Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

hi my dears - just an update. No heartbeat today with the u/s so we can finally have some closure. Scheduled for a D&C tomorrow morning at 7:30 (again). I'm doing fine, having these confusing two weeks to digest everything has been good.
So what happens next, you ask? They have to monitor the HCG back down to 0, then I have a full normal cycle, then on the NEXT cycle we can start again. So it's looking like we're not going to be doing anything with TTC until about the beginning of Sept. Again, I'm fine with this. I'm going to open a bottle of wine this weekend, enjoy the 4th of July pool party we're going to and let this first chapter close. I DID have a sneaking suspicion that we'd have to try a couple of times, right? ;) Oh, and I think we're going to do a fresh cycle again. Just b/c of having the availability of 2 embies (hopefully) rather than the one frozen.

Thank you for all of your support over the past couple of weeks (well, since forever!!). We'll make it!

Malinko - how is your pregnancy going??? Such downer stuff on here from me lately - bring some sunshine to us!! names yet??
Again I am incredibly sorry for your loss and all that you are going through. My prayers are still with you and your hubby. I think your idea of having fun over the holiday is good. And you seem to be keeping a very positive attitude and I know that is not always the easiest thing to do! Lots of :hugs: your way!

on a slightly happier note....if you are going to try again in September I wont be too far behind you! I think we are trying our first round of IUI in October if everything goes as planned! We could potentially be bump buddies...:)

Malinko, hope you are doing well!!! Let us know how things are going when you get a chance!

Hope you both have a wonderful 4th!

Lots of love!
that is a GREAT point, how cool would that be???

D&C went well, all over. I'm a little groggy still, so going to stay in bed and enjoy some relaxation. I'll check in in a few days, I'm sure.

Happy 4th, ladies!
hi girls! I miss you both! Where are you?

malinko - I hope you're just busy and nothing has happened. You know I worry! :)

little - your wedding is so soon!!! WOO!!!
Hello Lovelies!
Hope you both had a wonderful holiday weekend! We finally had some nice weather here which we have definitely been in need of!

Wish I am glad to hear it went okay. Still sorry it had to happen at all! :hugs:

Malinko...hope you are doing well! I am also getting a little worried (just in my nature I suppose) hope you are just swamped with planning fun baby things!

So yes my wedding is getting freakishly close....YIKES....I am honestly super excited, but starting to get a little nervous (which is so weird because I definitely didn't think this would happen lol) but I am sure it will pass! Just really looking forward to it getting here and then VACATION! YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!! I am definitely looking forward to some time off after all of this craziness! A little more than 2 months away, and then when we get back from vacation I finally get to start trying to get pregnant again.....I am definitely looking forward to that and I believe DH is as well!

Love to you both!
Hey ladies.

Sorry for my lengthy absence. Wish - I was so hopeful things would turn around at your next ultrasound. I can't believe they even scheduled you for the first one! I'm so sorry you had to go thru all that and I'm sorry things didn't turn out better. You have an amazing attitude though and I just don't know how you do it. I'm glad you aren't giving up though and can try again soon. I'm sure two months seems like forever - but I hope it goes by quickly for you.

Little - I'm so excited for your wedding. Just a couple of months away (crazy!) And vacation.....sounds like so much fun! Where are you going? What all do you have left to do for the wedding?

Well - things are going better now. I had some severe cramping and some bleeding a couple of weeks ago. Went to the E.R. and things appeared to be fine on the ultrasound. They did keep me in the hospital overnight for observation. Doctor put me on bed rest and just recently got off as the cramps had subsided, bleeding stopped after that initial day and everything appears to be normal now. Doctors aren't really sure what happened or why. For now, I'm doing doctors appointments every two weeks to do measurements of the cervix, ultrasound, etc. So, I guess things are good for now. We are now 18 weeks and have bought a few things for the baby - just now starting after the scare.
thanks for hopping on, malinko! I'm so glad everything turned out ok. I've heard SO many stories of that randomly happening and even though you hear more often than not that it's ok, it's GOT to be scary. Even just a little tear from the baby moving one way and the placenta or uterus going the other way can cause that and it's not harmful to the baby. So happy all is well. And happy you guys are buying stuff for the little one now!!

yeah, it does seem a little like forever away. I had my first HCG test today after the D&C last week and i'm already down to 321. So I go back next Thurs for another and I should be down to zero. Hopefully my quick drop means that AF will come soon. I don't want to wish the summer away though since we worked so hard for it this winter! So I'm just relaxing and going to enjoy the next couple of months. Who knows, maybe I'll be so extra fertile that things will happen naturally instead! YEAH RIGHT! :)
Glad to hear you are doing well after that scare! I am sure that was awful, but so happy you made it through it and are moving forward! yay!

You have the best attitude ever and I can't imagine how hard this has all been! Just keep thinking positive and it will all come together! And trust me, from someone who was more than ready to be pregnant at this time last year and had to wait a whole year to finally get a chance to try honestly goes by so quickly! 2 months will have come and gone before you know it! And it is summer! yay to the best time of the year! try to relax and enjoy!

So yes wedding is coming up in a hurry and is totally starting to feel real...we are kind of down to crunch time. I have just been kind of putting things of and saving some extra money and such since about april, and then all of a sudden its the middle of July and we only have like 2 months left! YIKES

We are going to cancun for the honeymoon and I am really looking forward to just getting away! Just have a lot of little things left for the wedding I am SURE I will be PLENTY busy until the big day!

In the baby making world....when I start AF this time I will be contacting my RE to set up a time for my HSG. Holy cow did that come fast! I am guessing it will be the first or second week of August. Hopefully it will all turn out okay and no blockages or anything like that, but who knows! That is only like 2 weeks away! I can't believe that I am finally getting ready to try to get pregnant again! It's absolutely crazy to think about! But I am excited!

If HSG goes well and my sugar numbers are where they need to be (which I should know both of these by the middle of August) we will be set to try our first round of IUI in hopefully all goes as planned and AF behaves herself lol DH keeps talking about a "honeymoon baby" which is SUPER unlikely with us both having issues, but hey I guess I could happen post HSG would be nice to just get pregnant instead of having to go through the IUI and possibly IFV, but I am not counting on it!

Hope you are both enjoying your summers! Things have changed so much since last summer....I hope next summer I am either a momma or getting ready to be one! and I hope the same for you both!

Lots of love!! :hugs:
hi little!! oh I'm so excited for your wedding!!! You have to post pics or send them in a PM or something! I love weddings. <3
Cancun sounds a-freaking-mazing too. I'd love to be on a beach somewhere right now, and I know it's summertime! My wedding wish for you is that you do make that wedding/honeymoon baby. It does happen!! And especially if your HSG is the month beforehand - great timing!

things have totally changed, huh? so crazy. And look - we're all still alive and rolling with it! Especially Mama Malinko!! :)

Good luck with the HSG and your bloodwork for your sugars. Keep us posted! And remember - all of those little small things you have left to do, don't sweat them! Everything will come together and if they don't, as long as you and DH are as happy as can be and everyone is having fun, it'll be the best day of your lives. Until the little one rolls around, of course. ;)

:hugs: & <3
Wish thank you for all of the positive words of encouragement! I really needed them today! It totally made me smile! :) I can't believe it is getting so close! It's funny because I am very excited about the wedding and the honeymoon (and yes I will share pics!) but just today I thought, "I can't wait until my main focus is once again on getting pregnant" I am so ready! It feels like I have waited FOEVER, but here we are...all still alive just as you said!

Hope you are feeling okay! I have been thinking about you a lot!

Love and :hugs:

Hope you're doing well too Malinko! No more scares!!!!! :hugs:
i can't wait for you to get back in the TTC game, personally!!

so I know you were on a big weight loss plan for your wedding - how did you end up doing? When is the wedding date again?

I'm doing fine - had my bloods taken again last Thurs and I'm only down to 19. Need to be down to zero! I have to go in again this Friday for yet another one. Oh well - I've made this local coffee/ice cream/sandwich shop my new favorite, so I go there on the way home from the doc's office :) I get my bagel sandwich and a coffee. Sometimes I bring my laptop and hang out there for an hour or so too - there are some nice ladies working there. Soooo....just hanging, waiting for AF to arrive! or not - hell, I'll catch a free egg if that's what my body wants to do! but I'm not being very nice to my body, toxins-wise. I've not been saying no to beer and wine, but I'm still doing well with caffeine and the rest. Just enjoying the summer! :)

malinko - updates please! I hope you're doing well and baby boy is growing nice and big in your belly!
Hi ladies.

Just wanted to check in and say hello.

Little - did you get your hsg scheduled? I'm guessing af has started by now and hoping your hsg is in the next week or two! Getting the little last minute things completed for the wedding? I remember all the stress that went into the upcoming wedding but how much fun, excitement and love there was.

Wish - how are you? Have you heard your new hcg level? I hope it hurries up and gets to zero for you quickly.

Things are going good on my end. No more scares thankfully. You girls know how badly I wanted to get pregnant...but it really is a different game! I'm so thankful to be pregnant and to have this little healthy guy growing in me. However, I thought I would totally embrace pregnancy and the changes my body would go through. I have to be honest with you - and I don't want to sound like I am complaining - because I am so thankful to be pregnant, especially after our long journey - but I'm not embracing all that pregnancy has to offer. I'm now 21 weeks and am slowly transitioning into maternity clothes. Maybe I haven't found the right clothes yet - but I'm not a fan of what I do have so far. I was pretty small to begin with - and to throw hormones on top of it all - I have had a little difficulties with it. I love my belly...and for the most part, I am all belly. However my hips are getting a little wider and that is just never fun for anyone. Also, I'm not sleeping well at night due to restless leg syndrome. And I just don't feel cute anymore. You know how you can put an outfit on and feel confident and cute? Yeah, that has yet to happen. Ugh! I even had my first melt down this morning and started crying because I just don't like how I look and would rather wear sweats and a tshirt right now. I wonder how work would like that?!? LOL! Everyone compliments me all the time and says how little I am - which I am - but have certainly grown a LOT from my pre-pregnancy days. Sorry for the hormonal and "poor me" post. I feel really selfish even posting it as I know how lucky I am to even be pregnant. I just know you girls won't judge me for it. :cry: I know this will all be worth it when the little guy gets here though.
awwww, malinko - certainly no judgment at all! I think almost everyone goes into a pregnancy all happy and thankful and they certainly don't want to feel the way that you do, but they most certainly do. It's tough having a smaller body to begin with and go through all of these changes!!! And I totally get the not feeling cute thing. I'm sure you look absolutely darling to everyone around you but you aren't feeling it. I hope you can maybe splurge and buy yourself a few cute tops to go with some leggings, maybe? Hang in there - you're right, it'll alllllll be worth it. And then, as someone wrote earlier today on another thread, your little boy will say 'Dada' first. :) big hugs to you!

I just got the call for my blood work this morning - STILL not down to zero! We're at 3.55 and I have to be below 1 for them to stop sticking me with needles. So I have to go in again next Friday.
Aw malinko I would never judge the feeling big and ugly thing! NOT THAT YOU ARE, because trust me I am sure you are not! I have always thought that I will be thrilled to be pregnant and love it just because I will be so excited, but I know I will be HUGE (I am only 5 feet tall) and I remember how big my mom was with my youngest sister( we are built very similarly) so I feel for you girly! And being uncomfortable and not being able to sleep is NEVER fun! Hang in there though...little man will be here in no time and you will soon forget these worries! But for now it's definitely okay to not like being pregnant, I think that is actually normal!

Wish- I can't believe how long it is taking for your numbers to come down....what a pain! It should definitely be down by next Friday though! And don't feel bad about enjoying summer and having some harm in having a little fun!

Wedding stuff is going right along....its exactly 2 months away this Sunday (September 26 is the date) and I am just getting really ready for it to get here, although there are a MILLION little things I still need to get done first! The weight loss thing went pretty well....although I must confess I haven't been exercising as much or watching what I am eating as much since about May. The good news is I lost a total of 25lbs and have been able to keep it off! So while I am not where I would LOVE to be...I am doing well and I feel pretty good about myself! I would like to lost another 10 before the wedding, and with the stress I believe I just might be able to accomplish that! haha but no things are good there!

I haven't scheduled my HSG yet as I am just waiting for AF to get here and she has been kind of strange since coming off of BC in April...had a few normal cycles for me of around 32 days, and then last month was 38 I am guessing she will be showing up either next week or the VERY beginning of August which is fine! (CD 24 right now)....the strange part is I think regardless of when she comes I will be scheduled for the HSG on my birthday...what a strange way to celebrate haha (August 10) My Doctor likes to do them on Monday afternoons so I am just guessing that is when it will be since they do them between CD 5-10...but we will see! Not in any huge rush as I can do it any time in August so when she comes ill call and get it scheduled! I am hoping it all turns out normal though....we already have enough complications we are facing with TTC so fingers crossed for no unexpected blockages or something!

Hope you both have a wonderful weekend! Wish enjoy yourself and Malinko hope you start feeling a bit better about the body image thing! I am sure you are cute as a button! :)

Lots of love and :hugs: to you both! :bunny:
Hello Lovelies! Just checking in! My RE called today with GREAT news! My glucose numbers are PERFECT and RIGHT where they need to be! I am still just waiting for AF to show so that I can get my HSG scheduled! Other than that they gave me the green light to go for our first round of IUI whenever we are ready!!!!!!!!!

I honestly can't believe this is finally all coming together....I am so freaking happy I could cry!

Hope you are both doing well!

lots of love and :hugs:
hi little! That's AWESOME about your tests!!! When is AF due so you can get your HSG scheduled?

I finally got my HCG down to zero last Friday. So now I'm just waiting for my first of 2 AFs to come before I can start my next IVF cycle. I'm slightly spotting today so she should be here soon. Nice chin zit too! :)
Hi girls. Good to hear from both of you!

Little, great news on your glucose levels. That is wonderful news. Bummer to hear that you are STILL waiting for af though. Maybe you'll get to enjoy your birthday on Monday though and not have to do the hsg on your birthday. Although, it would be nice to just get it and be done with it. I can't believe it is already August - the wedding and honeymoon are next month (woo hoo!) and then it is on to the first IUI!!!!

Wish, some more great news that you finally hit zero! I've been checking in knowing that you had another blood draw last Friday and have been hoping to see that you finally reached below 1. Glad to hear that spotting is starting (hopefully) so that af 1 is here and then af will come the beginning of September and then be ready to go again!!!

You guys are going to be back in updating on where you are at in your cycle and ultrasounds, transfers, etc. I can't wait!!! I'm hopeful that you all will be sharing good news before baby boy arrives so that we are all pregnant together!

Things are going well here. Little guy is moving around and kicking like crazy. We can occasionally see little movements here and there but not often. You can definitely feel them more than you see them. Still working on the nursery. We have purchased the crib and dresser - but haven't gotten it yet, so it will be here around August 14th. So hopefully we can spend that weekend getting the crib and dresser put together. I've already gotten the crib bedding - so it is slowly coming together. I also need to go pick out my rocker for the nursery.

I need to start working on my registry. I have received a lot of hand me downs already which has been very welcomed and appreciated. We do have to buy some of the big things (or hope someone gets them off our registry) such as the travel system, car seat (for after the infant car seat), etc. Every time I go to the store, I pick up some wipes or diapers. I just buy one or the other - but figured I might as well go ahead and start stocking up. I'm saving all the receipts in case I don't like a brand or have too many of one size. We have daycare lined up - but darn the luck, we still don't have this little guy a name yet.

As far as appointments, I go in another week and a half (24 week appt) for the routine checkup. We have already scheduled our 28 week appt as well which will be in September for the glucose test and we are having an additional ultrasound. Doctor things everything is fine, but wanted to check on something that ultrasound tech found that raises a little bit of concern. It was one soft marker for Down's - but my doctor said he isn't concerned since we already had the blood test done and it came back negative. He told me had we not done the blood test, he would order another ultrasound at 28 weeks just to see if that spot had gone away or not - so I went ahead and requested he order it to ease my mind. He said that unfortunately the ultrasound equipment is just so good today that it picks up on things they don't know what it is or why it picked up. Hoping all that goes well.

So, we are at 22 weeks - and I am up 9 pounds. I was 8 pounds 2 weeks ago at our last appointment and was told at that point to be expecting to gain 1 pound each week. It'd be nice if I could stick with the one pound gain every two weeks - but I'm sure that won't happen. Depending on the day - I may wear maternity clothes or I may not. Today happens to be a non-maternity clothes day. All my clothes that have elastic waste bands to them still fit - all my t-shirts still fit - it's more work clothes that are the issue. I do also have one pair of skinny jeans that still I'm loving that! At some point, I'm going to have to invest in new bras but trying to hold off as long as possible so that I can buy something that fits now and when nursing. And last weekend I was still able to fit into my two piece swimsuit. Not attractive by any means - but it still fit at least!

That's all for now. Will check back and see how you girls are doing! Take care and hugs to you both.
oh malinko, thank you for the update! Please keep us updated on the scans. I'm sure everything is fine too and wouldn't worry since the bloodwork came back fine. I can totally understand your concern though.
The kicking must feel so neat! I can't wait to feel that. I can't believe you're at 22 weeks already. Seems like just yesterday.....
I can't believe no name yet! :) I'm sure it will come to you through some divine inspiration. Just don't name him Maverick - my cousin who is having her 4th child (think I might have mentioned her before - no job, living with her 3 kids and bf at my aunt's little house, etc - sheeeeee gets the extra kid!) is going with that name.

yep - hopefully only one more month of waiting for me and we can start things up again. I'm very anxious and excited. I just wrote on another thread that I can't wait for the fall weather to be able to snuggle up to my little embies again. :)

little - happy birthday on Monday!!! :cake:
AF started today! so now I have to get a sonohysterogram (I think that's it) to make sure the uterus looks ok and there isn't anything to prevent implantation next time.

that's all with me! hopefully PUPO again by early Oct, it looks like.
Congrats, Wish! What great news!

Happy birthday to you little! Hope you had a great day yesterday!

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