Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

haha sorry! I was undecided on if I should ask and potentially enhance any anxiety you might already have or not! but I wanted to check in :)
I hate all of the emotions too - I'll be there soon.

I was wondering if I'll have to wait another month - if I remember correctly, you're supposed to start BCP on cd1, right? And we set up the RE appt for tomorrow, thinking that my next cycle would start on Thursday. It started yesterday, so I think we missed that window. I'm bummed. I know this next cycle will go by quickly, blah blah blah. But still. I'll find out everything tomorrow.
Hey ladies! Just checking in...sounds like things are going great for you malinko....ahhhhh I really hope this is it for you!

Maybe I missed this convo, but why do you have to go on BCP for a month wish? I know you guys decided to go with IVF...but I guess I don't understand the whole birth control for a month thing?

anyway....cant wait to hear all of the good news!

Good morning, ladies.

Wish, feel free to ask ANY question. I'm glad you checked in and glad you asked. I think a lot of my lack of symptom spotting is because there was a lot that I felt last month but of course didn't end up pregnant. So, I know it is just the progesterone. But, you are making me feel a little more sane than what I actually am! So, thanks!!!

Little had a great question! I'm guessing from what I have read that you will do the birth control in order to suppress all the little follicles and to make sure that they are all the same size when you start your injections?

Today is 9 days past trigger shot and 7 days past ovulation. Starting to get antsy wondering if it worked this month or not. Surely it has to with decent count, excellent motility and a mature follicle that ruptured on BOTH sides. Surely those little swimmers will find an egg!!! Thankfully I leave for the Dominican Republic tomorrow! I don't know that I will have access to internet so I will be sure to check in with you gals next Monday. (I'll try to check in as often as I can today). I have to take a test next Tuesday per doctors instructions, so I think I am going to take one on Sunday as well. That'll put me at 12dpo on Sunday. It'd be nice to find out our good news while on vacation. Talk about a celebration!!!

Keep your fingers crossed for me ladies!!!!!
So even for IUI you had to do that as well? I am trying to get this all figured out so that I can actually do my first round of IUI in October....So if I have to be on BC for a month before that, I'd like to do that in September so that by October when we get back from the honeymoon we can just go straight for the IUI!

So did you have to do the BCP thing too then malinko?
Hey little!

No, I did not have to do birth control prior to iui. I had to do it before the surgery, but not for the iui.

As far as IUI goes for me (every doctor is different on what they do). I have an ultrasound on cd3 to make sure there were not any cysts from the prior cycle. Apparently, especially while on clomid, you can have follicles that end up turning into cysts (not sure how all that happens...) and if they don't disappear with your menstrual cycle, you cannot continue on.

Anyone, assuming everything looks good on your day 3 scan, you start clomid. Then you come back 8 days later for your second scan. They will monitor you closely from your second scan until you are directed to take your hcg shot. Then, you do the iui and my doctor has me come back the day following iui to do another ultrasound to be sure the follicle(s) DID rupture.

I know some doctors don't do all the ultrasounds and simply do bloodwork. I'm thankful my doctors does ultrasounds and doesn't make me give blood all the time!!!!
hi girls! the appt went great today, I'm so excited. We are actually going to wait one more cycle b/c of our trip to New Orleans on 4/16. That would have been right when they needed me to start coming in for ultrasounds and stuff.

So the BCP - malinko, you're right, it's to suppress any normal stuff my body would do on its own. Basically, they are controlling my body step by step for 5-6 weeks (I'm going to miss things here, there was a LOT of info given to us today):
  • cd1 - I call to tell them it's day 1
  • cd3 - begin BCP, blood pregnancy test to make sure I'm not
  • cd24? - ultrasound to check follicles, make sure there are no significant follicles; at this time, I will be told what day to start 'gonadtropins' - I think these are the stimulators for the follicles, making some good eggs and controlling the process - these are injections
  • day 5 of stims - go back for ultrasound
  • same day - start additional meds, an antagonist, also injections - this stops me from ovulating on my own
  • couple more days of those and monitoring every other day/every day for big follicles
  • DH has to submit his boys a couple of days before the retrieval
  • then the egg retrieval - this is an actual surgery where I have to be under anestesia
  • eggs are then fertilized and watched to make sure the embryos are developing correctly/well
  • 2 days after egg retrieval, I start progesterone suppositories in the vag (it's a gel, like PreSeed) - I continue this until pregnancy test
  • around day 3-5 after retrieval comes the transfer of 2 embies (if we have 2 good ones!)
  • They are also going to do Assisted Hatching (so cool) - they pop a hole in the shell of the egg before transfer or during transfer with a laser - this allows a bit of the embryo to leak out and that's what attaches to the uterus. Just helps implantation.
  • 2 weeks later - pregnancy test! So around the end of May/beginning of June, we'll know!

malinko - have SO much fun on your trip!!! I hope there is good news waiting for all of us when you get back!
Wish - your post just gave me chills!!! I'm SO excited for you!!!!!!!!

Just have to mention....have fun with the progesterone suppositories. That's why I'm on and it is absolutely disgusting. Okay, so the actual gel itself, administering the medication, etc is no big deal. Its the "leftover gel" that is disgusting! I can send you a private message if you'd like to know my warning....that I didn't know about! Or if you girls don't care, I'll post it here....but it is a warning that should be given! LOL. Have I scared you yet? It obviously isn't TERRIBLE if I agreed to take it for the SECOND month and will continue to take thru the first trimester once we are pregnant. DH does know that if he wants any hanky panky during the tww - - it does now involve some prep work and is no longer spontaneous! LOL!!!!
Thank you!!! me too!! It's finally almost here, I hope! I mean, i guess this isn't fail-proof, so we'll see. I should actually keep my excitement in check...

HAHA! you can post it here, we're all friends! I was warned that I'll want to wear a pantyliner. It looks like such a harmless amount! I likened it to PreSeed and that was WAY more!
I just wanted to come leave a note to say how excited I am for you to test!!!!
Okay I definitely want you to post it on here Malinko! I am always appreciative of ANY kinds of heads up!
Wish your plan sounds sooooooo awesome and that is so flipping exciting! You are going to have a :bunny: in your tummy so soon!!!!! AHHHHHHH How awesome! I can't wait!

So here is my update...which I am BEYOND thrilled haha...I am no longer on BCP as of yesterday 29th (when I would have started a new month) which is just a good feeling in general. However, the even better news is that we have an appointment with the RE May 11!!!!!!!! We aren't actually going to try our first round of anything until October when we get back from our honeymoon, but I am so excited to actually get a plan in place and see what the doctor thinks and what he feels are our options and all of that fun stuff. It is amazing how much better I feel just knowing that we are getting close to being able to try again!! EEK!

I can't wait to hear your results malinko and hopefully you had fun on your vacay!!! And wish I can't wait to hear all of your details! Fingers crossed its everyone's time!!!!

love and :hugs:
that's so awesome, little!!! WOW, see, time just FLEW by! I don't want to wish the summer away, but it'll all be here before you know it!

these next few weeks are going to fly by for me too b/c I am SO busy at work. And all due dates or start dates for things are all sprinkled over the next couple of weeks, then our trip, THEN I hop on the BCP! Unless, my some miracle, we actually get pregnant this month on our own. I'm going to hound DH! :)
Hey ladies! Back from vacay! It was wonderful. The Dominican is beautiful! I highly recommend it! We will definitely be going back!

Wish, thanks for checking in on me!

Little, what great news for you!!! I'm so excited for you!

Well, tomorrow is the official test date but we did test yesterday morning at 12dpiui and 14dpt. Unbelievably, it was glaringly positive! Almost as dark as the control line. Not having really any symptoms so I'm afraid to get too excited yet. It still doesn't seem real and we keep going back to look at the test. Will wait to test again tomorrow at 14dpiui and call doctor for next step. Will keep you updated! Hoping for a smooth pregnancy!
OMFG, MALINKO!!!!!!! EXCUSE MY LANGUAGE!!!! :wohoo: :dance: :wohoo: :dance:

I'm seriously getting chills and tearing up and I'm just SO HAPPY for you!!!!!
Today's test even better!!!! Test line is brighter than control line! Waiting to get blood test done. Should know the results this afternoon! Still doesn't feel real. I think I'll do a few blood tests. Continuing progesterone. I cried when I found out too! (DH looked at the test). Seriously unreal.
Okay, ladies....beta #1 results are in!!! They wanted to see at least 100 and ours was 372! Go back in again on Thursday for second beta. If all is well there, we will be scheduled for our first ultrasound!
omg i wonder if you do have twins a'brewin from the 2 strong eggs you showed!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! i can't believe it!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
As long as the number doubles on Thursday - we will then schedule the ultrasound. Trust me...I've been wondering if there is one or if there are two! I this point I just want a healthy pregnancy and baby(ies). I'm sure the ultrasound can't come fast enough! I'm praying for a good strong number on Thursday.
I'm hoping and praying for the same!!! I'll be looking forward to an update on Thurs. Man, you must be on cloud 9 right now!! :cloud9: haha couldn't resist!

I just saw a bit of ewcm from my run outside (yay, spring!) - I'm going to throw it out to DH tonight to BD for a full week. Seems I'm O'ing earlier these days and I'd like one last chance at a 'free' pregnancy!

WHERE IS LITTLE??? :haha: we need her bunnies!!

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