Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Yep, she arrived. Right on schedule aside from my typical early morning greeting. You know.. Just to play games with my head it decided to show late this afternoon. :(

I'm not gonna be checking in this cycle because I want to try and stop thinking about it this month ans go with the flow. I will, however, keep an eye on you girls from time to time and I wish wish wish all the baby :dust: in the world for your BFPS!!!
Yes! it has already gone by SUPER quick since we decided to put trying on hold, and so I expect the time to just keep flying by! and you are right I was totally wrapped up in TTC and everything I did made me think of it in some way, shape, or form...and now nothing lol. It is making me want a puppy or something though....I just want something to baby! ANYTHING to baby would be great lol

hope you all are doing well and will have the best news of your life soon!!

love! :hugs:
Bumpy, I'm so sorry and I understand the direction you're going. You have to do what is best for you and your sanity, especially around these busy holidays! There's enough to worry about!
I think I got a trace of spotting this morning so let the games begin, right on time.

malinko - how are you doing?

little - I totally get where you're coming from!! My FIL just had to put one of his dogs down, she was very old. His other dog, who I adore, just seems lonely. He's very energetic typically and he's not been like that all week. I think he needs a new friend!! :)
Bumpy - good luck girl. Make sure you check in every once in awhile and keep us updated!

Hi little!!!!!

Wish, just as suspected... Brown spotting has started today. Af will be here tomorrow. Ultrasound on Monday and will start clomid. I can't believe we are really having to do iui. It sucks but it is what it is. My doctor doesn't want me waiting around any longer. Guess it's a good thing he is proactive for me because now that it is actually here and happening, I'm very anxious about it. I was okay with it when it was just a thought. Reality is completely different though. The next two weeks will fly by though between ultrasound, clomid for 5 days, another ultrasound, trigger shot and iui. Guessing it'll happen the 17th or 18th of December. Will keep you updated!
so exciting, malinko!!! Please share as much as you can/want - I hope the same things happen for us in January!

I'm with you on what's going on today - slightly more spotting, so just took a cheapie test and got a BFN. So just waiting around with this splitting headache...good times.
the :witch: made her grand entrance this morning, right on time. Loser.
malinko - my FX'ed for you!
everyone, enjoy your weekend! we're getting our tree, it's my birthday (ugh) and hey! a freezing rainstorm!! wooooooo!
Happy birthday Wish!!! I hope you had a great day!
Sorry to hear you had an unwanted visitor on your bday. I had that this year too. Not a great present! Will keep you updated of course. As I suspected af did arrive yesterday. I have an ultrasound scheduled for Monday.
thank you for the bday wishes! I requested lots of BD'ing this month for my present :)

good luck today, I'll be thinking of you!! New path starts today and hopefully you'll have your little BFP as a Christmas present! I'm sooooooooo sending dust your way today!!
Just wanted to stop in and say hello!

Yesterday went well. There was a cyst they found on the ultrasound but it didn't interfere with moving forward. The nurse was a little concerned about it but the doctor didn't seem to be. So, he went ahead and gave me a prescription for Clomid. I've taken it both yesterday and today and will continue to take thru Friday. I go back on Monday for my follow up ultrasound to see how the follicles are growing. We should know more next week when we will do IUI. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is the month. If so, we should know around New Years!

Keeping my fingers crossed for you, Wish. I hope that you don't have to see a R.E. in January and go thru any of this. I probably won't be on any more this week. I'm trying to remain calm and not think about any of this :) It is nice for once though to not temp or wonder if I should use ovulation tests. We can have sex anytime we want this week but the doctor said he would tell us when to and when not to next week. It is also nice to turn it over to someone else to figure out and for me to just be at the appointments and do what I am told! I will check in next week though and give an update! Hugs to all of you ladies!
all of that handing over control sounds like a DREAM, malink! Thank you for checking in!
I'm glad you're remaining calm about all of this. I really hope you guys get it on the first shot. It's about time someone on this thread becomes pregnant!
I just got this overwhelming 'this HAS to be our month, I want a baby so badly!' feeling, so that's great - already setting my expectations high from within!

Did the doc say anything about things to eat/drink/not eat/drink? I'm taking a large step away from alcohol this month. I've actually started to get headaches from it lately. I even stopped DH from getting me a 1/2 case of wine for my bday b/c I just don't have a desire to drink it right now. My friend I visited last month who had fertility problems said that her doc said this is a big cause of infertility in both men and women and when trying to get preg, the woman should limit herself to ONE drink a MONTH and the man - 2! A MONTH! crazy. Anyway - that's my big move this month besides hopefully a lot more BD'ing between cd10 and cd20. :)

Good luck, I'll be thinking of you all week, awaiting hopefully an update next week! FX'ed for you!!!!
Hello my dears!
Wish Happy Birthday REALLY late, and sorry that the stupid :witch: showed for you :(

Malinko I think it is SUPER exciting that you are doing the IUI! I REALLY hope you have great luck with it! In my mind I have pretty much already decided that once we get this wedding crap out of the way that is going to be our next step. I am not going to mess with both of us being on clomid and trying for months and months...I just want to go ahead and do the IUI and pray that we nail it on the first try! Did they give you any statistics on how often it works on the first try or anything like that?? PLEASE share what you can if you want to because I would like to know as much as possible before going in for it myself, and I am sure Wish would like to know as well...sounds like we will all 3 be doing the same thing to end up with our little ones, and at this point I don't even care! As long as we get our little miracles it makes no difference to me how it happens! I am just ready for mine!

Hope you are both doing well and I am SOOOOO ready to hear about a :BFP: for one of you!!!

love and :hugs: your way!!
so glad you were able to check in, little!! how is all the wedding 'crap' going, by the way?? all planned out? how's the weight loss program?
I just used my treadmill for the first time in MONTHS yesterday - it felt good so maybe I'll do it again today!! I also want to get back into using the Tone It Up girls videos. Well, at least make it a habit, which I haven't done yet. :)
I'm trying to eat better, stay away from alcohol, etc. Probably all too much at the same time, but worth a shot, right?

and YES, all of little's questions are mine too! :)
Hey ladies. Just checking in to say hello. Of course, I will share anything that I can. I've not been feeling well today so I stayed home from work. I don't know if it is a side effect from the clomid or if I am coming down with something. Probably just coming down with something.

Little - good to see you still checking in! I hope you'll be able to check in with us three weeks from now. We are hoping for a bfp this month :)
I'm sorry you're not feeling well - just in time for the weekend. I hope you're feeling better today, though!
Hi girls - just popping in! I know you guys are kinda busy or taking time from BNB. I just wanted to say hi!
I hope all of your Christmas preparations are going well!
I'm a little bummed - I have a HUGE car registration bill this month, since it's my bday month and we just got a new car. I just don't have as much to spend on presents this month. Though, thankfully, DH and I are doing a trip together in Feb and got new couches as our 'gifts' and we're just doing stockings. But I still feel badly. I shouldn't be stressing about this but I am! I'm not used to paring things back this time of year!
In my old job, we got our bonuses this time of year and they were big. I miss that too b/c I was able to handle everything in this month with that!

Nothing much else is new here - started working out last week. Trying to make that a habit - hopefully I'll be as successful as you, little! I could stand to drop 10 lbs.

I hope you girls are doing well! love and hugs!
~ Scrooge McDuck
Hey Wish!

Cheer up girl! I understand where you are coming from, but don't let it make you sad. Make the best out of it and spend time with loved ones. I agree with you too - - we aren't used to pairing back this time of year - but we have to do it as well. DH isn't getting near the amount from me this year and I even told him not to get me anything. We are going on a trip over the new year so that will be fun and part of our christmas present to each other. And new couches....I love new furniture!

A little that is going on in our world - we had our ultrasound on Monday. Wasn't where doctor wanted me to be - so he had me come back yesterday to do another check. The doctor seemed discouraged at the size on the follicles on Monday - which did not make me feel very confident. I don't know what got into my little follicles, but they definitely grew between Monday and Tuesday morning - but still not over 20. He requested me to come back again today (3 days in a row...ugh!) so I went in this morning for another check up. The follicles (yes, I have two mature ones!) are at sizes 20 and 21. I think maybe on the smaller side but they are considered mature. Our timing isn't going to be perfect. They generally want you to come back for the iui procedure 36 hours after trigger shot. Well, yesterday afternoons appointment, doctor wasn't ready to do trigger shot because he wanted the follicles to grow a little more. Today - he decided we needed to do it because he doesn't want me to start ovulating on my own - and I'm starting to have some ewcm. So, my appointment this morning was at 7:00am. We did our trigger shot at 8:30am and dh gave it to me. Not bad at all! We go in tomorrow afternoon at 4pm (31.5 hours post trigger shot) for the iui procedure. I'm having a pretty bad headache right now - but I don't know if it is any correlation to everything else going on - or if it is just that...a headache. So, working from home today and tomorrow and then relaxing after the iui tomorrow afternoon. I guess that'll make Friday 1dpo! Keeping every part of me crossed and hoping this is the month we get pregnant with our miracle baby! Will keep you updated!
Malinko it sounds as if you are on the path for BABY success!! You go girl! Take it easy and stay as low stress as possible! You know Christmas is always a good time for miracles and I just pray you get yours! Thank you for letting us know how things are going! I am so curious, as I pretty much already know that is where I will be come next October so I would just like to know as much as I can before we get there! Although I wont lie I'd love it if we were there now, but all in good time I suppose! I will pray for you for sure!!!

Wish don't feel too down about the Christmas stuff! I know what it feels like to have a new car payment on top of all the other crap we already pay for and the holidays are always a stressful time for money. And medical procedures and things always spring unexpected bills or even if they are expected its never fun to pay for! Just enjoy family time and spread love and good cheer....perhaps that is the most important part of Christmas anyway :)

Wedding things are coming along, although I have kind of put them on hold due to the Holidays being such a busy time, but we will get there eventually! My weight loss program is going well....I am down 20 lbs from when I started in August which is great! I lost 5.4 lbs from November 11 to December 11 which is kind of a miracle because my eating has gone down hill a bit, but I figured with the holidays I would take a break and enjoy food and then jump back on the wagon when January rolls around, so I was DELIGHTED to see that I had still managed to lose that much!

not much else new in my world! Just waiting for Malinko's :bfp:

love and :hugs: to you both! and as always a very Happy Holiday Season to you!
thanks, girls - I really appreciate the support! I know the holidays are more about family and such. I was able to find a couple little things yesterday that lifted my spirits a bit. Aren't we all a little extra stressed this time of year? haha

malinko - what a great update!! yikes, that's a lot of appointments in one week - didn't you say that the office was 2 hrs away too?? What we won't do for our wee one! My everything is crossed for you too!!! I hope so much that this is it for you!
Good luck tomorrow with the IUI!!

little - 20 lbs is incredible!!! AWESOME job!!! yeah, if you're going to hop off the wagon of good nutrition for a bit, now is the right time for that. And you're still losing weight so what's the harm?

nothing new here going on with me - waiting to O this weekend, BD'ing every other night this week and hopefully every night this weekend. :)
So, just logging on to share my disappointment. I got sick last night and spent most of the night in the bathroom. This morning wasn't much better and I can't get too far away from the bathroom as I am throwing up. Went to see a doctor this morning as we were concerned about dehydration and they sent me to the e.r. for fluids. They also gave me medication for the vomiting. Just got home for the e.r. and called fertility doctor. Had to cancel IUI. Said if I could tolerate - we needed to bd this afternoon at 3pm, tomorrow morning and tomorrow night. Guessing I am already out for this month. Nothing like getting this close and then not carrying out with the most important step.

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