i built all of coreys nursery set myself at 5 months pregnant without a man insight lol DIY is easier then men make it look thats for sure
So frustrated- sold the joint family home at ex DH's request and cause i cant afford the mortgage on my own. Got a moving date in a couple of weeks and FOB has suddenly annouced he is going of the South of bloody France with his girlfriend so wont be able to help with the move!
Not only did he leave with nothing from the house and has left me to clear out junk, sell it, now pack it and then move somewhere else on my own. Cant even watch his son while i move.
His house, his crap, his son but why am i always left to do EVERYTHING! All while he suns himself on holiday.
what an arse.
I am just generally scared of being alone and being a failure. Thats my rant ... this wasnt how I planned my life and I feel so crap its turned out so bad apart from having a gorgeous little boy x
Couldn't have written that better myself. Very annoying that FOB is swanning around playing 'happy families' with his new girlfriend and my son when it should have been me. Grrr
FOB's been suspended from work For not turning up! Today, we were arguing and he came up with a list of things he's done for Connor... That he blates made up!
My german friend has invited me and Connor to stay for a few weeks, but we can't ecause Dickhead refuses to let Con have a passport!
Aaaand I have a headache, and crave a slushie, the house is a mess but cba to move
im feeling so tired today, all i wana do is go bed! i dont drive and ive got to go see the mw today and taking zane with me isnt easy, especialy when hes in a mood and doesnt want to leave the house
im tempted to get a taxi instead of the 2 buses but none of them around here supply a carseat and i dont fancy dragging mine around.
i have no idea on taxi rules about young children traveling.
im in a right mood today if u couldnt tell by my moaning lol