Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

morning! wow, that's a tough start to the new gig. Have you ever had to fire someone before? I had an opportunity to (I say 'opportunity' b/c it's a tough thing but I think if you're going into management you should experience it, right?) but then my boss did it for me, b/c she didn't want me to have to go through that. Sweet, but...

anyway, yes - probably O'ing around Sunday. How come you are O'ing so late now? I thought you were around cd14 earlier this year? I guess you couldn't really KNOW why your body is doing what it's doing.
So right now is boring! haha no temping or OPKs this month and I just asked DH if he wants to try until we see the RE and he said sure, so I told him it'll happen between last night and Monday. We'll BD when we're feeling froggy!
to answer your question - yes, we'll be setting up an apt for January and move forth with that, unless we're lucky enough to catch an egg before that!
Good morning!

Yes, rough start to the new position. Oh well. I have never had to fire someone but have now. Now I have to begin the interview process. Sweet joys of administration

I'm not really sure why I'm ovulating so late now. I had normally ovulated between cd 14 to 16 but last month was 18. I'm wondering if it had anything to do with the surgery? Oh well. The new job is kind of keeping my focus right now. We will just bd every other day (Although dh thought he was coming down with something last night) thru beginning of next week. If it happens...wonderful. otherwise on to iui. Would love to hear a little heart beat right around Christmas though. That'd be such a wonderful Christmas present!
Hi ladies!!! :wave:

Wish- I just saw you messaged me!!

I cannot believe you have this thread going still!!!! I've been off BNB or at least trying to be.. Because I hate obsessing over ttc :( but it's getting to a point now where supoort is important I think!

So, I def cannot catch up on all your posts since last time I posted but has anyone gotten their BFP!?!? Have any of you gone to doctor or anything!? Find out anything!?

Update for me- DH and I started ttc as of my August cycle. I missed a whole period in July.. Lots of stress. But.. Since August my cycles have been a perfect 31 days. So that is great as they have been all over the place the past year. My doctor said if we don't concieve by the end of the year she is referring me to a fertility specialist because of my history with crazy cycles since coming off pill. That makes me feel good she isn't making me wait a year.

Anyway please update me on your progress!!

Wish have you figured out your LP?? What happened with it being so short??

Oh and as of today.. 6dpo on 4th cycle! Feeling out :( but I read the most common implantation day is 9dpo! So holding out hope.. As usual!!

Great to see you guys are still being so supportive!! Glad you messaged me!!! Can't wait to catch up!! :flower:

So good to hear from you. It's crazy that you are already on cycle 4! How's work going since graduation, etc!

Unfortunately there are three of us in this thread and no bfp's yet. I saw an r.e. In August and had surgery in September. This is our second cycle since surgery. I had stage 2 endometriosis and they removed that as well as polyps and lesions. Dr. recommended iui following surgery but we wanted to try on our own for a couple of months. If this cycle is a bust them we will do iui in December. So, we have been trying for 15 months and actively trying for 13 (was put in birth control for 6 weeks before and after surgery).

Will be checking in on you. Are you using opk's or temping? Hoping you get your bfp quickly!!!
Hi Bumpy!!! So happy to have you back! I can't believe you're on cycle 4 already too!!

we're on cycle, um....let's say 11. :) No BFPs, had some funky cycles after having an HSG (no blockages) in August, had blood work done (all is ok) and DH had his SA done and a visit to a urologist (all good). We're going to visit an RE in January probably and get going on an IUI I hope. Going to somewhat try throughout the end of the year and assuming nothing happens with that, we'll be ready for Jan.

anywayyyyyyy about 1dpo today - not temping or OPK'ing for the rest of this year since it's probably fruitless and additional stress anyway. I'll be testing the night before my bday (12/6) if I don't have AF by then.

are you guys doing anything special to help? how's everything going since graduation? (all what malinko said! hahaha)
Malinko- Omgosh that's crazy insane you had to have surgery!! But I am sure that it is very refreshing knowing that you now have a fair chance! I'm not really sure what an iui is?? Invetro?? How long do you think you'll wait to ttc on your own?

Wish- Well I am happy for you as well to be getting everything done that you possibly can and don't have to stress about it anymore! Again, iui??

If that is invetro aren't the chances of that really really high?! I sure fricken hope so- you girls have waited LONG ENOUGH!!! :dust: Seriously blows my mind how that works.. Knowing people who aren't ready for kids and they're just having them like on accident.. Really bothers me!!!!!!

Doing well!!. My job pretty much isn't my thing :-/ which sucks because I waited to start ttc for this job. But DH and I are in the process of buying our first house so that's something to try and be happy about! In the meantime just ttc.. Just feel really out already this month. It's the first month I felt ovulation -major strong cramp- but that makes me think I haven't been successfully ovulating. That's why I don't want to wait to see a doctor. It's pointless if I'm not ovulating each month right.

We've been using opks and preseed. I also tried pineapple this cycle hahaha. Other than that I haven't tried temping.. Scared that I'll get even more depressed doing that. This is the first DAY I've felt like really down about it. I don't even know why.. I'm only 7dpo hahaha. So crazy. Hoping that if it doesn't happen this cycle that I'm just not gonna worry about it. Haha easier said than done right!!!!
1dpo- you never know!! Maybe it'll catch u off guard before jan :)
Hello ladies!

Bumpy - iui is intrauterine insemination. Quick version of what my doctor will do. Go for baseline ultrasound day 3 of your cycle and if all looks well (no cysts,etc) then they will start you on clomid for 5 days. You come back 8 days following the first ultrasound for a second ultrasound to see how the follicles are developing. Ideally, they want them to measure at a specific number. So, they will determine where you are in size and then pick a date to do a trigger shot to endure ovulation. The trigger shot is given and then you go back to the doctor approximately 36 hours later and they do the intrauterine insemination. They basically take the semen and place it in your uterus. It takes out the cervix as an equation (sometimes fertility mess creates hostile cervical mucous) so they just help the sperm get closer to the Fallopian tubes. The sperm and egg still have to meet on their own, etc. it's much less invasive then invited fertilization and much cheaper too! Takes all the fun out of it...but sometimes science just has to intervene!

This is our second month trying since surgery. I thought I ovulated on Friday but my temps are telling me otherwise. If we don't get pregnant this month, we will start iui next month. My doctor said I'm the most fertile after the surgery than I will ever be and need to act quick because it will just be a matter of time before the endometriosis is back. So, that's why we are only trying for two months before seeking medical intervention.

Wish - hello lovely! Glad to hear you are somewhat relaxed. I'm lost without my opk's this month! Will keep checking in to see how you are doing.

Hi little!!!! We miss you! Hope the weight loss is still going well. Any wedding planning updates for us?
hello my ladies!
Man, I can't wait to be out of work for the 4-day weekend! thankfully my company gives us both days off. It's very welcomed, that's for sure!!!

malinko - I'm a little lost w/o my opks or temping too!! I'm not sure which is more stressful, honestly. Knowing or not knowing. Are your temps still low, that's why you think you maybe have O wrong? I haven't looked at your chart yet, but I will after this post. Do you get any time off for the holidays other than Thanksgiving?

little - girl, how's it going? How are you going to deal with all of the Thanksgiving goodies and your diet?? That's the roughest part for me! I love everything in the T-giving meal! :)

bump - it is mind-boggling, isn't it? how nutty this process makes you? emotional rollercoaster, for sure. That stinks that your job isn't what you wanted it to be!! But a new house!! That's always fun, at least I think so!! Homeownership itself is a PITA, but I love having our little piece of the world :) I love envisioning a little one roaming around the halls in here too. heehee!!
GREAT explanation of what IUI is, malinko! bump - people call it the 'turkey baster' method, if that helps at all. Squirt the sperm closer to the egg to help things out a bit rather than them having to make that trip to the tubes themselves.

One thing I learned from my friend a few weeks back (they tried for over 2 yrs to have their son, so she knows a LOT about this process) is that if you O around cd17 or something, even though you're O'ing, the follicle may not be at its 'prime' as it would have on cd12-14. I hadn't thought of that. So, I O around cd17 and this could be another reason why we aren't preg - the egg isn't exactly a viable one by the time it bursts out. So that trigger shot would help me a lot - spit out that egg on the day it's prime rather than a stale egg. But who knows.

yeah, I'd love for a little surprise before the end of the year, but I'm thinking it's rather unlikely. We only BD'ed on Friday and Sunday this weekend, which I guess is fine, but didn't do the whole 'every day/other day for 10 days' or anything. I know it only takes one though...
Well Hello My lovely ladies!
Sorry I have been MIA is NUTS, Malinko I feel your pain I had to fire someone as well...unfortunately it was the person who helps me out and so therefore not only did I have to fire someone, which I absolutely didn't want to do, but then I am stuck doing 2 jobs haha...ahhh that's life though!

Glad to hear you and Wish are both doing well! I miss you both! I wish I was TTC actively with you both, but with time flying by as it is I am sure that ill be back at it before you know it!

I did finally get my dress....YIPPEE lol and other than that just trying to get through the holidays without losing my mind!

Hope one of you has a bfp to report soon! And I hope you all have a FANTASTIC Thanksgiving as we all have so much to be thankful for, and maybe, just maybe, if we count our blessings hard enough God will give us the blessing we have all been waiting on FOREVER!

:hugs: and love to you both!
wanted to hop on and wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! Much love and hugs to you all!

no real updates here - only about 3dpo. No symptoms of any kind right now, last month my boobs hurt pretty badly. I'm suspecting a bunk ovary - I feel like this happens every other month. Cleary I'm jumping to conclusions and don't even know if enough progesterone to make sore boobs is related, but you never know.
Thanks for explaining the turkey baster lol iui! Good to know. Does your gyno do that or a fertility doctor?? I hope that works for you guys!!! Sounds foolproof if u ask me!!! How much does that procedure cost if you don't mind me asking?

Wish- I feel ya.. I feel so out. 9dpo this AM. I feel like no cramps isn't a good sign. Only thing weird is I woke up at midnight having to pee. I usually sleep like a rock. Honestly though I think I'm just getting stressed out waiting. :cry:
I think an RE does it, but not sure. Sounds like malinko will have more info on that topic. We haven't visited an RE yet - I was filling out the paperwork in September and decided to wait a few more months. Not sure why, I turn 39 in a week and a half! Yeah, sounds foolproof but.... you can lead a sperm to an egg but you can't make him burrow! :haha: I kill me

try not to stress, my friend! I know much easier said than done but try to remember that you've done all you can for this month and it's now just waiting to see if it worked!
Hope you ladies had a nice thanksgiving!!

Thanks wish.. We decided that going forward we aren't going to use opks or temping or anything. The past few days I've been really depressed and I just need to stop rushing it and thinking about it 24/7. At least until we see a doctor. So I may not be on here often but I'll check in :)

Wishing you guys so so so much baby dust this holiday season! Really hoping that's not what is happening to u this month wish and hoping you'll get an amazing Christmas present.

Gonna go get the Christmas decore out to make this place merry!!
checking in - how's everyone doing? malinko - you're due for AF when, this weekend?
I'm pretty sure I'm out - nary a niggle anywhere. AF is due Wed/Thurs, I'm sure she'll arrive.
Had no power for 3.5 days from the snowstorm we had here to take my mind off of things, though!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!
Good morning ladies.

Wish, I think af will be here Friday. Today is 11dpo. Wishing this was the month for us all but I'm not feeling confident at all that this was our month. In fact, stressing a little at the fact we now start iui. With the new job it's so hard for me to take off now and the doctors office is 2 hours away. It'd be nice if they could see me Sunday (that should be day 3) but I'm guessing they won't. They see you for baseline ultrasound say 3 or 4. Monday just is not a good day. Then you come back 8 days later...and then again for the actual procedure. My husbands schedule is very busy too so I don't know if we will be able to make it work this month. Feeling very sad and frustrated.

How are you feeling, Wish? Tell me about this snowstorm!

Little, miss you girl!

Bumpy, how you doing Hun? Keep your head up! This is difficult!! Not as easy as they talk about when you are a teenager :). At least you'll see a doctor soon :)
that is really stressful, malinko - we're in sorta the same boat and why I thought we'd push out to January. Not my schedule, per se - in fact, I have a 1.5 week shutdown starting Christmas Eve. But this is DH's busiest time of year and it goes into January. So he's not going to be readily available for a doctor's apt with no flexibility until the end of January.
Try not to stress! it'll all work out! See what you guys can do with your schedules and if it doesn't work, just try naturally for that month. We need to try not to get even more frustrated than we already are.
Hey ladies,

AF is due today. Waiting for her to show her ugly face. Dh says if not- we won't test until Friday. I just know this isn't our month. But at least we will all know on Friday what awaits for each of us!!
Hello Lovlies!
I miss you all terribly! I wish I was able to get on more, but its kind of funny how when you aren't actively trying and you know you cant get preggo you just sort of forget about how much you used to think about it before....makes me sad in a way, but I am sure the time will fly by and we will be back and ready to try again!

Any fun updates??? I really hope this is someone's month! Its got to be about time right? I mean COME ON ALREADY...bless someone with a baby!!

love to you all! :hugs:
Bumpy - I hope she doesn't show for you!!
I totally feel out too, just expecting to start spotting any minute. Literally ZERO signs of anything other than AF.

little!! So glad you checked in!! I know, it is weird how wrapped up in this we become but when you finally take your head out of it for a bit, there's so much world going on! I hate being so obsessed, honestly, but I feel like you have to go all in when you have to focus on timing and such. Ah well... HEY! it's almost 2015 - the year you get married (again)!! :)

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