She did have a good day! And there's a kid there who we've known since before both kids were two. We have tried to have play dates and things hoping the kids would be friends and they just never got along. We gave up trying a while back, but awesomely enough, they seem to be getting along now! The other kid was sort of on the slower side to develop interest in peers and then she had a baby sister which I think caused some temporary regression. Now I think she's developmentally and emotionally ready to start exploring peer relationships. Violet on the other hand has her own challenges relating to peers and now that the other girl is ready, I think they're a good match for each other. There are also a couple other kids who she doesn't go to preschool with (one's in kinder now and the other goes to a different preschool) who I think I need to get her together with on playdates.