Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Well girls...thank you for the happy birthdays! I do honestly very much appreciate the love! My day would have been fantastic minus one little thing....

Sister in law calls me birthday night after we had dinner and says she has some news....she is pregnant...yippee.....
Okay so now I sound like the WORST person in the world, and don't get me wrong I am happy for her....but

I just FINALLY got everything in line so that we can start trying in October....things are finally going in the right direction and our time is getting SO CLOSE....and now someone else is pregnant and that is all I am going to hear about for the next month and a half while I am trying to get things done for this stupid wedding....

okay end rant. I'm a terrible person I realize this. I just don't understand why some people have it so easy, and she wasn't even just happened. Awesome

okay really done with the rant this time

Malinko I am so glad to hear you are coming along so well, and try not to stress about the should go just fine! and we are anxiously awaiting your results so you can tell us that yourself! definitely let us know when you come up with a name! what a fun point in time where you are feeling the little guy move and getting things ready for him to get here and finding a name! I can't wait to be where you are! :) :hugs:

Wish I am glad that af started finally and you are good to go! now you are like me just waiting for the right cycle and timing! yippee!

so AF did finally start for me last Friday and the HSG was all set up for Tuesday (yesterday) but then they realized that they set it up at a facility that doesn't take my insurance, and my insurance actually will cover the HSG so they are going to wait until next cycle and set it up at the facility that will take my insurance so I don't have to pay $800 out of pocket which I do appreciate! So I am waiting to get that done until September....which will be nuts because it will fall about 2 weeks before my wedding, but oh well something baby related to look forward to! Which if you all cant tell I DESPERATELY need at this point in time....

Hope you are both having a wonderful week! The weather is gorgeous here! We are going to our good friends' wedding this weekend so I am looking forward to that! August is flying by and September will be here before we know it! I can't wait until this wedding is here and over with....I am ready for vacation and babies and back to normal life!

love to you both!! :hugs:
oh little, you are the farthest thing from a horrible person! girl, we ALL go through that!! You are more than welcome to feel those feelings - I felt (and still do, really) that way towards my cousin who is jobless, lives with her parents and boyfriend and basically has no clue about real life who is currently pregnant with her 4th kid (first with this boyfriend who hopefully will be husband #2 someday). She can't afford it, she should have been finished after 3 with d-bag husband #1, etc. But she's a fertile myrtle and boom - #4 is due next month. I still haven't congratulated her b/c I would feel hypocritical - I really don't think that she should have more kids with the situation she's in. I feel badly too b/c this is HIS first and he's super stoked. His family is even throwing her a shower!!! I can't go - again, would be too hypocritical. But I'll get them a gift and bring it by.
And I could barely muster up a smile when a good friend told me they were preg with their 3rd. She had just told us a couple of months before that they were ready to try, wanted to try for a boy (positions and days of the cycle and such) and boom - again, pregnant and HEY! with a BOY! ugh. But I am happy for them - they are a great family, have 2 girls already so this rounds out the family that they want. I even threw her a 'sprinkle'!
So who's the horrible person now?? ;) rant away, girl. We get it.

But anyway - put that all aside and think about how fertile you'll be on your honeymoon after the HSG!!!! And everyone will be SO HAPPY for you b/c your wedding just happened and you're all blissful and weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! <3

afm - I had a sonohysterogram yesterday - similar to an HSG except they squirt saline into your uterus and look at it under a sonogram to look at your lining and make sure there are no polyps or anything else that would hinder implantation next time. All looked perfect but it was probably the most uncomfortable procedure yet! She said that people say it's better than the HSG and the HSG was a breeze for me. This.....was not. She needed to use forceps on my cervix to straighten it out and then she couldn't get the plunger inside it! ugh, it sucked.
Wish....THANK YOU! I have been feeling like a lunatic with all of this hate for pregnant people *NOT YOU MALINKO* but I am trying to move through it. I just want it to be MY turn and get MY chance before everyone else keeps having them...Grrrrr. Of course DH thinks I am being a little over dramatic, but we had a LONG conversation about it last night and I think he finally understands a little better about where I am coming from and why I have these feelings...

I am just OVERLY ready for this damn wedding to get here and looking forward to Cancun and a little relaxation and just him and I...I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to just some time for us to be alone with no one else and not feeing obligated to visit with his parents or my parents. We live in a small town and both of our parents live here, so we always feel obligated to go to one or the other on the weekends because they invite us over for dinner and all kinds of things and then get offended if we don't come....ahhhhh I should be thankful that they are so close and we are close to them and all of that, but it can become exhausting at times!

So that test you had sounds awful...I am a little nervous about my you think I need DH to take me?? Or did you do yours by yourself? I am sure he would be able to take me I just need to know if I actually will need him or not....haha Maybe you are right though maybe post HSG and with a little help from some medication I might be super fertile on our honeymoon and maybe by the grace of God it will happen without us needing IUI, but I am definitely not going to get my hopes up (due to DH's low sperm count)....but I will be A-OK with coming home from honeymoon and going right into our first round of IUI and just hope it will be successful!

So are things now lining up for another round of IFV in October????? Just curious!

Thank you again for the support! You ROCK! :hugs:

Malinko I love you too! :hugs:
HAHA no worries! this TTC stuff makes us all lunatics, for sure! I'm totally ready for it to be MY turn as well! :)

no, I think you'll be fine going alone. I didn't feel a thing with my HSG but everyone is different. If you have a blocked tube, heaven forbid, then you could be crampy. But just take some Motrin or Advil before the procedure and you should be ok. I was fine by yesterday afternoon.

I have to say, I'm happy for that very reason that my folks moved to NC. I miss them terribly but I always felt obligated to go over when we were invited. It took a LONG time for them to figure out that just b/c they invited us, it was ok if we didn't want to leave our house for the day. Don't get offended, but just don't set your expectations that just b/c we were invited, we'll be there. You may have to have a talk with them - esp if you're TTC!! you guys need some 'you' time! Unfortunately these types of things aren't usually worked out with just actions or declines of invites b/c people get offended.

hugs and love back!
oh and the IVF question - yeah, I go in to talk with the RE on 8/24 to discuss the next cycle. I went over a hypothetical calendar with one of the girls in her office and if I get my next AF on time and we stick with the same protocol, I should transfer the first week of Oct or so. so then i'd find out if we're preg around the end of the 2nd week, I think.

I just booked a trip to NC to see my family the first weekend in Nov. If all works out, I'll still only be 8 weeks by then, I think. So I still can't tell anyone. But I'd want DH there anyway and he's not taking this trip with me.
Very awesome!
I have been looking at my cycle...which has been super weird lately, but I stopped exercising so much (due to being busy) and I think that when I am not exercising regularly is when I start to have the long irregular cycles. However, if everything goes as it has been I will be due to start AF end of the second or beginning of the 3rd week of September, of course this will put my HSG on the Tuesday before my wedding, but I would be okay with that! Then I am going to see if my RE will let me do a cycle of clomid, or letrozole unmonitored without IUI to see if there is any chance we could get pregnant without the procedure. Now, I HIGHLY doubt we can, because not only do I not ovulate well, but DH has a pretty low :spermy: count so it would be difficult, BUT if they will let me do this it will make me ovulate right around our wedding night/beginning of our honeymoon which would sort of be perfect because I know we will be doing the deed quite a bit around that time and I will probably be nice and relaxed because the wedding will finally be there and then we will be on vacation, not to mention VERY post HSG....I dunno. I guess I just feel if we were going to have a good chance of getting there on our own that would be the most opportune situation! So of course if I don't get pregnant then (which I would LOVE to, but am being realistic) the nice thing is the medication will help my cycle be a little more regular and shorter than it has been running which would set us up to have our first round of IUI toward the last week of October. This would mean I would test toward the end of the first week of November/beginning of the second week to see if it worked! YIKES....thinking about that moment makes me very nervous lol but also very excited! I know that chances are it wont work the first time around, but I can still be hopeful and positive about it! If not we will try in November and December....if it doesn't happen after that then RE suggested we discuss IFV. He is also slightly concerned that with DH having a rather low :spermy: count that IUI might not be the BEST option for us, but wont know that until after the first round. When they do the first round they will do another analysis basically and tell us where his numbers are...if they are too low then we will automatically start talking about IFV and skip November and December, but if they are okay and RE still thinks there is a chance we will go forward with November and December!

It is all very crazy and up in the air and overwhelming, but I am so ready to get pregnant! and I am so excited and ready to be trying really hard to get pregnant again!!!! I really hope we have some sort of crazy good luck and it happens by December!

However...I would just LOVE for it to happen in September or October! If it happened in September I would be 12 weeks around the beginning of December...if it happened in October I would be 11-12 weeks end of December beginning of January....which would make me SOOOOOO happy because I have always wanted to be able to tell close family by giving them some kind of gift at Christmas that says like "world's best grandpa" or "world's best aunt"....I don't may sound cheesy, but I think it would be GREAT! and my mom wouldn't know what to do with herself she would be so thrilled! I mean I would know if I was pregnant by Christmas if it happened in November, but due to my high risk for MC (because of my diabetes) there is no way I am telling anyone until I am 12 weeks....I would consider 11 weeks if it happened that way for the Christmas thing, but 12 weeks is my set amount of time I need to carry before I want to share with others. Now obviously as so as I knew you girls would know! :) But ya....

So there are my dreams all wrapped up in confusion! haha...but the very cool thing would be if you got pregnant Wish at the beginning of October and we were only like 2 to 3 weeks apart either way! It would be AMAZING!

Anyway....sorry this is like the LONGEST post EVER lol but had a lot of info and thoughts to get out! haha

Malinko I hope you are still holding up okay and doing well! :hugs:

Hang in there Wish and keep me updated on all of the plans! Our time will be here before we know it!

LOVE to you both! :hugs:
little you are too funny! I have all of those very same feelings about when we're knocking ourselves up!!! I'm really hoping it works this next time and the LO develops better! Then I think I would be around 12 weeks right around my bday, which is my 40th (12/7) and if we do stuff with friends, we could tell all of them that night! and then I could still keep it secret from my family and tell them at Christmas or something, exactly like you're thinking!! AND you and I could be bump buddies!!!
Though I really do hope that you can try your honeymoon plan first. Remember, it just takes one! Low count or no, if you're doing it all the time on the honeymoon, chances are WAY higher!! One more month, right?? wow, this came and went quickly, huh?
I know you want to get the wedding over and done with but I hope you do stop to take a moment to take it all in - remember that the day/night will fly by as well and you will be pulled in all directions by everyone. Go through the wedding on YOUR clock and enjoy it, my girl. :) :hugs:
Wish-it would be VERY awesome to be bump buddies! I am really really looking forward to getting all of this baby making back up and running, but you are right! I will definitely enjoy my is actually exactly 1 month away from today! I can't believe how fast time has flown! It is crazy, but I am REALLY getting excited and I know it is going to be here before I know it! I can't wait to feel super pretty and get to celebrate with all of our family and friends! and then I really can't wait for the honeymoon! I definitely need a vacation and it is going to be WONDERFUL!

Only 1 month....holy cow....

Hope you are doing well! :) looking forward to us trying again together!!! :hugs:

prayers for :bunny: :bunny: in our tummies!
wooo!! the one month countdown!! do you have everything ready? how much time are you taking off for it from work?
so fun! I want to get married again! :)
hi girls!! how are you all doing? malinko - you must be in the 3rd tri by now, huh? how are you feeling? still going strong or ready for it to be over? You had a great time of the year to be in the 2nd one though - at least you weren't huge for the hot summer!
Have you done the nursery and picked out names yet? Showers held by family and friends? I want the deets!

little - not long now, dear!! a little over 3 weeks and you're back in the game! I've been thinking of you. It'll go quickly now - Labor Day weekend first, then only a couple of weeks left. WOO!

afm - AF started with a vengeance this morning, only a 25-day cycle. So I start IVF Cycle 2 now! I go in on Wed for a Day 3 pregnancy test and start my BCP then. I stop that on 9/14 and go in for a suppression ultrasound on 9/15. Then I think I would start my stims soon after that.

that is all that's going on with me! I went shopping this weekend and picked up a few Fall items - I don't want to see summer go, but I'm ready for Fall. :)

I hope you girls are well! :hugs:
Hello ladies!

Just stopping in to say hello! Little - thinking of you!!! It's the final month!!! So excited for your wedding, your honeymoon and back to ttc!!! I'm so excited for you! Would be awesome for you to have a honeymoon baby, but if not, you have a plan!!!

And Wish - thinking of you. Although it always seems odd to be on bc while ttc, it's the first step to your new cycle. I'm so excited for you too and you'll be starting stims in no time at all. In a little over a month, it'll be time to take a pregnancy test again. I have my fingers crossed tightly for you and this cycle. Stick baby stick!!!!

afm - Wish, no, I'm not in the 3rd trimester...yet. Ugh! I have read conflicting reports as to when the 3rd trimester actually starts. It's either 27 or 28 weeks. However, I'll be 27 weeks in a few days - so I'm going with that one!!! lol! Nursery is more or less done! The crib is together, the dresser, the changing pad is on the dresser, cute lamp, waiting on my curtains to come in and the only thing left for the nursery is buying my rocker. It's of course my favorite room in my house now. I even have diapers and wipes in the dresser by the changing pad ready to go :) I think I have already bought all the newborn and size 1 diapers that I will need. So, I registered for size 2 and 3 diapers. I have several sleepers but need some actual outfits for the poor child! I did buy his coming home outfit/family picture outfit which should be arriving today. Registry is done but I haven't had any showers yet. I think I am just going to have one big one but the date hasn't been set yet. I've been told it'll be sometime in October though. I wouldn't be surprised if my small office did something for me as well...but who knows. I also found out a few days ago that my insurance covers a breast pump at 100%. I have already picked it out, but the company can't ship it to me until 30 days before my due date (per my insurance policies). Unfortunately, we still do not have a name. In fact, we haven't even really gotten serious about thinking about names. I don't know why - but for some reason it hasn't been a priority to either one of us. We know we need to get serious about it though. I have made a list and dh is going to start working on his and then we will compare our lists. Can't say that we will have a name at that point either though - but at least know what each other like. I'm really struggling with coming up with a name knowing that I will call this child that name for the rest of his life. I want it to be the "right" name :)

As far as feeling - I'm doing good. I did have something happen a few weeks ago...but had no idea what was happening. Suddenly I had terrible back pain on one side and was extremely hot and nauseous. This lasted for 30 minutes or so and then I had a second episode later in the evening. I was telling my doctor about it and he stated it sounded like real contractions. Thankfully I haven't had any more since then and he believes that it was probably heat induced. I still have several braxton hicks contractions a day but not any more than 4 an hour and occurring each hour - so it isn't anything I have to call the doctor about yet. As far as weight goes - I really do not like seeing the number going up on the scales!!! I have gained 15 pounds so far which I think is right on target. I googled something the other day and it said weight gain should be around 16-22 pounds - so I'm happy with where I am at. It's hard to think about gaining another 10-15 pounds though!!!!! I'm trying to eat wisely though but also not give into all that I want to eat. Your appetite definitely increases! I have a breakfast bar in the morning, a sandwich at lunch time and eat whatever I want for supper - but keep reasonable portions. Then of course, I drink lots of lots of water - specifically flavored water. Of course if I am hungry in the afternoon, I'll eat a yogurt. I lather on lotion/oil every morning and every evening and so far haven't had any stretch marks. I thought I spotted some over the weekend and about started crying - but I think it was just some scratches from me itching my belly. I have read not to itch/scratch as it causes the skin to break down. If I have an itch, I'll just massage/rub it and go about my day. Belly button is still an "inny" thank goodness!!! I don't sleep well at night - but I just say it is training for when baby gets here. I also don't allow myself to nap during the day thinking it'll help me sleep at night - but I don't know that theory works either with my poor nights sleep. Baby moves a lot. Sometimes its little kicks, sometimes its what I assume is him rolling and the other times it is hard kicks - which you see from the outside. I can't tell necessarily if they are arms or legs - so I just guess kicks from the legs all the time. We still have yet to see him rolling from the outside though. I'm sure it won't be long and we will though.

Sorry for the novel. Since I only pop in occasionally, I just wanted to give a full update. Will try to check in more mid month to see how stims are going, etc. Take care girls. Hugs and love to you both.
thank you so much for the full update, malinko!!! I'm so happy for you, I'm grinning ear to ear like an idiot. It's so cool everything that you're experiencing and all of the nesting you're doing. It really just gets me excited for what's (hopefully) to come!

we almost didn't have a cycle this time around b/c of money - my Rx carrier called and said that we'd just about hit our limit with the last round so they could only cover so many meds. And the rest of the meds would total about $13k out of pocket, if we got them through them. Um. that was that.
But then I started to research and even talked to my office the next morning (I had my baseline pregnancy test before starting BCP yesterday morning) and told my blood nurse we were about to all the whole thing off. She said don't do it, talk to the other girl in the office, talk to their pharmaceutical company they just changed over to, etc. So I was able to work with everyone and even get some samples of some of the meds from my RE's office and got everything down to under 3k. Holy crap. I'm so excited that we can keep on track with this cycle!! talk about relief!
hi girls! I hope you're doing well!

little - HSG is next Tuesday, right? and wedding is the 26th?? WEEEEE we're getting close!!! I hope you are feeling somewhat relaxed about everything, though right about now is when things seem to move into warp speed. But at least that means you'll be TTC'ing very very soon again!

malinko - 3rd trimester is here now! How are you feeling? You must be getting uncomfortable, though i'm sure you've been feeling that way for awhile with your tiny structure. Things all still going well? Anymore Braxton Hicks? Does your doctor think you'll go the full term? You sound like you're doing great with your food intake and such. Did you exercise at all throughout, or just watched what you ate, mainly?

not too much going on here - finished my BCP last night and went in for my suppression check this morning. All looks good. Just waiting on my call re: the bloods they take to double check that I'm fully suppressed. But the sonogram showed no follicle growth, so we're good. I should start stimming by Friday, I would think. I have all of my meds geared up and ready to go. I'm off of caffeine except maybe a cup or two for the whole week. And stopping alcohol - it's been a fun summer but alcohol doesn't play well with the meds, so that's an easy one to stop.

I think, depending on when she says for me to start stimming when she calls today, that I should go in for retrieval around 10/1. So not long now! Little will be on her honeymoon by then!!
Hello ladies!!!

Wish - what good news to hear from you. I'm glad to hear that hopefully by the end of the week you will start stims! And a possible retrieval in a couple of weeks. So so exciting.

Little - thinking of you! Also a very exciting time for you. While you probably cannot wait for it to get here - remember to savour the days leading up. There is just such an emotional bond created in the upcoming days of the wedding and honeymoon that you don't ever get to experience again. I was just looking back at our wedding and honeymoon pictures the other day and couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear. Enjoy every moment of this.

afm - now we are REALLY in the third trimester. I'm noticing I'm getting more tired - but things have also been really busy with work - combined with the fact that I'm not sleeping much at night...or at least good sleep. It's difficult to get comfortable - - and I'm so jealous of those ladies that are sleeping well! I'm fairly comfortable all other times though. I met up with some old co-workers the other day and none of them could believe I was 28 weeks. They say I'm small - but I don't feel it!

I have braxton hicks contractions every single day and have had one more episode of real contractions. Again, probably heat induced but I knew to get cooled off, feet up, and water quickly. I was however timing what I assumed were also braxton hicks contractions and were having well over 4 and hour (maybe more like 4 in 15 minutes). I didn't get too worked up though and remained calm and all settled down. Part of me was wondering though if it picked up if I was headed to the hospital.

Weight is still holding pretty stead - weight gain of 17 pounds. It says I should gain between 14 and 21 pounds at week 28 so I think i'm still doing okay. I go on a three mile walk most every night but that is the extent of my exercising. My husband and I split meals if we are eating out and I try to watch portion sizes when fixing meals at home.

That's about all. Will be sure to check in next week to hear about the hsg as well as how stims are going!!!
Hello Lovelies!
I am sorry I have been MIA for so long, but as you both know this wedding stuff can make a person CRAZY! Lol fortunately I am still hanging in there! :)

Malinko it sounds like you are doing well and things are progressing as they should be! Great news! Take your time picking out a name! Trust me, as a pediatric nurse, I hear names sometimes and wonder what in the world the parents were thinking! And I never liked my name! give the little on a name they will love! :bunny:

Wish you are also moving right along! How exciting!!!!!! I SERIOUSLY hope we get to be bump buddies! That would just be way too much fun! :) :hugs:

afm...I am taking clomid this month, currently on my second day, to see if we can induce ovulation and MAYBE give us a chance to have a honeymoon baby...surprisingly it worked out perfectly timing wise! With the clomid I should be ovulating sometime between wedding day or while we are on our honeymoon! So that is very exciting, and maybe we will get lucky? Who knows? HSG is scheduled for this coming Tuesday the 22nd so hopefully that all goes well!

If we don't get lucky and get pregnant with this round of clomid, then in October once AF shows I will be taking a different medication and being monitored by US and going ahead with our first round of IUI (if this happens I pray this is our ONLY round of IUI, but one never knows!)

I probably wont be on much in the next few weeks, but just know that the next time you see my little self pop up I will officially be BACK IN THE GAME!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSS never thought I would be so excited to be back in the crazy mode of trying to get pregnant lol....ahhh life is funny that way isn't it?

Love and :hugs: to you both!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck with everything until I return!
Yes, good luck today little at your hsg! Here's to hoping that between the hsg AND clomid create wonders for you. Have you thought about twins?!?! I'm secretly hoping you not only get pregnant but then it's twins! haha!!!

Wish - where's your update, lady?!?! Been wondering if all was clear for you to start stims last week and if so, how it is all going. A guesstimated retrieval of 10/1 is just around the corner!!!

You are both in my nightly prayers for you to both get pregnant and have a sustainable and healthy pregnancy. To be honest, I wish you a pregnancy like mine as I feel blessed to have had as good of a pregnancy that I have had thus far. Yes, bumps here and there but overall - I have been incredibly lucky with how this pregnancy has gone. There are always little things to complain about but as I said - overall - this has been a textbook perfect pregnancy.

Newest updates: My shower is in four weeks, we have the stroller and car seat and I passed my gestational diabetes test. We decided to do a large remodel project on our house (perfect timing, right?!?!) and all should be completed in 3 weeks. They are going to work long days and fast as they know I'm super anxious about my house being demolished! What a great way though to start the holidays and bring home our little guy!!! One of the biggest things we have left - pick out a name. Oh boy!!!

Little - thinking of you and this amazing weekend you have coming up - as well as the tropical honeymoon. Relax and have a cocktail for me :)
why hello, my lovely malinko! All sounds like things are going so well with you, that's awesome! What are you doing to your house? I love new house stuff. We are getting a new deck put on right now - ripped off the old wooden one and now have one of those maintenance-free Azek ones. It's SO pretty and we expanded it out to the new addition we had put on last year for my FIL, so the length about doubled. I can't wait to furnish it but DANG that patio furniture can get expensive. Being so late in the season, we'll save up and wait for next year. We have a table and chairs already, I just want some of the comfy stuff! :)

I hope you have SO much fun at your shower! Did you register and everything? I guess you'd have to in order for the invitations to go out. Do you think it'll be a big one? That's great that you already have a couple of the big things taken care of. The choices must be daunting.

Yep, I passed my suppression check and started stimming last Friday night. So I'm on day 6 today. Yesterday I had my first scan - only showed 2 follies growing but it's still early and no one was concerned at all. They didn't adjust my meds or anything so status quo until another check on Friday morning. I also just finished my 2nd AF (which happens after you come off those few days on BCP) so my lining was thin, as expected. Hopefully we'll have some good growth over the next couple of days, a few more follies. Keep your fingers crossed that I respond to the meds the same way as I did last time (or better)!

it's so weird - my expectations are already through the roof for this cycle, it's scaring me. I'm going to be SO let down if it doesn't work. Probably b/c, unlike natural TTC, this 'worked' the way it was supposed to before. I can't imagine going through all of this and just getting the call that it didn't work. All this money down the tubes, etc. And I also think my optimism just comes from a feeling that I've had since the beginning - I really thought it was going to take 2 tries to get it right and here we are. And, stupidly, paired with the medium's message to my FIL that October/Nov were going to be really happy times at our house and it pointed to pregnancy. Not that we'd be telling anyone until Dec, though maybe Thanksgiving at the very earliest. I've just been keeping that in the back of my head (not depending on it) to see if she's full of it or if the timing actually does work out.
But overall, I'm just already in love with what is to come, so I really hope it does work out. I'll really be crushed if not.
Oh, and my cousin who got preg with her 4th kid/no job/lives with her boyfriend at my aunt's little house just had her baby last week.'s time for someone else in the family to get preg!

Otherwise - I'm still keeping up with my workouts, about 3-5x/week. I'm loving kickboxing so much and I'm doing this TRX thing too. I am giving up alcohol again, really cutting low on caffeine which also cuts sugar low as well. I've been addicted to eggs, I've added in CoQ10 to my vitamins. But I need to increase my fruits and veggie intake again. So I'm trying to get on the right path to make this little bean stick and enjoy the ride this time!

thank you so very much for keeping me/us in your prayers. I'm not a religious girl but I respect those that are and know that in any light, you're thinking of me enough to send some positive juju my way! :) I really hope your prayers are answered! And I hope that maybe you'll just be sent the name of your little boy in a dream or something. How about Matthew? :) That just popped into my head - there are so many good names. Do you like the 'initial' names? Right now, I love Timothy James, and wouldn't mind a little TJ running around. hee hee!!

I didn't intend for this to be a book!! Sorry about that! some light reading for the next time you're on ;)


love you both - thanks for being you! <3

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