well this morning i set up a 2nd current account so i can put money in there each month to pay bills, like lecci and gas, tv licence ect. i was going to set up direct debits until i realised often direct debits have taken the last of our money so this way it means im in control and if it does ever come to us having no money, like something comes up and we spend extra i can say right this bill can wait and we can use that money then cover the bill the following month if that makes sense.
then every 3 months when bills are due i should have enough in the bill account to pay it all.and it wouldnt have been spent by accident as it will be in seperate account. ive set up bill manager through lloyds to help me keep on track.
im impressed with my self just need to stay strong and not spend , and i really need to keep off ebay haha!! x