Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

THANK YOU for the tears and the excitement!!!!! I had them too and i started shaking!! I was in immediate La La land - she was telling me the next time I have to go in is Monday. My levels were at 220 and they look for between 70-100. So things look good so far!
I think I have to call back and get the info again, just to be sure! she was so cute, she said 'Brenda is so excited for you too!' - she's my nurse from this morning that draws my blood.

HAHA! I haven't, I don't have to pee yet! I might wait to use that for telling my folks over Facetime or something. Since I have the O-FFICIAL test results now! :)
Wish - I think our husbands are very similar. DH kind of made a joke with mine, but I also had him look at the test as I cheated and we tested two days before our bloodwork. My dh was the same. He was anxious about the second blood draw and if the levels were doubling appropriately. Then, it was the 5 week scan. Then it was the 7 week scan. We couldn't see much with our first two ultrasounds (with the exception of seeing the wonderful strong heartbeat at the 7 week appt....a very big moment...but it was at the 3rd ultrasound - 10 weeks that we could see a clearly defined baby - saw it wiggling around on the screen that he showed a little bit of excitement. But, then it was the bloodwork and awaiting the results of the genetic testing that he became extremely anxious about. Once we got those results (just a couple of days ago) DH finally seemed excited about the pregnancy.

Don't let it upset you. Your whole world is changing. His isn't. You have a baby (or babies!) growing inside you and you may soon start feeling the effects of it. While you are EXHAUSTED (like I have never felt before), experiencing nausea (that never seems to end) and possibly throwing up - nothing has changed in his world. I think it is hard for them to connect at the beginning and understandably so. This is a very critical time. It is a time to be excited - but not one to let your guard down on quite yet. I didn't feel comfortable until I saw the heart beating. Then, actually hearing the heartbeat was amazing and made it feel real.

I don't want to go back to it - but I wish all the morning sickness in the world on you :) Sounds bad - but I've always been told that morning sickness is a good sign of a healthy pregnancy :)

Now I am praying for good hcg draws and wonderful ultrasounds!!! Take care of yourself. RELAX...don't worry about cleaning house....doing dishes....I'm serious...RELAX!!! And drink lots and lots of water :)
I hope you don't have any intentions of doing anything the rest of the are going to remain in la-la land for awhile :)

Sorry for all the posting. I'm just so excited! I don't know that I'll be doing much work now this afternoon either, lol!
wow, best advice ever. Thank you sooooooooooooooooooooo much, you have no idea how much that means. So, so true. I even kinda said that - I went back downstairs and said 'are you excited?' and then realized that that was a bit of pressure to react in a certain way when he might not be feeling that, so I quickly said 'kinda hard to sink in so quickly...' and let it go. Then he had to hop on a conf call. :)

so I have wanted to get back to my kickboxing classes - I assume I can do that. It's really just a workout class with kicks and then for 10 mins we punch either a bag or someone's gloves. No real 1:1 stuff and the woman that owns the gym is a legit kickboxer. It's more exercise than anything. Thoughts? I think I can start running again too...listen to me, big go-getter. Watch when the exhaustion hits!
HAHA do not apologize for all of the posts, i love them!!! I need to be excited with someone and i'm SO happy it's you!!

well, I have to finish out my workday but I certainly don't feel like doing much. Unfortunately, I have some deliverables too and can't zone out as much as I would like to.

now I'm loving the little niggles I'm feeling in my lower righthand side!! EEEE!
oh, and they said that I'm going to keep on the crinone (progesterone) until week 10, when the placenta takes over. And i'll continue my estrogen patches for a bit too. I have to order more of those...
i just called them back and left a message - "um, it's Wish....please don't laugh....i think I missed a lot of what you said, can you please call me back?"
As far as the exercising, I do not know the answer to that. Honestly, I would call your nurse at the doctors office and ask her. I can't imagine it not being okay as long you keep an eye on your body temperature and not get over heated - but you certainly don't want to risk anything. I didn't really exercise before our bfp but I can tell you even if I did, I would have not had the interest - or any energy to exercise in the first trimester! I think I have just finally gotten most (not all yet) of my energy back.
I cannot tell you HOW excited you will be to get to 10 weeks and stop the crinone!!!! I got the approval to stop just a few days shy of 8 weeks and I was SO unbelievably excited. However, I just kept reminding myself that it was one more thing that was helping us sustain our pregnancy! I didn't have to do estrogen patches, so I cannot tell you much about that!

I can promise, you aren't the first person to call back! I would have had to call back too, but they told me the results and then I said, "could you repeat everything you just told me so that I can write it down, or else I'll be calling you back!" So, one phone call and they had to tell me twice. LOL.

Okay, since you have to work, I'm going to stop posting for now and get back to work myself....but I'll keep checking in and see how you are doing.

Relax mama! I remember not long after I found out, I started reading all sorts of books. One of my books said that a pregnant woman at rest is exerting more energy that a non pregnant woman running. I kept that in the back of my mind so that I didn't overdo it. Plus, I SLOWLY started to realize when I "thought" I felt "good" and would do a little extra....I would pay for it. So, maybe a good thought to keep in the back of your mind too :)

Talk to you soon friend!!!! Your growing family is in my prayers!
you are making me grin ear to ear! it's INSANE!

omg, the worst thing about the crinone is I really don't want to have any nookie while on it!! it's so gross!! but I can't last another 6 weeks or whatever, that's too much. So we'll have to suck it up and shower after or something! :haha:
other than that, yeah - I'm happy to continue it b/c I think progesterone was one of our issues since I had such a short LP and would spot a few days before AF. Whatever works!
Hello Ladies!
Congratulations are in order for you both!
Malinko a BOY!!!! How wonderful! Congrats love!

And WISH ahhhhhh you finally did it! You got your :bfp: and you are going to be a mommy!!!!! yay for the :bunnies: in your tummies!

I am so happy for you both! I honestly wish you both the most happy and healthy pregnancies imaginable! Ill still be checking in from time to time to read updates so keep posting them!

lots of love to you both! and again CONGRATULATIONS!!!! YOU FINALLY DID IT!!!! Awesome job ladies!


:bunny: :bunny:
THANK YOU, Little!!! You better keep checking in! We need to know how the wedding goes and then cheer you on when you start the TTC process back up!

Trying to maintain practicality, not be a downer, but things are still very new here. A few milestones to get through over the next few months so keep sending those positive vibes!!
hiya! just checking in!
got the results from the 2nd blood test a moment ago and we're coming in at 1400! nice and high! as you know, they look for them to double every other day, so we should have been around 880.
I've looked up if it could mean multiples and it doesn't look like it directly points to that. There are lots of women who have had really high levels and resulted in only one. Either way - smiles for another milestone achieved!

I go back next Monday for my last one and if all looks good there, then we schedule our first u/s for the following week. So I'll be between 6-7 weeks by then.

how are you doing? Hope you had a good weekend!

hi little!! :wave:
Woo hoo!!! I've been waiting for these results all day!!!! What great news :)

I have lost track at where you are - - I know you do how many days post a ___ day transfer - but that then correspondence to past ovulation - How many days would it be? I was 1393 (or something close to that) at 16dpiui (or 16dpo). Regardless....your numbers are wonderful!!! I don't know if you would want twins or not - but sounds like our numbers are fairly close to each others - so if anything, maybe it will make you feel more comfortable (or sad I guess...) that maybe it is a singleton :)

I'm so glad those numbers are more than doubling!!! Can't wait for the next blood draw!
aw thank you!!

yesterday I was 15dp3dt, so 18dpo - so your numbers were even higher! awesome!!

do you know what it actually shows, other than development? strength or health or really just only development? I was curious.

I wouldn't mind twins, though the more I think about it, the more daunting it is. I've read enough stories online that don't really make a strong correlation between hcg and how many babies there are, so I'm not stressing about it.
A singleton is great! I don't need to be greedy! haha I just want he/she to be healthy! Though to be honest - I'd be slightly sad that the other embie didn't make it! :) weird, I know!
Wish, I am so sorry! I "posted" a response yesterday - or so I thought. I came back on this morning and saw my post wasn't there. HMMM!!!

Okay, I will try to remember what I posted yesterday. From the research I did for what hcg "shows", is that a normal hcg rise over several days prior to 6 weeks of the pregnancy usually indicates a viable pregnancy. In general, the best indication of a healthy pregnancy other than a normal rise of hcg is a good fetal heartbeat around 6 to 7 weeks. Sooo, as long as your numbers keep rising, that's great news!!! And then, detect that heartbeat!!! It's so crazy when you see that heartbeat. It looks like a little kidney bean on the ultrasound screen but you see something in the middle of that kidney bean that flutters. And that my friend is that amazing heartbeat!

As far as twins, you had the exact feelings that I did. I'm thrilled with one though! And now that I'm past the initial sad stage of only seeing one on the ultrasound, I'm quite thankful there is just one :)

I had one of my worst moments last night regarding announcing. Yes, we are still SLOWLY announcing to people! LOL! My husband told one of his friends last night. We recently found out that they decided to start trying. I'm not sure how long they had been trying for. Anyway, they are our only friends left that don't have kids. We were the slow one jumping on train in our group! This friend that I'm telling you about is quite a bit younger than our crowd - I'd say 26 or 27 (not young, just younger than most of our friends). Anyway, we tell them - and they knew that we had been having to see a specialist - but that was it. He was so excited for my husband, etc. and then proceeded to tell him that they just had a miscarriage and his wife is having "a little procedure" (I'm sure a D&C) this morning. It upset me so much that I got sick and threw up. I feel so bad for them. And of course, it has made me not want to announce to any more people. I know it happens....and miscarriage is a very common thing but I just felt terrible for them and terrible for announcing to them. I don't know how far along they were. Breaks my heart.

Tell me how you are doing/feeling?!?!?!

Hi little! How's wedding planning coming along?
oh girl, don't apologize! I know you're a busy lady!

That is TERRIBLE that that happened. For you and them! I'm so sorry, and that's horrible that it made you physically sick. No one can say you're not empathetic. :) But remember - you didn't do anything to hurt anyone and you didn't know what they were going through. And knowing you, I know this absolutely killed you b/c you of all people know how tough this whole road is. I'm really sorry that this has made you nervous to tell more people! it's a time of celebration, not time to hide.
But I know, it's such a touchy thing - we are the last of our friends, besides a newer couple we've become friends with that are getting married next year. Other than that, all of our friends have kids and those of mine that don't aren't planning on it.

I'm feeling absolutely fine. Barely any cramping - it comes and goes but it's pretty slight. Boobs are still sore. Nothing else new. I actually just came on here to see, again, when you said you started to feel anything. I'm not exhausted. I feel like I'm getting impatient again and I really need to chill out. I think it's b/c I need to be 'doing' or 'not doing' all of these things right now and I want a little something to feel in return! :) Like, I'm eating well (which I was anyway), avoiding caffeine most of the time, avoiding alcohol, avoiding exercise until I have the first u/s.....I want a little something! Selfish?? I should thank my lucky stars, I guess. And I need to keep remembering that I'm not even 5wks yet. So once again - need to be patient and just enjoy!

However, I am getting some ill effects from the crinone and I am not psyched that I have to take it for 5 more weeks!! EW! But whatever works, of course, to keep this LO on board. :)
oh and thank you for the hcg info - that's what I was figuring it was. GOOD! Keep climbing, little one!
Wish - I too had to go back and read when it kicked in for me, lol! I know I was feeling pretty normal at the 5 week scan. I know at the 7 week scan I have having to eat every couple of hours (thankfully it only lasted one week where I had to make sure I had snacks on me all the time). So I would say sometime after the 5 week mark was when it hit me hard. 6 weeks and 2 days was the day I couldn't get out of bed. As those hcg numbers rise - the possibility of symptoms (nausea, exhaustion, etc) will start to possibly kick in. And of course, throw the crinone in there as well. I think it added to some of my sickness as well as I was still battling it but it didn't feel as bad most days after I stopped using the crinone. I do think it helped with my exhaustion after I stopped using it.

Just remember, everyone reacts differently - so don't let it get you worried. Just focus on that baby staying healthy and growing and fingers crossed for each little hurdle yet to jump :) You guys will do great! Enjoy how you feel now because (hopefully) soon you will be wanting to feel that way again!

Keep the updates coming!
just hopped on to say still having cramps (they are waking me up at night now! fun! guess I just asked for a sign, right?) and sore boobs. Nothing new, but nothing changed too so I'm good with it!

Have a great weekend! Thanks for being such a good friend!! :hugs:
hi girlie! had my 3rd beta today and we're checking in at 9405 - still going strong! I thought we'd still have to double every day since last Monday, which would have put me around 12k. But the nurse said this number is great and around 2k, the progress starts to slow to about 50-100% every other day. So this is well within that realm.

Ultrasound scheduled for next Monday, 8:45am! Can't wait!!

how are you doing? do you have any books you'd recommend or anything?
Hey Wish...thinking of you today. Getting nervous as you haven't been on to post the results of todays blood draw..........have checked several times today :( Hope it doesn't mean anything and that are you just busy and haven't had time to log on today. Thinking of you!

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