Should/ Do you tip a hairdresser?

Well there's me never visiting the US - sounds like I might be lynched :lol:
I get that it's a cultural thing and i respect that but it's hard to understand because it's not like it's a legal requirement. if the food you are buying should be a specific amount, make it that amount and insist that establishment owners pay their staff a fair wage. Don't expect customers to top their wages up because some people really are just against tipping. My uncle is loaded and very friendly and generous with his money but he flatly refuses to tip. What would happen in America if you didn't tip?
Nothing would happen, it's not the law or anything but it would be considered rude I think.

I think that where I live (London uk) and New York City would be considered to be similar cities. When I went to NYC it was a lot cheaper to eat out compared to London prices, so I think people don't mind tipping because of that (plus obviously it's custom). At home I do tip about 10% maybe a bit more but NYC I was much more generous, at least 20%, sometimes 50 and once 100% (he was fab though, really attentive even though he was very busy plus the meal was fairly cheap).
Absolutely nothing would happen at all if you didn't tip. :rofl:

It's not like a waiter/waitress is going to run outside after you. Bahaha! :rofl:
When I lived in the UK a friend told me about going to the US and not tipping his bartender at a hotel bar. When he went to the bar the next night he said he got served but the bartender was no where near as friendly or helpful! I don't really think it's right, you should serve your customers well regardless but it is definitely considered rude.
I'm guessing you get a whole different level of service over there then? Here, you don't really feel like waiting staff are working for their tips and so when they do provide excellent service (as we had the other day when we went out to Harvester) you feel more inclined to tip. We often go to TGI's and we only go back so often cos we like the food so much, because the service stinks lol. I must admit, I'm on the fence with this one because it feels nice to tip and I think it's very much deserved sometimes but the idea of a server being rude and not do their job as they should because they know they won't get a tip annoys me quite a bit.
WAIT! I LIED!!!! :blush:

Okay, this was quite a long time ago and this doesn't brand every server iygwim?

So it was Thanksgiving day weekend here, and my brother was still in university. We unfortunately weren't able (for whatever reasons I can't remember now) to get together for thanksgiving dinner, so we opted to go out instead.

We were downtown Toronto, and I won't name the establishment because I don't think its their fault. Anyhoo, it was a very upscale place. Our server, was diligent. Held out chairs for us, put our napkins on our laps (which I wasn't a fan of), very proficient but he wasn't good. I don't know how to explain it. He was going through the motions of all he should be doing, but he was very snotty about it.

Anyways, we had an okay-ish meal and then my Dad paid for the dinner. My Dad isn't up to snuff when it comes to etiquette in tipping. To him, $5 is A LOT of money and so that's what he tipped. We were part way down the street walking back to the subway when our server LITERALLY came running up behind us and proceded to bitch out my dad in front of his family for the tip he gave. :nope:

According to the server, he felt we didn't tip enough for what he did. My poor dad was SO embarrassed. Actually went back to the establishment and gave him some more money. Yes, its culturally normal here to tip. No, you don't not demand/expect a certain percentage. Like I mentioned before, you never know the financial status of the people at your tables. $3 might not seem a lot to you, but it may be a lot to them!

My brother and I were livid. I wanted to go back to speak to the manager, because in all reality if you are expecting a certain amount because of where you work normally there's a gratuity included on your bill. For those that don't know, some establishments include a mandatory tip, it can range from 15 to 18% of your bill at times. Its not overly common (unless I just tend not to eat at places that do it) and most places will let you know there's a gratuity included on your bill before you walk in the place.

Anyways, so long story short: Yes, you could potentially be tracked down by an irate server. :haha: But that is FAR from the norm, and as far as I know I've never met anyone else who had that happen.

Being mean when not getting tips is just wrong though. I had regulars who wouldn't tip well and ones that did. They both got the same level of service though. :flower:
:shock: that is awful. Your poor dad.

That tip on the bill is becoming more popular here I've noticed. It says a 10% or 15% service thing added to your bill.
WAIT! I LIED!!!! :blush:

Okay, this was quite a long time ago and this doesn't brand every server iygwim?

So it was Thanksgiving day weekend here, and my brother was still in university. We unfortunately weren't able (for whatever reasons I can't remember now) to get together for thanksgiving dinner, so we opted to go out instead.

We were downtown Toronto, and I won't name the establishment because I don't think its their fault. Anyhoo, it was a very upscale place. Our server, was diligent. Held out chairs for us, put our napkins on our laps (which I wasn't a fan of), very proficient but he wasn't good. I don't know how to explain it. He was going through the motions of all he should be doing, but he was very snotty about it.

Anyways, we had an okay-ish meal and then my Dad paid for the dinner. My Dad isn't up to snuff when it comes to etiquette in tipping. To him, $5 is A LOT of money and so that's what he tipped. We were part way down the street walking back to the subway when our server LITERALLY came running up behind us and proceded to bitch out my dad in front of his family for the tip he gave. :nope:

According to the server, he felt we didn't tip enough for what he did. My poor dad was SO embarrassed. Actually went back to the establishment and gave him some more money. Yes, its culturally normal here to tip. No, you don't not demand/expect a certain percentage. Like I mentioned before, you never know the financial status of the people at your tables. $3 might not seem a lot to you, but it may be a lot to them!

My brother and I were livid. I wanted to go back to speak to the manager, because in all reality if you are expecting a certain amount because of where you work normally there's a gratuity included on your bill. For those that don't know, some establishments include a mandatory tip, it can range from 15 to 18% of your bill at times. Its not overly common (unless I just tend not to eat at places that do it) and most places will let you know there's a gratuity included on your bill before you walk in the place.

Anyways, so long story short: Yes, you could potentially be tracked down by an irate server. :haha: But that is FAR from the norm, and as far as I know I've never met anyone else who had that happen.

Being mean when not getting tips is just wrong though. I had regulars who wouldn't tip well and ones that did. They both got the same level of service though. :flower:

Woah!!! To be blunt he'd have been risking a smack to the chops from some people lol :dohh:
My brother and I were frothing at the mouth. I was a server at the time and couldn't believe he did that! Funny enough, I had totally forgotten that this happened (I was 19 at the time, I'm turning 35 in a few weeks) until the comment about what would happen if someone didn't tip/tip well.

At first I was like "Whaaaa? :rofl: Nothing would happen!!!" Then I remembered :dohh: :haha:

To this day I discourage people from going there. I know its unfair of me, and that's ONE server but I'd never want anyone to go through what my Dad did. But there was a part of me that wonders about the establishment itself. Most upscale places don't run without a front manager (like a kitchen manager but watches over the servers/hostess) and they must've seen him run out of the store.

Granted, I don't know what they said to him afterwards... but it must have seemed a bit sketchy to all of a sudden have a customer that's paid and left all of a sudden back in to give a bigger tip? :shrug: I was shocked that no one said anything about it to my Dad.

I would have been embarrassed had that been a server I was in charge of. :shrug:
I defo wouldn't have gone back with more money! What an arrogant little shit! I would have given him a slap! Xx
My brother and I were livid. I wanted to go back to speak to the manager, because in all reality if you are expecting a certain amount because of where you work normally there's a gratuity included on your bill. For those that don't know, some establishments include a mandatory tip, it can range from 15 to 18% of your bill at times. Its not overly common (unless I just tend not to eat at places that do it) and most places will let you know there's a gratuity included on your bill before you walk in the place.

Most places only do a mandatory gratuity if the party is over a certain number of people, or if the bill is over a certain amount, in order to ensure the server doesn't get stiffed in a situation that might be a lot of extra work.

When I lived in the UK a friend told me about going to the US and not tipping his bartender at a hotel bar. When he went to the bar the next night he said he got served but the bartender was no where near as friendly or helpful! I don't really think it's right, you should serve your customers well regardless but it is definitely considered rude.

In the US, it's actually legal in some areas to pay service people (waiters, bartenders, etc) below minimum wage on the grounds that they can make up the difference by earning tips. It may have been rude (I'm not arguing that), but I can understand the guy focusing his energy on customers more likely to tip him.
My brother and I were frothing at the mouth. I was a server at the time and couldn't believe he did that! Funny enough, I had totally forgotten that this happened (I was 19 at the time, I'm turning 35 in a few weeks) until the comment about what would happen if someone didn't tip/tip well.

At first I was like "Whaaaa? :rofl: Nothing would happen!!!" Then I remembered :dohh: :haha:

To this day I discourage people from going there. I know its unfair of me, and that's ONE server but I'd never want anyone to go through what my Dad did. But there was a part of me that wonders about the establishment itself. Most upscale places don't run without a front manager (like a kitchen manager but watches over the servers/hostess) and they must've seen him run out of the store.

Granted, I don't know what they said to him afterwards... but it must have seemed a bit sketchy to all of a sudden have a customer that's paid and left all of a sudden back in to give a bigger tip? :shrug: I was shocked that no one said anything about it to my Dad.

I would have been embarrassed had that been a server I was in charge of. :shrug:

That is shocking!

I'd have gone back to the restaurant like your Dad did, however id have done everything I could to get the ignorant server boy fired & out on his ass.

What a nasty person :nope: I'm fuming for your Dad that this happened!!!!
Yep, had that been me I would've given him what for. :growlmad:

My Dad was so embarrassed he wouldn't let us go back to the restaurant with him as he didn't want more of a scene.
That story is so shocking Tiff! Your poor dad :(

I actually tipped a hairdresser today! Only had £1.80 on me change wise, so I hope that didn't look insulting, but it was only a quick child's cut. I was really impressed with how they went out of the way to entertain Joel and even gave him chocolates during and after the cut :)
WAIT! I LIED!!!! :blush:

Okay, this was quite a long time ago and this doesn't brand every server iygwim?

So it was Thanksgiving day weekend here, and my brother was still in university. We unfortunately weren't able (for whatever reasons I can't remember now) to get together for thanksgiving dinner, so we opted to go out instead.

We were downtown Toronto, and I won't name the establishment because I don't think its their fault. Anyhoo, it was a very upscale place. Our server, was diligent. Held out chairs for us, put our napkins on our laps (which I wasn't a fan of), very proficient but he wasn't good. I don't know how to explain it. He was going through the motions of all he should be doing, but he was very snotty about it.

Anyways, we had an okay-ish meal and then my Dad paid for the dinner. My Dad isn't up to snuff when it comes to etiquette in tipping. To him, $5 is A LOT of money and so that's what he tipped. We were part way down the street walking back to the subway when our server LITERALLY came running up behind us and proceded to bitch out my dad in front of his family for the tip he gave. :nope:

According to the server, he felt we didn't tip enough for what he did. My poor dad was SO embarrassed. Actually went back to the establishment and gave him some more money. Yes, its culturally normal here to tip. No, you don't not demand/expect a certain percentage. Like I mentioned before, you never know the financial status of the people at your tables. $3 might not seem a lot to you, but it may be a lot to them!

My brother and I were livid. I wanted to go back to speak to the manager, because in all reality if you are expecting a certain amount because of where you work normally there's a gratuity included on your bill. For those that don't know, some establishments include a mandatory tip, it can range from 15 to 18% of your bill at times. Its not overly common (unless I just tend not to eat at places that do it) and most places will let you know there's a gratuity included on your bill before you walk in the place.

Anyways, so long story short: Yes, you could potentially be tracked down by an irate server. :haha: But that is FAR from the norm, and as far as I know I've never met anyone else who had that happen.

Being mean when not getting tips is just wrong though. I had regulars who wouldn't tip well and ones that did. They both got the same level of service though. :flower:

Woah!!! To be blunt he'd have been risking a smack to the chops from some people lol :dohh:

Ohhhh my goodnes...Are you serious???? Wow. If that was my dad and me and family, the server would've been in a world pool of H*L*. We all would've been on his head so fast...He would've wished he'd never came out that door. Instead of taking more money there my dad would've got his $5 tip and money for the meal back. That is so rude and disrespectful on his part. Not telling you business or nothing but I asked my dad what he would've done in a situation like that and he said since the server was already sensed at being snotty, the only tip he would've left was a napkin tip saying if you want a real tip "Fix the attitude" lol.

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