Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Wish I am really sorry to hear about your news....if I could give you a hug right now that is for sure what I would do! This whole mess of TTC is too much. It's so hard and frustrating and disappointing and sad. Just try to remember that you aren't alone, and perhaps this is just part of the plan? I don't know...just hang in there girl!

Malinko, I am terribly sorry to hear about your heart hurts for you! But I think you have a good point in that at least he is now at peace. I wish I could give you a hug as well! I am hoping that your negative test at 13dpo is a fluke! Fingers crossed for you girly! I cant wait to hear the good news!

Thinking of you both and sending lots of love!
Hello ladies. I'm hanging in there. Today is finally CD1. I wish it would have gotten here soon, but apparently it just takes me some time to start coming off the progesterone. I said I wouldn't look ahead at potentially when all the appointments would be this month. I knew we made it work last month and we'd do the same this month. Hopefully not fighting against any bad weather either!!! Unfortunately, my work schedule is crazy this month and so is dh's. We MAY run into a problem...but I'm going to do my best to just stay relaxed about it. And how that we have our angel up in heaven looking down on us....he'll be sure to do what he needs to do to help us get him his grandson (or granddaughter. I just say grandson because he asked when he'd have a grandson)...and hopefully THIS month!

This month is going to fly by quickly. Two weeks from now will be busy with ultrasounds, IUI and out of town trips for work. Yikes! Then the week after, my dh surprised me with a trip to the Dominican Republic. He said with all that we had gone thru the last few months and then his dad passing away....he was ready to get away for a few days! So, we will do a little 5 day/4 night trip and I absolutely cannot wait. Two days after we get back from our trip, we should know iui #2 was the lucky one.

That's all for now. Wish - when is your next appointment? Little - hi!!! Miss you!!!

Hugs to you both!
hi girls!! :wave:

little - I've missed you!! How are you doing? Man, this year is flying by already - only a few more months and your wedding is here! how's all of the planning going?
Thank you for the hugs and love - I'm good now. IVF, it is!

malinko - you sound like you're doing well, I'm so happy for that. Yup, your FIL will make sure things happen for you! I'm sure he's snuggling with the little one right now, telling him all about his cool parents he's about to have! :) and WOW - what a great surprise by DH!!! Way to go, guy!!! That's just what the doctor ordered, I'm thinking. I hope all of this wacky weather is gone for good so you guys can get to the docs free and clear!

My next shot is on 3/19 and RE appt is 3/24 (DH's bday) when we sign the IVF consent forms and go through the process, getting a plan in place. That will be right before my next AF. Since all of this is going on, we were talking about my 40th bday which isn't until Dec. I was hoping to go to New Orleans since I love it there so much. So since IVF is getting going in April, we decided to move up the celebration and trip and head there on 4/17!!! So we have a long weekend there and so far, my folks are coming with us! WOOOO!!!! I could not be more excited!!! We figure I'll want to have some beverages and just enjoy myself while being there, and those dates will align with the last varicella shot just getting out of my system. I imagine I might be on the pill while there or something. Either way - won't be in the middle of a transfer until around the beginning of May or something.

speaking of - my last dream before I woke up this morning was about me in a hospital getting an actual baby transferred into my uterus for me to only give birth to her, b/c I had to give birth to her for it to be official or something. And they transferred two - one black and one white. But after the transfer, I wasn't huge like I should be right before birth. I never got to the point of going into labor before waking up, but what a weird dream, huh??

OMG...I'm so unbelievably happy that you are going ahead with IVF! WOW!!! Isn't it so exciting when you finally have a plan in place? Your IVF appointment will be here before you know it....only a couple of weeks :) The crazy things we do to our body (meds/injections, etc) to have a baby! I hate needles but will do whatever to get our little one!!! Oh Wish...I'm just so excited for you. And great news on the trip. That'll be a BLAST and sounds like family is going too which will be awesome. And love your dream. Too hilarious!!!!

Little...I was thinking about you this morning. Are you still exercising and trying to lose weight? How's it going? If it were me, I'd have already given up and probably gained weight! LOL. I remember before my wedding though I lost some weight without trying just because of stress. I'm OCD and was on top of everything (didn't feel like I was stressed) but I'm sure I was without realizing it.

Go to doctor tomorrow. Anxious to see what they tell me. I wonder if we will continue on the clomid or what. Last month they kept me on the same dose as December since it worked and produced two follies. I kind of want to do something "different" just since we haven't gotten pregnant but at the same time, I don't ever worry that my follies will be over stimulated, so I have to consider that too. I'd be sooooo upset if we were over stimulated and had to cancel the cycle. Maybe ought to just stay where we have been!

Have a great weekend ladies! Hugs and love to you both.
thanks!! I'm excited too, a little nervous, etc. I just hope it takes on the first try so we don't have to keep going through the 6 weeks of trials.

question for you on the IUI and I hope this doesn't come across any other than than curious/trying to remember - wasn't one of the reasons your DH was hesitant on doing IUI b/c the % of success was similar to just trying naturally? The reason I ask is b/c I wonder if you're body is doing the right things, right responses to clomid, but it's just that the sperm decided not to yet meet the egg when they were injected further up the uterus? I guess I don't know what doing something different could do for you, just b/c I'm not familiar with the overall process. So I'm stuck between 'is this more luck' or 'is this something we can tweak with meds'?
hey there - checking in! Did you guys decide on what to do for this month yet? I imagine you did b/c I think you'd have had to have started the meds by now, right?

I can't wait for our appointment. I'm pretty excited to get the ball rolling. 2nd varicella shot is next week.

story time: My FIL went to Iowa to see his medium again and she asked about grandkids again. She asked 'is anyone pregnant?' and he goes 'no, I don't think so'. And she said 'well, someone will be soon - there are grandkids on the way definitely. And once one comes, there will be another soon after.' Being that one BIL is not having kids and the other hasn't met his bride yet (she lives in Jordan and they met online), I'm assuming at least the first one is ours! :) All with a grain of salt, of course - last time she said for us to stop trying/it'll just happen/some upcoming October would be a happy time for all in relation to babies.
Good afternoon, ladies. Sorry for being m.i.a.. I've been trying to "relax" as they say! I haven't been temping or anything.

To answer your questions, Wish. Yes, dh was hesitant because he wanted to try naturally since it had approximately the same success rate as IUI. I don't know what I was really hoping for to be honest! I was thinking "maybe my eggs aren't of good quality" or something like that I guess. I've also seen when people have been on the same dose for awhile that they later increase it.

So, last Saturday was our baseline. There were no cysts so we received the green light to move forward. The nurse said if the doctor hadn't been in the office that day that she would have increased my prescription, but he was in and he didn't. We were getting ready to leave and the doctor wanted to have "a chat" - that's never good when he wants to "chat."

So, doctor was sensing that I was getting frustrated. I told him I am fine with "trying" to be patient and wait for something to happen. I told him that I was concerned with their level of "need to do this" after we sat January out (they said I needed to start treatment or the endo would come back) and so I'm just worried if the endo is coming back or if we have waited too long and there's another polyp or whatever the case may be. So, their concern only increased my concern. He told us that we are rowing the boat. If we wanted to move forward with injectable meds and IUI, that's something we could do. It has a higher success rate than clomid but also has a higher success rate of twin, trips or even thank you! He also said if we wanted to move forward with IVF to avoid multiples, he would let us do that (HOLY COW...hadn't thought entirely too much about that yet!) Needless to say, I told him I was happy with doing IUI for another 3 months or so.

As we were discussing all this we learned that while DH's sa test was normal - we were not informed of what happened the month of the iui. He had a higher number for the IUI (48 million vs. 33 or whatever it was in August) HOWEVER, of those 48 million only 8 million survived the wash. UMMM....that's a little concerning! Not sure WHY that happened...but of course it caught me off guard so I had no idea what questions to ask. I'm still confused as to how all his numbers (motility, count, morphology) were all good in August and then this happens. They didn't give me any numbers from the IUI except that they want at least 3 million soldiers. They didn't tell me motility or anything like that. So...obviously, I am still very confused by this all and what it means. I do know that it freaked me out going from 48 million (that number they did NOT tell us the day of IUI....only the 8 million number) to 8 million for the IUI. So, not sure if that is considered a male factor or not.

I go back Saturday for another scan. As much as I would love for my follicles to be ready to trigger, I'm sure they are not ready. Day 10 is pretty early I'd think. So, I'm sure I'll go back down again then on Monday and then we will be ready to trigger.

Thankfully a week later I'll be leaving for the Dominican Republic to where I can relax and hopefully baby will implant!!!!!!!!

Will keep you updated.

And Wish, I'm so excited you have your last shot next week!!! Woo hoo!!! And then the IVF appointment. I'm so excited for you!!!! Can't wait to hear all the details! I bet your fil's medium is spot on....babIES will be here soon :)
wow, yeah! that does sound like a confusing appointment for you! Have you looked up how typical it is for 40mil not to make it through the 'wash'? Thank you for sharing all of that. It really helps me to understand all of the ins and outs of this stuff.
I'm glad you're comfortable with doing what you're doing for 3 or so more months, though. At least that gives you a solid path for now and you have time to contemplate IVF, if it'll be needed at all. I hope it's not!!

I called yesterday to see if I could talk to the RE about my Fragile X (I think I called it Fractured X before) test results. I'd like to get that info and digest it before being in the office and being forced to digest it and move to the next thing, if it's positive. The appointment that told me I had DOR was heavy. And I just got to read DH's SA results, I had to drop them off at the docs. They weren't really good at all - his 2nd one showed low numbers (6 mil, I think), below range motility and then some notes that I didn't understand about their shape. I knew this stuff before but it's weird reading it on paper.
Anyway, it really just seems like the only way we'll get a baby is with IVF so it better work!! :)
Oh Wish...I'm so sorry to hear all that. However, IVF is good for all that. Except I don't know anything about Fragile X. I'm so excited for you to get started. I've been thinking a lot about my situation. I hope we don't have to go to IVF, but I'm thinking we will give IUI 3 or 4 total attempts. If no luck, then move on to IVF. I even started reading into the whole process and timeline last night. DH opened up a little last night and was asking me what I was thinking about why nothing has happened yet. He kept saying "I just can't believe it hasn't happened yet and I don't know why." So after April or May if no luck - we will be joining you. By that time you'll probably already be pregnant!!!!! Woo hoo!!! Will keep you updated!
yeah, hopefully I'm just negative for Fragile X and we don't have to worry about it. Having a dimished ovarian reserve like I do this 'young', though, is why they tested for it. It can cause abnormalities in boys, I guess.

aww, your poor DH. I wonder what mine is thinking sometimes - I try to lead him with something like 'I am debating whether or not to go to my aunt's house for a family gathering b/c that's when my cousin is going to announce her 4th pregnancy' and he's just like 'it's totally up to you, I clearly don't have a need to go', rather than 'yeah, it'll suck to hear that'. HA! oh well.

we need to get consecutive BFPs - you from IUI and me from IVF! Then we'll be on to the next chapter, FINALLY!
Just checking in with an update! Went to the doctor on Saturday - CD10. Was not expecting a "good" appointment. Last month I went for my follow up scan on cd11 and had two 16mm follicles. I was just sure that I'd be headed there again today for another scan - BUT....we had two follicles that were good sized! I really only know one size. When they started the scan the doctor said "oh, there's a good one" but then when they scanned the other side, there was a big one....19mm! After the scan I asked them if I had "two" follicles as I didn't know the size of the first one. I was told that I had two good follicles and he thought they would both rupture. This is also a first in that I had a follicle on each ovary. Normally there is only a party (even a hint of a party!) on one side. So, we were instructed to have sex Saturday night and then nothing more until IUI. Also, we were instructed to do the trigger shot last night...which we did! We go in tomorrow morning for IUI!!!! What better of a day for an IUI than St. Patrick's Day. Surely we will catch some luck and this will be our time. I'm so excited about this cycle. And my dh has been amazing. I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful partner to go thru all this with. He are normally a very affectionate couple in that we always hold hands....always touching each other in some way (hand on the leg, holding hands, etc). He's even went above and beyond these last couple of months. In fact, he even bought baby a onesie the other day. Said he thought it might bring us some luck :) Will check in tomorrow and let you know how the procedure goes!
AWESOME!! i just got chills, I hope so much that this is your month! OMG, if you have TWINS!!! :) You'll have to name them Patrick and Shea or something! ;)
that's wonderful your DH is being so great! <3
I can't wait to hear the next update!!!
You both sound like you are doing great and well on your way to getting that baby bump! I am so happy for both of you and I can't wait to get on here and read the good news! :hugs:

I can't believe how fast this year is flying by! Next week the wedding will be only 6 months away....YIKES! DH and I decided that this will be my last month on BCP. We honestly have been so busy lately that the sex life is at its minimum and it will take my body a while to get back to normal anyway so ehhhhh at least it is a step in the direction of trying again right?

Yes I am still working out and trying to lose weight me I want to quit all the time, but I'm determined! If I cant obsess over trying to get pregnant then I guess I will obsess over trying to look good haha. I took a break from it all in December to enjoy holiday food, and picked it back up in January. I have lost 20 lbs since last August when I started this stupid plan lol...not bad, but still a lot more to go! Perhaps loosing the BCP will help with the weight loss as well! FINGERS CROSSED

and FINGERS CROSSED for both of you! You can do it! :bunny: in the tummy! WHOOP
hi little!! so glad to hear from you!!
Sounds like you're doing great and that is a good plan to stop BCP now. I can't remember if I lost weight when I got off of it. 20 lbs is awesome!! I'm in the middle of trying to lose about 10 right now. My friend sent me the 'Game On!' diet, we started this Monday. It's a point-based system, as in scores, and you play against each other. Each meal has rules, you have to drink 3L of water a day, you have to drop one bad habit and pick up a good habit - you get points for all of that. It's HARD to put together a small meal with protein, carb and fat for EVERY meal!!
I am joining a kickboxing/martial arts gym too - I do weights and run in my basement, run around the neighborhood but I don't push myself enough with weights so I need a class. Anyway, hopefully the scale can push past only a 4lb loss! That's all I've seen in 2 months!

malinko - how did everything go yesterday? Thinking of you!
Hello, hello, hello ladies! So good to hear from you little. I'm so glad you still check in from time to time and keep us updated!!!! Congrats on the weight loss. That's AMAZING!!! SO proud of you! And hooray for going off birth control this month. That's so exciting!

Well, went in for procedure yesterday! Everything went great! Last month we had 8 million soldiers (post wash) and this month we had 20 million...POST WASH! I was so excited! They didn't tell us motility last month...but we had 89% motility. WOW!!!

I worked most of the morning and then drove to the office AGAIN today for a follow up ultrasound. They like to do an ultrasound the day after IUI to see if the follicle(s) ruptured. Haven't had one since Saturday. We did trigger shot late Sunday night so I think we were perfect on timing. Ultrasound also showed that BOTH follicles ruptured. So, I begin progesterone tomorrow. Gosh girls...I really hope this time is the lucky month!
holy cow, malinko - it really sounds like things are lining right up for you this month!!! I'm so excited!!!
:dust: :dust: :dust:
Thanks Wish. I'm so hopeful! Was today your shot??? How are you doing? Getting excited for your appt?
I actually pushed the shot out by a week b/c we had unprotected BDing the night I think I O'ed. So just in case, I pushed it out a week b/c by the time the appt happened, it still would have been too early to test. So my shot is now next Thurs. Seems it was all for naught b/c I started spotting yesterday. Good times. I thought this was too early but seems I might be ovulating earlier now, so this is about right if my LP is only 10-11 days. Sighhh...
good segway to......YES, I cannot WAIT for the appointment to get things rolling. I know I'll have to be on BCP for a couple of weeks and then I have to put shots into my belly and it's going to be all weird, but I cannot wait! let's get this chick knocked up!!
ok! you're officially at 6dpo where you could start feeling things!! anything??
fingers and toes and hair and everything crossed for you!!
Oh Wish - you make me laugh! Trying not to read into anything. However, I have been crampy off and on - although if it because of the progesterone I'm sure. It was like this last month as well. I really, really hope it worked - but I'm starting to feel doubtful. Ugh! I hate these emotions!

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