why hello, my lovely malinko! All sounds like things are going so well with you, that's awesome! What are you doing to your house? I love new house stuff. We are getting a new deck put on right now - ripped off the old wooden one and now have one of those maintenance-free Azek ones. It's SO pretty and we expanded it out to the new addition we had put on last year for my FIL, so the length about doubled. I can't wait to furnish it but DANG that patio furniture can get expensive. Being so late in the season, we'll save up and wait for next year. We have a table and chairs already, I just want some of the comfy stuff!
I hope you have SO much fun at your shower! Did you register and everything? I guess you'd have to in order for the invitations to go out. Do you think it'll be a big one? That's great that you already have a couple of the big things taken care of. The choices must be daunting.
Yep, I passed my suppression check and started stimming last Friday night. So I'm on day 6 today. Yesterday I had my first scan - only showed 2 follies growing but it's still early and no one was concerned at all. They didn't adjust my meds or anything so status quo until another check on Friday morning. I also just finished my 2nd AF (which happens after you come off those few days on BCP) so my lining was thin, as expected. Hopefully we'll have some good growth over the next couple of days, a few more follies. Keep your fingers crossed that I respond to the meds the same way as I did last time (or better)!
it's so weird - my expectations are already through the roof for this cycle, it's scaring me. I'm going to be SO let down if it doesn't work. Probably b/c, unlike natural TTC, this 'worked' the way it was supposed to before. I can't imagine going through all of this and just getting the call that it didn't work. All this money down the tubes, etc. And I also think my optimism just comes from a feeling that I've had since the beginning - I really thought it was going to take 2 tries to get it right and here we are. And, stupidly, paired with the medium's message to my FIL that October/Nov were going to be really happy times at our house and it pointed to pregnancy. Not that we'd be telling anyone until Dec, though maybe Thanksgiving at the very earliest. I've just been keeping that in the back of my head (not depending on it) to see if she's full of it or if the timing actually does work out.
But overall, I'm just already in love with what is to come, so I really hope it does work out. I'll really be crushed if not.
Oh, and my cousin who got preg with her 4th kid/no job/lives with her boyfriend at my aunt's little house just had her baby last week. Really.....it's time for someone else in the family to get preg!
Otherwise - I'm still keeping up with my workouts, about 3-5x/week. I'm loving kickboxing so much and I'm doing this TRX thing too. I am giving up alcohol again, really cutting low on caffeine which also cuts sugar low as well. I've been addicted to eggs, I've added in CoQ10 to my vitamins. But I need to increase my fruits and veggie intake again. So I'm trying to get on the right path to make this little bean stick and enjoy the ride this time!
thank you so very much for keeping me/us in your prayers. I'm not a religious girl but I respect those that are and know that in any light, you're thinking of me enough to send some positive juju my way!

I really hope your prayers are answered! And I hope that maybe you'll just be sent the name of your little boy in a dream or something. How about Matthew?

That just popped into my head - there are so many good names. Do you like the 'initial' names? Right now, I love Timothy James, and wouldn't mind a little TJ running around. hee hee!!
I didn't intend for this to be a book!! Sorry about that! some light reading for the next time you're on
love you both - thanks for being you!