Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Just wanted to say hello! "Another" 6 vials of blood?!?! Wow...I thought my 6 or 7 vials ONCE was a big deal!!! Glad to hear that they did an ultrasound and you have 11 follicles. They didn't tell me how many I had the time I had my ultrasound at the beginning. They just said "quite a few follicles." So, are you just awaiting the results of the bloodwork now to determine what steps to take? I think I'm more excited to see your route than my own! haha!

I got a temp "rise" today...went back up from 97.5 to 97.9. I'm not overly excited about it though as I am sure it will go back down tomorrow and then af will be here Wednesdsay or Thursday. It really is just "waiting it out." I have also decided I prefer to temp. I don't like not knowing that my temp plummeted and then I'm oblivious thinking "maybe I am!!!" Then test and get denied! haha. So, I'll be fine when af comes this month. We are going to go back to the doctor - so I'm sure I'll be taking clomid again by the end of the week. Oh the highs and lows we go through!
Hello! Happy Day After Pats Won The Super Bowl! :) haha sorry to be so obnoxious!

Yeah - so I guess my doc will get all the test results and we'll basically have a do-over of the first appointment, is how I'm seeing it. Get the plan in place, go on clomid if that's the route, etc. I'm excited too. The lady that did my ultrasound was so nice and explained everything. She goes, 'this is the same process, so when you get pregnant, this is the same machine we will use for those u/s too' and I go, 'oh - you said WHEN I get pregnant!' Eeeeeee!!!
I'm so excited for you too - we are seriously going to be bump buddies at some point this year if all goes well! And then little can join us towards the end of the year!!
I'm so glad you're going back to the docs now and not waiting. Let's get this show on the road!! Haha
Thanks for the excitement as I don't have any! haha. Today's temp is a "normal" temp for me at this time of the month. :( The only thing that differs is that my coverline is about .3 degree lower than past months so it looks better than past months. Again, I'm just not feeling it and I think todays slight rise is just messing with me! But I don't think that has much to do with it. Now, if it keeps going up next next two or three days - -then I'll be excited!

I've just come to terms that I'll be at the doctor's office by the end of the week!

I definitely believe that we will be bump buddies very soon and little will be joining us by the end of the year too!!!
just called to set up our appointment - 2/19 at 9:30. Almost a month to the minute from the last one and it'll be right after I O again, so March will be the first go of anything. That October timeframe the medium gave to my FiL is out the window, that's for sure. Unless we somehow get preg naturally this month and have the baby early, right? So that's one giant slim chance of things to line up to make that month relevant!
I just hope that we CAN start something in March b/c I think I'll be getting AF right as we leave for our vacation on 2/26 (great timing, huh?). What cycle day do you usually start clomid?
speaking of AF - she was quite brief this month. Had the spotting on 1/28, half the day on 1/29, kicked into gear that night and was heavy until the following night, then light the day I had to go in for my appt and virtually gone by that night, 1/30. Nothing since. Weird - I guess that could point to a progesterone issue too?
So exciting about the appointment! I love when appointments get made. I just feel like it really helps feeling like you are actually moving in the right direction. I just was looking at the calendar to see when we would go to the doctor all this month, iui, etc. It'll be interesting to see how long my lp is this month after throwing me a curve ball last month. I'm expecting af to arrive Wednesday or Thursday. I would love for you to get pregnant naturally this month....but only would allow the baby to come early if he/she would be healthy :) Where are you going on vacation in March?!?! How exciting!

So, to answer your question, my doctor has me come in on day 3 (in December I had to come in on day 4 as I started my cycle on a Friday and they are not open on Sundays). My doctor gives an ultrasound to make sure there aren't any cysts, etc. and starts me on clomid that day. So, December I came in on cycle day 4, took clomid days 4-8. So, this month, I'll probably do clomid days 3-7. Then, on the day of my appointment (day 3 or 4), they then scheduled me to come back 8 days later. So, again, my baseline appointment was on cycle day 4 (12/8), took clomid days 4-8 and went back for my second ultrasound on cycle day 12 (12/16). It was at the second ultrasound that they look and see how you reacted to the clomid. So, at my second ultrasound on 12/16 I had two follicles on the right 21mm and one 22mm. My doctor requires at least 20 to trigger. I clearly met that requirement and they keep growing as the time passes. Once they determine you are ready to trigger - they determine what time you can come in for your appointment. The IUI procedure was scheduled for 11am on 12/18 so they had me trigger at 10:30pm on the night of 12/16 (36 hours prior to IUI). Dr. directed us to have sex that night and NO sex on 12/17.

So, if I am "planning" all of this right (and this is hoping that I start Wednesday and not Thursday), baseline ultrasound on 2/6, take clomid for 5 days, come back for second ultrasound on 2/14...have at least 2 or 3 amazing size follicles, do the trigger shot that night (perfect for Valentine's .... haha!) and then be ready for IUI procedure on 2/16! And thankfully, both of our schedules are still clear and open right now on that date! Hopefully NO snow!!!! To be even CRAZIER about this....if this IUI would work, that'd put an estimated due date around November 9th!!! I'd take that!!!!

Speaking of your af, mine was unusually light last month. Not sure what causes that. I may also not know what a "normal" flow should be as my endometriosis definitely made me have heavier/longer cycles than normal. However, with the IUI process, they are also monitoring your lining as well. They pay close attention to that on your day 3 scan. In December, I was told that my lining looked "perfect."

Sorry for the novel. I clearly am not motivated to work this afternoon!
Awesome info - thank you!! You should write cliff notes for all of this stuff!!
I'm in Pitt on my phone so not going to write too much but I'm about to go check your temps. :)
Did you have any side effects from clomid?
Don't waste your time....haha! My temp dropped back down to 97.5 yesterday and remained the same today. I'm not sure why my luteal phase is changing to longer than 13 days but today is 14dpo but thinking I will start tomorrow. So, should see doctor hopefully on Saturday. It's kind of weird. I wish I would just hurry up and start so we can get to the doctor. I did have a dream last night I had a positive pregnancy test. Hopefully February will be the month! Will be checking in later!
Wish - I forgot to mention in my last response. I was on clomid 50mg and I did not have any side effects per say while taking the medication. The only thing I noticed was what I believe to be from the hcg trigger shot. About the latter part of my tww, my nipples were really sore but that was it. I'll have another round before you will I think, so I'll be sure to let you know how this time goes.
Are either of you pregnant already??? COME ON BECAUSE I CAN'T RIGHT NOW :(

love to you both!
little, you're starting to sound like my mother!! hahahaha we're TRYING!! :)

malinko - what's going on with your temps yesterday and today?? AF? no AF? gahhhh! no updates on the chart! i'm back on my laptop, thank gawd. Such an idiot - I forgot my power cord at home while on my trip. So my laptop lasted through the first day there and that was it. Duh.
I have to say, I hate those dreams about positive preg tests! I have them too and I know it's just b/c it's the end of the TWW and I'm obsessing. I never have them any other time throughout the month.

we are getting ANOTHER foot of snow this Sunday/Monday. I can't even take it.

I'm trying to decide if I even want to temp and keep an eye on things this month....I guess it wasn't stressful last month, so why not. No OPKs, though. I'm definitely tired of those. I keep reading all of these false positives other women are getting. I know when to look for my O now so I think those are going to be retired.

ok back to the grind but I'll be checking in to see if there are updates! Happy Friday, ladies!
Little - too funny!!! I'm giving it my all this month. Hopefully I can report back to make you happy! hehe

Wish - sorry for not updating the chart! It's been a little confusing - but nonetheless, aunt flow surely did visit. In fact, we had our baseline ultrasound today and I have already taken my first clomid pill for this cycle. Hopefully I only have 4 pills left to take ever! We go back on Valentine's Day for our follow up ultrasound. Hopefully the meds work like it did last month and we have two follicles measuring greater than 20 and be ready to trigger. Guessing the iui procedures will be sometime on the 16th. Will keep you updated!!!! I'm going into this cycle being extremely positive. it's gotta be better than being negative! Although, half way through my tww I will go back to being negative so I don't get overly disappointed. Ahhh...the emotions that all go into this is just too much! Have a great weekend girls. And POOR thing...another foot of snow?!?! I don't know how you handle it!!!! Have you even gotten plowed out since the last two storms?!?! hehe!
oh wow, awesome that you already started everything for this month! My fingers and toes are SO crossed for you! Yes, please keep me updated - I can't wait!! It might really happen for one of us!!!

yeah, friggin snow...a friend of mine just sent me some weather report thing too that said it's going to be this way through Feb for us - super low temps and high amount of precipitation. There's not going to be anywhere to put it soon! Our driveway is starting to have walls already!
so here's some news that I got over the weekend - my bloodwork revealed an inconclusive result for chicken pox antibodies. So when I had it as a child, my body didn't prepare the antibodies correctly or enough of them, so I have to get 2 shots for it. And b/c I need to get shots, we should hold off on TTC for that month (1 shot, 2x, a month apart) b/c it's not good to TTC while that's in my system. SWEET. I'm going to see if this is something I can get later or if it's required to get before having a baby. Like, what would have happened if I had gotten pregnant before finding this out (if I EVER would have found this out)? And DH had shingles about 6 yrs ago and I didn't catch it from him, so I can't be too vulnerable, I'd think.

Anyway, that's all that's new from me!! I hope you're both doing well!
Wish - I'm so sorry to hear that news :( Almost the same thing happened to me back in August. Thankfully I wrote it down in a journal, as I can't remember the exact specifics regarding it - but I remember that my blood indicated that I was not immune to measles, mumps and rubella. It wasn't that I hadn't had the vaccines - I guess I just wasn't immune to it. As you said, how many people have this issue that aren't aware of it and do get pregnant? I remember they recommended preventing pregnancy for one month past the shot - which really didn't matter for me as I ended up on birth control pills for the surgery. I'm so sorry for this set back :( What are you going to do?
I guess I'm going to get it done. Hopefully I can get in over the next couple of days. I called the RE Nurse's line and they said that it probably won't set me back as much as I think it will, depending on what path of treatment my doctor has in mind for us. So if she suggests IVF and we go that route, it's like a 6-week process anyway. So if I get the first shot this week, then the 2nd in a month, we have to wait one more month for the shot to wear off or whatever. So a difference of 2 weeks. Annoying, but whatever. You gotta do what you gotta do, right? I guess I didn't understand that we have to wait an additional month after the 2nd shot too - so it's 2 months out. Grr...
It always seems like when you take one step forward (meeting with the RE and developing a plan) then it is always two steps backwards (having to get vaccines and wait!) I was so upset as we were pushed back for two months as well. Two months on birth control what not what I had envisioned with ttc! To be honest though, once I was back on birth control, I was "relaxed" and not thinking about babies and ttc all the time. It was a nice "break" (now that I am past it and can look back at it!) even though if was forced :) I couldn't wait to stop taking the bcp after surgery though. It seemed like it was forever that I was on it. I was on it for an additional three weeks after surgery - and again, looking back, it was probably the best thing so that I could heal. Hoping it'll go by quickly for you :)

And an update on the clomid this month. Apparently December was a breeze! I don't recall having any problems that month. This month - totally different. Today was my 4th day of taking it and my last dose is tomorrow. THANK GOD! I have been extremely emotional (I cry at the littlest things....), I feel blah (no energy, didn't want to do much over the weekend, moody, quick to get irritated) headache...the list keeps going on. I hope this isn't how my hormones are when I'm pregnant!!! I'll feel terrible for dh! Thankfully he realized that yesterday I just wasn't myself. He even told me "I know the medicine is making you not feel well...I'm sorry." How sad that even DH is seeing the effects :( Oh well, if it leads to us having a baby, we will both accept it and make the best out of each day!

Hoping we have great news on Saturday!! We go back to see how the follicles are growing and hopefully be told to do the trigger shot!
thanks for the pep talk - yeah, I guess it might be a good mental break. It's killing me right now, i can tell my cm is showing that I'm getting more fertile and I have to stay AWAY from DH! I haven't had the shot yet, but if I'm gonna. DH thinks I should just do it too. Ugh. It is annoying, just like you said.

I am SO sorry for how this clomid is making you feel!! I'm glad you recognized it, though and sounds like DH is understanding. But yes! Anything for this baby!!

once again, everyone on TV is pregnant - Mindy Kaling on her show, Zoey Deschanel in real life so they'll probably write it in....geez. We're surrounded! Now I know what everyone meant when they said 'is your clock ticking?' I never really understood that which really tells me I wasn't ready before. :)

3 more days til we see what your follicles are up to! they better be blossoming!:flower:
Just wanted to check in and say hello. keep getting hammered with snow!!!!!! I was looking and I think there has been some other snow storms (maybe today?) but saw that possibly another foot over the weekend?!?!

I had a moment of panic last night. I've been watching the weather forecast for Monday (even though it is so far out) - thinking that if all goes well on Saturday that we will have the procedure on Monday. Well, last night it said 5 to 8 inches of snow we where live and 8 to 12 where we are getting the procedure. Talk about someone going crazy!!! Even if we would drive up to the clinic Sunday night and stay in a hotel, we still have to get back home on Monday!!! So, if the forecast goes that way, I'm sure we will miss yet again another procedure. I'm praying that it holds off until later - or better yet, just not happen. Right now they are just saying snow showers - but we know how quickly they change the forecast.

Will let you know how Saturday goes!
oh MAN!! I hope that you can get there this weekend and Monday!! I'll be thinking of you and hoping that the storm stays away! I'll take an extra 6" off your plate if that'll help! :)
yeah, hammered - yesterday got a couple of inches and somewhere around 8-12" on Saturday/Sunday. Boston is getting hit worse - over a foot. Nuts. I'm so tired of it and it's only really been snowing for 3 weeks!

I made my appointment for my shot - the most availability I had was for a time slot right after our appointment with the RE, so I'll discuss this with her. If she suggests IUI, then I'll ask her if she thinks I should cancel and go for it. Even then, we'd have to wait until 3/14 or so for me to O again, so I guess I should just get the damn shot. I'm also wondering if I can just get one shot, if i need both? I've had chicken pox, maybe I just need a booster! So aggravating - as you can tell, patience is not a virtue I hold when it comes to obsessively wanting something. :)

Good luck tomorrow!!! I hope your follicles are good and plush!

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