Sleep Sense Support Group!

Hi Ladies, long time no see. Welcome to babyoh and louziglambdor. Glad that SS is treating you well so far!

HG - great to see you again, how's your summer going?

Hive - haven't chatted for ages, where are you off to on your vacation? I am sure Ronan will do you proud and sleep beautifully in his travel sleeper.

Poppy - so glad to hear that Elliot continues to do so well. It's a far cry from thos edays with the dummy back when you started out!

Hope everyone else is doing well. How is Jacs - anyone heard from her?

Well, quick update on us... nights have been going great! Abigail is now sleeping through every night (touch wood - bet she'll be awake half the night now I've typed that) and is also sleeping later in the morning, not waking up until 7am some days.

The only thing that is bothering me though is that she still seems very tired in the day. Her morning nap is about an hour and is from about 9.30-10.30, then she has her lunch at 12 and is ready for a nao straight after. The afternoon nap is varaible. Most days it is an hour or so, some days less and on a good day more. Today though it was almost two hours, from 12.30 to about 2.15 but she was still exhasuted again by 4pm and we had a job making it through to bedtime. I am wondering should I worry that she seems to get tired so quickly? She has been teething like CRAZY - streaming with snot, and also is doing a lot, she is trying sooooo hard to crawl and spends a lot of the time getting exhasuted and frustrated as she has one leg stuck underneath her that she doesn't know what to do with! She is also getting louder and louder and shouts all day long, telling us all about what she's up to! So I am thinking maybe get getting so tired is because she is having a developmental leap or maybe she just needs that afternoon nap to be longer but she hasn't got the hang of it yet? What do you reckon?
Hi everyone!

I'm here on my iPod so will keep it shortish and with as few typos as possible lol!

HG that sounds like an improvement on the naps already! I shouldn't worry too much that you used the pillow. It seemed to help though.

Hive I also think your LO will suprise you too! We took Elliott away a few months back and I was terrified of messing his sleeping up. However he was an angel and he slept well when we came home too. We are going to Valencia in October for 5 days so fingers crossed he is as good then as well.

Elliott was a star on Friday night. He slept from 7.30pm until 5am, had a feed and then slept on until 9am :yahoo:! Thank you sunshine! I sssoooo needed the extra sleep.

Last night me and OH had a fancy dress party so my Mum came to our house and did the bedtime routine and he went down perfectly. We got home about 11.30pm and I was so poorly (I had not been drinking but I had such a migraine I felt sick). Elliott woke at 2am for a feed and then slept until just gone 7am. I was so grateful for the 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep and it made me feel a lot better.

So all in all I'm still really pleased with him :D

Cattia. I know lol! I'm so glad we said good bye to the dummy. Elliott has come such a long way with his sleep and I'm so proud. Could your LO be teething again? I don't like to blame everything on teething but acres of the signs say she could be? Elliott is like this some days and I think he's got sone teeth rumbling under there.

We are having a few small eating issues at the moment :dohh: Will post about it in weaning section when I'm on the laptop.

I'm off to bed now so catch up with you all tomorrow.xx
Gah, I just wrote a big long post and my laptop had a freak out and I lost it all. :cry: Let's see what I can remember...

Cattia - We're going to be in the White Mts area in New Hampshire, about 3-3 1/2 hours drive from where we live. We rented a 3 bedroom house so Ronan gets his own room & we don't have to be tiptoeing around at night or stuck in a hotel room in the dark once he's asleep. It also has a lovely screened in porch and backs onto the lake which is just an awesome bonus since we're bringing our dog with us for the week, too! My MIL is going to be coming up for a few days which will be nice as it'll give hubby and I the chance to have a little bit of time together and go out for a fancy dinner one night. Then at the end of the week my friend is driving up for a couple days with her 2 dogs (all 3 dogs are labs), so that'll make for fun and games!

Poppy7 - I really hope he surprises me and settles like a champ. I'm betting on all that mountain air and activity tiring him out so that he'll sleep like a rock. As for Elliot giving you a couple good night's sleep, fingers crossed that they get more and more! Sorry to hear about your migraine, too but glad to hear that you're feeling better.

HG - I love (and at times sorely miss) the snuggle naps. The only time Ronan naps on me these days is when we're out and about which hardly affords me the opportunity to really just enjoy the cuddles since we're out and about.

Polaris - Great news on Thomas dropping the night feeds all on his own. I must have missed that! How good does that feel to have the decision taken out of your hands and having let him get there on his own after all of the agonizing you did over it?

lou and babyoh - I hope you both start seeing a marked improvement in short order. It can be hard to figure things out sometimes and to stick to your guns. I think it's only natural to question along the way, too. I remember I had a million billion questions in the beginning but it didn't take long for me to figure things out and to trust my instincts, adapting as I went to find what worked best for him and me (and hubby). Also, if you find an answer to the whole feeding through the night thing, do share because I'm still clueless! :rofl:

Well, as for us, Ronan woke twice last night which isn't great but it's far from terrible. I'm still not entirely happy with his napping either, as he tends to have short naps morning through lunch and then usually has his longer nap later in the afternoon and even then sometimes he wakes after one sleep cycle and I have to work to resettle him again. :shrug:

Anyway, we were out today at Ronan's cousin's first birthday party (she's exactly 6 months older than him). I don't think he's ever been exposed to that much chaos and noise with kids running around everywhere. He seemed pretty excited by it and was adding his own squealing to the mix when he wasn't flirting with all of the older ladies. :rolleyes: He didn't have any cake but he shared some of my bow tie pasta salad and all said and done held up really well considering we were late getting home for his afternoon nap!

Here's hoping, once again, that he sleeps better tonight and as always, sleepy dust to all!
Hah, thanks HG! I'm hoping the reality lives up to it all. I've been starting to work out a list of what I need to pack just between Ronan and Bailey and I don't know if I'm even going to have room for me by the time I'm done! :shock:
Blimey, I can't believe the night we just had! In the space of one week, and since starting Sleep Sense on Saturday, Indy has gone from waking every hour of the night to sleeping for four hours at a time. That was my dream two weeks ago! And so I fed her both times as she was obviously hungry. I am sooooooo impressed with this sleep programme! Thank you all for making this support group, I stumbled upon it by chance, but it has already been amazing. I know we will still have some tough nights ahead now and then but it has already made a significant difference, I actually feel like a human being today. She really has learned to self-settle within three days. :) :) :)
Hi All!

HC - oooh, fab hols! When we went away last month, I had a list as long as my arm. DH was highly amused at the random little things I'd remembered ;)

Cattia -sounds like a developmental leap is about to occur! DD always has longer naps before she does something new :hugs:

Poppy - Go Elliott!! :happydance:

Louz - glad all is going so well!!

Well, in news here - DD has been sleeping well, despite her on-going ear infection :( She's on different medication now, so fingers crossed that it clears up asap. She's waking for one feed, but has gone a few nights without it wondering if she's going to phase it out? She tends to have two nights with, one without, two nights with etc.

She has, however, discovered that it's great fun to shout 'HOWAH' to all and sundry as soon as she wakes up in the morning, and we feel so bad for lying there quietly until she goes back to sleep! She's been back on around 6-6:30 now (post 5am 'howah') so it feels like morning, rather than night!

Hope you are all well - I'm off to aloe vera my hands after losing a battle with a red hot grill :(
he he - I had packing lists coming out of my ears before we went away and had to sneak things into the suitcase without OH seeing as he was soooo worried about weight for the plane!

We had such a quiet night last night - no noise at all from LO - that I thought this morning she must have run away as she slept from 7pm to 7.30am!!!!! A lie in - wonderful. Will be horrible on the 2nd when we have to be up to be out by 7.50 boo.

lou - I am so glad you are finding it good and working. I must admit it changed my bubba and her ability to self settle. took a long time for my lovely nights now but it worked. Soon you will have 8 hours again!!!!

Poppy - what a good little boy! Hope you enjoyed the party - I've got to be a superhero soon.......

TG - have you burned your hands? ouch if you have. I normally do stuff like that!
TG - sorry missed your birthday wishes. Yes he is 9 today - an old man. We are so chuffed with him because of the leg issues we didn't think he would make 4. My father made him a birthday cake (a doggy one made of left overs and mashed potato) and we had to sing! He doesn't make that much fuss of his grandaughter!! I'm sure the neighbours thought we'd lost our senses in the backgarden.
Blimey, I can't believe the night we just had! In the space of one week, and since starting Sleep Sense on Saturday, Indy has gone from waking every hour of the night to sleeping for four hours at a time. That was my dream two weeks ago! And so I fed her both times as she was obviously hungry. I am sooooooo impressed with this sleep programme! Thank you all for making this support group, I stumbled upon it by chance, but it has already been amazing. I know we will still have some tough nights ahead now and then but it has already made a significant difference, I actually feel like a human being today. She really has learned to self-settle within three days. :) :) :)

Yaay!! So pleased for you. Generally by the third day they start getting the hang of it so things can only improve more from here. Well done for sticking with it!x
Poppy - what a good little boy! Hope you enjoyed the party - I've got to be a superhero soon.......

:haha: That sounds like fun. If you need fancy dress inspiration post a thread in General Chat the girls over there come up with fab ideas.x

What a good little sleeper your LO has been! I hope it continues.
Louz- That's fantastic that your LO is doing so well so far already! Hopefully it won't be long at all before she's sleeping even longer still.

TG - I hope the new meds work on clearing up the infection. I can't imagine having an ear infection for that long. I hope your burn wasn't too bad, either! I swear I can't use the oven without burning myself, and yet I continue to cook and bake all of the time!

HG - Happy birthday (it will be belated by the time you read this) Maxy! If your neighbours think you're nuts I don't know what they'd make of me. Bailey has had meatloaf muffins made for him and his doggy friends for his birthday the last 2 years (he's only 2 1/2). :blush:
Hi everyone,

just a quickie to let you know that we are off to France for two weeks today! Really looking forward but a bit apprehensive at the same time. It is very hot over there at present (36 degrees at the weekend when I was talking to my mum who is already over there) but forecast to get a bit cooler later in the week thank god! Worried about how Thomas would cope in that heat so hope it gets cooler.

Anyway I hear him waking up so I had better go!!

Louzi - glad things are starting to work for you already.

HG - happy belated birthday to Maxy!

TennisGal - hope that ear infection clears up soon. Sounds like she might finally be starting to phase out the feed too, yay, what a clever girl!!

Hugs to everyone else and I'll talk to you all when I get back.
Polaris have a fab time. I'm going to miss you being around here. Thomas has been doing so well lately I'm sure he will do you proud and be a star.

Have fun and see you soon.x
P - have an amazing time, I know you will! I always carry one of those mini fans in my bag (those with polystyrene style blades) to cool DD down. Not only is she transfixed by it, but luckily it seems pretty whack-proof!!

Yes, I burned myself :( My hands are covered in tiger-red stripes. Serves me right, I was trying to juggle a pie, a cake and bread at the same time. Along with convincing DD that her doidy didn't need to go near the cats bowl!!
A belated 'have fun,' Polaris! I envy how easy it is to travel throughout Europe for you guys. Taking a vacation to Florida, or California (or New Hampshire for me this time) just doesn't have the same ring to it!

TG - That's some serious multitasking there. I hope it doesn't hurt too badly?
Morning all!

Damn, I think we've messed our routine up. The past two nights I've had trouble keeping Indy from getting too drowsy during her final feed of the day. I like to make that her last thing before sleep so that she sleeps for longer intervals, until her next feed. Unfortunately, despite my efforts, she has been very drowsy as I've put her in her cot. And as a result of that we have had two bad nights. Lots of wakings and Indy has had trouble re-settling herself. Tonight I'm going to do things differently by maybe feeding her downstairs or in more of an upright position upstairs, but I just wondered what most of you do as the final part of your routine before sleep? Do you all feed or do you do something else? As we may have to change ours.

We did really well the first three nights, what a shame. I hope we haven't gone complete circle on ourselves. I guess we'll find out tonight!
I think we're okay! Changed the end of Indy's pre-bed routine with cuddles after milk and put her in her cot awake last night. She cried for 20 minutes then settled and we had a fairly good night so thankfully we're still doin okay! x
Great to hear, Louz!

We've had a few nights running now of no night feed! DD has been coming in (to sleep horizontally between our heads!) and we think that's ok at the mo, because she's got dodgy ears and needs cuddles!

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