Sleep Sense Support Group!

Aw, ladies!! HOW cute are your LOs?!

Hive - can't believe how Ronan has grown, he's a real little boy! Loving the cameo from Sophie la Giraffe :D Thanks for well wishes...told family today they aren't to use my pet names for DD (how mature am I!) as I want to shout them through the door those days!

HG - check out those eyes!! She's beautiful.

Lou - don't worry about the number of feeds, DD was on about six at one stage...and this last week, she's just dropped her night feed!

Poppy - has Elliott been eating strawberries? I know they can give LOs bright red cheeks? Hope all goes well at the docs, let us know :hugs:

DD had about ten steps today, DH and I were barely able to breathe we were so excited! Daddy came home, and she wanted to get to him before he got to her! :D
Aww HG Phoebe is so pretty!!! we are all so lucky to have such wonderful babies!

Thanks TG. I didn't end up taking Elliott to the doctors as mysteriously his cheeks were fine today and his throat seems fine too :shrug: All that was left on his cheeks was very dry patches. Funny you should say about the strawberrys as her did have some yesterday. Also, he did have pineapple on Sunday, don't know if that caused anything? It's so hard to pinpoint it. Today I thought I saw another tooth emerging but I think I imagined it (damn sleep deprivation lol). I guess I'm just looking for a reason to explain why he just doesn't seem himself right now.

Last night he woke up screaming again at 12.30am. I picked him up and cuddled him and he went back down to sleep in about 10 minutes. He then woke up at 5.30am and I fed him. We were then up for the day (thanks to Daddy's alarm....:rolleyes:!).

He had a 1.5 hour nap this morning but this afternoon he only slept for half an hour which is usually unheard of (he usually sleeps for a minimum of an hour in the afternoon). He was then quite sensitive and clingy until bed time. More poor little boy. I wish he could tell me what is wrong.x
Morning all,

Well......I let Indy sleep on her tummy last night and she slept for six hours in a row - that's our record since birth. May invest in one of those breathing monitors though, but blimey, what a difference it makes! She only woke at 2am for milk, never before has she only woke once during the night. Unfortunately she pooed at 6am so we had to wake a little earlier than anticipated but I don't mind that at all after the successful night we just had. Hooray!!!!!!!! x
Morning all,

Well......I let Indy sleep on her tummy last night and she slept for six hours in a row - that's our record since birth. May invest in one of those breathing monitors though, but blimey, what a difference it makes! She only woke at 2am for milk, never before has she only woke once during the night. Unfortunately she pooed at 6am so we had to wake a little earlier than anticipated but I don't mind that at all after the successful night we just had. Hooray!!!!!!!! x

That's fantastic Lou :yahoo: Indy is obviously most comfortable that way. So glad you got a decent nights sleep.

Elliott was much better last night. He cried out in his sleep a few times but actually only woke up once at 5.30am. He then went back down until 7.15am. He seems more himself today aswell so I'm really happy :thumbup:
Seems like we've got some great new sleepers in this forum!!

Very pleased with my little girl last night - she went from 7 - 7 with a dreamfeed....ahhh, bliss!! BUT - HOW DO YOU DO DAYTIME NAPS? Really need support with this - as I write my little one is screaming her lungs out - and has been for 20 minutes (I have been in to see her, give her a cuddle, calm her down, then put her back in her cot.) Ahhh, think she may have just gone down but I'm finding it SO hard....I can do the nightime put down as I know it's absolutely what's best for her but I just find the daytime sleep so hard to do. We've been trying to put her in her cot for her first sleep of the day - normally around 9.30 - and she's been doing well with it but getting her down in the first place is heartbreaking. Has anyone else had this? Did it get better or did you decide not to push it?? We make sure her second nap is out and about in the pram as I don't think I can cope with causing her that much upset in one day!!

Any thoughts ladies? Thanks in advance as always xx
Poppy and Lou - glad to hear things are tickety boo :hugs:

Babyoh - must admit, we tackled naps a lot later than nights. We got nights established, and naps then took quite a bit longer. We still have hit and miss days! We did it so that we tackled first nap of the day to take place in the cot, and then the others were on me or out. Strangely, I think DD got quite used to having good quality sleep...and they finally clicked (although, if she's restless, she will still nap on me!) I think the key is time, consistency and making a 'nap routine'. We had some quiet music, dimmed lights, sleeping bag etc.
Thanks Tennisgal - we're pretty much doing the same thing...a routine of reading a book, sleeping bag and cot for the early nap and then a walk in the pram for sleeps later in the day. It's hard going though - and like you said, a bit hit and miss....took half an hour of hysterics before she went down but then she only slept for about half an hour so it didn't really seem worth it!! Having said that, she has done an hour and a half in the cot which is great as I can then get on with things....but thanks for your reply - glad you've got the nights sorted - let's face it, they're the big prize!!!! xx
I know - getting sleep is like being given a winning lottery ticket, isn't it?

Sounds like things are going great - forgot to add, DD only slept for about thirty minutes nap-wise at the start, and bit by bit they got longer. Sounds like your lil lady is doing brilliantly :hugs:
Glad to hear Poppy and Babyoh also had a good night, and good luck with the naps Babyoh - I'm not going to even attempt that for a couple of months! (I can just imagine the nightmare we will have here!)

Hang in there.x
Oh and by the way those pictures are so so so so goregous - he is adorable. I'm looking for a nice young man in about 20 years time for my Phoebe (OH says she has to be 30 at least before she can go on a date!).

:rofl: Will he let her date a younger man? :haha:
Well we've got a poorly little bubba here today :nope: collected her after work and go ther home, temperature and rash on her cheek. Very miserable. Went to bed really well though and only one wake up so far as she sat up and couldn't work out how to lie back down.

Hive - I think she would go for the younger man although her daddy still insists on conducting a full interview with references for any potential suitor!

Babyoh- Naps are hit and miss still really and dreadful this week as she went back to the childminder so they have been awful. We dealt with them a lot later and had a little nap routine, draw the curtains etc.. now we put her down sleepy after a cuddle but still awake,. Sometimes it takes 30 mins to get her down as she bounces up like a jack in the box. I normally set a 45 min time limit - if she isn't asleep I put her on me or out in the pram.
Aw, Phoebe :( Get well soon!

We had a good night last night, so fingers crossed those ears are getting better! She's eating lots of solids at the moment - but seems her milk appetite is decreasing. Does anyone know if the volume of milk has to stay the same as the LOs get older? She's dropped the night feed...and doesn't seem hugely bothered by her mid-morning feed (although I continue to offer!)
HG - Poor Phoebe. I hope it's nothing serious and she feels better come morning! As for the parental meet, I'll have Ronan start brushing up on his interviewing skills!

TG - I'm glad to hear that she's doing better with her ears. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought by a year's time they were meant to be taking a pint of milk, so as long as she's getting at least that much still, I would imagine that it's normal for it to decrease the more solids she's eating.
Aw, ladies!! HOW cute are your LOs?!

Hive - can't believe how Ronan has grown, he's a real little boy! Loving the cameo from Sophie la Giraffe :D Thanks for well wishes...told family today they aren't to use my pet names for DD (how mature am I!) as I want to shout them through the door those days!

HG - check out those eyes!! She's beautiful.

Lou - don't worry about the number of feeds, DD was on about six at one stage...and this last week, she's just dropped her night feed!

Poppy - has Elliott been eating strawberries? I know they can give LOs bright red cheeks? Hope all goes well at the docs, let us know :hugs:

DD had about ten steps today, DH and I were barely able to breathe we were so excited! Daddy came home, and she wanted to get to him before he got to her! :D

I've only just seen this message, did you mean that your baby was on six feeds a night? Wow, that's alot, makes me feel better, although we were doing the same a few weeks ago. Did SS really help to reduce night feeds then? And for how long have you been doing only one a night, before the night feed was dropped....(hooray for you!) Indy is teething really badly, her cheeks are really rosey at the moment so our night wakings are anything between 3-4 hours at the moment, although she did go 6 hours a few days ago. There's really no pattern at the moment. I'm throwing myself in bed at 8pm every night!
Yes, she had a growth spurt that became normal feeding pattern for a while! It took an age for her to decide to have one feed only! :D We've been doing one feed alone for a few months now. I can't remember exactly how old she was, but we decided that she wasn't always hungry, and tried letting her self-settle. She settled quickly when she wasn't hungry, and got very cross when she was. I think that got us to a couple of feeds a night - two or three, and then that progressed to one.

We've let her lead the way, but worked with her on understanding what was hunger and what was 'grumpy, I've woken myself up!'

I didn't think - honestly - that feeding in the night would ever stop! However, as her appetite for solids has increased, she's not having as much milk. Weirdly, I miss those little sleepy head feeds (but the sleep is wonderful...!)

I'd say we used a bit of SS with her leading the way, really - as I was always very unsure when it came to night feeds. When DD is teething, she does wake more frequently.

How old is Indy? I've forgotten (baby brain!) I think DD was seven-ish months, when we did the big reduction (from six) with SS + DD, and then let DD drop the remaning two, to one, to none.

Does that make any sense? Am waffling, sorry!

Don't worry, though, the night feeds are totally normal - and I did find it easier to let DD guide me with them

Thanks very much TennisGal, that makes perfect sense. I'm kind of getting to know now when Indy is hungry and when he is just waking and trying to re-settle. She is really teething and last night woke three or four times, but was only hungry at 11pm,
2am and 6am (and we then started our day) - the other time she was just being grumpy, like you said, and trying to get back to sleep. I don't mind feeding her in the night, but I would like to keep it to a couple of feeds if possible. It's nice to get a cuddle in the night, especially if she has cried in her cot before falling to sleep for the night.

I'm going to do what you did then and just let her lead the way.

Thanks for the info. All of my friend's babies seem to be sleeping through the night so it's good to hear that we are actually quite normal here. By the way, Indy is five months old. x
Every two hours last night my little laddy had me up! All she wanted was a kiss, quick cuddle and to be put down. Then today she has napped for Britain (in the pram at the far end of the in-laws garden) 3 hours at lunchtime. We were stuck there thinking she'll have an hour then we could go. Never mind.

I think I can see the cause of her poorlyness but don't want to say for definate - but I think I can see two little white teeth about to poke through!!!!!!

But I've been wrong before!
Woo hoo! Keep us updated, HG!!!

Lou - you are doing fabulously for five months - DD was sleeping on us up 'til then :D
Poor Phoebe. Fingers crossed it is her teeth. It certainly sounds like it :hugs:

TG, Hive is absolutely right. I was also told that milk intake should be a pint a day from 1 year. So that sounds about right if little E is reducing her feeds now. Also that pint
can include other dairy such as yoghurt etc...Oh and I think Ronan would make her the perfect toy boy ;) They are both so gorgeous!

Lou, you are doing so well. We had a hellish time at 5/6 months. Elliott was waking every 40-60 minutes at night!!! His issue was that he needed me to settle him to sleep. Thank god for SS! I think he has now "slept through" maybe 2/3 times but generally wakes once or very fairly, twice a night.
Ladies - don't want to jinx us, but DD has slept v. well for a couple of nights now, last night 7pm - 7am!

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