Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

one week til your appointment, little!! can't wait to hear your plan!! how are the wedding plans? So exciting!!!

how are you doing, malinko? Did you say if you guys are going to find out the gender? Any names yet? :) How are you feeling? still zapped and nauseous or working through that yet?

I started my stims last Friday. It's weird sticking yourself with a needle! hahaha
I was nervous the first time but I think I've got it down pat now. I go in tomorrow for my first u/s to see how my follies are responding and change the dosage if needed. No real pain, just a pinch when the needle goes in and a little stinging when the meds are injected. And I can taste one in my mouth after I inject it. Other than that, no side effects at all. Still working out (barre workouts lately), though they say not to run while I'm in this phase. I'll get back into that in June.

Also, you'll be happy to know that I didn't have a drop of wine this weekend. And I only had 2 sips of champagne to cheer my friend's bday and new house. That's IT! And only a cup of coffee here and there, but mostly green tea. And I'm down 11 lbs since January now! WOO!

Man, I REALLY hope first time is a charm here!
Hello ladies!

Just wanted to check in and say hello. The first trimester is still really beating down on me. At times it is better than others. I haven't really learned when to "stop" when I am feeling decent - and so then I pay for it for a couple days after the fact. I have been put on some anti-nausea medication as the nausea is unbearable at some points and to the point where I'm throwing up a couple times a day. The medication helps with the vomiting - but only helps a little with the actual nausea. There are some days where I am only up for a couple of hours a day and am in bed the rest of the day - - normally just trying to sleep as that is the time I seem to feel the best :) However, waking up isn't fun. I don't want to wake up and then again....feel terrible. I'm hopeful this will be over in a few weeks. I used to be very active and while my husband is very supportive, I can tell my sickness is wearing on him too. I'm hearing quite often about how he is tired of "doing everything by himself." I try to be sensitive to this as I know it is a huge change for him and he wants the old me back - but then my sensitive side goes out the window and I tell him that I am sorry he is feeling that way - but he needs to be thankful he can at least do things and not throw up multiple times a day. It has definitely caused a few rifts between us - and at times, I'm not the most compassionate individual towards him :wacko: We will find out the gender. I'm too much of a Type A personality to not find out! I don't know that my husband wants to - - but I think he will ultimately want to find out. And no names yet. Honestly, with the sickness, its hard to think much about maternity clothes, the nursery, names, etc. Its really the farthest thing from my mind. It makes me feel bad that I'm not excited. What excites me the most these days are the days I feel good and have a little bit of energy! is the day! I cannot wait to hear what the doctor says and what plan they recommend for you. Best of luck!!! girl!! How's it going for you? I'm glad to hear that you are already doing the stims! How was the ultrasound last week??? Details girl!!! I'm guessing the E.R. is soon - if you haven't already had it???? Cannot wait to read your update. Thinking of you and sending lots of positive vibes your way!
malinko, I'm SO happy that you were able to hop on and give a quick update!! I'm so sorry that you're feeling so crappy. Man, that's going to send me into a spin if I can't function. How are you working your crazy job and feeling that way? I feel like I'll be a waste case for 12 weeks if I get that bad. I don't concentrate well at work when I have a headache, never mind nausea and exhaustion. I hope it starts clearing up for you soon. I can totally see that happening with my DH and I as well, or the house just goes to hell for 3 months - ha! Do you have a little bump yet? I'm sure you probably do since you were so tiny to begin with!

little - SO excited for your dr's appointment today!! give us an update as soon as you can on your plan!

me - I've been having daily u/s since last Thursday, I think. The little follies are plumping up nicely - this morning, the right side had 2 at 18+ and 20+ (we're looking for between 18-22) and leftie had 14, 15 and 16. So we'll either trigger tonight or tomorrow. If tomorrow, i'll have another night of meds and another u/s tomorrow morning. The sonographer was so cute - she was like 'if I don't see you tomorrow - GOOD LUCK and I'll hopefully see you in 6 weeks!' So right now, i'm awaiting my afternoon call from the nurse line to give me my next instructions. Retrieval will definitely be this week, I've already prepped DH that he is going to have to give his sample this week and also drive me down for the ER at some point this week. Then the transfer will be 5 days after that, if all goes well with the fertilization and growth to blastocyst. I just hope it's all done by the time my sister gets into town on 5/21. We're going to be cutting it close, I think!!!
Exciting stuff!! Again, I really hope it works the first time - this is crazy to have to keep going through!
Hey Ladies!
Malinko sorry to hear that the first trimester is getting the best of you! Hopefully it will pass soon and I have heard that in the second the energy you get back is AWESOME!
Wish it sounds like you are right on the verge of getting your BFP and I am so excited for you! I cant wait to hear about it all!

So my doctor's appointment went well, I think...
We decided to wait until right after the wedding to try so it sounds like we will be doing our first round of IUI in October! He felt that I might be ovulating on my own, but will put me on letrozole for my cycle in October to make sure we get some good follicles to work with! I guess he decided to use that instead of Clomid as it has less of a chance for multiples? Unfortunately in August I have to get an HSG. He says it wouldn't be mandatory, but since we are going to do this he wants to make sure he is positive that there are no other issues that would keep us from getting pregnant and since my mom has a history of endometriosis it's a good idea just to make sure. So the plan goes like this:
1st day of bleeding in August (or last few days of July) I call them and they set up HSG. As long as HSG comes back clear and my A1C (for my diabetes) is where he wants it to be then in October when I start my period I will call them, and they will call in the Letrozole for me to start that cycle. He wants me to do OPK's during that October cycle as well as he will be doing ultrasounds to make sure that my follicles are getting big enough. So once we have the U/S that shows the follicles are ready I will get a trigger shot that day at the U/S appointment and we will try our first round of IUI implantation on the next day. He feels that we are most likely good candidates for this, however, because DH does have a low sperm count, if they number of motile sperm are less than 500,000 then we may have to consider IFV.

Now he seems to think that we will do will with the IUI and said depending on DH's numbers he would feel comfortable trying up to 3 rounds of IUI before us sitting back down and talking about IVF. I am just really hoping this will work out as IUI feels like the right option, and I am not sure that DH wants to spend the money for IVF, however, that would have to be something we would discuss if/when we need to cross that bridge.

So it sounds pretty positive right? I am glad we have a plan, and glad I have some time to get my blood sugars right where he wants them....but now I am just nervous with lots of anticipation. OH well not much I can sounds like I have some kind of chance of possibly getting a bfp one day so that is what I am going to think about!
August will be here before I know it so I have a lot of work to do to maintain my blood sugars until then, which is increasingly hard as the stress of the wedding is getting worse, but oh well im tough! ill get through it!

The wedding stuff is going great! I am officially down 26lbs since I started this weight loss junk and I am hoping to lose another 20 by September, if I can even do 15 I would be really happy! I feel good about the loss so far and about all of the wedding stuff! Just trying to keep up with what I need to get done and check it all off the list! (ahhhhh good luck to me right?!)

Anyway I am glad to hear you are both doing well! And Wish I can't wait for your BFP announcement! I know it will be soon!

Malinko I am still so happy for you and your success with IUI is keeping me inspired to believe that I might be that lucky as well!

Love to you both! Happy May! It will be over before we know it!

P.S. And yes I am this crazy....if I were to get lucky and get preggers in October ill be looking at a July 2016 baby....EEKKK now that is exciting! hahahahaha

WOOOOOO Little!!!! That is a VERY positive appointment and I'm glad you guys met with him so soon. Now it'll be easy to plan everything out right for August, get married in Sept (hmmm - HSG baby???) and maybe not even have to start the IUI in October. But even if you do, it sounds like an amazing plan. AND I have a friend, 42 yo, who just got preg off of Letrozole and she's 7mos now. She has had numerous miscarriages, 3 failed IVFs, etc and that's what worked! I'm so excited for you!

retrieval is tomorrow morning, ladies! pray for a solid # of eggies!
You are in my thoughts this morning, Wish!!! Praying for a good number of follicles and that they all fertilize and become strong!!!!!!
thank you, my friend!

I'm back - we were able to get 6 eggs. Now to see how many fertilized.... :) Play nicely with my love's spermies, little eggs!
4 little embies for us! :) transferring tomorrow depending on development. If they aren't far enough along, then Sunday. Yeeeee! So excited! :happydance:
Wish...congratulations!!! That is so exciting!!! So, will they just call you tomorrow and say "you need to come in today" or "lets give another day....come in Sunday"? Of course, this is new to me on how it works. I was thinking there were 3 day or 5 day transfers so I'm confused. Tell us about the procedure. How did it go? How were you feeling after/now? Sorry for all the questions. I am just so darn excited for you. Keep us updated on the progress. Hoping to hear a little memorial day bfp!!!!!
Thanks!! I am SO beyond excited, I'm having a hard time concentrating at work. Of course, we're at like step 3 of 23478392 steps, so I should chill out.
So yep - I just got my call saying I'm scheduled for tomorrow morning at 9:45 for a 10:45 transfer. Tomorrow morning between 8-830, I'll get a call that confirms I can come in or we'll wait until Sunday. So the protocol that I'm on is a 2/3/5 flex schedule, where I guess they look to transfer either day 2 or 3, or wait until 5. I totally thought we'd be transferring on 5, so this crazy to me! I just asked about this, how they determine it and she said it's really based on the quantity and quality of the embryos. Right now, they can only tell quantity and that they fertilized at all. Tomorrow morning, they'll be able to tell more and if things need to push out, we push out. But they really try to get them back into their 'natural habitat' as soon as possible. If I had more to watch and maybe I was younger, we could see which last until day 5.

The procedure - we went down there for 730 yesterday morning. I got undressed, redressed into a johnny. They explained everything, hooked me up to some IVs and we sat there until 830. There were a few other women having the same thing done, they were just carting us in and then back out all asleep. hahaha
So they called me in, I laid down and propped my legs up into stirrups and before the anesthesiologist got the oxygen mask on my face, I was out like a light. 20 mins later I was back in the resting area waking up. No bleeding, slight cramping but nothing bad. Foggy, but they let me out around 9:30 and we were on our way home. I had to hop on a conf call at 10-12 and I bowed out of the rest of the day. Just b/c I was sleepy and really couldn't concentrate on work. I hopped into bed, ate a sub b/c I was starving (no eating or drinking from midnight until after the procedure) and passed out for 3 hrs. But I feel perfectly fine today.
I am bloating a bit - the follicles fill back up with fluid once they take the eggs out and it causes bloating. Other than that, i'm fine! The most painful part of this whole process so far has been the medical tape they put on my arm after each blood draw (I asked her to stop! she laughed at me but she obliged!) and the trigger shot - I'm still a little sore when I touch that area. But overall, it's been pretty seamless. That's why I'm going to be so bummed if this doesn't work out - seems like so much is aligning. I have to chill out!

holy book!! I'll check in tomorrow and let you know if and how it went!
hi! just checking in - didn't transfer today but it seems that I got it all wrong. It's a GOOD thing if they don't need to be transferred in right away, I guess it must mean they aren't 'weak' or need to be rushed back to me. So tomorrow is tentatively scheduled for now. I'll check back in then! I hope you're having good weekends, ladies!

malinko - i hope you're starting to feel better! do you have a cute bump yet?
i'm PUPO! trying not to be too excited and think about it too much - keeping my mind off of it. Shouldn't be too hard with work, my sister coming here on Thursday, having to clean to get ready for that and trying to figure out my next workout style! I at least have this week covered, that's for sure.

Here's my first pic I've been able to share! My little embies - 8AG and 6AG. Those are their size/ratings.
8, 6 = # of cells
A = highest rating for fragmentation, so no fragmentation at all
G = Good

the other 2 were still alive and well, so if they move on to blastocyst and still look good, they'll be frozen and we'll be notified by mail that they were frozen.

The transfer was SO easy and a very detailed and linear process. DH got to go in with me and we could watch it all on a monitor above us via sonogram.
You have to keep a full bladder b/c that aligns the uterus correctly. Then the sonographer makes sure everything looks good. Then the doc comes in and they make sure I am who I say I am, that the lid of the embryos matches our identity. Then the doc gets in place and it just feels like a pap - legs are up, speculum goes in and they find the right spot in your uterine lining to place the embryos. Then the embryologist comes in with the tube (she literally just sucked them up and is walking quickly right into the exam room for the transfer) and the doc squirts them in. And we could see them float in on the sonogram! It was so cool! I didn't feel a thing. The sonographer and the nurse in there were so cute - 'oh PERFECT! GREAT placement! Good job! Your uterus is SO photogenic!' I little over the top but it was cute.
then we were done!

Now my test is on 5/28 so I have to stay busy until then and try not to symptom-spot. I am so aware that they are in there, though - every time I rolled over last night, I thought of them.


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Wish....Oh my gosh, I am so excited for you!!!!!! First, I have to tell you that I checked in on Saturday and on Sunday but for some reason it wouldn't let me post a response (I was checking in on my phone). I didn't have my computer at home (it was still at work) so I couldn't log in that way. I was thinking about you all weekend though! I was so glad to hear that things were going well and you didn't have to transfer on Saturday! I figured when I logged in yesterday and there was nothing that you were busy transferring!!!! Congrats. I'll keep my fingers crossed for those little babies to stick!!! Remember to relax this week and stay calm. Don't let all the craziness of this week stress you out. If you start feeling overwhelmed or something for YOU!!!!! Oh my....I'm just so excited and hope this is the one for you!!! Great ratings too!!!!! Congrats!

As for me - I think the morning sickness is starting to ease up - just a little. I thought I was better this weekend and started to get a little more energy so I just worked, worked, worked around the house. My body quickly let me know that evening that I overdid it. Then I got sick again and yesterday was a day in bed. Blah! Oh's worth it! As far as a's all still mainly bloat. During the day, it's just like I'm bloating when af is here. Some days, if I have drank a lot of water by mid day - then I have more bloat due to the water intake. The evenings are a whole different story. There is a bump - and it is there regardless of food or water intake! However, if I lay down, you don't really see it. I have read that if you lay down and see a bump - then its really baby and not bloat. I can certainly tell that I am not as skinny as I once was when laying down - but nothing extremely noticeable. Again, in the evenings though (when up walking, etc) the bloat bump is definitely there and very baby bump like shaped. So, we are holding off a little longer on announcing - therefore we have been staying home most evenings. My husband had a bunch of friends in town this weekend and dh went to the events by himself as I had to stay at home to hide the bloat bump :) We just told everyone that dh was having guy time and I was having girl time.

We have told immediate family (parents and siblings) and a couple of really close friends but that is it. We are hoping to tell in another week or two. We had our first visit with our new doctor and it went really well. We got to see our little one again and this was the first ultrasound that you could tell there is a baby in me. You could see its whole little body and make things out. We also got to hear the heartbeat and watch it squirm around. Hearing the heartbeat for the first time is the best feeling ever.

Something our doctor told us about - and maybe they will talk to you about. So, I'm not yet 35 but there is a family history of downs syndrome with us. Very scary - and one reason my dh and I were unsure about having children. My doctor told me that there is new testing available for downs. You no longer have to do the blood work and ultrasound combination at 12 weeks - or whatever it is. This new test is more accurate than the blood work/ultrasound combination and the amniocentesis. I think an amnio is 85% accurate and is done at 16 weeks (at least what our doctor told us) and then new test is 99% accurate and is just bloodwork. So, we decided to move forward with the test. You can do it as early as 10 weeks. So, they just wrote an order for the test and we did it with the normal blood work that you have to do at your first appointment. I think it was just an extra vial or two of blood. We should know the results within two weeks. My doctor said sometimes the test comes back in 5 days - but to count on two weeks so that we don't get anxious. And the other thing about this genetic test that just blows my mind can tell the baby's gender!!!!! DH wasn't sure about wanting to find out what the baby is - but once he found out that we could know if it is a boy or girl in a week or two...he decided he wanted to know! So....we are praying for perfect test results of a healthy baby and then be able to refer to baby as baby boy or baby girl!!!!

Sorry for all the rambling. This is the first time I've really been able to sit down and really reply. I also just really wanted to share that new test with you because I had never heard of it before.

Little - hope all is going well for you dear! We need you to come do your baby dance for Wish - and hope that both little ones get warm and snug in their mama!!!! Hope all is going well with wedding planning.....4 months to go :)
Oh I'm so glad that the morning sickness is easing up for you a bit. Hopefully only another couple of weeks and you'll get into that honeymoon 2nd trimester period!
Sounds like you're doing really great. I can't believe you're not really showing yet! What a drag to just feel bloated for so long.

I have heard of that test - I'm on another thread and a few of the girls have talked about it. I think it's awesome!! I can't wait to refer to your little bean as baby boy or girl too!!
Question, though - so if the test is done at 10 weeks and you don't find out until 12 weeks that your baby has downs (let's say), what if you wanted to terminate the pregnancy? That's too late, isn't it? I don't mean to sound so callous but that's basically the reason for the test right? to give the parents a head's up and options.

I'll be needing some good fibs for reasons why we're not going places, especially if it's all right in the middle of summer. We already have weekends full of plans of seeing people - family we haven't seen in years, birthday parties, etc. Ugh. CONCERTS! Who doesn't drink before a concert?? NOT this girl!

So I really do not want to get my own hopes up but I feel really positive about this. What a letdown it will be if they don't stick. Everything has just worked out so well so far. It's funny too - I'm not really feeling the craziness that it could be but more this weird calm. Granted work is a sh*tshow, but when I think about this, I'm not stressing and I just feel like 'ok, my embies are with me. Just grow. I'll give you some warm tea and some good food. My lining should be nice and cushy for you, they told me it was. Snuggle in, little ones.' Like there are 3 of us walking around now! hahahaha I'm mental. It's going to be SO HARD to keep this from my sister when she arrives here on Thursday. Thankfully she moves on to her BFF's place over the weekend so she won't be in my face the whole time she's here with me just keeping this from her. :)
It sounds like you are both doing well! Wish I am so excited for you and just think in a few short days you will be getting your BFP!! I have a great feeling about it!

Malinko I am glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better and also I am glad you are getting the test! Hear me out as I know this is going to sound CRAZY, but you are having a child, which is a miracle in itself. I know that no one ever wants to have anything go wrong with their children, but if you find out that there is a chance for will love that child with all of your heart regardless. Believe me....but you are going to do great and be fine and its all going to work out how its meant to be!

I am more than happy for you both! Keep me posted on everything! I hope that the first round of IUI they find out that my DH has a high enough count so that we have a chance with that....but regardless its 4 months away and I have time to prepare myself, and also drive myself nuts! haha

love to you both! :hugs: can't wait for your :bfp: wish! then you will each have :bunny: :bunny: in your tummies!!
I'm so glad you got on, little! Thanks for the bunnies!! I need some rabbit foot luck!

4 months is going to fly (unfortunately - that's the whole summer!!)

:) :hugs: & <3 to you both
I'm sure it will fly by...first time in my ENTIRE life that I have ever wanted the summer to go by quickly...Yikes...shouldn't be wishing my life away, but I know the stress level will go down TREMENDOUSLY once the wedding is all over and we can FINALLY get to try IUI!!!

Thanks for the love Wish!!! Right back at you! :hugs:
Hey Ladies!
Hope you both have a wonderful holiday weekend!

Wish your test date is coming up in a HURRY!!!! :BFP: MOST DEFINITELY!!!

:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

love to you both!
thanks, little! have a great long weekend too!

I don't know about the BFP - not really feeling it, though I don't know what I'm supposed to feel. Boobs aren't killing as much anymore and I'm just having plain old TWW bloat. Nothing else! we'll see...
ugh - 2 days til my blood test and I'm going absolutely insane! I started AF-like cramps today and it's very upsetting. Today is technically 12dpo and as you know, my LP is rarely longer than 10-11 days. So I feel like my body really just wants to have AF right now but can't b/c of the progesterone. BUT, it could also be implantation or my uterus getting ready to be pregnant (though I thought implantation would have taken place Fri/Sat of this past weekend).
anyway - I'm kinda all over the place today and the most DH says is 'great - why stress yourself out over it' when I told him I came on this site yesterday. I guess that's how he wants to destress me - good times!

so here are my symptoms at 9dp3dt:
AF cramps, heavy lower abdomen
cranky (but I think that's DH's doing)
slightly veiny bbs but I could be imagining it
bbs still sore/tender nips (but not killing me like the other day)

see - nothing crazy. I guess that's to be expected either way b/c most women don't see any symptoms until around 5-6 weeks. So I should just chill out and try to stop thinking about it. Either it is or it isn't. Worrying about it won't do anything. I guess it's not worrying, though - it's just the not knowing. I just want to know either way! AHHHH!

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