Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Wish - try not to get discouraged. Looking back, the only thing I noticed before I got my positive test was one day - and I can't remember exactly when - but a couple of days before - but I had a few moments of cramping. It seemed to be a little more intense but would come and go fairly quickly. But I definitely felt it and thought af was just around the corner. Try to not let the cramping get to you. I don't remember cramping any other month that I was on the progesterone besides our last month. This is bad of me to say to you - - but have you thought about testing at all????? I took a first response test at 12 dpo - and there was no second guessing that second line was there. Then I took a second test on the "scheduled test date" which was 14 dpo and also had a blood test that day.

We are thinking about you so, so, so much and wishing for a glaring positive test!!! Keep us updated. I feel like I am waiting for my own bfp again!!!!!
thank you so much for that and I'm REALLY trying to keep that in mind. Yeah, I have thought of testing but the only test I have here is a CB digital. I don't know if that is good enough to use on 12dpo. I need to go to the store to get an FRER. But the docs explicitly told me not to test before the blood test. But my train of thought is to test before I get a phone call telling me 'BFN' so the nurse isn't giving me news I already know.
So I have a little of :muaha: going on!!
I was told not to test early either....but I did :) I was told that "testing before 14dpo could lead to a false positive and we don't want you having false hope." My trigger shot was 10,000 and although I was 12dpiui, I was 14 days past my trigger shot. You should do whatever you are comfortable with not let me be a bad influence on you :)

Some other "breaking news" from me....we got the call we have been anxiously awaiting for! Our genetic test results were negative for trisomy 13, 18 and 21!!! AND, I have the results of the gender awaiting for me in my email! I won't open it though until me and dh are together. AHHHH!!! It's crazy to we are 12 weeks and I'm going to find out what we are having! Things are about to get real now as I can start thinking about the nursery!!!!

Oh Wish....I so hope you are about to join me and then in a few months, little will join us!
you know, I just thought about it (and thought about it, and thought about it) and I'm not going to test. If I test, I'd want to share with DH immediately. And if I did and it was a BFP, then we find out it was a false positive, I wouldn't want to do that to him. And if I didn't tell him I got a BFP and kept that from him until after the beta on Thurs, I'd feel really guilty. Sooooo...not testing until that day. Then I'll take an HPT after I get home from the blood draw and take it.
HA! jinx! posted at the same time!! :)

that's AWESOME about the test results!!!! You have healthy bouncing baby something in there!! SO EXCITING! I can't wait to hear the results of the gender! yeah, it's crazy thinking back to this time last year, when we were all crazy doing this the natural way. I think about that sometimes - we've been talking about this for a year and a half and it's finally coming true (at least so far for you!!) <3
You have great reasoning, Wish!!! Way to be girlie!!! So proud of you :) Sorry to be a bad influence and encouraging early testing.....I'm just so excited for you and praying so hard that those little babies are getting comfortable and snug!!!
We have definitely been through the ringer together, huh?!? I always hear people say that those who have struggled with infertility and get pregnant wouldn't change a thing about their struggles, even if they could. And it's true. It made me understand how precious and how much of a miracle each and every pregnancy is. Although at times now I wonder "why did we do this" and how at times I hate how I feel and am not really welcoming my changing will all be worth it in the end. We can tell our little guy...or gal just how badly we wanted them to join our family. Hearing those negative test results automatically connected me to the baby more than I could have ever imagined. I had tears in my eyes as my doctor shared the good news (yes, my doctor himself called me!).

Today has officially been a wonderful day - and will only get better in a couple of days when I hope you share wonderful news. Fingers crossed and prayers being said!!!
that's interesting - I'll have to give my response after I get a BFP, if it happens! (staying positive but not trying to jinx anything ;))

I'm glad today has turned out to be a wonderful day for you. I'm beyond happy for you and so glad you made it through the first tri with no issues. May the next 2 be blissful and swift for you!!!
Hello ladies!
Wish try to hang in there! Test day is so close and I have a great feeling for you!

Malinko it sounds like things are going wonderful for you and I am so happy to hear that your testing turned out well! I can't believe you are about to find out what you are having! SO crazy!

I will be checking in first thing on Friday to see what Wish posts as a result! Have been thinking of you both!

Lots of love!!!! :hugs:
YIPPEEEEEEE!!! (though i'd be saying that either way!! :))

I'm so excited for you guys! you must be THRILLED to now know you've got a healthy little boy on the way!! :hugs:
Yes, we are thrilled. Its crazy just how knowing baby is healthy - and now that he is a boy, how much more connected I feel to this baby. I felt a whole new love yesterday and I know that will happen again once he is here. DH is so excited to be having a boy too. I'll never forget seeing his face when he found out he is going to have a son.
oh wow - is it true about never really knowing this kind of love until now? I mean, i guess that's kind of a silly question b/c you've never had a child before, but people say it's like their heart just opens up (I picture the Grinch with his heart growing 2 sizes bigger!) <3

I don't remember if I asked but have you told everyone now? did you wait until this week (12 weeks) or did you say anything earlier? how did you tell your folks or DH's family? I was fantasizing about how to tell my parents last night.

I can't wait to hear names you have picked out! I assume none yet b/c you've been taking this at a rather good pace, making sure everything goes well, etc. Named after your FIL, maybe? :flower:

afm - just a little nut case over here. Just went to give blood and my blood nurse that always takes it is the sweetest thing. She's totally empathized and said that she would have the afternoon girls try to push mine to the front of the line so I could get an early call, just to end the misery of waiting. I still don't have a clue if I am or not. My boobs decided to stop being sore TODAY of all days. I still have a little cramp down low on the right side that I've had for days now, but that's it.
I have that CB digital test in the drawer in the bathroom calling my name.......:wacko:
Wish, I have my fingers crossed for you and will be stalking this site. Wish, I don't remember feeling anything. I don't remember my boobs being sore....or more correctly speaking, my nipples. It wasn't until probably week 5 that things started. And let me tell you...I was always poking my boobs to check if they were sore. Pregnancy boobs are a whole different least for me. The whole thing hurts. Dh can't give a big hug because it hurts them!!! Anyway, you don't have to have symptoms to be pregnant this early :). And what you do have could be from the progesterone.

Yes, I can honestly say I have felt a new love and I know now that I haven't experienced it completely. That day we get to meet our little guy will be that day. I have no doubt. You are right. The grinch's heart growing by two sizes is a great comparison!!!

We told parents after our 7 week ultrasound when we saw the heartbeat. We then told close friends after we got oure At results - which was 12 weeks exactly. We still have told "regular friends" or anyone like that but it'll slowly start coming out this week. We are going to have to share soon -or allow our families to start telling (both grandparents are dying to tell their friends and our aunts/uncles) as we are starting to show. For people who don't know me they probably wouldn't know. For those who know me they can tell there's a little something going on. We just called our parents and told them. Nothing special. No one knows we did genetic testing let alone able to know the sex of the baby so that'll be our fun surprise. Not sure what we will do yet but planning that soon.

No names picked out. We haven't even really started talking about it yet.

Will check back soon!!!! I pray for good news for you and your husband, my friend.
boob soreness is back and it's been full-boob too. :)
no call yet. Thankfully work is somewhat busy so my brain isn't totally fried.
omg I can actually write this now...


THANK YOU!!! no big reaction from DH, so that kinda sucked. But he's always all calm, cool and collected so I'll have to pry it out of him. I think he's all Mr. Practical like this is step 1, then we need to make sure it's healthy, and that I don't miscarry. I think he might take a bit to connect.
Okay, now for a more proper post! So, I got to the main page and saw that you had the last post for the ttc group discussion forum. My stomach immediately got butterflies and as I went to open the page, I just kept saying "please be positive, please be positive." It was the same anxiousness I had when I saw the doctor's office name show up on my caller id when they called me with my results!

Wish, I have tears in my eyes! I am SO excited for you and your husband!!! You guys are going to be parents!!!!!!

What was your hcg level???? I'm assuming you will go back on Saturday for another blood draw? I pray everything is going well, that your hcg levels double and that you have a healthy pregnancy!!!

I can't wait to hear any story you want to share with me about finding out!!! Have you now went and took your clearblue test just so you could see the word "pregnant"?????

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