Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

oh nooooo, I'm so sorry malinko!! doubly sorry for you feeling so horrible!

are you going to try to BD? talk about sacrificing it all....

even if it's not today, definitely tomorrow!!

there is a terrible bug going around lately, i'm so sorry you got it.
Oh Malkino...I am terribly sorry :( That truly breaks my heart for you. Maybe if you are able to BD all of the medication and knowing EXACTLY when you are going to might still get your Christmas miracle! I will continue to pray for you girly....hey you do have 2 eggs in might get a double whammy...JUST SAYING

Don't count yourself out yet!

Good morning, my dears!

Malinko - how are you doing, hon? Are you feeling better? were you able to get some BD'ing in? I'm so, so sorry that your plans for this month were thwarted by the dreaded flu. So much grossness is going around right now and I'm sure it's heightened by the stress of the holidays. I hope you're able to enjoy this week and next and know that you can get back to the IUI next month. It's not going anywhere! You'll get that BFP either way!!

little - how are you doing? are you all set for the holidays as well? what are your plans? I like your thinking about malinko's potential double whammy!! ;)

not too much going on here - BD'ed every night this weekend and will again tonight, hopefully. But today I'm 1dpo, I believe. So FX'ed - we did everything we could FOR REAL this time!
Merry Christmas Eve Ladies!

Hope you both have wonderful holidays! I am taking a week off and probably wont be back to check in until after the New Year so I am really hoping that you both have fantastic news to share with me by then!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
May 2015 be our best year yet!

Love and holiday :hugs: to you both!
Merry Christmas Eve as well! I don't know how much I'll be on here, I'm in the TWW now. I'm on vacation until 1/5, so depends on how bored I get! :) I assume I won't be able to stay completely off.

Anyway - I hope you both have a safe and wonderful holiday. Eat lots, celebrate thoroughly and cheers to a new year with new beginnings for all of us!!

<3 & :hugs:
Hello ladies. Merry (late) Christmas! I haven't been on for awhile because life has just been absolutely crazy. I was so focused on the IUI process that Christmas shopping was only in the back of my mind. Then, add trying to work a job in there just wasn't a good mix. On a good note, I got all the shopping done on time and we had a wonderful Christmas. My husband and I are really so I really tried to reflect on that and not how badly I want a family. DH and I also took this coming week off and won't go back to work until after the first of the year - so we are just relaxing. We are actually out visiting some friends in Utah and it is absolutely beautiful here. They moved here about six months ago so it is good to see them again and looking forward to ringing in the new year with them.

As far as updates on me - I have none. I try to be positive and think even though we didn't have the procedure - I was on clomid, I had two nice sized follicles, took the trigger shot and was able to get a little bd in despite the flu - so that was more than we have had in the past months. Then - the negative side takes over and its like "what if the sperm couldn't make it into the uterus, what if my cm was hostile to the sperm....blah blah blah. So, I'm trying to not think about it at all. I should have a good idea in 4 days or so. Normally I spot the day before af starts - so hoping I don't, and hoping we get a positive test.

I'll keep you updated. Keep your fingers crossed - but like me, don't expect too much. I've decided to just expect a negative and that way if it is positive, I'm super excited. If its negative - hey, I had already prepared for that.

Wish, how you doing in your tww?

Hi little! Hope all is well with you, hun!

Hope the next time I'm on here, I'll be announcing a bfp!!!
So happy you checked in, Maliko! I was getting a little worried:)
All is fine here. 6dpo, sore throat, slightly sore bbs, nothing else note-worthy. Though we BD'ed more this month than others, I'm trying to stay the same as you and expect a negative. I set up our RE appointment for 1/19. Hopefully I'll get to cancel that but not counting on it!
Enjoy Utah and your visit with your friends!! You're right, there's a lot to be thankful for!!
just wanted to come on and wish you girls a happy and safe New Year! May 2015 be filled with wedding fun and 3 BFPs!! :)
happy new year, ladies!!
malinko - how are you doing??
nothing new here. cd5. RE appointment weeks from today. :)
Hello ladies. I was hoping to have better news than this to share with you - but we have just recorded another month trying and not successful. I was super hopeful as I was having some pregnancy symptoms really late in my cycle. Every place I was reading was saying it was related to the trigger shot but I thought "surely not at 11 and 12 dpo!" My shot was 10,000 units and they say generally 1,000 units leaves your body a day. I was just sure the trigger would have been out of my system by 10 dpo at the latest. was. That's what I get for trying to read into things. And to throw it all in my face....I made it to 14dpo - which should have been CD1. Absolutely nothing (okay, some spotting when checking my cm but that doesn't count!). I was so excited but was also cautiously optimistic as I have had two other cycles to where I made it thru 14dpo. Oh, and lets not forget that I took a test on 15dpo/cd1 and it was negative.

I'm not really sure what day to call this. It's either day 3 or 4. Friday I wore a liner all day and nothing really happened until later in the evening. Sorry for tmi, but I had some spotting when I would wipe but nothing hit the liner until later in the evening. Saturday and Sunday were both lighter than months past and today is just spotting. Unfortunately I was having cramps for a few days this cycle. I hope it has nothing to do with endometriosis. The last few months I have been cramp free.

We aren't seeing our R.E. this month. Come to find out last month after our IUI got canceled due to me being sick, dh isn't really on board with IUI yet. I'm frustrated by this - but at the same time, we have to be a team. He wanted to try on our own after the surgery and I wanted to start treatment immediately. We settled at the 2 month mark. I was really upset after I was sick and we were talking about January's cycle. Thats when dh informed me that he wants to just try clomid for a few months before doing medicated cycle with IUI. I was really upset initially - but it isn't worth getting into an argument or fighting over. I cannot and will not let infertility cause problems in my marriage. My husband is just as much part of this process as I am...and even though I am the one that has to take medication and have ultrasounds and IUI - his thoughts and feelings still matter. So, I have to be respectful of them. He isn't against the procedure - - just isn't ready for it. My doctor told me after surgery that I was "as fertile as I will ever be." And, the iui only gives me 20% chance each month. My husband has a hard time accepting doing iui when it only gives us a 20% chance when a normal healthy lady has a 20% chance on her own. He kind of has a point. My doctor's rush is just to get pregnant before the endometriosis causes us problems again. I understand both sides.

My RE will not do an "unmonitored" cycle...meaning he will not prescribe clomid without doing ultrasounds and iui. (Last month obviously an exception because we didn't know I'd be so sick when beginning treatment.) So, we are now trying to figure out if we will find a local doctor (just a regular ob/gyn) who will prescribe me clomid for a few months (those 2 hours - one way trips are difficult when you have to go so many times - and my boss doesn't know we are trying) or just continue to try on our own.

I'm taking this month off. No opks, no temping, no timed intercourse...nothing. I simply need a month off. After last month's extreme range of emotions, I'm tired. We will figure out what to do starting in February and move on from there.

Will continue to check in and wish you all luck! Wish - thinking of you this month....good luck at the RE's appt!!!
Hey girl - glad you got to check in. Wow, what a month for you! I can relate to so much of that, it's uncanny.
I fully understand you need a month off - kinda like a recharge. This takes so much out of us. Back in Sept when we were first going to start the RE stuff, that's when I had the epiphany that I was forging ahead without really asking how DH thought of things. More like 'doc said do this, so we do this' and not thinking that we had much of a choice. So I stopped and asked him if he'd want to wait, give it the full year, and he was on board with it. Kinda like you said - let's give it a couple more months and then go for it. But I was having the same thoughts as you - we BOTH need to be on the same page for this, even though it's my body and the doc will basically go along with me calling the shots. This is a huge life decision and needs to be a 100% partnership. So I set aside my 'instant gratification' needs and waited for him to be ready.

So, thankfully (I think) he's onboard now. I feel more comfortable too, I suppose. Though I feel like I'm failing at this on my own and need to call in the pinch hitter b/c I can only dribble the ball to the pitcher and they can knock one out of the park each time. Or at least get on base! :) But whatever, I'll get over my ego quickly enough.

re: your cramping - that was probably from the trigger shot too, i'd think. If you've been virtually cramp-free and then that was the only new thing introduced, I'd bet money on it.

I wish you luck and am sending tons of support and hugs for your decisions you are making over the next month or so. Clomid, no clomid, RE/no RE. Ugh. Speaking of, I see your DH's point as well on the IUI vs natural.
And most of all, hopefully you'll conceive naturally while making these decisions!

I'll be thinking of you! Please check in as often as you'd like!

little - still thinking of you, girl! And Bumpy - if you're checking in at all - thinking of you too!
Hello Lovlies!
Malinko...I am terribly sorry to hear about all that you are going through. The emotions really stink don't they? My DH has a very flat affect and shows no emotion ever other than anger, and during fights when he brings up how emotional I am I often tell him that I wish I was able to be heartless like he is...he doesn't like to hear this and I know it makes him mad...obviously why I say it haha...


there are times when we aren't fighting and I am all alone and I do truly wish I could be less just seems like life would be easier that way and surly TTC would be easier?

I do think that DH is a bit worried about me thought....there is this commercial on TV about plan B as an option for birth control if you don't time intercourse right or what not....anyway...I literally burst into tears every time it comes on and I honestly cant even help it. I know it is not meant to hurt, its just an informative commercial, but all I can think of is why talk about something like preventing pregnancy when I want more than anything to have a baby and am unable...AND I am not even trying right now so I cant imagine how some people must feel.

Anyway you will most definitely be in my thoughts and prayers and I love you both and am still anxiously awaiting your BFP's!!!

How are things going for you Wish? Any new news???

lots of :hugs: to you both!

oh and hope you both had happy holidays!

Here's to 2015 girls...its our year!
hi little!! glad you checked in! hey!! you get MARRIED (again) this year!!! how's all of the planning and weight loss going?

man, I hear ya about the commercials and EVERYTHING related to having babies or preventing them or having 5 by the time you're 19 - a girl in the news here is on trial b/c she beat her 2-yr old to death. I'm sorry if that just upset you to tears! She has 5 kids, has had them taken away from her before for physical abuse but then given back. And this time, apparently, it went too far.
Then there's a Simpsons episode on last night about one of Marge's sisters wanting a baby, and how baby stuff is everywhere when you realize you want one! Yup. Click - off.
Then I'm watching Masterchef Junior and there's this adorable little 8 yr old boy - I want one! haha I'm craving little kids now!! this is getting out of hand!

no new news from me - will have to try naturally again this month b/c I'll O around 1/17 and the RE appointment is 1/19. So that's just great.
Hi girls,
just checking in, in case you're stopping by. My RE appointment is today, I'm a little nervous and excited rolled into one. I'm also around 3-4dpo with only one BD session that was well-timed based on which day I did. I didn't use OPKs this month, only temping and my temping only started last Tuesday. So I don't have much to go on, but that's fine. I'm not betting anything on this month, one BD session. Though I guess it does only take once, right?

anywho - I hope you're both doing well! malinko - I hope your month off is going well and you are relaxing and figuring some stuff out.

I've been on a health kick of sorts since around the day of my last post. It's going pretty well, but I only just got a scale the other day, so I don't know if I lost any weight yet. I'd like to tone up a bit and lose 10lbs by the end of Feb, in time for our trip to Yellowstone. I need some muscles to maneuver that snowmobile! :)

love and miss you both!
I'm so, so, SO sorry that I didn't send a message before now. I don't know why - but I was thinking that your appointment was tomorrow. I logged on tonight to wish you luck tomorrow to only see your message saying that today was the day. I can't believe I missed it. I'm so sorry.

So, how did the appointment go? Even though I have already been there - I want to hear all about yours. It'll be fun to compare our initial appointments.

I think I am ovulating tomorrow. I had a weird month. I've been using the clearblue advanced digital and only had one left and had been getting flashing smiley's for three solid days. I was just sure that it would turn positive yesterday and it didn't. So, I bought another box and even tested last night with my last one from that box. It was still flashing. So, I tested this morning with the new test holder. It came up negative (open circle). This evening I tested with the old test holder and it came up solid smiley. Thankfully I have been temping for a couple of days - so I am just going to rely on that. I'm doubtful this will be our month - just because all the others haven't been either. We haven't decided what we will do next month. I guess we will talk about that in another week or so.

Anyway - would love to hear about how today went if you don't mind sharing.
hi there! no worries about not writing yesterday!
the appointment went well, but no real path yet. We still need to get a bit more testing done so she can see the whole picture and then we'll make a plan. So probably mid-Feb. I need my thyroid retested, looks like it could be a bit underactive as far as trying to conceive goes (but normal otherwise), genetic testing for T-Sacks (sp?) b/c I come from French Canadian heritage, and then DH didn't have his SA sent over yet and needs his vitals done that I already had done. So - more to come! She was saying, based on what she knows right now, that she'd probably recommend IVF - higher success rate and rather than mess with IUI first and burn the clock, go with that. She'd certainly not argue with us going with IUI either and we could do that a few times before IVF. But again - the clock. As it stands, with when our next appts will be (my blood has to be drawn on cd3 and I have to have an intrauterine U/S to look at my egg stash and lining), we're not looking at anything until March.

I'm 4-5dpo for this month, also a weird cycle for me in that I think I O'ed 1-2 days earlier than usual. Which is great for egg quality but we only had 1 BD session that would have been timely. So we'll see!

how are you doing? mentally? sounded like last month was very draining for you both. I hope you're doing well and are able to get some things figured out soon for yourselves.
Hello Ladies!
Wish - Glad to hear that you are getting started with the RE! That sounds great and I like hearing that they are going to do some testing and see what path is the best for you to take!

Malinko - I hope you are hanging in there! It's just a rough time of year for bad news or for things to not go well :( I've been thinking about you!

As far as wedding stuff goes we are getting closer haha....had to get tents and DJ and Dresses for the girls and all sorts of those things figured out so it is becoming a bit more stressful, but I am ok with that! I hope the time goes by quickly! Kind of ready for it to be here and get back to baby making! lol

I had my yearly check up with OB-GYN and we discussed hubby's issues and my potential issues and he said it was a no brainer that with both of us having some potential issues we should go right to the RE when we are ready to try again and DH and I are both completely on board for that! I think that like Wish we will have a few initial appointments or something to figure out what the best path is! With me having diabetes I have to get some things checked out as well before we jump in, so I guess I will be back to working on that stuff in August...kind of nice because I will be getting prepared again and I am looking forward to it!

Hope you are both well and hopefully the weather will start getting nicer and we can all feel better in general!

Love to you both!
Hello ladies!

Thank you both for the kind words. You know, once you move past the "bad news" each month - and you start trying again, it always gets easier. We are trying natural this month - and I'm on what I think is CD19 and still no ovulation. I have never ovulated this late. I'm thankful I am temping because otherwise I would have assumed that I had already ovulated. I got a solid smiley on the old test stick on Monday night and then the other test stick (the new box that I used Monday morning and was an open circle) tested positive (solid smiley) on Tuesday morning. I was hopeful that I would have ovulated yesterday - but maybe today. Not sure - but will keep temping to see the thermal shift. I can't imagine it is very good to be ovulating this late in the game. My cd 1 and cd 2 were hard to determine which was what. What could possibly be cd 1 there was never any real flow until later in the evening. I wore a liner just in case but nothing hit it until 10:30 that evening. There was spotting when I would use the restroom but that was it. Then a light flow finally started and was definitely there I don't really know which day was cd 1. I have it as Saturday - so I could today could potentially be cd 20 if you count Friday.

Anyhoo - - doesn't matter as I am sure it won't take this month either. I'm keeping this attitude so that I don't get hopeful and crushed again. Not sure what we will do next month. Possibly will go back to doctor - especially with possible ovulation this late in the game.

So, we are hanging in there! Not looking forward to going back to doctor with all the appointments. However, it was nice to know size of follicles, trigger so you know when it should be happening, etc. I guess we can't have the best of both worlds! Will be sure to keep you both updated.

Little - have fun with all the wedding "stress." It is kind of fun, isn't it? The wedding will be here before you know it!

Wish - glad to hear you are moving forward. Doesn't sound like they are going to waste anytime!!! Do you have an idea if you would lean more towards iui or ivf?

Check in again soon ladies. Hugs and love to you both.
hi girls! so glad to hear from both of you!

malinko - per my doc, you're right on for your cd1. i'm sorry your cycle is so confusing this month, what a pain in the tush! Hopefully you really did O the other day and you're a slow riser this month? how was your ewcm? I think FF is off for me this month and I O'ed on Thursday, with all of the ewcm that I had last week. But what do I know?? And I'm of the same mindset this month too - it hasn't happened yet, it's most likely not going to happen anytime soon w/o science. So I'm not obsessing. Though I am very annoyed that my temp has plateaued for 3 days. Still high-ish, but just the same. Oh well.
I think we'd lean towards a couple rounds of IUI first - she said it's about $350/pop and IVF is $8k. I have a hard time not thinking she is suggesting IVF b/c she makes more bank on that. Cynical, I know. She's actually very sweet so I feel bad thinking that.

little - so nice to hear about your wedding plans coming along!! I can't wait for you to get back in the game again! Is anyone going abnormally crazy yet? People go nuts when someone close to them is getting married, I swear. Like a friend who wants to be a bridesmaid but you didn't ask her so she no longer feels special. Nuts!
Hey Wish!!! How are you doing, girl??? If I am remembering correctly, you should be getting close to bfp/af?!?! Hopefully no signs of af for you! Are you near all this potential historic weather?!?!

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