Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

holy COW!!! girrrrrrrl you definitely have a couple babies in there!!! omg, i can't wait for your u/s!!!
I can't wait a week to talk about this! how are you feeling? has it sunk in yet? who are you going to tell? how did you tell DH, or was he just there with you?
did the docs say anything about such a high beta? ahhhhh!!

nothing really going on here, trying to figure out if I O'ed or not yet. Body says yes b/c boobs are a little sore and ewcm is gone. Temps are still up in the air deciding, so I'll temp a few more days and figure it out.
Good morning! I'm feeling good. I get really tired in the evenings and also get pretty bloated in the evenings. Other than that...things are good! I don't know that it has sunk in yet. We did have a scare Friday night as I woke up with severe cramping. So bad that I was throwing up from the pain and had sweat rolling down me. Thankfully it was over after an hour or so. We were going to go to the hospital but about 40 minutes into it, the pain was easing up a little. About the time I thought I could actually stand up and walk to the car, it was getting a little better. I called the doctor's office and said it is probably gastrointestinal (I'm going to disagree....I don't think it could cause pain like I had) and that it was good that the pain went away. We are going in for an earlier ultrasound now though because of the incident. We go Thursday.

We were going to hold off on really telling anyone for a little bit, but definitely after Friday nights scare we have decided to hold off as long as we possibly can. So, right now no one knows. It's a hard secret to keep, but not as hard after I thought I was having a miscarriage.

DH was actually the one who looked at the test. I couldn't handle looking at another negative test. He just said "what do two lines means again?" (Although he knew)

I've been researching and I have read about several women who have had higher betas than I have and only a single. Apparently beta is not a good indicator and the only way is by doing an ultrasound. So, not sure if there is one or two in there....but should know Thursday.

Work is absolutely crazy. I had a person turn in their resignation this morning and I'm trying to not let it stress me out. Ugh!!!!!
oh no, I'm glad everything is ok! Yeah, that has got to be tough not to tell people. You try for so long that when it happens, you just want to tell the world! But I think I'll be the same way. DH doesn't even want to tell people we're doing IVF, so I haven't even told my mom or sister. I've told one friend and it's b/c she's going through similar infertility and she's always checking on me. And DH and her and her DH have all had talks about all of the stuff, so I think he's ok with her knowing.

that's interesting about the betas, good to know. Hopefully it just means a healthy bean or healthy pod holding the bean (you)!

oh NO! Try not to stress but yeah, that's stressful!! :) It'll all come together, take every day one step at a time and know that the work will be there tomorrow too. And you'll hire someone soon enough!!
I can't even begin to express how freaking excited I am for you! I could cry right now! That is WONDERUL news!! And I am not going to lie it gives me so much hope! I have been worried that the whole IUI thing could potentially be a waste of time, but sounds like you nailed it!!! SOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!! :bunny: :bunny:

I just cant believe this is finally happening for one of us!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH

Wish you are next!!!!!

Have a wonderful Wednesday ladies and keep us updated on all of the details Malinko!

I'm so glad you finally were able to log on and see the news, little!!

malinko - good luck with the scan tomorrow!! I hope you haven't had anymore scares. I meant to ask - did you have ANY of the symptoms that we've been driving ourselves nuts looking for for the past year+?
Good morning, ladies.

Little, thank you! It still doesn't feel real to be honest.

Wish - I wasn't really symptom spotting - but here is what I will tell you. I noticed I was crampy off and on. I was trying to remember what day I remember telling my dh that I was crampy - but I can't. I think it was probably 10dpo. I didn't notice it at the time - but now look back and think it was a sign too but "things weren't moving as they used to." My bowels would be a little looser right before af. I was able to have a bowel movement but it wasn't as frequent and wasn't moving as it used to. (And that's continued and gotten worse. I'm trying to eat plenty of fiber!) I think the one thing I should have thought was out of the ordinary is I had to get up and go pee a couple of nights. The first night, I just woke up and had to go pee. The second night I remember waking really early (like 2 am) and tried to keep going back to sleep (normally I can). However, that feeling wouldn't go away and after an hour of trying to fall asleep, I realized, "I have to go pee and I'm not going to go back to sleep until I do." So, I went pee. I didn't think anything of this....except when I woke up the next morning I was so mad at myself knowing I was going to test. Then I was mad because what if my urine wasn't as concentrated as it should have been. I took the test anyway and it clearly didn't matter. There was no mistaking that line!!!!

So, to answer your question, looking back now...I should have thought the waking up in the middle of the night to go pee (especially two nights in a row) was a little off. However, I wasn't reading into things so I didn't think twice about it. And the cramping was a little off. I played the cramping to the progesterone - because it does cause some cramping. However, I still have some cramping off and on now and it is the same exact cramping that I felt prior to finding out.

My boobs are just now starting to feel tender. DH gave me a big hug last night - and he now knows he can hug so tight! The nipples are sore for sure - but again, I experienced that following the hcg shot and progesterone in other months. The weird thing was though my nipples were not sore in the second half of my luteal phase like they have been in the past few months from the meds. They became sensitive probably right around 14dpo or so.

No headache, no nausea, no "twinges" - none of that. And still none of that. My only symptoms besides my boobs and the occasional cramping is that I get pretty tired at night time. I also get bloated in the evenings - but that could be contributed to all the water I am drinking. I do find it odd that if it is the water - that I'm not bloated during the day.

Sorry for all the rambling. Very anxious about tomorrow. I'm sure it is too early to hear the heartbeat which bums me out big time - but we will be able to hopefully determine how many sacs. I'm guessing just one. I'm guessing I will go back in a couple of weeks for a second ultrasound for the heartbeat. I will be sure to let you know how it goes!

Wish - your trip is coming up soon!!! Are you getting excited?
not rambling at all, thank you for all of the details. So funny how we drive ourselves mad looking for every little thing. I'm trying not to and quite honestly, I don't have much going on anyway. And why would it happen this month out of all of them anyway? The ONLY thing I think that could help us do this naturally is that DH has now been on clomid for 4 months, so his boys should be a lot better.
I got crosshairs on FF this morning but I think I O'ed on Saturday, from the O pains I felt. So I think I'm 5dpo now, not 3. But whatever, I'll just be ready for AF in 6 days and if she's later than that, I'll bring a test with me to NO!

YES!! I cannot WAIT for our trip! I've lost almost 10lbs since January so I'll feel good about being in shorts and tanks! :) I feel so slim, it's a shame I could be preggers soon! hahaha

good luck at your scan! I'm sure all will go so well! check back!
You two are just little bundles of joy! lol

I am super happy for you both! you both sound like you are doing fantastic! Malinko if you have two in there I will have to squeal with joy....I mean imagine all of this time wanting to be pregnant and just wanting a child and then you get two at once!!!! I would be thrilled! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Wish I hope you have fun on your trip! And congrats on the weight loss!!!! That would be my luck too though....finally start feeling good about my body and then BOOM prego haha....not that I would complain trust me!

I am glad it's a bit warmer out, but the rain is annoying haha...I am ready for sunny and 75!!!

April is going by quickly which makes me happy because we go see our RE on may 11th! Eeekk! Hopefully it will be here quickly and they will have some hope for us!

love to you both!

Hey ladies! Yesterday went well. Everything appeared to be right where it should be. The ultrasound didn't show much - as it's pretty early at 5 weeks - but doctor was able to see the yolk sac so that was nice. I at least have a picture of a very small blob and even though it doesn't really show anything, it makes it feel a little more real. Oh, and yes....only 1 in there! I've never wanted twins because that sounds so overwhelming and I don't know how my body would handle two - but I did feel a small sense of sadness when I was told there was only one. Not sure why. However, we are so excited and thankful about our one little prince or princess that is rapidly growing.

Our doctor was highly suggestive that we not announce to anyone. While he said everything appears to be right on track, things can take a turn for the worse very quickly in these critical weeks. Unfortunately, he told us a story of a very recent IVF case. Good healthy egg and sperm were united, they implanted and all went well, everything "appeared to be right on track" at her first ultrasound (around 5 weeks) and around week 6, the baby decided to keep moving and traveled to the tube. They had to end the pregnancy and remove the tube. While I didn't like him telling me that story (freaks me out) it does remind me just how critical this time is right now and to not get too comfortable. We say multiple daily prayers over me and this little prince or princess. And of course, we are staying mum on any news.

We go back in another couple of weeks - and god willing - we should hear the heartbeat.

Wish - congrats on the weight loss!!! That's wonderful!!!! I truly hope you get a surprise bfp on your trip. However, if you don't, your appointments will be here before you know it! I can't wait for your little miracle too. Please don't lose hope and faith! I know how hard that can be!

Little - your appointment too will be here before you know it! I'm so excited for you. I can't wait for the month that we are all three pregnant together!

Back to work girls. Have a great weekend!
hi girls! happy weekend (almost!)!

little - that's so SOON!!! I can't wait until you go, you're going to be so excited! Keep us updated on the deets! ;)

malinko - wooo! fantastic that everything went well yesterday! I was just on another forum poking around (preg over 35, I think) and someone wrote about how they had a sac but no yolk. So sad. I feel the same way you do - getting pregnant is really only part of the journey. It needs to stay there, it needs to be healthy, then you have an actual CHILD that you have to keep alive!! AHHH! So overwhelming to think about sometimes. I hear you about the twin sadness too - I've never wanted twins until recently, especially since that's probably the only way I'm getting two. When we made the decision to transfer 2 eggs in our IVF, I was secretly happy for the chance. Though there's a chance of 3 too!! Kill me now!

anyway - 6 or 4dpo here today, depending on if you ask me or FF. FF's making strong case for 4dpo, though, and that makes me a little sad b/c we BD'ed before that day and on that day, but not after. Oh well, it is what it is and I can't do anything about it now, right? :) zennnnnnn

You ladies have a wonderful weekend!

oh, and malinko - I would like to say that I am personally honored to be one of only a couple people who know about your beaner!! <3 I'm (we are) here for you no matter what happens in these weeks, but I hope you get to share with your loved ones soon.
I second Wish on the fact that I am SO honored to be one of the few who get to know about the little :bunny: in your tummy! Thank you for sharing with us! And definitely know for sure that we will be here with you to support and love you throughout the entire journey!

DH and I had a discussion the other night about how we wont be telling anyone about the :bunny: for quite some time due to all of the chances out there...but of course ill just hold my breath until we are more "in the clear" because I am a freak about control haha

Keep us updated as much as possible! I want to know all about it!!!

Love to you both!!! :hugs:
hi girls!
I leave for NO tomorrow, cannot wait!
started the light spotting yesterday so I know I'm out - right on time. I should start AF either tomorrow or Friday. Nice vacation, huh?? BOTH of them got AF this year!! bah.
But at least i start my BCP and get going on the IVF train!

little - always so good to hear from you! not long now until your first appointment!

malinko - things going well? I hope all things are still a go!!

love you both as well! <3
Wish Im sorry to hear that af showed :( but hey enjoy your vacation and then when you get back it will be time for IFV and your baby!!!!

Malinko hope everything is still going well!!! Let us know when you can!!!!

Love to you both :hugs:
hi girls! back from vaca - had the most amazing time. Just love that town!

started on BCP while down there too - may the suppression begin! just went in for HCG to make sure I'm not preggo. I'm totally not, but they just have to make sure! I did a clearblue digital yesterday just to be sure.
So I'm on BCP for the next week and next Tuesday morning I go in for an u/s and bloodwork. Then I'll start my meds, I think. Those should be delivered this week.

So not much going on for the next week here! I hope you're both doing well! Malinko - updates on how you're doing, girl!
Glad you had a good vaca Wish! Sounds like you are getting the ball rolling though which is good!

Malinko I am sure you are busy, but we would love to know how you are doing!!

hi girls! just checking in before the weekend!

malinko - I hope you've just been super busy, I'm worried something happened. Are you ok? I hope you're able to check in soon. No tickers for me to keep an eye on you!!

little - your appointment is so soon!

nothing going on here as far as TTC. But I got a promotion yesterday! Pretty psyched about that - DH and I are going to dinner tonight to celebrate. :)

hope you're both doing well. <3 & :hugs:
Hey ladies! I'm so sorry for my long absence. My world has definitely changed! So we went back on Wednesdsay for ultrasound number 2. Saw a heartbeat which was so exciting. We have even graduated to a regular doctor now! It'll be a few weeks before we see her. So, as I mentioned, my world has definitely changed. The morning sickness could be much, much worse...but it's definitely here. I have no energy, no motivation and eat every two to three hours to combat nausea. Thankfully I'm not throwing up but it feels close at times. And let me tell you about sleep. Yesterday was a rough day - - in fact was home all day. Slept most of the day (about 6 hours of an 8 hour work day). Got up at 4 (against my better judgement) and was back in bed at 9pm and slept all night long. I'm just totally exhausted. I have to remind myself that this is good and to be thankful that I'm battling this and not one line pregnancy tests. I carry baby's picture where ever I go and know that it is all worth this.

Wish, glad your trip went well. Did you have to fight any of the flooding that was happening? And your process has already started! I'm so excited!!! To think in the next month or so, you'll have your best chance ever at seeing those two lines. It's really the most amazing feeling ever. I had to tell myself all along as I was extremely disappointed every month.....don't let it get to you. Go into this with a positive attitude and have faith that it will work. Relax, do fun things with your hubby and take care of your body these next few weeks. Its so important! My prayers are with you!

Little - your appt is almost here too! I'm so excited for you to get started. Also, remind yourself that it can happen with the first IUI - but it doesn't always work the first time. So, don't get bummed or feel defeated if it doesn't happen right off the bat. And have faith in your doctor :)

Check in again soon girls!
oh thank goodness!!! i'm soooooo happy to hear things are going well. you're making me into a worry wart!! :)
wow, that is NUTS how tired you are!! baby is totally zapping you!
that has to be so special to see the heartbeat. I cannot wait for our chance. :)

thank you for the reminder about my body - we're going out to dinner tonight and I'll try not to have wine! :)

our trip - there was no flooding, thank goodness. There was threat of some heavy rain the days we were there but it was mostly just cloudy Fri and Sat with some spitting rain (or rain when we were inside) but it was in the 80s so it kinda felt good. And Sunday was sunshine! I didn't tell you guys - DH did the MOST romantic thing ever. Apparently the timing of this whole trip was based around seeing the singer of our wedding song play at a local bar down there. We had found this artist, John Boutte, from when we watched Treme on HBO. I don't know if you guys saw that but it was a show based in NOLA in the Treme neighborhood and followed quite a few characters down there. So they'd often show them going to local haunts to catch some awesome local jazz music and have a few beers, etc. And John B sings the theme song of the show. Anyway - we loved him so much, we bought some of his music and one song, 'All These Things' was just so beautiful. Loving NOLA like we do, and him, it was perfect. SO - fast forward to this past weekend and we're walking through the artsy/boho side of the FQ and we come up on a bar to stop in and their chalkboard of events says 'John Boutte, 8pm, $10'. I'm like 'OMG!! John Boutte is playing here tonight!!!' and DH just goes 'so it seems.....'. I still didn't get it and was like 'um...can we come back to watch him?' and he was like 'yeah...'. A few mins later, I go 'did you know he was going to be here tonight?' and he said 'yep'. I turned to my folks (who joined us on the trip) and go 'did YOU know about this?' and they said 'yep - he told us when you went to the restroom at dinner the other night'. Well I'll be!!! I was so choked up, so so touched. <3 <3 swooning, swept off my feet, all that. I'm still walking on air. :cloud9:
Thanks malinko! And you have such wonderful news! I am so happy to hear that you are just tired and nothing bad happened....when you hadn't posted in a while I honestly started to panic, but am feeling much better now! :)

Wish sounds like you had a fantastic time! What an awesome thing Hubby did for you! Lucky Lucky lady :hugs: I hope that your journey to seeing a :bfp: is a short one as well! Can't wait to hear about it!

So yesterday marked 5 months to the day until my wedding. I am officially a basket case. Not just with wedding stuff, but life in general haha. I am looking forward to going to our appointment on May 11 and just hearing what the doctor has to say and what he thinks our best options are, or if he thinks it is even possible for us to have a child...who knows. I truly am excited to go, but not holding my breath for any kind of great news....I just feel like disappointment is lurking somewhere so we will see!

So glad to hear you are both doing well! lots and lots of love to you both!

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