Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Wish -

What a great post from you! I really enjoyed reading it!!! Back to the "old" times with all the updates!

We are painting our entire house and replacing all of the trim (around windows and base trim along the floor, replacing all doors and door jambs, door fixtures, light fixtures, new front door and all new outlets and light switches. It started out just painting and one thing has led into another. While it is stressful and a lot of money is going out - it'll all be worth it. We almost tore out deck down and had a new one built but just re-stained it a couple of weeks ago. I'm not sure who is "nesting" more - my husband or me!!! I bet you do love your new deck. We have a large patio heater so that we can still sit outdoors on those cool fall evenings and I absolutely love it. If you don't have one - you should definitely get one. Also, you should buy all your patio furniture now!!! I'd think with the end of summer that patio furniture would be on clearance - if you could find something that you like. We bought new patio furniture last year and yes - it is terribly expensive.

Yes, I registered about a month ago - but I'm glad I did it when I did because I have been adding and deleting things off it since I registered. So, hopefully by the time the invitations go out, I'll be done adding or deleting things from it. There are around 50 people invited - but you know you are lucky if half show up. We aren't doing a "couples" shower but there will be a handful of guys that will hang out at the same location, just different area - so that'll be fun. Then when the shower is over, all the guys can load up the car :) I wanted to do something where my husband was "celebrated" as well - so what better way than to have a select group of guys get together for the event.

Two follies after stimming for 6 days sounds good to me! And of course, there will just be more than will keep growing! I hope that you have even more than you did last time!!!

Try to keep your expectations at bay. It's hard to not compare to the last cycle - but really, it'll just stress you out. We did 3 IUI's and even though IUI is different than IVF - I was constantly comparing my scans to the cycle big the follicles were on what day - what cd would be the procedure, etc. My second cycle was compared so much to my first and I started comparing my third cycle to my first/second cycle. I finally learned to just let it be. I stopped looking at my calendar every 10 minutes trying to figure out what days I'd have ultrasounds, what day I'd do the trigger shot, what day the procedure would be. I finally accepted that it'll happen as it needs to happen and we would make whatever work to have the ultrasounds, shots and procedures. I'd say my third cycle was my most relaxed cycle out of the three and that certainly doesn't hurt matters.

I love your optimism though about how you think this is the cycle....I didn't read as much into my cycle that worked before - but definitely looked back and thought "isn't the coincidences funny?!?!" Hopefully that'll just make this cycle more relaxed and be the ONE that works!!! Then you can join the craziness of not sleeping at night, having men (strangers of course) comment on your belly, comparing baby product and the crazy thoughts of "what did we just do....are we sure we REALLY wanted to have a child?!?!?" It's all wonderful though and I cannot wait for you to experience all this.

Way to go on taking care of yourself!!!!!! You are totally rocking this! Keep posting updates! I love reading them and even though I haven't been posting as much - I still lurk around! However, now that there is some progress updates to be coming from you girls - I'll respond more frequently now. And - it's crazy to think but - I could be announcing in two months that we've had a baby!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!

Hugs to you!!!

funny you say that about being more relaxed this time around. I'm kinda forced to, in a way, though i hope I'm not doing anything bad. I am supposed to take my meds around the same time each night and this has been/will be the most socially active week I've had in months. Friday, when I started my stims, I had dinner plans at a friend's house. I brought my meds with me but realized I brought only part of one med. So I had to call the on-call nurse in a panic and ask if I had to go home before 9pm to get the right meds and she said 'well, we prefer that you take them around the same time every day but it's ok if you have to wait until later, that's fine'. So that helped with last night b/c we had a concert and when we got in, we saw a sign that said 'no re-entry' - so I had to make the decision to either leave, wait until 7 to shoot up at the hotel and then come back later or just do it after the concert. So I just waited, but didn't do it until midnight. I have 2 more concerts this Fri and Sat, but I should be able to do those at 7. So I'm kinda all over the place but trying to be chill about it.
My work is also trying to send me onsite to a client next week - they want coverage from Tues-Fri! I'm like 'well......I'm having a procedure done sometime next week and I'm not sure when so I really can't commit to any day!' Thankfully, we found coverage for most of the days. And if I can't make it that last day, then i can't make it and people can suck it up. :)

ahhhh - painting and trimwork, new doors! fun! it makes a house look so much better when it's complete. Yeah, we had one of those patio heaters and it broke over the crazy winter we had. I'd like to get another one.
I don't know if I'm hormonal right now (altogether possible) but I'm not jazzed completely by how things finished on our deck! I just went to go look at it and though the deck itself is trimmed in Azek, the wood below it is still just exposed wood! Looks weird to me. And they ended up having to take some of our siding off and rehung some, but didn't paint it to the same color as the house. So now we have some gray pieces that we have to paint ourselves! I'm probably way overreacting for this but we paid a hell of a lot of money for this deck and I'd expect that I don't then have to go in and do extra work to 'finish'. UGH!

your shower sounds awesome - great idea for the guys to get together separately. That'll be so fun for you both!

ahhhhh, anyway - I have another u/s tomorrow morning. Hopefully more follies are plumping. I definitely feel more going on down there than I did on Tues. :) I'll post an update! thank you for being such a cheerleader!

PS I cannot WAIT for your announcement in 2 months!!!!
well, today's scan was not good - no growth since Tuesday. She wasn't even offering up numbers so i don't know if they are even measurable. So still 2 follicles, my lining is still thin at 3.x. Which I figured that one b/c I was still spotting as of yesterday. I will get a call this afternoon with results and I'd assume different instructions if we're increasing any meds or anything. Thing is, I'm running out of meds as well so i'll have to spend more $$ to get more doses. Ugh.
I just don't know if it's me doing something, my schedule changes for the injections b/c of the concert (and the first night b/c of not bringing enough of one med with me to my friend's house). I dunno. We'll see - I'll keep you posted.

I hope you have a fantastic weekend!! little - you're getting MARRIED (again) tomorrow!!! ENJOY every bit of it!
hi there! another update - had a scan and blood work yesterday morning. The nurse was like 'ummm do they usually have trouble finding your ovaries?' uhhh, what?? you can't even find those now?? so she had me press on my sides and push things into place. She was able to measure a couple of things but I got the skinny when the nurse called later with everything. Estrogen is up from 45 to 75 - not a whole lot but at least it went up. I have a few follicles on each side but only one was measurable at 10.2. We need to reach 11 for them to be considered maturing, I think. My lining is up to 6.2 or so, which is great. that needs to be at 8+, I know that one. He said that the doc didn't want to change the meds since we're now seeing an increase. It's just a 'slow burn' he said. I wonder if it has to do with the somewhat later AF I got after the BCP was finished. I didn't start that until Friday and that's when I started my stims. Either way, hopefully we're on our way up.

I just called and asked about working out during stimming and she said not to - I can go for a walk or leisurely bike ride but no running or crazy jumping jacks/bouncing things. GREAT. Wonder what I did continuing to work out last week - kickboxing, TRX and running? Guess I'll just sit tight and eat veggies and drink decaffienated things and water for the rest of the week. Need this buggers to plump up!

I also wonder if taking advil last Saturday, my 2nd day of stimming, caused a delay too. Sheesh. I know you're supposed to take Tylenol and that Advil will delay a natural O, so maybe it messed with the stimulation drugs too. dammit.
Hang in there, Wish! Just remember....just because things are slower this time around doesn't mean anything is wrong or that you have done anything to slow the process down (medication or exercising). Unfortunately, you are doing what most of us do. You go in with little to no expectations the first time around and the second time - you compare to the first round. So, kick up those feet and RELAX (it'll do the body good!), drink plenty of water and just let your body do what it is supposed to do. I was never good with it so it's terrible that I'm recommending it - but patience is best. Will keep checking in on the progress and growth - because I know it is going to happen :)
thank you! yes, that's EXACTLY what I'm doing. It's not helping that DH knows even less about all of this and every time I have to order new meds, which are now no longer covered by insurance and we have to pay out of pocket, he's like 'why are you running out? how much are they?' ugh. But we just chatted over email about it and I'll just put it on my card and pay it off while still managing to save $$ too. Since we just redid our deck and have property taxes coming up in Dec, we're running low on savings. So I can't dip into that. That's the most stressful part of all of this but now that we've talked about it, I'll relax.

little - you're on your honeymoon and I hope making your honeymoon baby!!! :bunny:
hola! another update from me - I had a scan yesterday and this morning. Still only progressing with one maturing follicle, so I'm sure we'll cancel by week's end. The one is only measuring at 13, which is fine b/c it would potentially reach 17 by Sat, but we need 2 more to do the same by then. My lining is thickening up fine too, almost at 8 which is the minimum needed for us not to cancel. But if I don't get the 2 more follicles, the whole thing is useless.
i'm ok with it - DH pointed out (albeit not in the nicest tone) last night that this is taking over my life. I had a heating pad on over my ovaries and was guzzling water b/c I 'read that this would help'. So he's on to me now about googling all day, basically. I am getting a bit obsessed over something I can't control so I'm going to loosen up now. I couldn't even concentrate on work yesterday, i was a beat or two behind all day and making some mistakes that I would realize about a 1/2 hr later. Stupid. So - enough's enough. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't. I can't let it control me anymore.
Wish - while I'm sorry to read your update and the slow progress - I'm somewhat glad to have read this. You do need to step back and relax. I had (already, thankfully!) forgotten how controlling it was of my own life until I read your post and it came back to me like flooding waters. For three months straight - I let it control my life. I googled on end for hours a day but attempted to be "sane" around my husband. I didn't want him knowing the extent that it had over me and how crazy and obsessed I was during the day with "making this cycle work." In March - I decided to let go and live my life. The day of our procedure - March 17th - St. Patrick's Day...I had a couple of beers. I didn't drink excessively but I wasn't going to let anything control or consume my thoughts. I don't really remember the weeks that led up to the procedure as to if I had a glass of wine, etc. (I'm sure I did) because I was going to let my life continue on because "it is what it is" and me stressing or worrying wasn't going to help matters at all. I wasn't worried about what day I would start/stop clomid....I wasn't worried when my scans would be. I was focused (and extremely stressed) with work and I had big meetings two days after our procedure. I did the best I could and just tried to live my life, have fun with friends and relax the best I could. I, like you, had reached my "breaking point" and let go. And guess what....that was the month that worked. I won't be one of those women who say "you just need to relax" because that isn't everything....but you do still have to live your life. I was determined in March that I wasn't going to let ttc and my infertility affect who I was or my marriage. It was and still is so much more important to me to foster my marriage and always put it first. I wouldn't be where I am today (pregnant or not pregnant) without my best friend. He has always and will always be first in my life - even once this little guy gets here. Again, if it weren't for my husband, we wouldn't even have a little guy on his way.

I'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best. Don't give up hope - don't give up trying - but do put your marriage first and continue to live and have fun. Do not let this define you. If this month doesn't work - you can at least say you tried. You know your body knows what to do. It's just not a given that each month and each cycle will be the same as the last. Every month is a new month - and it will happen. It's happened once and it'll happen again. I hope that you can at least find some comfort in that. Hugs to you my friend.
thank you so much for that, malinko. it really does help solidify things. I allowed myself to have a couple of beers each night of the concerts that we went to, though of course I felt guilty afterwards. But overall, I'm just going to let it go. We have a huge company meeting tomorrow, huge as in heavy b/c I think they sold off half of our company and we're getting notified tomorrow of this and next steps (I think I'm ok layoff-wise b/c I will probably remain with the 1/2 that is staying). Some folks are going out for drinks after work and I think I'll go. I don't need more than a glass of wine but it'll be nice to get my mind off of this stuff. I'm sure I'll have a scan in the morning before I go too. Give more blood. Whatevs.

You're so right - I've been thinking that my obsessing over my follicles has been the 'right' thing for 'us' - me taking care of myself and watching every little thing to make sure I make this right for us. And I've not been just enjoying life so much this past week. I kinda just want this week to be over and stop the stims and go back to normal, whatever that may be.

anyway - thank you again. Your words and insight really helped. I'll keep you posted on what the rest of this week brings!
sooooo - twists and turns everywhere! yesterday at work ended up just as expected, but it's super sad to see that a lot of the folks I love working with are going with the other company. Booo...

as for TTC - we are going to go with IUI this time! it made the most sense, so hopefully good things can happen from this. I'm still waiting for the call but we'll probably trigger tonight or tomorrow and IUI on Sunday or Monday. It's worth a shot!!
IUI complete - DH's sperm looked great in numbers and motility so hopefully with my slow-cooked, CoQ10-infused egg, we'll see some results! My lining is apparently 'gorgeous', so we have a good spot for it to snuggle into. Now his sperm just needs to feel the need to burrow into my egg!

how are you doing, malinko? not long now!! names yet? haha no pressure.

little - missing you! can't wait to hear all about the wedding and honeymoon!

were either of you hit by the storm this weekend? I can't remember where you are, malinko? Ohio? I don't know why I think that...

ok, so I'm really going to try not to symptom spot at all. Though it'll be tough once we hit the weekend. I go in on 10/19 for my preg test. I start crinone this Wed.
Wish - what wonderful news! At least this cycle wasn't a bust! Do you know what the size was of your follicle? Good numbers and good motility definitely helps things out :) What was the amount of time between trigger shot and iui? Sorry for all the questions.....but I actually know what you went thru this time :) As much as I hated using the crinone - I'm glad they are having you use it. You used it last cycle with the ivf, right? Just another extra step to help sustain the pregnancy if all works as we are hoping. I'm so excited for you and have my fingers crossed that this procedure worked.

Doing good over here. I really can't and shouldn't complain about anything as everything is still going well. However, the "symptoms" I am now having is fatigue again. I'm not sure if it is just overall fatigue, if it is because my sleep isn't good at night time or my house remodel project, lol! One thing leads into another so what should have been a quick 3 - 4 day paint job has turned into a much bigger remodel project like I told you a few posts ago. I haven't taken a nap since the first trimester and took two this weekend. It was wonderful!!!

Baby has now started to run out of space and I can feel him moving up by my ribs. Breathing isn't terrible although it is hard for me some days to take a deep breath. I hit the 20 pound mark weight gain this morning. It was a tough one to hit but I know its what I need for growing baby. At night time I feel ginormous. I don't know if it is how baby is positioned at night time or what - but I definitely don't feel the greatest in the evenings.

And, you'll be surprised (NOT) - but still no name. It is so hard for me to refer to this little guy by a name. I don't know if it is just because "THEE name" hasn't come to us yet or if I just really have a hard time calling this baby by a name while he is still in my belly. I feel like I'm 10 years old playing house by trying to refer to this little guy by a name. I don't know what my problem is - but we need to get it figured out!!! Time is a tickin'!

And thankfully storm damage. What about you? I'm hoping it didn't make it that far north.

Little - we are ready to hear stories!!! And I'm ready for both of you to pop in and tell me that you both have bfp's just a few days apart!!!!!

so on Saturday, my last scan, my biggest follicle was measuring at 16.7. Not huge but I did one more dose of menopur that night as well as the trigger shot. So 36 hrs between trigger and IUI, basically. I'm glad we are using the Crinone too, I was nervous about my typical 9-11 day LP. So even though it's gross, I'm more than happy to use it. I did use it with cycle 1, so I'm used to it. I had some leftover too, so I'll only have to order more if we get a positive!

oh boy! you're not the only one that I've read that got another bout of fatigue in the 3rd tri so it sounds natural. Now you're lugging around an extra 20lbs everywhere so that's bound to make you sleepy!
and you may just be one of those that doesn't know the name until you see your baby boy in your arms - that's ok!! I have a feeling I'll actually have a hard time settling on a name too. it's so FOREVER! haha

nothing from the storm made or is making its way up here and that's fine. I love a good storm but not the damage and stuff that's going around in SC. They are just getting hammered.

So happy, as always, to read that things are going so well for you. I will pop in to see if little provides us with updates but until 10/19, I'll probably have nothing! Though i am going to be on the super-secret lookout for the lightheadedness, cramping and the little tug I had last time. I know every time is different though so going to try not to let it get me down if I feel none of that. :)
My lovely ladies....I'M BACK!!!!
Wedding went FANTASTIC! after all that hard work and stress I am actually so glad that we went through with it! It was the BEST day! We had a few hiccups before the actual day, but the day went smooth as can be! the weather was perfect...I mean I honestly could not have asked for anything better! The honeymoon also went well! thankfully we were not affected by the hurricane at all! Cancun was lovely and the resort we went to was great! I would definitely consider going back in the future!

SO I had a cycle of clomid last month and was supposed to be ovulating right around the wedding day or possible a day or two after....well DH did NOT disappoint haha lets just say we tried HARD to make a honeymoon baby....actually he tried hard, I almost thought about saying no a few times he was SO into it haha, but it was great and I felt awesome and ate a ton of wonderful food and didn't stress a bit! so maybe, just maybe a miracle will happen!

And then believe it or not while we were in mexico we got an offer on our house...YIKES...we came home and counter offered and then they countered back and we were frantically looking for a place to live as this clearly was not on my agenda pre wedding haha....found a GREAT place that we love! Accepted our counter offer and got our offer accepted on the same day....literally 3 days after we got home from our honeymoon! It is just CRAZY how things have fallen into place in such a short amount of time....maybe God wanted this wedding to happen so he could make our lives happen who knows? DH said he has been praying a lot about a baby and had prayed a lot about the house and we said if it turns out that I get my :bfp: this month then we are literally going to be the most blessed people in the world!

Of course I am trying not to get my hopes up, but if Clomid worked and indeed I ovulated then today is CD 28...I would expect af to show her ugly self within the next few days, and if she doesn't then I guess I will take a test....HOLY crap this has all been the most insanely wonderful adventure I truly just can't imagine the icing on the cake being to find out that I am pregnant, but I am sure that would be a long shot. However, since things have been going so well Ill try to keep up hope for now and maybe miracles do come in 3's :)

Wish it sounds like things are going great for you! Can't wait to hear the news of a :bfp:!!!!! :hugs:

malinko, don't feel bad about the weight gain! knowing that you were so tiny before hand leads me to believe that you will get right back to your normal size shortly after your little guy makes his appearance!!! Just know that you are doing your best to give your baby its best shot and that is all you can do! It wont be too much longer now and you can meet the little guy! Name or not he will love you and you have loved him long before you even knew he was coming! My aunt and uncle had my cousin and didn't have a name for her for 3 days...its kind of a funny joke in our family, but they just couldn't decide. Sometimes it just takes hearing the right thing and BOOM that's the one! :hugs:

SO glad to be back in the game girlies!!! I miss you both and hope you are both doing FANTASTIC!!!!

TONS of love and hugs and happy days!!!!
:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
omg, little - your excitement is so contagious!! I can just read it bubbling over in you! CONGRATULATIONS on EVERYTHING you have going on right now! You've literally put in the time and patience and now it's YOUR turn!! My biggest hugs to both you and DH!!! I really hope these good things come in 3's and you get your biggest finale!
Sooooo glad to have you back in the game. Please keep us posted on your symptoms or whatever!!
Just checking in on you both! Welcome back, Little! So glad to hear everything went so well and that you are officially back in the game. I've been a little bummed that you haven't been back on with an update. I'm guessing if there was a bfp that you would have already been back on and updated. I hope that you are just being cautious and will soon be updating news with a bfp. If not, what is the plan from here on out?

Wish - how you doing lady? I've been thinking about you!!! 10dpiui today, right??? I hope that little one is burrowing its way into your lining and trying to get comfy for the next 10 months!!!

Not much to update here. 32 1/2 weeks - and exhausted. I slept for 3.5 hours last night. Pregnancy insomnia is no joke. I'm not sure if I would rather be in the first trimester (sick and fatigued - but always sleeping) OR be in the third trimester (fatigued - but unable to sleep - which then makes you feel sick). Its a vicious battle!!! Oh yes, and the house project is STILL happening. Probably won't be over until late next week....the end of the 5th week/beginning of the 6th. It is never ending.
good morning! I'm so sorry I haven't updated! I'm actually 11dpiui today - weeeee!! But not really feeling a whole lot. I'll get a fuzziness in my head every so often and I just started getting some wettish-creamy CM yesterday. I usually start AF on 10dpo, so I'm definitely late, but I'm also on Crinone that can stop AF from coming. I'm not too concerned with the CM actually being that b/c that stuff turns into more of a cottage cheesy thing inside of me that doesn't really come out on its own.
But my boobs don't hurt, no cramps (except little niggles here and there), everything else is normal! Though I did do a 'pregnancy brain' thing last night, but I just have duh moments anyway! Went to bed to watch TV with my contacts still in. So I went to take them out and climbed back into bed, and didn't even realize I forgot my glasses until I looked at the TV. This is a typical thing for me to do every night! brush teeth, take out contacts, put on glasses, get into bed. Man...

little - good questions from malinko - how are you doing? is your ticker right and you're on day 33??

so glad you're doing well, malinko! I'm glad your house stuff will be coming to an end soon. Not soon enough, I know how that is. Our deck was finally finished, about a week and a half late but we love it. No more construction for awhile, I hope! Are you guys going to get the nursery ready soon and such? Do you know what colors you're going to do?
Well ladies you wont believe this....
So the people who put an offer on our house had to back out because the husband for some reason went on disability at work and they could no longer get financed. So that left us high and dry...but we do have a showing on Saturday of this week. The agent who is showing the house is the one who would be selling us the house we want if we get another offer this weekend. So at least they are aware that we need to sell our house in order to buy the house we want. So that is kind of depressing news....crazy how things go, here we thought everything was working out and then BOOM...all gone.
DH and I were quite sad about the whole thing, but came up with a plan to do a few things to our current home to make it feel a bit bigger and less cramped and have decided that if we don't get an offer this weekend we are just going to take the house off the market for a while and relax. Everything has just been so crazy and busy and we are both exhausted. So that is the plan...we should know by Saturday afternoon if we will indeed be moving or staying. I am actually completely fine with whatever happens at this point! I am just looking forward to no more showings on the house for a while!

So AF has still not come, but I did take a test on Tuesday and :BFN:....I really don't feel any different, but have been having cramps and such since Sunday...I am fairly certain that AF is coming, but truly would have expected her to start by now! I have read that with clomid it is not a guarantee that you will actually ovulate, but is also not a guarantee that you will ovulate on day 14 or 15 either. It can happen 5 to 10 days after you take the last dose. So who knows if I ovulated or if I did maybe it was late and then I have no idea. All I know is that whenever I may have ovulated we have it covered on the :sex: side of things haha DH made me buy more pregnancy tests (he has this crazy feeling that he got the job done, but I just don't think so) So I told him if AF has not shown by Saturday (CD 35) then I will take another test on CD 36 and if that one still says :bfn: then I will be calling my doctor first thing on Monday!

If AF comes and everything gets straightened out then I will start my first month/round of IUI

that's the plan thus far! Wish I hope I get to see your BFP announcement soon!
Malinko I am sorry to hear you are worn out! But you're getting there and it will be over soon!

Love to you both! Ill keep you updated!

ok so along with the glasses thing, i DID miscalculate what day I'm on. So today I am 11dpiui, not yesterday. Holy cow.

oh little, I'm so sorry for the house stress!! Everything will work out for the best, though, I just know it. It may be best for your sanity to just stay where you are and concentrate on making that baby right now, and then work on the house stuff in the spring. Best time to sell and buy anyway! But good luck on the showing this weekend, anyway!
Looks like AF finally came for you so on to IUI!! I hope you get lucky on your first shot!!
She sure did! Which I just had a feeling she would! I haven't ever been pregnant before, but I just have this feeling that I will know something feels different with my body! Just a hunch though....if I ever do actually get pregnant ill let you know if that is true or not haha.

So yes on with IUI...I start Letrozole on Sunday 5mg for 5 days! so that will finish up on Thursday. I have my HSG getting scheduled for next week sometime. I don't know if I shared or not, but right before my wedding I had my HSG scheduled. I went to the place to have it done and they didn't have my lab pregnancy test result. Part of their procedure is to verify that you aren't pregnant before the test. Turns out the lab had made a big mistake with my test, didn't have the result, and I sat there for 3 hours and was unable to get the test done. So this month they are allowing me to do a home test on the day of and call in the result to my doctor and my doctor will then get them the result. YIKES it was a mess (not to mention I had hit my moment as bridezilla so I was CRAZY and frustrated lol) So after letrazole and HSG next week, the week after I will have my ultrasounds and trigger shot and then we will get on with the show. The Insemination will take place the day after the trigger shot and then two weeks after that we will test and FINGERS CROSSED get a :bfp: the only thing that we have to be concerned about is the fact that DH's :spermy: count is considerably low. the RE feels that we could still be good candidates for IUI success, but says he will have a better concept of that after the first try when they will be able to better analyze DH's count and all that stuff. So if his count is indeed to low then I think our next and maybe only other option is IVF...

So we will just see how it all goes! I don't really want to have to jump to IVF, but then again I don't want to try IUI 3 times and spend that money toward something that isn't likely. I guess I am just hoping for a first time :bfp: so the stress and pressure will be off, but as you both can probably tell I am not the most lucky individual out there lol

DH and I joke that if it weren't for bad luck I would haven't any at all. Just who I am I guess, but I still get up and go through life the best I can! haha

Anyway, Wish I hope you get your :bfp: this weekend! I will be checking in to see how you are doing!

Malinko I hope you are feeling a bit better and maybe getting a bit more sleep! I haven't been sleeping well either so I am feeling for you!

Here's to less stress and happy endings ladies!

love to you both!

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