Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Thanks, little!
well, I also just remembered that even having some wine the day before could affect temps. I don't know how many or up until what time the night before, or what. I think it's different for everyone. But my sleep was never interrupted by it, and I didn't catch a buzz at all. But I had a few glasses of wine the day before all of my super high temps - stretched out over a few hours and had water too. I guess that could affect them too. :(
I guess that just brought me off the ledge. Hopefully tomorrow will be just as high, so I'll feel better about the last 3 days' temps. And no wine until the weekend and if AF doesn't come this week, then no wine until a BFN.
I don't know why I did it, but I checked CP in the shower a moment ago and I'm really low, like I could feel the whole thing, and super soft - like I could barely tell the difference between the walls and the thing itself. I know this means NOTHING but I want it to mean SOMETHING! soft is good, but low is not, I don't think. I know this can change tomorrow as well.
anyway - last note of the day, I swear it!! Thanks, as always, for dealing with my insanity!
Well, after having two dreams that I took a test and both were positive...and another steady temp of 98.0, I decided to test at 11 dpo. My spike was on 9dpo so hcg should have plenty time to build up with fmu. Glaring negative. Apparently only 18 to 20 percent of tests that are negative on 11dpo turn out to be positive so I'm sure AF will be here the end of the week.
aw, malinko - that sucks. We try to talk ourselves into keeping our heads level every month but it can just get so exciting. I'm still holding out hope for you - crazier things have happened. Where do you find those stats, by the way?? I don't know where you get your stats but you always have them!!

bad day here too - had tons of gas (just burping and crazy sounds coming from my stomach), cramping, pulling/tugging, night sweats last night. Not the best sleep, and temp dropped again too - still higher than usual overall but on a downward slide now. BBs still hurt and having slight cramps again.
I'm assuming AF will be here by the end of the week as well.
DH had his urologist appointment today and the doc didn't seem to think there was anything to be concerned about. He has to start taking his multivitamins every day (been lax on that) but that's about it. He said that he'd recommend us doing IVF given my age. I'm so glad that he came back with a normal bill of health!

little annoyed about the IVF vs IUI, though - I guess according to this doctor, IUI would come after IVF. That doesn't make much sense to me but maybe it is just all about my age - why depend on the sperm and egg to do their own job for a few cycles rather than just do it ourselves?
unless DH is just getting them confused - not like he's had a lot of exposure to this stuff.

good morning, my friend :hugs:
mine dropped too and I think I just started to spot slightly.
Are you ok?

well, I guess now we get to concentrate on planning the holidays a little bit and you can celebrate your new promotion with a night out and some wine!
I really don't think it's going to happen for us unless we get some help - I don't care what medium or psychic or parent or whomever told us. I know I said I wanted to wait until January to get that ball rolling with the RE, but maybe sooner than later. My bday is about a month away, I'll be 39. Time's a-wastin. And I guess DH's doctor yesterday recommended IUI, not IVF.
Good morning. Yesterday was a crazy day...sorry I wasn't on much. Glad to hear about hubby's urology appointment. I'm glad to hear you are thinking about going ahead with seeing and RE and doing IUI. We are going to try one more natural cycle in November and then if nothing, go back to our doctor in December for IUI.

I still feel great - - no cramping, no spotting, nothing! Within just a couple of hours yesterday I did have a nice enormous zit form on my chin. Ugh! Today is 12dpo, so I am guessing I'll make it thru tomorrow and then af will be here on Friday - Saturday at the latest. I think I have only had one cycle with a 14 day luteal phase and most of them are 13. I feel like I am handling it better than I anticipated. I really wanted to be one of those women who had surgery and then boom...pregnant. Clearly not happening that way though. So, I'm just ready for af to get here and go away and then on to trying again!

I'll be checking in with you throughout the day! I'm sorry you are starting to spot :( At least we are in this together! Hugs my friend.
Well the good thing for both of you is no AF yet!

I am actually waiting for my first one as well after starting BCP. I took my last "real" pill on Saturday and still nothing, but who knows...I was spotting for the ENTIRE week last week with like nasty dark the kind you can tell is really periods had been SUPER short so I am wondering if my lining wasn't shedding all the way or takes a little bit to get adjusted on BCP so again still just waiting on her....hope she does come though because I am supposed to start my next round of pills on Sunday and I am not sure if I should or not if I don't have a period by then?

best of luck to you both! I hope the stupid :witch: stays far away for you!!

yeah, I wonder how long it will take after our first visit to get the IUI rolling? that's why I'm thinking sooner than later now.

oh fun - surprise huge zits are GREAT! thankfully that's one thing that's stayed at bay this month. I hear you about wanting to be one of 'those' women - I was hoping for the same after the HSG. ah're right, at least we're in this together. SLIGHTEST little bit of pink last time I went to the ladies room, only on the TP. blah.

well, little, that doesn't sound like fun either! I can't even remember what it's like to get used to BCP, it's been so long! I'm not even sure on the answer to your question, I'd call my PCP.
good morning, girls :hugs:
AF is making her way here so I'm out for the month, definitely.
Also thinking about the IUI, I guess we should wait until next year (Jan) to do this b/c we have a high-deductible plan and I would not want to have to meet 2 plan year deductibles if we started now! ugh. So I guess we'll just coast out the rest of the year.

How are you ladies doing today?

We're supposed to get some good rainstorms here today and overnight. No snow, though! knock on wood! Maybe some sprinklings of snow on Sunday but nothing sticking yet. It was in the 60's yesterday, so the ground definitely isn't cold enough just yet. I'm not ready for snow!
Good morning!

Wish - sorry to hear af is coming. :( I think I will make it through today and af will be here tomorrow - or Saturday at the latest. But I am guessing tomorrow. I didn't even temp today because I know it is dropping. Still feel great though!

I'm impressed that IUI is covered under your insurance. What a great plan you have! I don't have fertility coverage but the IUI is around $700.00 each time where I'm at. I don't think that is terribly priced. However, that is just with the clomid. If you would do injectable meds, I think it takes it up to a couple grand. It's my understanding that the injectable meds are really expensive....but you do have a much higher chance with the injectable meds. Maybe something for you to look into and contemplate.

I'm not ready for winter either....however I will be excited for our first snow. The first accumulating snow is just SO pretty....and I love it leading up to Christmas. After that...I'm done with it though! I know it is hand in hand with snow....but I hate these cold temperatures. If it is going to be cold, I would just assume that it is snowing. Otherwise, it needs to be warm out :)

Trying to get things wrapped up in the old office! However, I will be on later today to check in again :)
yeah, we'll see how much it's covered - I haven't fully looked into it yet. It's probably all 'after deductible' and if it's around $700, who knows if we'll even hit that! I know that the place we'll go to is a 'center of excellence' per UHC, so they'll cover it higher there than other places. But as far as the drugs and all of that - I have no idea.

I agree with you on the snow! the first one is just lovely, pretty, feeling hunkered down with a fire and not losing power (hopefully), candles going - very romantic. Then I'm done! haha
good morning and happy Friday! How's the move going?
I chart-peeped and saw you started today. I'm so sorry. Are you doing ok?
I'm cd2, so yeah, same boat.

any fun plans for the weekend? We are heading down to CT for an overnight trip to some friends' house (how do you say that correctly if you're friends with both people in the couple, it's their house...? I never get that right), raking leaves on Sunday, maybe picking out new living room furniture on Sunday. I know you're jealous of my leaf-raking!

I have to say, I've lost patience with this TTC thing. Where I was in August - ready to try through the end of the year, not fill out the RE paperwork - that is out the door. I'm ready for science to intervene. Another couple we're friends with just had a baby 2 days ago, he's gorgeous and perfect and I want one.

kind of a slew of emotions going on right now, nothing terrible but I feel like I'm all over the place!
Hello! I'm doing good, surprisingly. I think this job transition is a good distraction! I knew after the negative test on 11dpo I was out, so I accepted this a little better I think.

I think you have reached a good point. I hit that in July and I think the hardest part is just scheduling that RE appointment. Maybe that's why I'm more at ease right now. I knew it probably wouldn't happen the first month. One more month to try on our own and if that doesn't work...I'm turning it over to the doctor. For some reason, that just makes me feel better.

Dh and I actually raked leaves last weekend :) Time to do it again though. I'm going to get caught up with things at home this weekend and be refreshed and ready to start the new position :) Have a great weekend!
You have a good weekend too!! Good luck on your first day of the new job!!
I am so sorry to hear that you are both out this month...darn it. I started on Wednesday right after posting on here haha....we will see how long it takes me to get regulated on this stupid BCP. Of course by the time I get regulated I will probably be done taking it to get ready to start trying again!....ahhhh I am so excited for that time to come around again! That also means we will be close to our "wedding"...I am sure it will be here before I know it...just ready to be back in the game!

Hope you are both mommy's already by that point!

Love to you both! Have great weekends!

I will be checking in on Tuesday or Wednesday sometime with a weight report....Tuesday is when I will take my monthly weight lol....I haven't been doing so hot this month as far as eating...I mean I am not doing terrible but have had lots of sweets and junk food as compared to previous months so we will see....just hope I haven't gained any!

Just wanted to pop in and say I hope you're having a good day in your new role!!

and little - looking forward to your weight update (as I sit here and down a bag of chips guiltily...)!!

:hugs: to you both!
Lost a pound this I said it was a rough month for me eating and being busy and not being able to exercise as much as I'd like, but hey Ill take a pound down vs. gaining anything! and the best part is I am still ahead of my goal so hey win win right? lol

how are you both doing? I see no one has said much since last time I was on?

:hugs: to you both!
morning, little!
that's great that you still lost a pound even though you might have gotten off track a little - I totally agree with you! a pound less is better than a pound gained!
I think I need to get myself in gear with working out again too. I've gained about 13-14 lbs since my wedding 3 yrs ago and I really don't do much to deter it. I used to be fairly active but working from home - probably the worst aspect of that is that it's far too easy to just sit still and work all day! We need to start eating better too. We're not terrible but I don't say no to a lot if it's in front of me! Or make smart decisions when we're out to eat. Ugh, so much work! :)

malinko - how was your first week in the new job?? You should be gearing up to O again soon, too, right? Anything new rolled into the attempt this month?

afm - I'm cd11 so nothing going for me yet either. But again, not temping or OPK'ing this month so I'm just going to wing it. Got a glob of ewcm yesterday but that always happens about a week beforehand. That's it for me!!

I hope you're both doing well!! :hugs:
Hello ladies. Sorry for being m.i.a. The new job is absolutely nuts. I've been given an additional department that my boss didn't have when he was in this position. It's a mess and I had to fire someone yesterday. I certainly wasn't ready for that. I think he knew it was coming though. Anyhoo...enough on that. I've completely lost track of where I'm at in my cycle. Crazy I know! I did take a test this morning and it was negative. Today is the third day of temping. I'll ovulate probably sometime between Saturday and Monday. Monday will be day 18 which is when I ovulated last month.

Wish - have you given more thought as to moving forward with a specialist? I'm guessing you should be ovulating soon as well?

Little - great job on the weight loss. So proud of you!!!!

Will try to check in again soon! Hugs to you both!

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