, I'm going to freak! I guess I'm sorta expecting it at least, since the last 2 have been so buggy. Or rather, I'm up for whatever is coming so I expect something to be weird, but I'll be pleasantly surprised if all is normal! :)

re: seeing my family - I really don't see them that much. My sister came up in August but that was for work. They all say they really have no reason to come back up here except for me, and apparently that isn't even enough for my sister to come back up. So I guess it's up to us to go down there to see her/the girls (unless I get her to ship the girls up here for a week a year or something), which again - selfish! But they keep reiterating that it'll cost at least 1k for them to fly up here and I guess that's not in the cards when it comes to spending money on a vacation. Blah blah blah - don't want to bore you with the details but it just kinda gets under my skin when some of my own family says that we're not enough of a reason to visit somewhere. We'll see what happens if/when we have a baby!
flashing smiley and ewcm today!! Wootwoot!!!

if you don't get a chance to come on today - I hope you have a great weekend and I'm looking forward to being dpo with you on Monday!
Hello!!! So glad to hear about the flashing smiley! I'm hoping I ovulate today. Temp went down from yesterday by .1 degree so hoping to see a nice rise tomorrow. Hoping next week we will both be in the two week wait!!!!

Have a wonderful weekend and talk to you next week!!!!
I'm a little anxious about ovulating so late. I'm not sure if this is a result of the surgery or what...but just makes scares me that it's so late. I know women can still get pregnant ovulating day 18 or even 20 but it's worrying the crap out of me! Hopefully I just ovulate today so then I can be stressed by the tww and not stressing about when/if I'll even ovulate!
yeah, I wouldn't worry too much about it - they probably just messed with your insides enough to maybe knock it off its normal schedule for a bit. I think that's what happened with me and the HSG (in hindsight things seem so much clearer!), so I'd certainly think it would be possible with all you just went through. I'm certainly glad that you are having an ovulation! how many days late is this off of the normal? and you'll obviously track how long your LP is, so we'll be able to see if that stays normal.

so exciting that by Monday, we'll actually BOTH be in the TWW together!
I hope I can start temping again tomorrow morning. I took Nyquil last night and slept with my mouth open most of the night to breathe, so I didn't want to take it again. :dohh:
Hello Ladies,
Sounds like you are both doing fantastic! Can't wait until you update with :bfp: !!!

I have been very busy at work and its pretty much worn me completely out!

As far as the exercise goes when I weighed myself for the completion of month #2 I had lost another 6 far total I have lost 13.6 lbs, but this week has been so incredibly busy I haven't even gotten a chance to exercise....UGH is frustrating!

Our house is still for sale and the one we want is still for sale as well....nothing is really selling in our area at all...kinda blah haha

Glad to hear you are both ovulating and :sex: that's how you do it girls! :thumbup:

lots of love to you both! :hugs:
little! thank you for continuing to check in!! 13+ lbs, that's AWESOME!!! man, you really accomplish something when you put your mind to it, huh??
that stinks about the housing market - I think it kinda slows in the fall anyway. Maybe things will pick up in the spring! I'd love it if life was just spacing things out for you - no TTC now so you get to plan a wedding, new house in the spring, wedding next late summer/early fall and then BAM! baby!!

malinko - how are you doing? did you O? I got a solid smiley on Sat morning so we BD'ed Sat night and Sun night and used Preseed both times. My temp this morning was 97.9, though, so doesn't yet look like I O'ed, so I'll keep taking that til I see a spike. I need to look back at my old charts, though, b/c I don't necessarily think I'm a quick riser either. :)

Ugh, this weekend went by much quicker than expected!! I think b/c the days are getting shorter so it just feels like night time all the time!

Any Halloween plans for you guys? I think we talked about this a few weeks ago but I don't recall what you guys were doing. We have a party we were invited to but were supposed to take a trip to CT to see friends. That fell through but I don't think I feel like doing the party either. So just giving out candy this year!
Good morning ladies!

Little - so good to hear from you. Congratulations on the weight loss. That's AWESOME! So proud of you!!!!

Wish - keep hanging in there with me girl! I am 3dpo today....of course ovulated on Friday. DH and I were both so busy and just so darn exhausted Friday so we didn't bd. Oops! We had been doing every other day leading up to that with the exception of one missed day but then got back on schedule. We also bd'd first thing Saturday morning, just in case that little egg was still alive! So, we ended up bd'ing on CD6, 8, 11, 13, 15, 17 and 19 and ovulation was on CD18. I think that is fair enough. This week is going to be crazy busy but I'll of course be checking in a couple times a day.

Wish - hoping your temp rises quickly! Mine went from 97.1 on Friday to 97.7 on Saturday, 97.8 on Sunday and 98.0 this morning. Hoping it just keeps climbing and then levels out :)
sounds like you're completely covered for the BD'ing! Esp since you got one in Sat morning - that would have made me feel better. YAY! now the dreaded wait...
I'm on another thread of ladies who are 38+ and trying for #1 and they just got 2 BFPs in a week over there! I'm hoping it's a good luck thread! hehe

knowing that we got the timing right this month is the worst part, almost! Now my hopes are up again!
I'm bored today!! nothing to google either! :) this is going to be a rough TWW! :wacko:

no more travel coming up for me either, except a trip into the office in MA tomorrow. ughhhh - I'd so much rather be busy! Though I am VERY thankful for not flying anywhere anytime soon, that is FO SHO. :happydance:

I took another OPK with smu just to be sure and got a circle - so I definitely O'd this weekend!! WOOT!!
good morning, my sunshines! :hi:

temp this morning was the same so I'm going to stop that. I think I was sleeping with my mouth open, I caught myself a few times. Nothing is more annoying than seeing a low temp at 5am b/c then I'm sent into a spin of analysis.

So weird, though - I temped vaginally just to see if my thermometer was sticking at 97.9 (again with the paranoia) and it jumped to 98.8! Clearly you can't switch methods partway through a cycle but I just wanted to see the difference, how comparable they were to each other, etc. Wow!

how are you doing this morning? 4dpo, I assume same old, same old!
ok maybe I just talked myself into temping one more time tomorrow morning...I'm so paranoid. If I'm having such trouble with temps, maybe it's time to start filling out that RE paperwork...

I just read a few threads that said the rise could come anywhere from 1-4 days post O, so I guess I'll keep with it and drive myself nuts! Now I'm going to stress-sleep!

on another note - DH goes for his urologist appointment a week from today. That'll be good to get that underway as well.
Good morning my darlings! It's a great Tuesday already! I got (finally) the promotion at work! So, I'll be finishing up my job and start the new job in a couple of weeks. (What a great distraction for the two week wait!)

Wish - I have tried switching too and I always find that vaginal temps are almost a whole degree higher than under the tongue. I'm not sure that my temperatures are very accurate as the last two nights I toss and turn starting around 2:30am and just continue to toss and turn until I get up. I'm 4dpo today and feeling nothing. Guessing you aren't feeling much either? Good news is...we are only 2 days apart! Do you think you will test at all or just wait it out? I'd like to test early, but I probably won't. The only way I will is if my temps really start rising.

On another side note...I was browsing some threads last night just because I was bored and I saw a post from bumpysomeday!!!! If I remember correctly, she was going to start trying around this time. I think she should come back and join us. You chatted with her longer than I did...but it was always great chatting! I wonder how her job is going and hope life has settled down after she took all of her tests.

Little - hope all is going well dear! We miss you!!!! Any wedding plans updates for us?
CONGRATULATIONS!!! :dance: You know, I meant to ask about that but kept forgetting! How exciting for you and YES, wonderful distraction from the TWW!

I don't know about testing - I started the November thread for testers if you want to join!! I've never done one before and some of the ladies seemed a little off-put by their BFNs this month, so I volunteered. I'm getting slow at work right now too so I could use the 'work' hahaha! So to answer your question, IF I test, I guess it would be around next weekend. That would be about 2 weeks after O, so definitely longer than my typical LP. AF should be due around 11/4-6. I think I'd probably wait, if I could, until I felt one way or the other too. Though on another thread I'm on, one of the ladies just got a BFP a few days ago and still feels nothing!
I bought a few cheapies from the dollar store last month since I was so late but didn't use them, so I have those waiting...

Yes! Good memory - Bumpy was supposed to start trying around now! I'll PM her to see if she wants to join us again! :)
finally got a temp over 98 this morning! 98.1 and it corroborated with my vaginal temp of 99, so I'm sticking with it!
no other symptoms, though I know I'm early at 3dpo. Nothing feels out of order, though, so it's easy to ignore.

so your promo! is it a title change? are you managing people? is it a good bump in pay for you (and your potential new little family!!)? you must be so stoked!
Good morning!

Glad to hear your temp is rising! Woo hoo!!! I'm also not experiencing any symptoms. The only thing I even have going on is just really sticky cm but I know cm doesn't mean anything positive or it's just what happens to your cm after you ovulate. I don't know why, but I'm just really feeling like it didn't happen this month.

Promo - yes, it is a title change. I don't want to say that I have people under me necessarily, but I will have a secretary that I will supervise and he/she will report directly to me. I'm actually going thru applications right now and trying to figure out who to interview. Not a great bump in pay but still a bump. It's about a $4,000.00 raise right now, but I see it increasing in the next couple of years. I'm also guaranteed a 5% raise each year but it could be more. Very excited but a lot to do to finish up my job and train the person that have hired to replace me and then a lot to do in the job position. Good thing is, I basically run the show over my department so I can more or less do what I want :)
that sounds great!! I'm sure the promo is well-deserved! Always nice to have some outward appreciation for a job well done.

yeah - I try not to pay too much attention to cm. Mine virtually goes away in the few days after O, then sometimes I'll see a bit more if I run or whatnot, but overall - I try to pay as little attn to that as I do CP. Though, on the flip side, I feel like I can tell when AF is coming from CP/swollen vag walls.

and I don't like that attitude, missy! though I hear you - I don't think there will be any different result this month at all for us. This slow temp rise is ticking me off.

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