Good afternoon, ladies. Sorry for being m.i.a.. I've been trying to "relax" as they say! I haven't been temping or anything.
To answer your questions, Wish. Yes, dh was hesitant because he wanted to try naturally since it had approximately the same success rate as IUI. I don't know what I was really hoping for to be honest! I was thinking "maybe my eggs aren't of good quality" or something like that I guess. I've also seen when people have been on the same dose for awhile that they later increase it.
So, last Saturday was our baseline. There were no cysts so we received the green light to move forward. The nurse said if the doctor hadn't been in the office that day that she would have increased my prescription, but he was in and he didn't. We were getting ready to leave and the doctor wanted to have "a chat" - that's never good when he wants to "chat."
So, doctor was sensing that I was getting frustrated. I told him I am fine with "trying" to be patient and wait for something to happen. I told him that I was concerned with their level of "need to do this" after we sat January out (they said I needed to start treatment or the endo would come back) and so I'm just worried if the endo is coming back or if we have waited too long and there's another polyp or whatever the case may be. So, their concern only increased my concern. He told us that we are rowing the boat. If we wanted to move forward with injectable meds and IUI, that's something we could do. It has a higher success rate than clomid but also has a higher success rate of twin, trips or even thank you! He also said if we wanted to move forward with IVF to avoid multiples, he would let us do that (HOLY COW...hadn't thought entirely too much about that yet!) Needless to say, I told him I was happy with doing IUI for another 3 months or so.
As we were discussing all this we learned that while DH's sa test was normal - we were not informed of what happened the month of the iui. He had a higher number for the IUI (48 million vs. 33 or whatever it was in August) HOWEVER, of those 48 million only 8 million survived the wash. UMMM....that's a little concerning! Not sure WHY that happened...but of course it caught me off guard so I had no idea what questions to ask. I'm still confused as to how all his numbers (motility, count, morphology) were all good in August and then this happens. They didn't give me any numbers from the IUI except that they want at least 3 million soldiers. They didn't tell me motility or anything like that. So...obviously, I am still very confused by this all and what it means. I do know that it freaked me out going from 48 million (that number they did NOT tell us the day of IUI....only the 8 million number) to 8 million for the IUI. So, not sure if that is considered a male factor or not.
I go back Saturday for another scan. As much as I would love for my follicles to be ready to trigger, I'm sure they are not ready. Day 10 is pretty early I'd think. So, I'm sure I'll go back down again then on Monday and then we will be ready to trigger.
Thankfully a week later I'll be leaving for the Dominican Republic to where I can relax and hopefully baby will implant!!!!!!!!
Will keep you updated.
And Wish, I'm so excited you have your last shot next week!!! Woo hoo!!! And then the IVF appointment. I'm so excited for you!!!! Can't wait to hear all the details! I bet your fil's medium is spot on....babIES will be here soon